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  1. X

    Humble Bundle Thread

    Information changes a consumer's perceived value of goods. Which is why they aren't each valued at $2, even if that is the end average price paid per game. You have information on 1/6 of the games, but not the other 5. The information on the game you have will change the value of that game and...
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    Humble Bundle Thread

    This is the MP Upgrade  I already own BLOPS3. The next monthly is really unappealing. I mean it is basically a $3 discount on a limited version of a game I already own.  I wouldn't even have satisfaction giving away the key because it isn't a full game. ...
  3. X

    Pre order Monster Hunter Best Buy, get a $10 giftcard?

    No, it is $32 for mh4 + a $10 gift card. You shouldn't factor in the future $10 price reduction on a purchase into the current purchase, or else you are basically assigning the gift card twice its stated value. 1. "I basically got this for $22 because it was $32 and included a $10 gift card"...
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    NewEgg Premiere

    Funny thing is, Newegg used to offer all this 10 years ago. -Free 3-day or usually faster shipping -Great customer service, restocking fees often waived, free returns -Great promos and deals for Newegg members It used to just be called their "standard service" though. Now I guess you have to...
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    GCU 2 year membership for $30

    I got this in the mail too, I am going to go for it at $30 but not if it were $120. Here are the savings of Amazon vs Best Buy for me (it is not $12/game!) Obviously if you pay tax online then BB would pull out further ahead. Sales Tax Rate: 8.075% New $59.95 game Best Buy: Subtotal: $47.96...
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    PS4 Instock

    Awesome I got one, thank you OP
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    Amazon PCDD - Important Update New Community Manager Incoming!

    I always just use the points to apply a cash credit to the card..Technically this works out better than spending points directly, because you earn a few more points from spending that credit.
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    Amazon PCDD - Important Update New Community Manager Incoming!

    Tony, Any chance of Payday 2 going on sale anytime soon? 20% off is the standard and I am hoping to get it cheaper
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    Green Man Gaming (Steam) Deals: 25% Off Hitman

    Any chance of Payday 2 going on sale? Steam has it for 20% off but I am waiting a bit because I think it might go cheaper soon. edit: durp meant to post this in amazon thread
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    Amazon PCDD - Important Update New Community Manager Incoming!

    What's the deal with KoA Steam keys? Who gives a Fuck. The game has been on sale for Origin with all DLC for under $10 so many times at this point I can't imagine anyone who wants to play it hasn't yet. And the game is 1.5 years old at this point. It isn't even a particularly good game. I just...
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    Steam/Origin/Desura etc Trade/Sell/Buy Thread

    Where do people get these AAA games so cheap? I know abotu Russia/VPN and all that, but what about these cheap ROW AAA preorders? Steam already banned my account once because I received a Russian/VPN gift. Took about 2-3 weeks to resolve that - they reopened my account and said if I get another...
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    UPDATED: Dark Souls II Pre Order - OOS: Amazon, Walmart, GS, BB, NewEgg

    Not buying even if Dark Souls is one of my favorites - they released an absolute piece of crap port for PC. Yes I know about dsfix and all that, which is an unofficial fan patch and doesn't change the fact that Namco themselves released such a poor quality port. I'll be waiting to hear details...
  13. X

    Wii U Price drop Sept. 20th/Pre-Order Now

    Honestly thought it was an Onion parody or something, I mean who goes BACK a number to represent a new product? Well actually the Xbox One too. The 3DS is a good platform and the idea of a 2DS itself isn't bad, but that form factor..does not work for me. Clamshell is great (GBA SP, every other...
  14. X

    Wii U Price drop Sept. 20th/Pre-Order Now

    I wouldn't touch that 2DS with a 10-foot pole, good God that thing is ugly, overpriced and stupidly named. Much like the WiiU actually. Maybe they are afraid of making a sleek, good looking device because they think Apple will sue them so they make everything as hideous as possible? Why...
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    Steam/Origin/Desura etc Trade/Sell/Buy Thread

    I have one Hammerwatch Steam Key from GG 4-Pack. Got it with 20% discount too so $5.40 for it, anyone interested?
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    Amazon PCDD - Important Update New Community Manager Incoming!

    goon =  Something Awful member gooncave = A goon's solitary living confinement - usually in a basement and filled with action figures, empty Mountain Dew cans, pizza boxes, anime posters/dvds, multiple half-running Linux PCs, and a musky smell of BO.
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    Guild Wars 2 (PC) $28.47 after coupon code at Amazon

    GW2 is..OK. Honestly not really worth it. It could be an amazing game if Anet weren't the most idiotic developers ever and just ignore their entire player base in favor of ESPORTS , crappy temporary content with grindy boring achievements, ignoring bad class balance (due to priority on ESPORTS)...
  18. X

    June BB @Gamer $5 Bejeweled 3(PC), $20 AC:L $20 PSASBR(PS3/PSV) Halo 4(P/O), $40 TR

    Last coupon that was good was getting BF3 for $10 (when it was worth more). That was like 9 months ago. My sub ends this month and these days I can't even find uses for BBY credit so the pre-order $20 back isn't amazing for me.
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    Grid 2 Special Edition $189,637.50

    NOT a legitimate version of the product - this one would actually have cockpit view.
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    Retailer explains how used Xbox One games are traded in and bought

    If Microsoft made cars: When purchasing the car, they would tell you that while you do own the car, they remain owner of the ECU and the software the ECU runs is only being licensed to you for your usage. Instead of using a car key to start it, you would swipe your driver's license and it...
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