1600 Microsoft Points $16.54 at Amazon (back again!) and Walmart.


64 (100%)
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[quote name='Jigen']Same here. Last time I was able to order was about 20 days ago.[/QUOTE]

Ditto, my last order was the 20th of June.

(and thanks for the word that the counter had been reset all. I imagine I wouldn't have tried for another week.)
[quote name='Dr. Treye']I'm tempted but I know I would only waste my points on street fighter outfits[/QUOTE]

But its like they would be on sale... ;)

Honestly, with the games getting ready to come out on XBLA I would want to have points laying around as I'm almost positive something will catch you eye.
Monday Night Combat is probably going to be the one that catches everyone's eye this year.

This may be the best year yet actually. I want all and will buy all the games.
Sadly they're still restricting it to one per order. Last time around I was able to make multiple purchases and get a Live card each time without getting 'locked out', but that's still far from convenient.

But I guess Continuum Shift is coming soon... hm.
[quote name='FurryCurry']This may be the best year yet actually. I want all and will buy all the games.[/QUOTE]

Really? Maybe it's just me but I only have an interest in Limbo and considering how short it shaping up to be I'll be waiting til it goes on sale.
If they are going to set a limit, they need to do a sale on the 4000 point cards. I'd buy 2 1600 point cards to get free shipping but I really don't want to buy filler just to get FSSS on one card.
[quote name='emg28']If they are going to set a limit, they need to do a sale on the 4000 point cards. I'd buy 2 1600 point cards to get free shipping but I really don't want to buy filler just to get FSSS on one card.[/QUOTE]

I think that's what they are hoping for... Either to charge for shipping or that you will buy something else. (Don't worry even Amazon Prime costumers are getting locked out too.)
Hey, I have a "warm deal" for those frustrated by the Amazon limit who want to buy in bulk at the ~16.54 price.

This deal works out to 17.03 per 1600 points shipped after BCB, but requires you to spend at least $100 upfront. There is no limit to the amount of points at this price.



Click the 15.2% BCB banner

Once at TIGERDIRECT, add the following to your cart:
Ultra Retractable Cord RJ-11 Modem Cable x 1
Microsoft Xbox LIVE 4000 Marketplace Points (Xbox 360) x 2 (or more if you want)

Then checkout and pick standard shipping. The total will be 100.41. You will get 15.26 cashback.

That works out to a net of the following:
$42.57 per 4000 points
17.03 per 1600 points

With summer of arcade coming up, for those who plan to buy all 4 titles to get the 1200 point credit, this deal may be a good one for you :) Plus it will save some frustration with the amazon limits.

Between the Summer of Arcade and my typical Game Room buys, its pretty clear could easily blow through 8000 points in the next month.

BTW, the 250gb hard drive is also on sale for $119.99 at Tiger Direct, with the 15% cashback it works out to about $102 net shipped.
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If you are going to be spending $100, you might as well get on the $20 gc w/ 2 $40+ purchases at Target this week. If you just buy a 1600 card with the gc it comes out to be only $0.12 higher per 1600 than the Amazon price, cheaper still if you use the gc to throwdown on two more 4000 cards.

And you don't have to spend the giftcard on points.
Since I bought a 2nd 1600pts card on Amazon yesterday, I'm guessing I can purchase one every two weeks...just as long it's locked into that price.
I dont know if ebay sellers count as deals but earlier a seller called 2010worldlygoods had 4000 point cards for $35. I grabbed one of them and they emailed the code already (about 16 hours after ordering) so I know they're legit.

Right now it looks like theyre only selling 1600 point cards for $18 though which I guess isnt the best deal but its ok if you really need some points.

Note: If you see people selling 4000 points for $25 or some ridiculously low price theyre probably not for card points but accounts with points on them so pay attention if you decide to look around.
[quote name='TheBomb69']I just bought a $10 PSN card to get free shipping.[/QUOTE]

I used a $10 PSN card for filler the last time I ordered a 1600 pts card but that was because I wanted to pick up FF VII. I'll probably just use some credit at GS and pick up a card there since I want to buy the Borderlands DLC that goes on sale on Monday.
Man i want the live card for this price but for some reason it won't allow me to sign up for prime when I try to order the card. I plan to order black ops but the release date is far way and I don;t think I can do split shipping with FSSS.
[quote name='Xfactor19990']i got bbuy to match it[/QUOTE]
Same here, got a great rep to help with checking on it today.
bread's done