2013 Thrift Store Thread

Salvation Army here today put out a boxed NES with the easy to find dime a dozen Mario/Duck Hunt for the low price of $99.99. Woman working there claimed that Wal-Mart and Best Buy sells these "for far more." I had to walk away from that vast amount of stupidity that came spewing from her mouth.
Better question, Why shop at a store owned and operated by one of the largest cults in America?

[quote name="N_S_Sherlock" post="10847773" timestamp="1371779551"][quote name="Angry Man" post="10847618" timestamp="1371775243"]Salvation Army here today put out a boxed NES with the easy to find dime a dozen Mario/Duck Hunt for the low price of $99.99. Woman working there claimed that Wal-Mart and Best Buy sells these "for far more." I had to walk away from that vast amount of stupidity that came spewing from her mouth.
Better question, Why shop at a store owned and operated by one of the largest cults in America?
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I believe he was using cult to denote its obvious religious (Christian) Mission statement. [/QUOTE]
I'm well aware of what he was trying to say. Just having a religious mission does not make it a cult, though.

I don't agree with the Salvation Army on a lot of things, but I'm happy to shop at their stores when I go out thrifting. The stores provide jobs and the prices are usually reasonable at the one near me. The fact that they bring their food truck into poor areas and give food to needy people with no strings attached seems like a positive thing also.
[/QUOTE]Actually, as a Christian, any religion very much fits the definition of a cult.

I love using 4satruck.org, makes donating those heavy and bulky items that much easier.

Minor pick up yesterday at GW, :pc: World of Goo for $3.  Not an incredible steal, but still the cheapest option (technically free if I wanted to be unsavory and return it after I installed the game), and one of those wall of shame games I've always wanted to play.

wait, is the sega cdx worth a lot or something?

We have one just sitting in the closet, lol.
No, it's worthless. But I'll give you a $25 Amazon gift card for it. ;)
On a serious note, where can I find out how much something like that is worth?
No, really, it's worth a $25 Amazon gift card. (I really want one)

I'd check eBay completed listings to get a rough idea. Hopefully the link works.


Damn, lol, almost $200 for something just sitting in the closet. Guess ill talk to the g/f and see if she wants to try and sell it, lol.

I'm well aware of what he was trying to say. Just having a religious mission does not make it a cult, though.

I don't agree with the Salvation Army on a lot of things, but I'm happy to shop at their stores when I go out thrifting. The stores provide jobs and the prices are usually reasonable at the one near me. The fact that they bring their food truck into poor areas and give food to needy people with no strings attached seems like a positive thing also.
Sticking this in a spoiler because it's off-topic:
"Cult" is rather subjective; every religion is considered a cult to somebody. Whether or not you consider Christianity to be a cult, the church of Salvation Army is rather questionable (keep that in mind: they are not merely affiliated with religion, they are a full-fledged church). It may be worth noting that they teach their employees evangelicalism as a weapon in "spiritual warfare". Hell, they even have War College. They also have some restrictive marriage policies.

Also, it's no secret that they have an anti-homosexual/transgender stance, refusing to provide them with any sort of aid. Gay people are allowed to work there, but they can't receive benefits. Some officials have even said that people of the LGBT community should be put to death (here's just one example). Just a couple of years ago, they threw a woman out of one of their homeless shelters for being transgender, leading to her death. There have also been numerous reports of child abuse, sexual assault, and rape at the hands of Salvation Army members, many of which incidents were covered up for years by the corporation.

It's nice that Salvation Army uses some of their money to help some people ("no-strings attached" is a bit inaccurate), but it doesn't outweigh all of the bad things they've done and continue to do. Cult or not (but definitely a cult), fuck the Salvation Army.
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I'm well aware of what he was trying to say. Just having a religious mission does not make it a cult, though.

I don't agree with the Salvation Army on a lot of things, but I'm happy to shop at their stores when I go out thrifting. The stores provide jobs and the prices are usually reasonable at the one near me. The fact that they bring their food truck into poor areas and give food to needy people with no strings attached seems like a positive thing also.
Sticking this in a spoiler because it's off-topic:
"Cult" is rather subjective; every religion is considered a cult to somebody. Whether or not you consider Christianity to be a cult, the church of Salvation Army is rather questionable (keep that in mind: they are not merely affiliated with religion, they are a full-fledged church). It may be worth noting that they teach their employees evangelicalism as a weapon in "spiritual warfare". Hell, they even have War College. They also have some restrictive marriage policies.

Also, it's no secret that they have an anti-homosexual/transgender stance, refusing to provide them with any sort of aid. Gay people are allowed to work there, but they can't receive benefits. Some officials have even said that people of the LGBT community should be put to death (here's just one example). Just a couple of years ago, they threw a woman out of one of their homeless shelters for being transgender, leading to her death. There have also been numerous reports of child abuse, sexual assault, and rape at the hands of Salvation Army members, many of which incidents were covered up for years by the corporation.

It's nice that Salvation Army uses some of their money to help some people ("no-strings attached" is a bit inaccurate), but it doesn't outweigh all of the bad things they've done and continue to do. Cult or not (but definitely a cult), fuck the Salvation Army.

I think I know where WBC got started......

back on topic, found some decent :xbox: games, but the discs were scratched to hell, so no buy.

I picked up a dreamcast controller with a vmu and memory card in it for $5 the other day, other than that I haven't found anything lately
Yesterday I picked up a Land of the Giants tin lunch box for a $1 at GoodWIll, and I also some dude stealing the cover art of all the PS2 games.

Wow has it been 2 weeks since my Pokemon Black find?!

GW1- stack of N64 games.........all sports and no system or controllers to be found  :censored:

GW2- SNES with rf adapter and Super Gameboy taped to it. $20, highest Ive seen at this GW in along time! Still bought it cus I have extra controllers and cables. No games to be found though.

EDIT- I think I blew the fuse on both of my SNES  :bomb: . I have 2 of those white Radioshack ac adapters that actually have the right voltage, the problem is you can replace the tips....and thus possibly can reverse the tips negative/positive. I tried the first one and the SNES powered right on. Plug the other SNES and adapter in and nothing. Plug that adapter into the new SNES....nothing. Try the first adapter on both...NOTHING! I seem to have extra fuses so I ordered a new bit screwdriver with some Amazon credit. Will have to bust out the ole soldering iron sometime!

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This is what I found at my local Salvation Army after finishing watching the MLP Movie; all disc are in good condition and this is my first PS1 Longbox. Is there any way I can clean the PS Cd case? NES: (all were priced $1.64 I always pick up NES games to use as trade in credit for local retro stores) Anticipation, Wheel of Fortune, Wrestlemania, Win, Draw or Lose. PS2: RibbitKing ($3.84), Max Payne ($1.64), The Adventures of Cookie & Cream ($3.84). PS1: Nba Live 1996 Longbox ($2.84) and PS Cd Case ($2.84).


This is what I found at my local Salvation Army after finishing watching the MLP Movie; all disc are in good condition and this is my first PS1 Longbox. Is there any way I can clean the PS Cd case? NES: (all were priced $1.64 I always pick up NES games to use as trade in credit for local retro stores) Anticipation, Wheel of Fortune, Wrestlemania, Win, Draw or Lose. PS2: RibbitKing ($3.84), Max Payne ($1.64), The Adventures of Cookie & Cream ($3.84). PS1: Nba Live 1996 Longbox ($2.84) and PS Cd Case ($2.84).


you could clean it with a very very small amount if goo gone, or use a hairdryer to loosen the sticky stuff and just pick it off with you fingernail (its messy but works).

Didn't find much of anything at a store near me. I did see a PSX with 2 controllers and cords for $25. Is that a good price?

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Didn't find much of anything at a store near me. I did see a PSX with 2 controllers and cords for $25. Is that a good price?
If its an actual psx it looks likes those are going for 100+ broken on eBay.

I found Mario 1, 2, and dr. Mario for $8 total today. Dr. Mario was only missing the manual. Even had the styrofoam in the box.
PS1s just sit on the shelves around here marked $5-$15 all the time. Any PS2 or PS3 plays those games so nobody wants a PS1 these days.

If its an actual psx it looks likes those are going for 100+ broken on eBay.
This has been something that has confused me. The PSX was the one with composite out right? I have one I picked up on the super cheap to flip but didn't see it was doing well. Can you shoot me a completed listing so I can compare mine to it?

That is the first I've ever seen of that. I've always referred to the PSX as the playstation that had the composite output. Had no idea THAT was a real thing.

Also after looking a bit, this seems like a Japan only release so that explains its scarcity.
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On the note of odd PS1 systems, anyone here ever own / seen a Net Yaroze?  I remember reading about that in PSM years ago as the console programming revolution, but it never really caught on (obviously because it was a $750 PS1).

Anyways, here were my finds so far this week, $2 each.  If only it was MML2 and SoR3, but can't complain either way.  Playing these again brought back some serious nostalgia, as they were both some of my favorite games for their respective platforms.


On the note of odd PS1 systems, anyone here ever own / seen a Net Yaroze? I remember reading about that in PSM years ago as the console programming revolution, but it never really caught on (obviously because it was a $750 PS1).
I remember that PSN article, because it inspired me to paint my PS1 flat black, because it looked so much cooler than grey.

Nice pickup a little earlier today from the county thrift store. Picked up a guitar hero Aerosmith guitar and a guitar hero world guitar for $4.50. Both are for 360, wireless, and work just fine :)
Not video game related but just moved to the Hilton Head Island (SC) area and this place is a mecca for thrift shops.

In the past week I've bought: 

-2 Nike ThermaFit Hoodies - brand new - $3.99 each.....retail for $70

-Pair of vintage Nike AirMaxes - decent condition - $3....going rate for them now is around $100+ on eBay.

Just gotta know what to look for.

Update from last post- Model 1 SNES= all cleaned up and fuse replaced. Model 2 SNES= DEAD, kept the shell just incase I find a beat up Model 2 in the future. 

Today- saw N64/PS2/SNES games........all sports crap. Digging through the bins I found a NES with controller for $10. Needs a cleaning, good thing I just got that Gamebit screwdriver from Amazon!

I found a PSX for .50. No cords or anything, but I already have a PSX, and just got this one for a spare.
At the same time I picked up Guitar Hero 3, XBox 360 version, for another .50
LOL im only 2 posts back but here goes-

2 system only slim PS2s- $6 apiece, one doesnt have a "Line" input and the other does. I didnt know they removed them.

The Getaway for PS2, complete- $3

Street League Nyjah Huston finger skateboard, brand new- $2, had total flashbacks of 8th grade and had to get it.

Found Omega Boost complete for ps1 for 1.99 and Worms Armageddon disc only for .99. Already had Worms but was cheap enough to be worth it as trade bait.
Went for a drive and on the way back, spotted a thrift store.
We stopped in, I found a game guide for Zelda Twilight Princess (GameCube) - 50 cents
Hubby went poking around and found a box with a Playstation one, labeled as is, parts only along with all cables and and controller and a demo disk. $4.00. I just brought it home and played Gran Turismo. I got a $4 Playstation bundle!

Then hit my local goodwill, and found a Platinum GameCube with cables, gameboy player attachment, startup disk and link cable for $4.97.

Had a pretty good day thrift shopping today!
There's a small, small thrift store right across the street. I've been living here over a year and never peeked. Although, through the windows all I see are baggy and old clothes. Never went in. I love hearing success stories. But, I'm scared to go in. Should I?

I don't see what reason you could possibly have for not going in. If it sucks, you know to not go back. The place could secretly be full of murderers, but the same could be said for any other building.
The best part was after I looked at it, a reseller came in and got really excited then saw the price tag and lost her shit and started screaming at all the employees. Nothing is better than watching a reseller get a taste off their own medicine! 

Well to be fair, the people that shop at goodwill are generally very wealthy and can easily afford to pay 4 times the ebay price for a dirty nintendo with no games

I think this photo I took yesterday speaks for itself....
Yikes, $250 for a dirty NES? That's crazy. LOL Is each accessory labeled $24.99 or $249.99?
I see part of the price tag on the NES Advantage.
Is that Goodwill in a not so great part of town?

I've noticed that the goodwill in a nice neighborhood that I go to all the time has really low prices, while the 2 further away and in the bad part of town have ridiculously high prices. Anyone else's goodwill have weird pricing differences?
Its $249.99 for all of it. There was a stack of common games but they were $6 each.

It was in like a middle class town but the inside of the store is extremely unorganized and dirty
Yikes, $250 for a dirty NES? That's crazy. LOL Is each accessory labeled $24.99 or $249.99?
I see part of the price tag on the NES Advantage.
Is that Goodwill in a not so great part of town?

I've noticed that the goodwill in a nice neighborhood that I go to all the time has really low prices, while the 2 further away and in the bad part of town have ridiculously high prices. Anyone else's goodwill have weird pricing differences?
Yeah, The one near my house (Relatively bad neighborhood) prices every game, No matter how old or crappy at $4.99, Including a copy of Madden 2001 that has been sitting there since the store opened in April, And if it's on a cartridge, They put it in the display case and put a $10 price sticker on it.

However, The one out by the local mall and subdivision prices every game at $1.99 and doesn't check the values at all, I've found Black Label FFVII's and NASCAR Racing 2003 for $1.99 each there on multiple occasions.

My closest goodwill prices their games at $4.99 mostly though a few times I have found higher prices on old cart games. I once saw a boxed complete NES with 9 boxed games (mostly commons best game there was super mario bros 2 boxed) some older guy actually paid 149.99 for it. I needed a spare N64 system and I found a normal one with two controllers (a broken red joypad and a normal grey controller) av/ac cables thought the console itself was dirty I got it for $14.99 I have cleaned it up and use it to game on while my clear Grey N64 sits in showcase mode.

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last weekend i picked up

Sonic All Star Racing (wii)- 3.99

Dragon Ballz Tenkaichi 2 (wii)- 3.99

Civilization V guide-$1.00

PS1 Memory card-.50

Mad Catz 'Legacy Console' GS cord thing (sealed)- $1.00

kicking myself for not picking up a N64 with no video cable or controller...for 10 bucks

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After another dry spell, I had a pretty decent haul today.  I wasn't even planning on going, since we are trying to cut back on spending, but I'm glad I stopped in.

The big winner for tonight was a box that happened to come out from the back shortly after we got up there: A box of Genesis stuff. I didn't see it at first, and some younger guys were eyeing it up for I got to it.  As soon as I saw a few of the games and one of the guys with his phone out, I was about to start kicking myself.  Then by some stroke of luck, he put everything back into the box and walked away.  Without hesitation, I swept in and snatched it up.  Here's what it had in it, for $30 (actually $24 after 20% discount):


The contents:

One Genesis 1 console with RF and AC adapter.

One extra AC adapter

Five controllers, some third party, some not.

One controller extension

One sealed PS1 video cord (???)

Games (Cart only):

Sonic 3

Pigskin Footbrawl

Joe Montana Football

Road Rash 2 (small cart)


Games (CIB):

The Little Mermaid


Sonic & Knuckles

Sonic 1

Sonic 2

Sonic 3

Road Rash 2 (EA big cart)

Road Rash 3

NHLPA Hockey 93


Desert Strike

Toy Story

Sonic 3D Blast

Sonic Spinball (sealed w/ TRU security tag)

Castlevania Bloodlines

I'll post the rest of my pick-ups tomorrow.

After another dry spell, I had a pretty decent haul today. I wasn't even planning on going, since we are trying to cut back on spending, but I'm glad I stopped in.

The big winner for tonight was a box that happened to come out from the back shortly after we got up there: A box of Genesis stuff. I didn't see it at first, and some younger guys were eyeing it up for I got to it. As soon as I saw a few of the games and one of the guys with his phone out, I was about to start kicking myself. Then by some stroke of luck, he put everything back into the box and walked away. Without hesitation, I swept in and snatched it up. Here's what it had in it, for $30 (actually $24 after 20% discount):


The contents:

One Genesis 1 console with RF and AC adapter.

One extra AC adapter

Five controllers, some third party, some not.

One controller extension

One sealed PS1 video cord (???)

Games (Cart only):

Sonic 3

Pigskin Footbrawl

Joe Montana Football

Road Rash 2 (small cart)


Games (CIB):

The Little Mermaid


Sonic & Knuckles

Sonic 1

Sonic 2

Sonic 3

Road Rash 2 (EA big cart)

Road Rash 3

NHLPA Hockey 93


Desert Strike

Toy Story

Sonic 3D Blast

Sonic Spinball (sealed w/ TRU security tag)

Castlevania Bloodlines

I'll post the rest of my pick-ups tomorrow.
As long as that wasn't the Robinson goodwill, I'm cool with that... But why did the guy put it back...

bread's done