10 Years of Shwag Giveaway


BONUS!!!: I managed to round up two more boxes (bringing the total to 12). If you guys last another week of article clicking, I can send these out next weekend.

UPDATE 12/31: Thanks to everyone for their support. The remaining winners will be notified no later than the end of Jan 1st.

UPDATE 12/22: Things have reached an even pace and we should get through the 10 boxes by Dec 31. I'd be happy to send out more than 10, but it's up to you guys. My latest article mentions a 2010 Mafia II pin-up calendar and I hinted that there'll be a contest for that. If 2K sends me enough calendars, I just might save one for this shwag giveaway.

UPDATE: Here's a pic of the first three outgoing boxes. http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/9583/dsc01538cw.jpg. Oh, and that "deluge" of reviews I mentioned? My bad, scheduling issues, and I was a little too engrossed with the Heavy Rain preview build over the weekend. And I only learned this morning that the embargo on my 2nd big article doesn't lift until this Friday. Well if you guys manage to liberally spam my articles today, I'm pretty sure could add a special package on top of the aforementioned shwag piles. ;-)

UPDATE: One thing I didn't make clear is that you can click on the same articles multiple times, so if you have time try to click again.

ANOTHER THING: If you are lucky enough to win a package and it includes a bunch of press releases with some PR rep's phone number/email, check with me first if you want to contact them about product requests for your blog/site.
As I mentioned in a thread the other week (thanks to everyone for the feedback btw), I was planning to conduct a contest where I would give away a great deal of the shwag I've accumulated over the years.

So how will this giveaway be conducted? Similar to the code contests, it would require visiting my Examiner articles often.

Link: http://www.examiner.com/x-13269-SF-Gaming-Lifestyle-Examiner

Each writer is paid via page view, so the goal here is to reach a certain dollar amount in order to pay for the shipping. I have a rather ambitious goal of wanting to send out a package of shwag every 3 days throughout this month, so I've made 10 piles worth.

In order to be eligible for a pile, just reply to this thread or PM me. Then click on my articles throughout this month. Once a shipping price milestone has been reached, I'll PM one random winner. This person will be ineligible for future prizes in this contest.

Q: How are the piles organized?
A: Each pile does not have any specific theme and an effort has been made to make sure each pile has at least one significant item of value.

Q: Can I choose what I want if I win?
A: No.

Q: When can I start?
A: You can start clicking on articles now. Be sure to reply to this thread as well to be entered.

Q: What do you get out of this?
A: Aside from being able to clean my closet (this is about 6 document boxes worth of promo items), I'm also looking to achieve some high view counts that not only pleases Examiner.com, but these stats will also be used in helping greenlight some projects I have planned for next year.

Q: Why don't you donate this stuff to charity or sell on eBay?
A: Who says I haven't? I would say that only 40% of all the shwag I've accumulated will be given in this CAG contest. The rest I've already given to charity, sold on eBay or I'm keeping.

Q: What are big items are you planning to giving away?
A: 'Big' can be a subjective thing, but here is a tiny sample of what I plan on giving away:
-Uncharted 2 t-shirt
-Silent Hill 2 t-shirt
-Metal Gear Solid 3 business card
-Two Incredible Crisis t-shirts
-Several 98% pre-release game discs that can actually be played without a debug/test unit
-A signed copy of the Seaman book
-Metal Gear Solid 2 movie style poster
-One of those Monster Hunter Tri backpacks with all the original shwag included
-Christmas cards
-The light Hudson backpack given out at their most recent press event

Q: What if we are ahead of/behind schedule in reaching the numbers needed to pay for shipping?
A: If we are behind schedule, then I'll save the remaining piles for another contest I have planned in January. If were are ahead of schedule, then I'm sure I can scrounge up additional piles. If things go unexpectedly well, I can also dip into my non gaming shwag piles from my college journalism days when I wrote more about music and movies.

Q: Can we see pictures?
A: I'll have some pictures added later today or tomorrow.

Q: Your other thread talked about allowing people to PM you if they just want to pay for an item outright. Are you still doing this?
A: After considering some feedback, I've decided not to allow for direct sales/trades.

Q: I'm lazy and don't want to keep clicking. What if I just put my name down and don't help out?
A: This is a group effort so if you don't help out, the chances of getting through all the piles are greatly reduced.

I can't help but think I missed something, so let me know if you have any questions or feedback.
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Reading the articles now. Good luck with the projects your trying to get off the ground and thanks for the contest.
Just started reading through some of your articles, I've read some of your stuff before and didn't realize you were a CAGer
I'm in too. I browsed around your site a ton these last few days due to those other contests you were having, this should be fun also. Your articles actually aren't half bad because of the games and topics you cover.
Awesome. In as well. Don't mind helping out a fellow CAG and fellow Bay Area inhabitant (I'm assuming).
I am in, do you know if the clicks are unique? Because Ive clicked through some twice.

Pretty cool that you are doing something you love, and making money too at the same time.
Thanks for the help. I just checked my viewer metrics (it updates every hour) and we're on a good pace to get enough for a USPS flat rate box to be sent out by Dec 4th. I would be very impressed if many of you have the stamina to last the month. If not, no worries.

Oh and thanks for the complements through PMs and comments within my articles. Just know that flattery won't increase your chances, but it's definitely appreciated.

On a random side note, is there anyone here really big fans of Monkey Island, and have also played the recent episodic games? PM me if you have.

[quote name='gomikeoh']I am in, do you know if the clicks are unique? Because Ive clicked through some twice.

Pretty cool that you are doing something you love, and making money too at the same time.[/QUOTE]

That is something me and my fellow writers have yet to fully figure out. On some days it seems like I'm getting as little as 1 cent per 5 page views, on others, I get 5 cents per page view.
[quote name='bluedotlounge']-A signed copy of the Seaman book.[/QUOTE]
Nothing like signed Seaman.

What a great game that was. Seamonkeys on crack.

EDIT: In the past week I've clicked your articles so many times I think I'd qualify here, lol. Regardless good luck all, I've won one of the codes in his contests prior so I can't complain either way.
bread's done