20,000th Registered CAG Contest Thread - Win $200 good at VideoGameDeals.com

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations Ledhead, the winner of the $200 www.VideoGameDeals.com voucher winner!

A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you. Do not post anything but a single entry in this thread.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry and post per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/b]
I have saved like a billion dollars with CAG!!!!!

I have like 300 games that I will never play, and growing!
To me, being a CAG means mostly being a lurker.

However, it also means sticking it to the man. Showing we won't stand for unjust inflation. It also means giving me the ability to support all the companies who make good games, and yet still afford to continue my college education. Because, if I had to choose between school or games....whoof....it would be one tough fight indeed. Thank you, CheapyD, for helping me become a better person.
What CAG Means To Me
Mr. Cheapy

Being a CAG means many things. First, being a CAG means spending as little money as possible on games that are actually worth the full price. Second, being a CAG means telling other people in the CAG community about deals you find, even if there are some people who ruin it by buying 30 copies just to sell on Ebay. Third, being a CAG means you get to buy games you normally wouldn't, letting you try new things.

In conclusion being a CAG is a lot of things, all of them good. CAG means fun. And fun is fun!
C is for Cheap. You will save money.

A is for Ass. Don't be one, take only what you want and leave some deals for others.

G is for Gamer. Play 'em all. Why else did you buy them.

.COM is for money burning pit. Except in this case it's your own as you hoard a bazzillion games.
Cag has let me relize that there are other cheapos out there they dont want to spend 50 bucks on a gam. Thanks guys for letting me see all these great deals
I'm rarely the type to wait for CAG opportunities, but sometimes a game that passed beneath the radar pops up on the front page, and I get to pick it up dirt cheap. So to me, being a CAG means the opportunity to get the rest of the good stuff that you forgot about or couldn't afford. Awesome site, hope it keeps going strong for a long time to come.
CAG means finding lots of great deals on the web and in stores and sharing them, and it also means making fun of people who post old deals :)
CAG is a site for the CAGs, by the CAGs. The only thing better than buying a good game is buying a good game CHEAP, and CAG is the best game in town. The feeling of tracking down a cherished game for a reduced price is equal to winning a small fortune. If a CAG community can be forged into the purchasing powerhouse that it is today, then there is no game that is safe from the power of the CAG.
Being a CAG means one more place to find and trade games. Ironically enough it was the Kaybee toys sale that brought me here and I haven't taken advantage of the deals here....funny huh?

anyways I think I might have entered already but then I might have not.

anyways who was lucky 20,000?
CAG to me is a way of life. Withouth CAG, I would still be buying new releases at full price and be further in debt than I am currently right now, thanks to CAG I might add. So heres to 20,000 more registered users.
CAG is my homepage, where I come back from a hard day at school, play some games and come here in hopes of finding more games and end up having too much games that i have no time to finish it all. It's what drains out my wallet but yet brings a smile to my face to know I didn't pay full price. It's where i get my daily dose of what's going on in the world without going outside from the nongaming section to the cheapass deals i get without looking in a newspaper. It's where i can laugh at stupid funny posts or envy the next luckyass gamer or click away to getting my cheapass price game. Anyways CAG to me is something to rush on the net for and even when i go away it will still be there. So yea *cheers* to the 20,000 registered users cause WE all know what CAG is all about. *corniness detected*

(and wow 29 pages in 2 days.. and it's going to end on the 30th, that's a lot of reading hf cheapy or whoever is going to read it)
Being a cheap-ass gamer means being cheap enough to only post when there's a special contest.
CAG is a the site where I can find cheap deals, get advice and recommendations on cheap deals, and read amusing threads when I am bored or procrastinating (such as this very moment...). It is also great to find so many other people that like video games, and you can get to know them through their CAG personas, where you can be whomever you want and say what you want. And if you say something horrible and are flamed, the more entertainment for me!

Thanks for CAG, Cheapy! :D
Being a CAG means driving driving to different cities just to get the best gaming deals, only to discover more money was wasted on gas and therefore makes the "deal" a total waste of gas and time, but somehow still thinking you lucked out on some great deal.
CAG means I get more games for my money, Im not neccesarily saving money because I end up buying and buying more games :shock:
CAG means getting great deals that otherwise I would not hear about. It's also about sharing deals I found on the internet or in stores. It's a great place to get answers about things other than deals (like doing auctions and such) and to help people.
Being a CAG means helping out local businesses by helping them clearance out great cheap games. It's really a nice community service we are doing. Often times, finding the deal is just as fun as playing the game. That is what makes CAG such a great place to come back to. Congrats on 20K members!
Being a CAG means I'm buying even more games that I won't get a chance to play and remain shrink-wrapped, but happy to have purchased at a cheap ass price.
It also means being amused by newbies that repost deals and annoyed by others who very rudely tell the newbie that its already been posted. A little civility please.
For me, CAG means being able to buy a game every once in a while.

Which is very important! You all do a great service!

Also the message board is fun to read.
CAG is a place of refuge for my cheapassness without being ridiculed. I can share my cheapassness with other cheapassgamers and feel like I'm in a harmonious, happy cheapass family.
Heh, without CAG, I wouldn't have saved all that money for something else, or another game. CAG is a great place to know what deals are going on and such, thanks alot for CAG!
Being a cheap ass gamer means getting the most bang for my gaming buck, so that I can spend the extra dough on luxuries like food and my mortgage payment.
With CAG I can save up and buy more for my gaming buck. Plus I am able to locate hard to find gems like Skies of Arcadia Legends.
Thanks CAG!
Being a Cheapass Gamer:
1) Cheap games, and great deals
2) Never playing videogames, only searching for them
3) Not letting "normies" see your games
4) Trying to find a new way to store your game/dvd cases
5) Wheeling and dealing in the Trading forum
6) Wonderful people who make you feel at home, a la cheers.
7) Off topic-topics
8) Trading tally
9) Winning 200 dollars in a contest for VGD.com :)

Thanks for the great times CAG!
To me being a CAG means being a part of one of, if not the best online communities. Not only does everybody here share my love of videogames, but they also share my love of getting the best possible deals and saving as much money as possible.
While most people love to save money, few are as crazy about it as we are. We share this love by finding the best possible deals, and helping others save as much money as possible.
Being a CAG to me means getting deals greater than the imagination, and being able to talk with many interesting people!
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