Recent content by Kaijufan

  1. Kaijufan

    The Wii U Pre-Order Thread - $349.99/$299.99 - 11/18/12

    Is there any way to change the store pickup person for a preorder? I'm having problems with my leg and I'm supposed to stay off it this weekend so I was going to have someone else pickup my Wii U for me, but I can't find a way to change the person even though I've added them as an authorized...
  2. Kaijufan

    LE version of Indiana Jones Quadriology available from Amazon UK. Releases 10/08/12.

    Just watch this review. You'll find out everything you need to know about Indy4.
  3. Kaijufan

    Alan Wake's American Nightmare (XBLA) - Available Now - 1200msp ($15)

    I'll be picking up this game on day one (along with the PC version of Alan Wake on Steam).
  4. Kaijufan

    Batman: Arkham City

    Yeah I lost my save file right at the end of the game and it refuses to let me load a previous version. Games for Windows Live is a piece of shit and Microsoft should be ashamed for not fixing this major issue that the has affected GFWL since the first games that use it.
  5. Kaijufan

    My rant on DLC

    Paid for DLC is a big waste most of the time. Usually it's priced way too high. I'll only buy DLC for a game I really like when it goes sale. Now you look at Team Fortress 2, that's DLC done right. Since it came out in 2007 Valve has added almost 50 maps, and over 100 weapons for free. The...
  6. Kaijufan

    Rage requires 3 discs on 360, 8GB install on PS3

    By far the biggest game I've ever downloaded. Going to take 7 or 8 hours total for me to download on my 5 Mbps connection (I live in a pretty rural area).
  7. Kaijufan

    Dragon Age II (PC-Download) $10.16 After Coupon at Direct2Drive

    Agreed 100% on all counts. Dragon Age 2 is by far one of the most disappointing games I've ever played. I've beaten every Bioware RPG (not counting the Sonic DS game) since the first Baldur's Gate and I only got about 15 hours into the game before I finally uninstalled the game in disgust. And...
  8. Kaijufan

    3DS MSRP Drop to $169.99 On 08/12/11, already at Target, WM, Amazon

    I don't know why you guys are having problems, I got mine price matched a couple of hours ago and had no problem at all, it only took about 2 minutes from when I walked into the store to when I was walking out with the extra cash in hand.
  9. Kaijufan

    3DS MSRP Drop to $169.99 On 08/12/11, already at Target, WM, Amazon

    It's not that hard to find, it's the very bottom link under legal on every page of their website. ;)
  10. Kaijufan

    3DS MSRP Drop to $169.99 On 08/12/11, already at Target, WM, Amazon

    Yeah they say they have no plans now, but that will change. There's no way Nintendo wont be selling those games at some point. They will likely give 3DS early adopters a few months of exclusivity before opening the 3DS GBA VC.
  11. Kaijufan

    Left 4 Dead 2: Anyone still playing?

    Only the PC is getting Dead Air on or before the 22nd. The 360 isn't getting it until they finish porting all the L4D1 campaigns plus finish Cold Stream (and of course the PC will likely get that first too, and for free).
  12. Kaijufan

    Team Fortress 2 - Free to play....FOR-EV-ER...FOR-EV-ER...FOR-EV-ER

    You have fun with those games, because I'll still be playing TF2 long after you stop playing those games.
  13. Kaijufan

    L.A. Noire Coming To PC

    I haven't picked it up yet, I guess I'll wait for the master race version.
  14. Kaijufan

    Team Fortress 2 - Free to play....FOR-EV-ER...FOR-EV-ER...FOR-EV-ER

    I hope all the new players enjoy the game, it takes a little while to learn but it's extremely rewarding. I've been playing for over 300 hours and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. For any new players I would recommending reading over the TF2 wiki, it's basically the manual for the game...
  15. Kaijufan

    Brink 38$ D2D PC

    The latest steam hardware survey shows nearly 80% of people surveyed have a mic.
bread's done