20,000th Registered CAG Contest Thread - Win $200 good at VideoGameDeals.com

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations Ledhead, the winner of the $200 www.VideoGameDeals.com voucher winner!

A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you. Do not post anything but a single entry in this thread.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry and post per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/b]
To me, CAG is somehwhere I feel welcome. Before I found this site, I felt kind of silly always looking for rebates, free gift cards, or markdowns. After discovering this marvel of a website, I now know I am not alone. Thanks CAG!

BTW, I think the $200 is well deserved to any cheapass gamer here in the community, (but I would much rather see it go to me so I could it shove it my family's face for teasing me about being a CAG long before I stumbled onto this communion for us CAGs).
Well, it's been something else.

CheapAssGamer has done something unthinkable.

Within the boundaries of this vast online experience, a single force, with only the passion to thrive, has done so.
CAG has done so in a manner, not likely to be replicated anywhere else in our time.

This place has become our haven; our sanctuary.

Why though? How could such a place exist, yet not exist? We all know about virtuality, but CAG is much more than that.

I'd hate to bring religion into this, but I can think of only one account, which appears to have been mimic-ed.

Seriously, think about the intent of this place. We gather here each day, with only one thing in our hearts. HOPE!

Whether it's a service, a friend or companion, or some sort of advice or support, this is the place that offers us guidance.

I don't see this place, as a place at all, though.
No,.. I have an obscure perception of this being known as CheapAssGamer.
CAG is an entity in my eyes. The personification of our inner spirit. An amalgomation of our personalities and human traits, waiting at this ambiguous web address, for simple interaction.

I feel each day, as if I'm confiding in a friend. Each piece of advice CAG offers me, helps me to operate in this society, a tremendous amount more efficiently.

Every connection, feels like a similar experience in my life, as we are all alike in one particular sense. A comment made by a regular, sounds like a meer memory to me, because I've been there before.
An unthinkable question, that would appear complex to the non-CAG'er, is one that resides in the minds of us all, here.

I honestly feel as if I've made a friend, which sounds frightening, but it's the truth. I know that I'm not alone, for we all are unified here. Sharing information, and offering up tidbits of our trials and tribulations. Most importantly, sharing our hopes and dreams.

With that said, I toss out my thanks to you Cheapy.
You've given us a life, that we never had the chance to live.

As a poor child, like most of us here, I couldn't bask in the luxurious toys of my youth. Even if CAG manifested back in the Atari age, we would still have to do without.

I'm not a religious person, but I have laid my faith with you. My son, will now have the chance to live through me, through my things. As silly as that sounds, I can only think about what he would become without me.
My decisions are honest, and just. So with an acknowledgement, my wife can pass on my legacy, in any case.

I'm just grateful that we've all pulled through the hard times. It may be rough for some of still, but at least we have our Messiah.
You've been the light, the sound.... The Gospel!

Everyday, I say hello, and ask for your approval, and I'm always rewarded with your kind words, and loving kisses.

Thanks a bunch, as I always say.
Congratulations on our 20,000th. We are now THAT much stronger.

Being a CAG means I'll never have to pay full price for a game....unless it came with a ridiculously large controller.

by the way who is member 20,000?
CAG = my home. I spend more time on here than I do with my family. They think I was kidnapped. I saw my face on a milk carton, but then I realized it was a cow, and my vision was blurry from looking at CAG too long.

Congrats Cheapy on an awesome site.
CAG allows more people to play more games by saving them money on each one. This enables the gaming community to grow and it allows people to try games they otherwise wouldn't have played, therefore making their views on gaming more diverse. Thanks CAG!!
CAG obviously means great deals but even more so - it means intelligent gamers, which many of you know (especially on Xbox Live) are hard to come by. Cheers!
CAG means i get all the games i want and still have money to spend on the gf and whatever it is shes wanting.
CAG means indulging my VERY expensive gaming habit without having to auction off an organ every couple of weeks (now it's just every month or so).
Congratulations on the 20,000 milestone!

CAG means that we all have an opportunity to get in on good game deals, buy games we didn't even know we needed, and have fun in the process.

Here's to the next 20,000!
CAG means saving enough money for what's really important in life: even more games. Thanks guys, happy 20,000! Whoooo.
Ever since it's inception, CAG has changed my entire video gaming life. What does CAG mean to me? Great deals. I know there are other deal sites around, but I only frequent CAG, because I feel a personal bond with this site. It's....magnificent.
CAGer to me means attaining and sharing information on how to be a cheaper and sometimes better gamer, by buying games cheap instead of pirating games.
I guess I'll have to go along with the common theme and say the CAG, to me, means getting great deals. That and a shitload of sarcastic/smart-ass comments on the boards.
CAG to me means more than just the great deals and saving money like everyone here enjoys, it means being yourself around complete strangers and making some of the greatest aquantences and friends possible on the internet! keeping kicking ass cheapy and CAG!
CAG has helped me learn control, you must learn control! ;) I would usually buy “must buy” games the first week they were out for full price and then hit up the remainder of the games I wanted at X-mas time for 20% or so off. Now I pretty much follow CAG to find out the good deals on games and can wait that extra week or two before I’ll buy it. I’ve also got into trading my games and found out I was eligible for Xbox Retail, so I’ve been getting all my games cheap as heck. Great site, great forum!
CAG has been a good community to join and puts me way ahead of the competition (FW) for grabbing deals before too many people know about it.
joining CAG has allowed me to experience games that i otherwise would not have enjoyed, due to a limited budget. also, indirectly, my friends and roommates that are also CAGs get games cheaper as well, and we all play together or pass the games among us. finding deals on something you've had you're eye on awhile is also very rewarding. Thanks CheapyD.
CAG means picking coins up off of the road for months, just to get $23. It means buying swiss roll cakes for 25 cents instead of any other little debbie snack because you believe that 2 is much much better than 1. It means that we can all have the right to flame a few n00bs**ahem** DLF and Drico for example**ahem** for a little cheap ass fun every now and then. It means waiting all the way through fall and winter to buy a coat because you KNOW the clearances on winter coats are during spring. And it is being the CAG that i am-posting amongst thousands of other fellow CAGers, trying to win money.

i wish you all luck, and may the best Cheap Ass Gamer Win
CAG makes my game collection grow and grow, and grow. CAG keeps my credit card company happy. CAG will make my grand grandkids to finaly open my games. Thanks CAG!

P.S. Just found another deal on games. Must have that game NOW! damn.......CAG :D .
This site has saved me so much money on so many different games, and not only that they have allowed me to find some of the much more rare games new and still decent prices, that's what the CAG community means to me.
Cag Means to meh

Be a Cheapass dont pay full price
A cool Community Which Is freakin nice
gettin my games cheap is the game
If i dont win the 200 thats a shame

why am i rapping

i hate rap

Anyway give me the 200 for Burnout 3 =)
Being a CAG member means this poor college student has a lot of people to thank for saving me quite a bit of money on the games I've been getting lately :p
CAG means a community of true gamers helping each other game on as much as possible... while still having the rent check ready on time.
Being a CAG is not only getting cheap ass deals and saving money, but helping others do the same.
CAG means finding ad prices before the ad comes out, so I never have to pay full price. Damn, we are some cheapass gamers.
CAG is one of the best concepts ever created. The implementation of being a portal of deals in video games has not been done as well as it is here. I used to try and eBay myself to good deals. That can work too but this is much more effective. Plus the members here are quick to find deals and share them then anywhere on earth
I just signed up not to long ago, and CAG has already saved me quite a bit of money, which has helped me to buy even more games. Come to think of it, is has probably made me spend more on games than I ever would because of the "gotta have it" deals. Thanks CAG for making me go BROKE!
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