Recent content by Meeker

  1. Meeker

    Crazy Ass Nickname

    For some reason, and I rue the person who gave it to me, my nickname is: Leche Translated into English, Milk (but no one calls me milk) *Please refrain from any gay jokes* And Jok3r, name came up after I brought 52 separate joker playing cards and decided to throw them at random people on the...
  2. Meeker

    Are you married?

    I'm currently have a girl friend, so I guess thats dating. I can't stand commitment until the age of I'd say 72, right when I know Death is looking for my name in the phone book. Nah, I'd get married, just "haven't found the right one" And as for children, the only child I have in my life is...
  3. Meeker

    Favorite Halo Level

    I'd say the only level that truly owns there is the Silent Cartographer. And honorable mention for me would be.....uh, that name slips my mind right now, but that level with all the zombies and shotguns and you gotta follow that little blue light floaty thingy. A little help here.
  4. Meeker


    Does The Movies even have a set release date? I doubt the biggest delay Fable could recieve is anymore than I'd say 4 months. Let's just hope for the best.
  5. Meeker


    About the bonus DVD with pre-order, does that only come from online pre-orders, or can you directly pre-order it from the store and recieve the bonus? And yea, Fable's gonna rock. I've been following it back when it was called Project EGO. Before all the hype. And that's one thing I'm afraid...
  6. Meeker

    WTF? - Phantasy Star Online I & II Plus

    I read on IGN that it'll come with new quests and items. Its just a "patched" version.
  7. Meeker

    List of Xbox Platinum Hits

    I think KOTOR is still selling respectively now to be turned into a PH any time soon.
  8. Meeker

    Suikoden I,II,III (PS1&PS2)

    I've been looking all over Suikoden I and II for the past few months in any retail stores but since the PS1 games are quickly leaving the retailers, I come up empty-handed. And I've seen Suikoden III but only for 50 bucks. So I need to know if there are any stores that might have Suikoden...
  9. Meeker

    Circuit City Clearance list. 5 - 10 dollar games as of June 18

    So whats the use in that? Wouldn't you be embarrased to walk up to the front desk and say its worth 25 dollars even though the pric tag says 50? And what if the person across the register already marks the product and it comes out to 50?
bread's done