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  • Hey Cheapy D. Let me start by saying, I love the show. Keep it up. Also I myself am trying to get a podcast going. I already have a few episodes up and running, but for some reason, I can't get many people to leave feedback for the show. Also, it seems I'm not advertising my show very well. I was wondering if you could either listen to the show and tell me what you think, or let me know where you first posted you show to get it going. My show is called WTF Radio. It's up on iTunes and I have the link here.
    Any help would be great. Thanks
    I've noticed on the soldier support sites that 1 of their frequent requests after lip balm,sunscreen,socks,hard candy to pass out to kids,etc. is for video games--especially sports/music cd's. What about setting up some thread/link to send used games/music cds to them? They love to get mail or packages.
    i donated $20.00, but my email on PAYPAL is different than the one i used to log in to this site.. i just want to be part of the raffle..
    Hey Cheapy. I peeped the X4s and I wasn't sold on them at first. But then I played through the single player campaign of CoD4 and bam. That's all I needed. I felt like I was in that shit. It was intense. So yeah. I'm keeping em. Thanks, buddy.
    Awesome work CheapyD and Cheapassgamer Staff. Love the site and everything about it :) Keep it up :D
    Cheapy D I figured it out! I have now pinpointed the reason why your podcast is soo good. It all has to do with filler. Sure you have a video game podcast but you don't always talk about video games I would say that about 35% of the podcast you are not. You talk about other really interesting things like your daily expierences ect. When other podcast do this its is very awkward, there will be silent moments or it just not interesting. But you Cheapy D (and Womabt) you guys make it flow.
    Keep up the good work!!
    Hey Cheapy
    The CAGcast has been nominated for Screwattack's 2008 Gaming's 1337 for the best Gaming Podcast.
    Vote people.
    hi cheapy I donated $200 without being signed in and I was wondering if it got counted. I am supermidget and my transaction ID is 0d91b49a88912505 and the date was 12/19/08 at 9:29 pm. Please get back to me I really want to be in the raffle. Your obedient servent and butler supermidget.
    PS. You hired me because I can get in small spaces.
    I haven't the foggiest as to what compelled me to rag on Billy Joel the other night. Maybe it was because I was drunk. Anyway, thanks for being a good sport about it.
    Hey Cheapy.
    I have a small crappy gift I want to send you... is there a CheapyD gift location?

    Cool Thanks
    Billy Joel is as old as your daddy's balls dude. But, some of his tunes resonate. Scenes From An Italian Restaurant is a decent Jam. I wish some old fuckers would hang it up and at least let people know that they're done and it's time to move on.
    John Ketch

    I was just wondering what you think would be more beneficial to the Child's Play cause - a couple of game donations or a higher cash donation? Also, do you need any help with the raffle (i.e. sending out emails to winners, etc.)? Just let me know. Thanks!
    Redman - Lay you out and Ludacris - Press the start Button. To video game related songs that might be good for the cagcast(redman's song is only about street fighter and ludacris is about alot of video games) ALL BRAND NEW
    just trying 2 help-cheatassskater
    I was listening to the CAG foreplay podcast and it sounds like Mrs shipwreck is getting tired of the podcast. You really should buy her a Christmas present to show your appreciation, she is working for you for free you know. I would hate to see the foreplay podcast go under.

    I hear about all the laptops and space headphones you are buying so I know you can afford it. Don't be a cheap Jew!

    Love ya
    Cheapy someone may have already mentioned this but I am sitting here listening to the podcast and you mentioned having a CAG meetup on SONY Home, you might know this already but you can have a CAG clubhouse on home and dec it out with your own SWAG eventually.
    Yo Cheaps, I need your help. How did you transfer all your shit to your new 360 HD? Im donating my old 360 to a poor kid and I want to move all my stuff over to my new 60gig drive.
    One more question Cheapy! Did you break-in your plasma prior to normal use? Thank you very much again for your patience!
    Thanks a ton for Scene It, Cheapy. Whoop my ass or not, I'm definitely down for some drunk-ass movie trivia and trash talking.
    Just an update Cheapy! I got a 42PY800 full hd plasma and compared it with the older PX500, guess what? Not much difference when you're viewing about 6-7 feet away. I guess your call not to upgrade in the near future is a smart move^ I have to sit at like 3 feet to get a clear cut difference, but my eyes kinda blur out after 30 mins^
    Thanks! I got mine around dec 2005 I think, and could you just imagine how much these things were^ Glad to know someone still enjoys this unit even though it's just a 720p/1080i monitor.
    Cheapy! Your avatar and testimonial are on the front page of! I'm sure you know this already, but I just wanted to say how awesome that is.
    Hey Cheapy! Any plans of upgrading your panny plasma (we have the same model px500)? If so what's a good upgrade? An LCD or the newer full hd panny's? Thanks!
    cuddington90: cheapyd did a review on arcade mania

    cuddington90: might want to pass it along to brian
    kotakuluke: oh, we've seen it
    kotakuluke: but thanks

    cuddington90: hope it's "credible"
    kotakuluke: hahaha

    Thought you'd like to know they saw your review :bouncy:
    (Talked to Luke on their aim link)
    is the asian version of endwar in english you posted that the packaging is identical to the us version but you didnt post if the dialogue or the text in the game were in english please respond because i want to buy the game
    Cheapy I have a 360 but I don't have live Do you think that isn't good but I have a ps3 and I have online Do you think i sould trade each one like get live and get rid of ps3 online or keep both
    cheapyd come on i am a loyal fan and i need a favor for the weekend.i need a live code so i can get back to my team of zombie hunters they need me today
    Random question, but you do get some sort of compensation when people use CAG16, correct? I only ask b/c it really annoys me how slickdeals 'steals' your coupons etc for them to use -- but I assume you get something out of it, and if that's the case, then good
    Hey cheapy....
    I know your in the home beta, but i got a code today from sony and I dont have a ps3 anymore. I was wondering if you know anyone that would use it or maybe you could give it out tomorrow on your live show or something......anyway have a great thanksgiving. let me know!
    Hey Cheapy, I live in canada but want to use my parents US netflix account on my xbox. What was that proxy website you used to get past the netflix region block.
    Hey Cheapy, I know you're no doubt crazy busy, but it would be fantastic if we could get the "Cheapy's Picks" for the best deals on Black Friday, preferably well ahead of Friday morning, and posted on the main page.

    Even if it's just for gaming deals (though I'd love to get the picks for best BluRay deals as well) would help me a lot for sure. Some of these $10 games I've never heard of, and I don't want to go running around L.A. at 4 or 5 in the morning for some crap. Thanks so much man! Looking forward to another amazon Thursday midnight countdown...
    Hey, I was wondering if all the prizes for the From the Abyss/Battle Fantasia contest ( ) were sent out already. I was one of the winners but never received a prize. Looking at the thread, it seems like everyone who won From the Abyss got it already but no one has reported getting a copy of Battle Fantasia. If you could shed some light on this it'd be greatly appreciated. :)
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