20,000th Registered CAG Contest Thread - Win $200 good at VideoGameDeals.com

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations Ledhead, the winner of the $200 www.VideoGameDeals.com voucher winner!

A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you. Do not post anything but a single entry in this thread.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry and post per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/b]
CAG means righteousness to me because this sight does a justice to all us gamers that were paying too much for games for too long. It has enlightened me to the realization that I truly do not have to pay full price for a game ever again.
It means going from owning 1 system and buying a game every month or so to owning 3 and getting 10+ games a month. I seem to be spending more than ever but got some Shaq-fuing good deals. :)
Being a CAG means I don't have to spend all my time looking for good deals on games anymore because I've got 20,000 other CAG's helping out :D
CAG means to me many things. First off, I have a new currancy system. How many "Mace Griffins" does things cost? A new release at full retail price? Hell no, Im not paying 10 Mace Griffins for it...Ill wait till it drops to at LEAST 7. Second, before this site, I had no reason to go into K-Mart or Target...but now Im in those places weeky to search out those SECRET clearence stashes. Third...before this site, I didnt have one SINGLE game laying around unwrapped and unplayed...now there are MANY stacks of factory sealed games. Way to go Cheapy D! Congrats!
Being a CAG to me means never settling for less than the absolute best deal possible on the games I want to buy.
Being a CAG gives me a very warm fuzzy feeling inside when I purchase a game for a very cheap ass deal :).
As a struggling student trying to to survive on an extremely limited budget, CAG to me means the chance to experience the very best the gaming world has to offer without having to sacrifice everything else in my life to get there. I have been able to experience so many games that I now consider to be my favorite games. Without the help from all the other CAGer's out there, I would never have gotten that chance. Thanks guys.
CAG allows me to keep my VG hobby going, because i don't have enough time to justify paying anything close to $50 for a game. It's one of the few sites i check on a regular basis.
If wasn't for my beloved CAG, I would be $89.76 richer! Then again, I wouldn't have 11 new games, 2 new used games, and 20,000 best friends! Thanks CAG!
CAG means that we all have a place to go where other gamers like myself can share info, post links and find awesome deals. Not only do you find the greatest and best deals for games but you can find free magazine subscriptions *wink,*wink,*nuge,*nuge* and intelligent posts on the latest gaming news. Even if I don't win...THANKS THE OWNERS OF CAG FOR AN AWESOME WEBSITE!!! Keep on, Keepin' on!!!
Cheapassgamer means never having to pay retail for great games, never having to bow down to the tyranny of capital. It is truly a herald of times to come.
Being a CAG puts all the fun into finding a mass inventory liquidation, driving 35 minutes to another city to find another TRU, having the employees there look at you a little funny because it's ONLY the third time you've been there in the past week and a half, getting into a little argument with your boyfriend ten minutes before store closing time over a $20 GameCube game that you kNOW you can get for $15 at the indie store across town, then going to get the $15 game only to find out that's it's been sold out at that location, so you find another store which still doesn't have it, and then end up bringing your boyfriend and his sister back the next day because she accidently bought a game her own boyfriend already had, only then to have your boyfriend and her argue all the way back home over 50 cents in taxes...

...Then, after the whole weekend of driving my boyfriend and his sis around, I ended up buying the game on eBay for $14. I saved a dollar plus tax. Wooohooo! That's what being a CAG is all about! Spending lots of money on gas!
I like this place because it has great deals, and almost everyone here has good morals and is mature. Been here forever now.
CAG means getting great deals on games and almost anything else. It means being a part of a community that is (mostly) friendly, helpful, and generous. It's a chance to talk with real gamers that have lives, and mostly is an escape from the elitism that makes so many other sites unworthy of viewing.

It also means cockbiters like DLF can get banned for no reason other than being a cockbiter, thanks to cheapyd and the great moderators that keep these boards decent. Thanks also to all the great posters that make us laugh between playing our cheapass games.
CAG means living the life of a cheap ass mofo, with all the perks and none of the drawbacks. It also means blowing $100+ on $5 games just because you heard about it and just because you can. I love this site. Without it, my life would be poor. Thanx for everything.
Great deals when you're quick enough and a wonderfully entertaining nutball community. Love it here and sorry I don't spend more time posting.
being part of CAG changed my life, i used to buy 3 games a year now i buy 10 and pay less than i did when i bought 3.
At first I thought CAG was simply a great source to boost a gaming collection at a small cost. Now, after quite a while I have realized it's more. It's not just a site, it's an online community filled with individuals with different views and opinions on every topic imaginable.

Long live CAG.
I mainly use CAG's forums for games at great prices. But every now and then a really good deal that I'm interested will be on the front page. I've purchased quite a few games based on the info I got from this site, so I am able to go super size on tomorrow's lunch w/o having to think "I've spent too much on a game yesterday, I better get 2 items from the dollar menu."
CHEAPASSGAMER.com means lost of money saved which means more money for buying pornos. i now have many more games and many more pornos. Thank You Guys!!!
CAG means that I can get really crappy games at dirt low prices almost every day of the week. And, if I'm lucky, I can sometimes get a really good game at a dirt low price.
Cheapassgamer means awesome deals, a neat-o community, and a way of getting the most out of my money at time when there are a lot of awesome games coming out, at prices that are too high for me to afford as many as I'd like.

Oh, and puppies. Slickdeals means puppies. Cute, adorable little puppies.
Since my first visit to CAG I've noticed that my teeth are whiter and my lower back pain is gone. CAG is a snap to clean up and leaves no residue. Seriously though, thanks for the sweet deals. I'd like to say that I use the money I save for a good cause, but I just buy more games.
CAG means finding great deals, helping fellow gamers find great deals, and a community of people who like to help eachother out.
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