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  1. Mr.Pibb

    Best podcasts?

    Final Score and Frame Rate are two very good ones that have not been mentioned.
  2. Mr.Pibb

    If motion control became the standard...

    I agree with this. I figured I'd present this "what if" scenario to see what gamers thought IF motion control became standard permanently.
  3. Mr.Pibb

    If motion control became the standard...

    With the introduction of Natal, a PS3-mote, and an updated Wii-motion technology it's safe to assume companies are pushing for a standardized motion control system, completely making modern push button controllers obsolete. If motion control became the standard for console gaming what would you do?
  4. Mr.Pibb

    Killzone 2 EG vs CAG clan challenge

    I would like to offer a challenge to the Killzone 2 CAG clan. This weekend, my clan Epileptic Gaming will be holding no valor 4v4 tournaments. The matches will be held 8pm EST this upcoming Friday, Saturday and Sunday (3/13-3/15). I invite you guys to sign up and challenge us in some friendly...
  5. Mr.Pibb

    For all you PS3+360 owners...???

    I would sell my 360 if I didn't have a bunch of games I paid for and haven't finished yet. PSN is good enough to justify not having to shell out $50 for it over XBox Live. ...And am I the only one that actually has friends on PSN? Sony is also striving to make their online system better...
  6. Mr.Pibb

    Xbox 360 or PS3

    Go with the better bang for your buck... the PS3. I say this from experience as I have both a 360 and a PS3. I've blown $100 on a 20GB HDD, $100 on a wireless adapter, $50 for a vga cable, and $40 for XBox Live (thats only 3 months!!!) all on the 360. Now I wish I didn't spend any of that now...
  7. Mr.Pibb

    CAG Buzz - Final Fantasy Crisis Core (PSP) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

    Story, bottom line! The reason I've loved Final Fantasy for so many years are it's captivating story lines and vast worlds. It's also the reason I loved Final Fantasy 9 so much, possibly one of the best stories ever told by a video game. Gameplay may come in a close second, but as long as it...
  8. Mr.Pibb


    Another Knoxvillian here.
  9. Mr.Pibb

    RROD Victims: Do you still buy games for your 360?

    I'm just trying to create discussions is all. No need to start console bashing. I'm a fan of all things game related. Didn't realize there was a 360 forum, or that people would get their panties in a bunch over it.
  10. Mr.Pibb

    RROD Victims: Do you still buy games for your 360?

    I'm having trouble justifying whether to buy games for my recently repaired 360, basically because once it goes RROD once, it's probably bound to go again. Alas, I still had to pre-order the 360 version of R6:Vegas 2 today because of a few people on Live I want to play that on, although I do...
  11. Mr.Pibb

    2008 Completed Games Tab

    February :ps3: Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
  12. Mr.Pibb

    What games have been your impetus to buy a console / hand-held device?

    Dreamcast - Phantasy Star Online Gamecube - Metroid Prime Sold Gamecube and bought a PC graphics card for: Doom 3, Half Life 2 PS3 - Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy 13
  13. Mr.Pibb

    Do you ever re-purchase the same game because of the system?

    I've been toying around with the idea of buying The Orange Box for a console even though I already have it on PC.
  14. Mr.Pibb

    Multi-console owners: Which system do you/will you primarily buy for?

    I agree with you there man. I've wanted a PS3 since before it's release, but when my 360 red ringed, that's what pushed me over the edge to just go get one. I looked at my stack of 360 games and thought of what a waste of cash that was if I don't have a console to play on. Now my 360 has been...
  15. Mr.Pibb

    Multi-console owners: Which system do you/will you primarily buy for?

    Any and all next gen consoles are welcome in this thread. In general, with multi-platform we/I general think 360 and PS3 but there are those that came out for Wii as well (Rock Band, etc.). So post which console YOU buy for most. I wanted to make this into a poll but I couldn't figure out how...
  16. Mr.Pibb

    Multi-console owners: Which system do you/will you primarily buy for?

    It's starting to get irritating having both a 360 and PS3 because I can never decide which system to buy my games for. There's so many pros and very little cons to decide between. You could say you buy 360 versions for achievements but with the addition of Home for the PS3 coming soon, that...
  17. Mr.Pibb

    The Guild Wars/2 Topic *Its Out All the Way Now!*

    Hey guys, been playing since the game first released April 2005. Been through all campaigns countless times and experienced in PVP, GVG, HA, ect. Willing to help anyone out - PM me : IGN: Oracle Swizzlesticks, Mi Bella Adore
  18. Mr.Pibb

    CAG PSN Gaming Group [ ]

    CAG Name: Mr.Pibb PSN Name: Pibbz Nickname: Pibbz Headset: Yes Keyboard: Yes USB Camera: No Play Style: I play for fun, but I'm pretty competitive. Time Zone: Eastern Days, Time Available: Mon - Fri 6pm+, Sat and Sun all day and night PS3 Multiplayer Games: Warhawk, Unreal Tournament 3 (very...
  19. Mr.Pibb

    GameCubes marked down to 9.99 at shopko

    Same here! I've been wanting a GC again for a while.
  20. Mr.Pibb

    Reports of FALCON RROD trickling in - ugh...

    Improper cooling is a manufacturing problem in this case. The proper cooling (fans, thermal paste, heat sinks) needs to be in place from the get-go and shouldn't be relied on the end user... Especially not a console! The major selling point of any console today is the fact that it can be used...
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