20,000th Registered CAG Contest Thread - Win $200 good at VideoGameDeals.com

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations Ledhead, the winner of the $200 www.VideoGameDeals.com voucher winner!

A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you. Do not post anything but a single entry in this thread.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry and post per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/b]
CAG means buying a bunch of cheap games that I porbably shouldn't have, but then finding out that some of them were actually fun games.
I must say I didn't fully appreciate CAG until I was stuck in the middle east all summer and the computer I was using blocked my access to the site. I never feel comfortable buying anything unless I get a good deal on it and CAG makes finding good deals easy
What does CAG mean? I'll tell you what it means it means the best video game library I have ever owned. No more renting and trading in I buy and play. I come here 4 to 5 times a week and have found some AWESOME deals. I almost NEVER pay full price anymore. Check this out: http://users.ign.com/collection/RKR
:D :D :lol: THANKS CAG!!! :lol: :D :D
CAG means to me at least, a friendly community, and people that are willing to help you out with your cheap ass needs.
~el bobo!
CAG means a community in which you can search for deals and trades and you never have to pay full price again for a game :D That alone is worth a visit to CAG everytime I get on my PC.
Being a CAGer (to me) is all about supporting eachother and looking out for those of us whose wallets aren't exactly hugely stuffed right now. It's also about getting the biggest bang for your buck in the fastest way possible, all this is just the main feature of the site. We also do reviews, opinions and general chat here, it's just a great gaming community dedicated to helping eachother.

Plus my birthday is the 27th, so this would be an awesome birthday present! Either way the greatest gift is all the support that I've been given (quite freely I might add), especially these past few months while I've been in a real cash crunch.

Thanks is due to all of you (especially CheapyD!), take it easy guys!
Because of CAG, I can afford to get most of the games I want. It’s allowed me to pick up gems like Ikaruga and blockbusters like KOTOR. I can also receive free magazines, cheap DVD box sets, and PC Tech help.
To me CAG is almost a way of life. So many times have I wanted that certin game but spending $50 all the time just dosn't work out with me. So in that sense CAG means getting that one more game and impressing friends. It also allows more money to go to things like the car or the saveings account. So CAG affects alot of people in a much deeper way.

CAG Also affects the game makers in a big way too. If you look at it: CAG puts up a sweet deal on a game. Lets say 1,000+ people were to buy that game. Thats 1,000 * 20 (or so) = 20,000 more dollers for the game company. Which in return gives them a bigger budget allowing better games which we will buy more of, its a vicious loop.

So to me CAG CHANGES peoples way of life. For the better.
CAG is an incredible place. There's a great community here, which is always up to date on the latest deals and gaming news. It is also the only place where I could actually sell my Dew codes lol. Only at cheapassgamer could you get money for a bunch of pop caps...
Being a cheapass gamer means I can be envied by the owner of the game store -- literally !

On my four store hunt for dogs life /guilty gear reloaded, the actual store owner was behind the counter at electronics boutique. He and I bonded over the amusing antics of people who don't preorder and then complain when they go to a great many different stores looking for the game released that day {in this case it was the Sims 2, and know, considering why I was there the irony wasn't lost on me ;-)

So he and I are chatting back and forth about various games while I'm scouring the sale rack and people keep whining about the Sims 2 hunt who can't even figure out CD or DVD version want never mind why they didn't preorder. Eventually hit him that I own most of the esoteric games he dreams at night and by the time he got around to inviting himself to my house for my game collection I didn't have the heart to tell him how much I paid for them ;-)

Dogs life is kind of fun however has wicked motion sickness problems to the point of unplayability -- avoid like the plague if you've ever had motion sickness problems with any game.
Being a CAG is first and foremost about getting the most and best games for you dollar. Plus it is a good online community where we can discuss our addictions, show off our collections, and even discuss a thing or two about politics.
CAG means having the patience to wait and get the games I want at a low price and going out to get games I didn't particulary want just because they are cheap. And also seeing the happy look on my brothers face when I brought home NCAA Football 2004 for $5.
CAG is what I am
CAG is where all the fellow cheapass's unite
CAG is not only a site, but also a way of life
A CAG is someone who spends more time hunting for deals on games rather than play their backlog of games they already have.
CAG means alot to me because in the world that we are living in now is kinda hard to buy the things you want and to have a site that helps you save money for other uses like an education or taking your friend out to dinner, is an amazing thing to have. i greatly appreciate cheapyd for making such a great website ha and maybe when i go to college in new york in a year i might take cheapyd out to dinner with his wife since he help me save so much money on games. i'm not really intrested in the $200 i was thought that maybe this is a good time to post my thanks to a person whos helping us provide for ourselfs. cheapy may not know it but i bet there are people out there who love games with a passion and it's so hard for them to let go of it when they have a family with children and hes actually helping that person still be able to enjoy those games and provide for his family with food, clothes, etc....well i'm done i'm getting carried away thanks again Cheapyd i hope this site keeps growing.
well since I am new to the forums I just want this
site is awsome to bad toy rus sale because I didn't
know about until I eas reading gamefaqs forums
saw 50% off post plus since I found cag site
I have mark in favorites o
A CAG should jump on the best deals and use them for b-day gift or christmas gift. Most CAG has games they had bought but never opened.
CAG means getting all the info on everything gaming free! better then any magazine you pay for, O WAIT!!! we have a free magazine thread WHOOO WHOOOO!!!
CAG lets me afford games I could not normally, and introduces me to new things. I would not have been introduced to the magic that is ChoroQ if not for CAG.
Before coming to CheapAssGamer, I used to think that $35 for a new video game was an incredible deal. When I arrived here, the current deals were for games around the $5-15 price range. As a hardcore gamer, I used to think that good games were well worth the $50 I paid on release days. Through CheapAssGamer, I discovered that a little perseverance -- typically waiting a quarter-year -- saved me a good $15-20 per game. That completely changed my way of thinking, and my way of spending.

It sounds strange to say, but CheapAssGamer has taught me that the true value of a video game is much less than what I had thought; I don't place such monetary value and priority on video games anymore, but that's a good thing. This way of thinking has spread across my entire budget, and I've now learned to use money much more wisely than in the past.

My life has changed very much because I no longer spend as much of my money and time buying and playing video games. That's not to say that I don't still play games often, but I have cut down considerably and made way for other things in my life that have made me happier and more content. I never thought that coming to CheapAssGamer would have this effect on me -- in fact, I thought quite the opposite -- but I'm very glad to have learned a life lesson through this website (even if indirectly).

I may not be a hardcore gamer anymore, but a chance for $200 is still something I want to get. The best part is knowing that if I win, $200 doesn't mean only 4 games anymore; I can now squeeze 6-10 games out of that amount!
CAG is the only place to go for when I want to get my hands on games I wouldn't be able to afford, or games I wouldn't want to get for the full price. There's always tons of great deals here, and I've never felt like I've wasted my time here coming to find some good gaming deals.
What CAG means to me, By CanesTim:

My ass is broke and I have been unemployed for four months. When you take the derivative of that, you can see that CanesTim is equal to a cheapassgamer.
It's surprising in its subtlety. I came to CAG early this year for the deals, and lurked for several months following. I figured that I hadn't found any pricecuts or sales on my own, so really - why post? What did I have to contribute?

Much later, though, I ran into a fellow CAG at CC, during their $5 sale in July. We talked for probably forty-five minutes, just walking around the store and finding games. Afterwards, he let me buy a $5 game off him, and we ended up trading some more later on. This is when I learned what the heart of CAG really was: the community.

Most everyone on CAG works together, helping each other find deals, supplying the games if they can't be purchased locally, trading between friends. Discussing games and offering up opinions, whether this game that just dropped to ten dollars is really worth it. Even the off-topic forum, where you can discuss pretty much everything.

I've met some great people on CAG in my limited time here, and I have no doubt that I'll continue to do so. It may be based around the deals, but it's the community that makes it worthwhile.
Being a CAG is important to me. I could tell you i'm in college and have a girlfriend and leave it at that, but yeah. I love those opportunities where I just can't pass a game up due to it's low price in whatever way, even if I wasn't planning on buying the game to begin with. I guess i'll leave it at that instead. :eek:
CAG is one of the few things I look forward to every morning. What will CheapyG have in store? CAG is that little mental vacation.
Cheapassgamer always has the most up to date deals online. I don't post on the forum much , but I visit the site every single day. And thanks to everyone here I have increase my collection so much that I don't have time to play even a 1/4 of them. Keep up the good work everyone.
For almost one year, CAG has helped me out in finding many great deals on games. Especially GameCube, which I have found tons of great deals on. Best one to date being the TRU 50% off green tag items. If I hadn't been coming to this site, I would've learned about the clearance just a little too late and probably wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the amount of games I got.
to me it means being able to get information on the bes tdeals all through one location, while interacting with a group of versatile people, as passionate or even more so about videogames than i am.
CAG - It's about good people helping each other to get good deals on good games. Well, sometimes they're good games. Othertimes, well, they're just trade fodder. :)
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