20,000th Registered CAG Contest Thread - Win $200 good at VideoGameDeals.com

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations Ledhead, the winner of the $200 www.VideoGameDeals.com voucher winner!

A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you. Do not post anything but a single entry in this thread.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry and post per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/b]
Being a cheap ass gamer means being part of a community of high-price fighting gamers who band together to fight the retail conglomerates (or something like that)
CAG mean having a page to check during class, which is 100% better then paying attention to what ANY teacher has to say about anything

unless she knows where to score some cheap ass games!
Being a CAG? Easy. It's a lifestyle. CAG's are intelligent, money-saving people who are gamers, gamers with not-so-deep pockets. Funny thing is, we always get more for our buck. And we love the hunt of looking for games.

The pride of being a CAG.
CAG means: instead of being poor from buying 2 full priced games, I'll get poor from buying 10 cheap ass games....and then get the guides that go with them -for a penny!
CAG means that I can go through a career change, go back to college, see my income fall to nothing, and STILL afford to play games!
To me, being a CAG means never 'settling' for a product that is overpriced. It means that my money can go much farther than before, and I can get things cheap enough that I could go without buying games for over a year, and STILL not be through with the backlog of CAG specials that I've accumulated.

A hearty thank you to everyone here for all of your work and care. My wallet and my gaming habit thank you. :)
CAG means so much to me. Here are some highlights:

CAG means getting 5-10 games for the price of what I used to get one for.

It means telling a cashier I don't want it after they already rang it up.

It means praying that they'll still have that one copy left when I get to the store.

It means trading for the games my local store didn't have.

It means that you actually can get something good for a penny.

It means that other people out there like video games as much as I do.

It means using abbrevations for stores and discounts that only true CAG's understand.

The world is a better place thanks to CAG.
CAG is a place to hang, find great game deals, listen to some really animated characters, and trash DLF to no extent. what more could you want?
CAG means a whole new way of looking at Circuit City.

Before: Electronics store that also sells video games
After the first time: Cheap game store that also sells electronics
After the second time: $5 game store that also sells... uh, I forgot.

A cheapass gamer means picking up a pile of games at target, hauling them to the scanner, going back picking up more games, hauling them to the scanner and occasionally attacking a circuit city/best buy or two.
Being a CAG means being a gamer with a brain instead of a 9-year old kid who just screams for the newest Yu-Gi-Oh game. Getting the best deals on the best games and sharing those deals with the community, not just grabbing a deal and exploiting it yourself.

CAG liek whut.
Too many first posts by guys that have been around for several months. Such as the user that posted above me, conwayse. Since January and he just now posted to maybe get $200. How is this supposed to work? Is it to give a lurker $200?
CAG to me means buying the stuff I want really cheap and maybe even buying some stuff i didn't think of buying even cheaper! PLUS it got me addicted to online deals in general, not just games.
being a cheap ass gamer to me, means beating the system. 50 dollar games as low as 2.99 through this site. it feels good to never pay full price again. i laugh at others in game sections and stores, when they buy a game i found for 9.99 for close to forty. i coudl put them on, but if you put everyone on, it would be vapor. so, do your thing, help a few out, give 'em a list if you have one and hope that these video game companies get smart and make the games cheap to begin with. then we can just talk about em. word up though, congrats on a great idea and a lot of members.
CAG simply rocks. It's more than just being about cheap games. It's all about helping others find great deals. It's all about the hunt for those deals that haven't been found. But sometimes, it's all about the gold...er, oops, wrong place...
CAG means a place to find all sorts of cheapass stuff, especially videogames. Not only that, but its also a great community where people can trade stuff with one another, knowing that they won't get ripped off by others. Note : This doesn't include punks with 0 feedbacks.
CAG means I've been a gamer long enough not to pay $50 for an overdone concept, and that video games have emtied my bank account sense I was first born.
it was the reason i got a gamecube. they posted the sale walmart had on thanksgiving and thats when i got mine :D. thanks cag
To me being a CAG means oppurtunity, sure the oppurtunity of finding great deals, but more than that, the oppurtunity to play games that without eachother's help we would not be able to afford.
Being a CAG means having the opportunity to buy more games, support more retailers , more developers, and more enablers in the gaming business.
Because of this site, thousands of people have been able to release their inner cheap-ass. It's about finding those deals on games that you'd have missed and spent much more for. It's about helping others partake in a once-in-a-lifetime sale just because they deserve to get some cheap games. It's about respect of your fellow gamers and banding together when someone decides to break that trust. Just recently, I've been able to express my cheap-ass-ness to the world and be proud of it. But really, what's being a CAG all about? It's all about the love of games and getting them at a reasonable price.

I'd personally like to thank CheapyD for bring such a wonderful site to us and allowing gamers to save tons of money while still spending more.
I'm not just a CAG I'm a cheap ass in general. For me being a CAG means to find games for less than $15 either through clearance sales or through ebay.
Being a CAG is when you have nothing to do, so you decide to go to Cheapassgamer.com to see if there are any games that are really cheap. END
[quote name='CheapyD']A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/quote]

not paying too much for games and ensuring others don't make that mistake either.

also making pretty drawings.
getting great games at a very low price and convincing small time video game shop owners that a rare game is only worth acouple of bucks. :twisted:
CAG means I now pay less than ten dollars on average for a new game.

It means posting in a forum about hard to believe deals, and reading about crazy deals too. It means talking to other cheapasses with silly/zany/sick/perverted/funny/goofy avatars about games, news, and just about anything else. It means living a cheapass lifestyle and CAG provides a place to brag.

Lets face it: what better place to brag about getting deals on games than the "bragging rights" forum on a deal discussion message board?
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