Search results

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    Shadow OT Collossus,Jak X ,SlyCooper 3,Rachet Deadlock,SOCOM3 - 14.99 with GGC at BB

    Just picked up the black-label SotC at BB in Bellevue, WA w/ my first use of the GGC for $16.31. I had to get a sales asst to scan to see if they had more in the back, as they were out of stock up front. Sure enough they had 8 left. As well, there were 4 or 5 Sly 3's and similar quantities of...
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    Do PS2 GH discs look different?

    I know that the PS2 "Greatest Hits" boxes have the garish red stripe, but does the disc art get altered as well?
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    Which DS game should I get?

    Mario Kart also has TONS of replay value. Both MK and Tetris also become infinitely more interesting when you go online and get your ass handed to you by someone several continents away. Either game is a safe choice for hours of entertainment.
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    RadioShack Clearance: Pelican DS Case $2.97

    Bought one for my girlfriend (gave her the phat ds to make way for the shiny new lite). Thanks Op!
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    $5 off $50 order at Play Asia.

    Here is one that I won't be needing: OZ-SKI-NFM (expires 10. Aug, 2006). Enjoy!
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    The "Official" Kmart Clearance Thread (SEPTEMBER DROPS NOW! GLITCH IS SLOWING DROPS)

    I checked out the one on Aurora/99 near Shoreline, WA last Saturday, and there appeared to be no clearance items what-so-ever. As well, what was available was tucked in a case making it hard to discern if any of the pricing had been marked down.
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    Seattle CAGs?

    Unfortunately you won't get to visit before Aug 31st to see Pacific Science Center's Game On! exhibit:
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    seattle area circuit city $8.96 deal?

    I couldn't find any remotely worthwhile GBA or DS games at the store in Bellevue/Crossroads. I was specifically hoping for Tales of Fantasia, Metroid Zero Mission, FFIV, or Advanced Wars DS. All I managed were a bunch of Spongebob and Nickelodean GBA vids for my Girlfriend's kids.
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