20,000th Registered CAG Contest Thread - Win $200 good at VideoGameDeals.com

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations Ledhead, the winner of the $200 www.VideoGameDeals.com voucher winner!

A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you. Do not post anything but a single entry in this thread.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry and post per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/b]
It means that I can buy twice the games and waste twice as much time. Hmm.. and with 20,000 pennies i could waste MORE bunches of time. HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!
Being a part of CAG means getting great deals, saving up my hard earned money and get to hang around with cool people like Cheapy! =D
CAG means that I can look forward to paying next month's credit card bills.

I used to buy a game every two months. It's now more like two games every month.
CAG is like the ticker on Wall Street, and posts are like the Journal. Sweet music. Thanks to CAG, the average price I spend on a game is only $14.15, and the average review rating on those games are 8.1/10.0! Better value and higher quality!
CAG means that I get awesome deals on games, which in turn allows me to save money and buy EVEN MORE GAMES.

I'm not sure my wallet would survive anymore without you, CAG.
CAG means not having to pay full price for not only games but everything else. It permits us all to express our inner cheapassness. It alos not only allows us to discuss our games but also our deals. In two words: CAG r0x!
I look forward to visiting CAG every day. Not only for the deals that are posted, but also for news, rumors, etc. Simply put, visiting CAG is part of my daily routine.
It means torture for me. I see these great prices almost every day many times multiple awesome deals for games that I really want. I yell out to my wife "But it's only 35 dollars with FREE shipping!!" And she responds with "Let me know when it's free with free shipping." So many games, such great prices, but only one wife. And she controls the money. It hurts bad. Yes, I have no backbone.
Being a CAG means being part of a gaming family, we my not always agree on every thing but we all have one thing in common, we all love videogames...and saving money. :)
CAG is another great deal site for me to check obsessively during the day - all in order to save some $$$ - and ocassionally get some good deals to post over on the Gone Gold forums.
CAG means Cheap Ass Gamer obviously. CAG is always my favorite place to surf everyday to hopefully get lucky and win a lottery. It has won me lots of money I saved and that means I can still be a Cheap ass and still get more games. thanks to you and the buddies through the website helping each other find good deals. Without this website, the Internet is such a lonely place. Now you've brightened my expectation in gaming as I'm saving as much 20-50 dollars due to differnet deals. Thanks and I see many more happy years with you guys. :)
CAG means my kids think I'm cool (at least temporarily) when I can pick up great games for a cheap price!
Thanks for all you guys do....everyone! :lol:
CAG means that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get the cheapest, best deals on games for yourself. CAG has the best information on cheap games and there is no other site that compares to it. CAG has made me a happy gamer and I tell all my friends about it. Thank you to CAG for being such a great tool for all types of video games.
CAG makes me a little more frugal with my video-gaming dollar. Getting two or three good games for what I would've payed for one is pretty cool. :wink:
Being a CAG means spending way more money on videogames than you ever would normally, but you just can't help yourself with all the great deals out there, but you never get to enjoy all the games you bought because you just keep getting more and more deals on games that you have always wanted, and you have a huge stack of unopened games, waiting to be played everytime a new order comes in, until you get to the point of just giving up on trying to play until you've graduated, raised a family, and retired... I love being a CAG!

After all, Videogames are Forever!
CheapAssGamer.com offers me great insight on cheap-ass deals. I hunt for deals daily, and use the tips posted to save my cheap-ass some big dollas, y'all!!!
CAG means being able to play as many of the games that I want in my salary range, especially in a shitty economy like the one we're in right now. If CAG wasn't around, I would never have been able to pick up a third of the games that I get.
Being a CAG means being able to afford games again. I have only been a member for a few months but I have saved a lot of money and gotten some games that I really wanted. I appreciate you guys a lot! :)
I love the tongue in cheekiness of CAG. Doesn't take itself seriously.

But I am a Cheap Ass so I think I fit in just fine. :lol:

like anyone is going to have the time check all the thousands of posts by the time this is done. It will probably happen like this

Cheapy talking to wife: Hey honey come over here. Yes Mr. Cheapy D. Come over here and click on one of these. Anything for you Mr. Clean.

Well if I am the lucky one that Mrs. Cheapy D picks.

Hello and thank you.
To me being a CAG means that if a game is more than $5, I must be getting ripped off. I haven't been able to pay for a game since the CC deal. This is a great place for us poor college students too.
To me, it means being able to share and take part in great gaming deals with the rest of the CAG community, which is definitely one of the best on the 'Net.
CAG, to me, is a great place to not only converse with fellow peers that share the same hobby as you (videogames), but it is also a place where you can learn to save hundreds of dollars on videogames and various other forms of entertainment like DVDs and computer parts. Thanks to CAG, I feel weird buying games for more than $20 now. Earlier this year, I started losing my touch with videogames. I didn't have any money, so I couldn't have any new games. But, thanks to all of the hot deals on here and trades with many nice people I would have never met if this place didn't exist, my videogame passion is fueled more than ever. I'm back in the groove, thanks to CAG.
This site means alot to my video game collection. I never imagined my collection would have gotten so large without it.

I've played a lot of titles I'd have normally passed on due to their initially high prices. But once again thanks to sites like this I can get them dirt cheap and be a happy ass gamer as well as a cheap ass gamer!

Thanks CheapyD! Love the site and keep it up!
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