1100 dollar traffic ticket


i got pulled over for turning where you can't take a left turn ,which was not a one-way street. A cop pulled me over and gave me a ticket. I was sad that i loss money ,thinking it was 400 max , the bill came 1,100 dollars! My friend crashed into someone and it was even as much as 1,100. this is outrageous. Why is it this expensive? I live in San Francisco ,California.

That really sucks. They tried upping fines like that in VA, but the public wouldn't have any of that bullshit. Turns out the legislation was introduced by a state senate member who also just happened to be partner in a trial lawyer firm. It was all Republican bullshit (of course) but the right made it known that this was not going to go unpunished and it was repealed pronto.
[quote name='Scorch']pay it and don't make left turns where you're not supposed to.[/QUOTE]
This. How hard is it to obey traffic laws?
[quote name='BoSoxFan900']This. How hard is it to obey traffic laws?[/QUOTE]

Everyone makes mistakes. As a Boston Redsox fan you should be well aware of this.
[quote name='camoor']Wow!

That really sucks. They tried upping fines like that in VA, but the public wouldn't have any of that bullshit. Turns out the legislation was introduced by a state senate member who also just happened to be partner in a trial lawyer firm. It was all Republican bullshit (of course) but the right made it known that this was not going to go unpunished and it was repealed pronto.[/QUOTE]

Not before busting people over the melon with tickets for awhile, my friend's ex got hit with a 700 dollar ticket for going 15 over the speed limit. She tried to fight it and the judge wasn't having it pay up.
Did you call the number on the ticket, or is this pure speculation? I find it hard to believe that the fine was $1100 if that's ALL you did. Cali state fines say $266 and 1 point...
The bill said 1100 dallors , i know I made a mistake but should i do . What does going to court do if the mistake is very clear?
I wouldn't pay it!!! That is way too much... Isn't that an excessive fine for that traffic violation?

Also if it is your first offensive the it will be to the judge's discretion... If you where compliment with the officer and you have a clean record and plea that you simple where not aware of this then he might just throw it out! I would take it to court, might as well can't hurt it would only help. Bring your DMV driving record when you go.
[quote name='Earmuffin585']The bill said 1100 dallors , i know I made a mistake but should i do . What does going to court do if the mistake is very clear?[/QUOTE]

What does the ticket say you were cited for? There has to be something you aren't telling us.
Why dnt you scan or take a photo of your ticket (personal info covered of course) so we can see what it says, not what you think it says.
don't just pay it like some moron above me said. go to court. everyone gets moving violations so don't be douches about it. most likely you'll get it reduced (like 100% of the time). 1100 is pretty ridiculous.
[quote name='jaredstorm']I've never heard of such a thing! EVEERR!

Is it a common practice there in Cali?[/QUOTE]
Our State is broke and the cops are pulling over for the slightest faults.
[quote name='Earmuffin585']Our State is broke and the cops are pulling over for the slightest faults.[/QUOTE]

I'm willing to bet anything that there is more to this story than you are posting.

According to you, you made a left turn in an area where you weren't suppose to...and the cops wrote you a ticket for $1100.

That doesn't make any sense. Something is missing.
not to mention surcharges for the court. He still isn't telling us the whole story.

Have you even went to court yet?
Yeah, cops can be punks. This reminds me of a time when this cop had it in for me ever since I kinda ran over his dog... Well, replace the word 'kinda' with 'repeatedly' and the word 'dog' with 'son.
[quote name='dustdust']Well, you do live in CA (the poorest state in the country)[/QUOTE]

Actually Mississippi is the poorest. California is just the poorest run state due to its entitlement happy nature and unwillingness or inability to spend less than it brings in in revenue.


To the OP though, there must be something else going on with that. That just doesn't sound right.
I got a ticket in California going 68 miles over the speed limit and my ticket was $804. That was 14 years ago, but I doubt an illegal turn costs more.

BS thread is BS.
[quote name='coolsteel']Not before busting people over the melon with tickets for awhile, my friend's ex got hit with a 700 dollar ticket for going 15 over the speed limit. She tried to fight it and the judge wasn't having it pay up.[/QUOTE]
The one speeding ticket I got nailed with was in Bethel, NY(home of the original Woodstock)as I was going down a hill while applying the brakes to try and slow down to the actual speed limit(speed limit was jumping up n down by 10-20 mph every half mile) and the cop zapped me with the gun while he was coming UP said hill.:roll:

Unfortunately even though I showed up to the court on the day of the hearing I just waived my rights and had them fine me($170-ish or so:bomb:). Since I hadn't had any prior tickets(save for a parking ticket or two in my hometown)I didn't even bother arguing it.
the fees are so high cause how stupid the system is set up

i got pulled over for not wearning a seat belt while working.. since i deliver stuff i dont have to wear one but the cop would not hear it...

Now the ticket was only 25 bucks but not paying 25 when i dont have to ... so they said your court hearing is say aug 1

So i go there and there is around 100 other people with different tickets .

after sitting around an hour i get my turn up there and i didnt even get to say a word.. the judge goes your next court hearing is sept 15 i told them i dont have to wear the seatbelt cause of my job and the other side said they would drop all the charges right there... When i walked out another person said i was luck that other side was there that day cause if it wasnt it would went like this

AUG 1 court hearing to get a date to show up
Sept 15 To plea if you want to pay the ticket or not.. you are then giving a court date when the cop shows

nov judge will hear both side and then rule

Thats right you have to go 3 #$#$# times like they just cant do it on the first visit

it sounds like you got a 1100 buck ticket cause there are more then one fine

TUrning left = 1 ticket
moving volation = 1 ticket

and who knows what else
[quote name='camoor']Everyone makes mistakes. As a Boston Redsox fan you should be well aware of this.[/QUOTE]
Bill Buckner just shed a tear...
[quote name='Earmuffin585']Does anyone else know how to deal with this?[/QUOTE]

Pay the fine, take an English course and don't drive like a twat in the future.
[quote name='lowgear26']I rear ended a woman a few months ago and only paid $ 135 all said and done.......oh wait that sounds bad.......[/QUOTE]

The women I rear-end usually charge me 250. 350 for half and half.
[quote name='Earmuffin585'] Why is it this expensive? I live in San Francisco ,California.[/QUOTE]
Objection your honor! Asked and answered.
Always take it to court!!! If the officer that cited you does not show up the judge will throw it out. If he does what'll happen? You wont have to pay more; the only thing you've lost is time.
The money goes to help the poor people in your state. You should be happy to pay the full fine. If anything the fine should be atleast 3,000.
[quote name='Earmuffin585']Does anyone else know how to deal with this?[/QUOTE]

People have asked you questions repeatedly about your situation.

Repeatedly asking what you should do while not providing any new information is not going to get you anywhere.
Problem Fix : The police messed up my Insurance number and ran me for NO insurance for some reason even though i showed her proof and it didn't say on the ticket. I am going to court.
[quote name='kamui34']That's easily fixed then... Just show them your insurance cards.[/QUOTE]
It was police error not me .i showed them my card .
bread's done