2014 Yardsale thread

yeah sorry posted the video in 2 spots, figured some people only check one thread, and it was kind of a mix of thrift and yard sale finds. Should have another video up in another day or 2, was kind of fun to make a video 

Not too happy right now. Got a few decent deals. I thought I great deal with these GBA games for $15 however it turns out they're fake. There were in transparent cases when I saw them and didn't look to see that the official Nintendo deal wasn't on it. Should I go back now and ask for a refund? Or are they worth anything on eBay? 

Got the FF PS2 games for $7 total. The 12" digital picture frame was $10, a 14mp Sony camera was $12



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Not too happy right now. Got a few decent deals. I thought I great deal with these GBA games for $15 however it turns out they're fake. There were in transparent cases when I saw them and didn't look to see that the official Nintendo deal wasn't on it. Should I go back now and ask for a refund? Or are they worth anything on eBay?
Got the FF PS2 games for $7 total. The 12" digital picture frame was $10, a 14mp Sony camera was $12


Part if the reason things are cheap at yard sales is because there are no returns. Caveat emptor.
I have returned things successfully. :p But I wouldn't expect them to take those back...they probably had no idea they were bootlegs in the first place.

I have returned things successfully. :p But I wouldn't expect them to take those back...they probably had no idea they were bootlegs in the first place.
Those are really bad fakes though. I mean come on bootleggers you can't at least use the correct labels? I've replaced the labels on some Pokemon games that had no labels and it's really not that hard to get good results (and yes, before anyone asks I do always tell people they're repro labels)
Definitely don't sell them on eBay, lmao. Take it as a lesson to actually inspect stuff you buy. Those are really obvious.

Did okay today. Not great but could have been worse:

Hi Hamtaro (DS): 1.00

Columns (Gen) cib
Castle of Illusion (Gen) (cart and box, no manual)

4.00 for the pair

4 PS1 games for 2.00, all complete in nice shape

Aces of the Air
Lego Racers
Sim City 2000
Coolboarders 4

10 DVDs for 8.50, 5 of them Criterionz (Written on the Wind, M, Bigger Than Life, Black Moon, Stranger Than Paradise), 5 others (Thief, I Love You Phillip Morris, 2046, The Ref sealed, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore)

Did ok, have wanted Castle of Illusion and 5 Criterions are nice but pretty meh day for hitting 32 sales.
Good news. Got my money back. The women running the yard sale were shocked shocked because they thought they bought them new for their kids, but they were nice and didn't argue or anything.
The problem is that people buy games for their kids on eBay and have no idea what they are getting , they never see the game and have no clue what a bootleg looks like because they just take the game and hand it right to their kids. The other problem is that most bootlegs don't work properly and some don't even fit in the system so I have no idea why the kids didnt complain about the game not working right. I seem to remember these bootleg carts being physically thicker than regular GBA games so you had to force them into the system.
Finally had some time to update from the past week. I did alright ;)

I picked up this HUGE lot of Sims 2 expansions today. The asking price was $2 per game so I naturally offered $10 for all of it. After the lady thinking about it, she said sure. I ended up with:
Sims 2
Sims 2 Expansion: University (with Guide)
Sims 2 Expansion: Home Fashion Stuff
Sims 2 Expansion: Happy Holidays Stuff
Sims 2 Expansion: Ikea Home Stuff
Sims 2 Expansion: Pets (with Guide)
Sims 2 Expansion: Bon Voyage (with Guide)
Sims 2 Expansion: Open for Business
Sims 2 Expansion: Celebration Stuff
Sims 2 Expansion: Kitchen and Bath Interior Design Stuff
Sims 2 Expansion: Nightlife
Sims 2 Expansion: Glamour Life Stuff
Sims 2 Expansion: Family Fun Stuff
Sims 2 Expansion: Teen Style Stuff
Sims 2 Expansion: Freetime
Sims 2 Expansion: Seasons
Sims 2 Expansion: Mansions and Gardens Stuff
Sims 2 Expansion: Apartment Life
Sims Medieval
and... Sly 3 for PS2?
Not bad for $10 though.

Headed to this yard sale today and found some board games for my son. No real story though. I picked up:
Hi, Ho! Cherry-O
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Game
Brown Bear - Panda Bear, What do you See? Game
Go Diego Go! Chutes and Ladders
Kidz Cardz

Not a bad find here at all. Pulled up to this sale before work and asked if they had any game stuff after not seeing anything really out and the guy there asked if I was into RPG and tabletop. After talking for a bit he said he had a bunch of books he'd be looking to get rid of. He pulled out a few guides and a stack of Forgotten Realms books. I offered him $10 for the lot and got the following:
Diablo III for Consoles
Tomb Raider
Fallout 3 GOTY Edition
Assassin's Creed IV
Kingdoms of Amular
Forgotten Realms Books:
Lords of Darkness
Unapproachable East
Magic of Faeron
Races of Faeron
Faiths and Pantheons
City of Splendors: Waterdeep
Forgotten Realms Campaign Book
He said he had a bunch more and took my number. Here's hoping he calls back!

I was at this sale and immediately saw the game controller. I looked around a bit more and then found some DVDs and Games marked $0.50 each. I bundled the controller and a hot wheels for my dad and offered $5. I got:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows (DVD)(sealed)
Bourne Identity (DVD)
Bourne Supremacy (DVD)
A Walk to Remember (DVD)
Chasing Amy (DVD)
What Women Want (DVD)
Tak and the Power of Juju (PS2)
Sitting Ducks (PS2)
Hot Wheels Showroom
Pink Xbox 360 control
After looking a bit, the controller has been modded it seems. it doesn't look like the original case and the middle light has been changed to a blue LED instead of the traditional green. However, it works just fine!

This was a nice find. I found a bunch of things at this sale before but this was a nice one to go up there. I picked up a large lot of vinyl for $2. Highlights were Michael Jackson, Prince, Quincy Jones, Rick James, and Herbie Hancock. Good stuff!
Prince is watching you...

Good news. Got my money back. The women running the yard sale were shocked shocked because they thought they bought them new for their kids, but they were nice and didn't argue or anything.
That's cool that you got your money back, but you should know that that is by far the exception.

If I ran a sale and someone tried to return something is probably laugh in their face. That being said, I wouldn't knowingly sell bootleg anything.
Not too happy right now. Got a few decent deals. I thought I great deal with these GBA games for $15 however it turns out they're fake. There were in transparent cases when I saw them and didn't look to see that the official Nintendo deal wasn't on it. Should I go back now and ask for a refund? Or are they worth anything on eBay?

Got the FF PS2 games for $7 total. The 12" digital picture frame was $10, a 14mp Sony camera was $12


Please dont try to sell it on ebay.

Not too happy right now. Got a few decent deals. I thought I great deal with these GBA games for $15 however it turns out they're fake. There were in transparent cases
The transparent cases are dead giveaway for bootlegs (if the labels weren't already enough of a red flag). The Chinese seem to think GBA games came in those cases, so all their bootlegs come in them. That's why the cart only "new" Pokemon games on Amazon all state they come with a case...
There are so many of these bootleg games around its unreal, I have seen them at gamestop many times, employees don't know the difference. I have also seen DS bootlegs at GS, though not as many. If you are buying any GBA games anywhere you have to watch for bootlegs.
I got a bootleg Dragon Quest V at Gamestop last year. I was able to exchange it though and went to an employee who knew me to make sure it was properly disposed of.
I got a bootleg Dragon Quest V at Gamestop last year. I was able to exchange it though and went to an employee who knew me to make sure it was properly disposed of.
I bought a bootleg 360 game at Gamestop last year! First and only one I have ever seen, I was paranoid my Xbox Live account was going to get banned. On the dashboard it showed the Game and Title, but when you clicked to play it it gave a message to the effect of "Please insert and authentic game disc to play" and kicked back to the Dashboard when it then read "Play DVD" instead of "Play GOW Judgement". On careful inspection the label was slightly blurry. Unfortunately, this was a day or two after the game came out and I used coupons to buy it so they did not have one to exchange it for and the coupons went to waste.
IDK if I've bought any bootlegs. I've bought non licensed stuff like those weird NES powder blue carts and some atari stuff.

This weekend was kind of strange. I found things I would actualy use...2 Wooden shevling units, 6 3-drawer plastic storage bins (at 3 different sales), drum heads (though I haven't touched my drums for 15 years), disc golf discs (at 2 different sales), disc golf basket (a few rusty chains, but worth it for $8. He was asking $10 -even cheap ones cost $100), oh and a GPS. I'm not sure if the GPS is working or not, but if it is, it will come in handy. ;)

I'm just happy to have the storage bins. I have so many controllers that need proper storage.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I also got a platter that belongs to my vintage plates pattern. Yes I have a pattern. You got a problem with that?! :speaktothehand:

I'm going to be behind on pics (I did actually buy some low end games), but I am looking forward to seeing what you all found!

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Hit up one close to my house as it advertised video games and DVDs. Decent haul, but nothing great...

Got a ziploc bag with two PS2 controllers (actually one might be PSone as it's grey, I never followed PS stuff a ton), a multitap and an 8mb memory card. All first party. $1 for all.

Fight Club on DVD (two disc collector's edition) $2

two third party PS2 GH controllers for $3 each

and outside there was some free stuff of which I snagged two third party PS/PS2 dance pads.

Last year, I got an N64 + like 3 Mario games for $3. Not apiece; $3 for everything.

Earlier that year, I'd gone to a yard sale with a whole table of video games (games only, no console) and the kid who was selling them had gone inside I guess so I asked the parent how much and I was told 50 cents apiece so I bought everything :D

And now, just today, I went to a yard sale where some kid was selling an original DS for $30. (He also had a bunch of games going for eBay prices) He wouldn't go any lower. I passed it up. THE VERY NEXT SALE I went to had a Nintendo DS LITE for $15 + about 20 games for $1 ea. The seller counted the actual cartridges because she wasn't sure that they were all there (there were only like 12) and I bought the lot. Might it add, I bought the NEWER ds and 12ish games for less than I would have paid for the bad condition- older DS.



I have notice in my area they keep saying well this is what ebay is selling it for. Even the reseller had tables setup with games and movies.
I went to a yard sale and this guy was selling a bunch of Wii games so I asked about them and he wouldn't sell them to me bc he wanted to sell them with the Wii which, by the way, wasn't anywhere in sight. His kid was more reasonable than him price-wise. He also wanted to sell me an original xBox for like $30ish.

This is why I only pay the price I would pay for a broken item, I assume everything is broken if it can't be tested. I rarely or never get burned by following this rule.
Today's yard sale finds: I didn't find very many games, but I did manage to score a Pokemon FireRed and a Pokemon Crystal.


This is why I only pay the price I would pay for a broken item, I assume everything is broken if it can't be tested. I rarely or never get burned by following this rule.
That's a really good idea. I mean, I always try to bargain but I guess I'm too trusting sometimes. Honestly, I doubt the lady selling it even knew it was broken though; it was her son's. Either way, it was pretty cheap and I could sell the games to make up for it, or trade in some of the games to eStarland (it's my local video game store - better than GS, they have older stuff too :D ) and get a working DS.

Thanks for the tip! :)

That sucks. I always test electronics out first before trying them now. I have bought at least 10 things this summer that were not as described in some way, mainly being completely broken.
Well, the DS was not charged so I couldn't really test it. I asked the person selling and she was like 'oh yeah it works' but I guess not? Yeah, I've bought quite a few items that didn't work as described. Since there's really not much else to do with the DS now I think I'm gonna try to fix it. I mean, the worst that can happen is it breaks and I am out $15. Best case - it works :)

Anyway, I could always use it as a GBA. Not sure yet.

Today's yard sale finds: I didn't find very many games, but I did manage to score a Pokemon FireRed and a Pokemon Crystal.

omg I love Frogger! GBC games were freaking amazing! My older sister (she's like 24) used to have one when we were younger and I took it and played with it - she had PKMN Blue version - and eventually lost it. Oops. I did end up buying her a new one though.

That Pikachu is fraking adorable, dude.

How much did you pay for your finds, if you don't mind me asking? I love yardsale stories :)

omg I love Frogger! GBC games were freaking amazing! My older sister (she's like 24) used to have one when we were younger and I took it and played with it - she had PKMN Blue version - and eventually lost it. Oops. I did end up buying her a new one though.

That Pikachu is fraking adorable, dude.

How much did you pay for your finds, if you don't mind me asking? I love yardsale stories :)
Everything in the picture was $18 total. Pikachu was $1 at a church sale, Pokemon FireRed was $2, Calvin & Hobbes was 25 cents, Atari 2600 joystick was 50 cents, Game Genie 25 cents, PSone was $2, and GPS was $2. The small toys were free.

The DS game is just an empty case, but the guy just let me have it. PRO TIP: If you discover an empty case at a yard sale, pretend that you want to buy the game. Before you pay, open the case and say "Uh oh, looks like the game is missing." Nine times out of 10, they'll just give you the empty case for free.

I bought the Gameboy Color games from a kid who wanted $10 for all of them. I have a personal rule to not haggle with kids, but I did ask him to throw in the Snorlax for free, and he accepted :)

At the sale where I bought FireRed, there was this 50-year old woman with a thick Texas accent that would NOT shut up. She picked up a DVD of the first TMNT movie and said "What is this, NINJIN Turtles? The old NINJIN Turtles? I should buy this as a gag gift, HARHARHAR!" I've never wanted punch someone so badly in my entire life.

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Everything in the picture was $18 total. Pikachu was $1 at a church sale, Pokemon FireRed was $2, Calvin & Hobbes was 25 cents, Atari 2600 joystick was 50 cents, Game Genie 25 cents, PSone was $2, and GPS was $2. The small toys were free.

The DS game is just an empty case, but the guy just let me have it. PRO TIP: If you discover an empty case at a yard sale, pretend that you want to buy the game. Before you pay, open the case and say "Uh oh, looks like the game is missing." Nine times out of 10, they'll just give you the empty case for free.

I bought the Gameboy Color games from a kid who wanted $10 for all of them. I have a personal rule to not haggle with kids, but I did ask him to throw in the Snorlax for free, and he accepted :)

At the sale where I bought FireRed, there was this 50-year old woman with a thick Texas accent that would NOT shut up. She picked up a DVD of the first TMNT movie and said "What is this, NINJIN Turtles? The old NINJIN Turtles? I should buy this as a gag gift, HARHARHAR!" I've never wanted punch someone so badly in my entire life.
Wow that's a pretty good deal! I'll try that case tip, thanks.

I don't usually haggle with younger kids, but kids my age I'm cool with haggling. Once I was at a yard sale and there were these two adorable kids, probably 5 or 6? and they were having their own yard sale and the girl had a horrible condition bag and the boy had a ripped up pokemon book, both of which I bought because when I was a kid, I used to have impromptu garage sales, to which nobody would come. xD

Oh gosh I cannot tell you how many people at yard sales I've wanted to punch. Some people are so darn obnoxious ugh.

Yeah I really don't get why people don't charge their DS systems before selling them, it's not like someone is gonna buy them when they are dead. If it's not a charged system then I assume it's a broken system that doesn't work. I tried to buy a DSI XL last year, kid said it worked, popped in a game and it wouldn't read the game no matter what, I sure caught that kid in a lie ( I am sure some other poor soul bought it and it didn't work for them).....

These systems have too many problems to try and buy them used at a sale I think, kids BEAT UP these systems in ways you cannot even imagine..

Honestly that is probably true about the parents, they hand their kid something then they never see it again, they don't know how to test or use the system so they never touch it so they don't really know if it works or not.

Got my work schedule for my new job! It looks like for the next 2 months I'll be able to yard sale...but after that I probably won't be able to for 1-2 years.....I better make the most of it these next two months  :cry:

If you tried to return something at a sale I did , I'd tell yo to goto hell. Seriously, accept responsibility for your actions, it's a garage sale almost everything is second hand, it's not walmart.

A person who sells bootlegs at a yard sale is not being honest either whether they know they are fakes or not. Yes it's my responsibility as a buyer to know what I am buying as well but if I was selling it i would clearly mark it as unofficial games or something. Fakes can cause problems with the GBA consoles too as the games are too thick for the system and this can damage the connector on the system. That isn't as much of an issue now that GBA's are dirt cheap though.
I will return something if it is advertised as working and it doesnt work. It depends how much I spend, but I've definitely done it in the past. If they "aren't sure if it works", then I use that to offer less. If they say it works and it doesn't, I am heading back to their sale.

If you tried to return something at a sale I did , I'd tell yo to goto hell. Seriously, accept responsibility for your actions, it's a garage sale almost everything is second hand, it's not walmart.
I agree to a point, but I think it depends on whether people are bullshitting, guaranteeing stuff works and what price they're asking for the stuff (and in general what the thing is)

Plus, those people know where you live so I don't think it would be too smart to just go right into dick mode.

It's really pretty simple. If it is at a yard sale, assume it doesn't work unless they prove otherwise. If they can't or won't show you it works then they need to price it like it doesn't. If they don't offer a low enough price then don't buy it.
As for the GBA games. I honestly wouldn't expect parents running it to know if a game is bootleg or not. Would you expect them to know if the Pokemon cards are bootleg too?

That would be like if at a yardsale I was selling some crystal whatevers, pocket books, shoes or something for my sister. The best I could say is that my sister said they are real. I would have no idea how to check if that pair of shoes are real or knock off's.

Okay - well this week was a so/so week. Not a lot of game stuff, but I did at least get a few things for the apartment like a dresser and a little chest.


Gameboy Color w/ pokemon yellow, game and watch gallery 2, 3 other junk games, carrying case and light

Finding Nemo on DVD


Wii-Fit in Box

Mario Kart Double Dash


Star Wars Lego 1 for Gamecube

Star Wars Lego 2 for GameCube

Gamecube remote

Official Japanese Wii cleaning kit


5 Pack of Discovery Channel DVDs


14 inch tall Troll in a box (like those wishnick / trolls from the 80's and 90's)

3ft tall White Power Ranger

MASK Lunchbox

Pound Puppies Lunchbox


Brain Age 1

Brain Age 2

Beyond Good and Evil PS2

Mirror's Edge PS3

Bujingai PS2

Metropolismania PS2

Marvel Ultimate Alliance PS2

Paid more than normal. $15 for the Power Ranger. They wouldn't budge but it looks cool and the cheapest used I saw on ebay was 75+shipping.


Wooden flip top chest (like a toy chest)



Wooden Dresser

[quote name="yourlefthand" post="11805032" timestamp="1401589000"]It's really pretty simple. If it is at a yard sale, assume it doesn't work unless they prove otherwise. If they can't or won't show you it works then they need to price it like it doesn't. If they don't offer a low enough price then don't buy it.[/quote]

Exactly, if they aren't going to do a little work (charge a DS for 30 min before the sale, takes seconds to plug it in, really people, it's not that hard) then they have to expect people to only pay the price it's worth if the item is not functional.

I wouldn't mess with people especially in my area the buyers do know where you live if you are selling out of your house...

I have to give some people the benefit of the doubt, but it's usually super easy to know when it's a parent who doesn't know anything about what they or their kids are selling
The desire to not overpay for things is, unfortunately, constantly at war with the desire to not go home empty handed. That's why my house is overflowing with crap I should never have bought, anyway.  :p

No pics today, I just don't have the energy. But here's what I got.

:wii: Black wii system w/ stand, video, and power cables - $5 (Works great, and cheap, but missing a lot of stuff, namely controllers & the sensor bar, luckily I got an extra bar several weeks ago.)

:360: Battlefield 4 - $7 (meh)

:360: Wireless Guitar Hero Les Paul - $3 (can't stop buying these, but I am pretty damn good at selling them!)

:ds: Animal Crossing Wild World - $2 (cart only)

:dvd: Legend of Zelda complete animated series & Robot Chicken season 1 - $3 (Protip that helped at this sale - never ever EVER buy any amount of disc media without checking every single disc)

Also overpaid for some Pokemon cards. They were EX holo's which I've had some luck selling in the past but it looks like I'll be lucky to break even.

Crazy people were out in force today. One lady wouldn't take my offer of $5 for items she had marked $7. Not to mention $120-NES-lot guy. I asked how much for individual games and he said starting at $15 depending on the game...like he has any freaking idea off the top of his head what any of them are actually worth anyway.

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Friday morning finds before work.  This community sale was hard to miss for work.  The neighborhood is so big and so many sales.  I only went from 7:30 to 8:30.  Usually have to go by 8 but told the boss I'd be a little late.  I only hit a small fraction of the sales and missed all day Saturday due to swim meet.  I could only imagine how big this haul would have been with Friday and Saturday combined.  Three other community sales around the same area as the big one. 

Games and CD's $1 each.  Kinks is sealed.  Encyclopedia and marbles 50 cents.  Goonies "Sloth to the rescue" glass 25 cents.


Risk Star Wars $1.  Risk is one of my favorites.  Tip to Risk fans.  For fast and 1 player Risk try PS2 version.  It is a surprisingly fun game for Risk fans.  Games are much shorter and you can play against computer.


This is my best XBOX lot ever.  These are adult owned and in perfect shape.  I only noticed 1 used the rest looked to be purchased new.  I walked up and saw 2 boxes of games.  The homeowner kindly informed me games are a $1 each.  The pricing caught me off guard as these are nice games.  I quickly pulled out 28 games leaving sports and driving games.  We counted up the games to 28 and he says "take 2 more and I will give them to you for $25".  He talked himself down. I think he was happy these were going to a fellow gamer. Missing from the pic is Dead to Rights II.  Yes there is one PS2 game in there. I'm a longtime Playstation guy and am not as familiar  with XBOX games.  Do I have any gems or rare games in this lot?  Enjoy. 


Not pictured $5 Longboard.  Cruised this around the neighborhood and it is fun.  Seems more stable at higher speeds than my regular board. 

Knights of the Old Republic II and Morrowind GOTY are each worth $25+. Both are great games, but people say it's tough to go back to Morrowind after playing Oblivion and Skyrim.

A tip about Xbox sports games for the future: always keep your eye out for Madden 09 for the regular Xbox, especially if you can get it cheap. It was one of the last games for the system, and it's pretty uncommon. It's a nice flip, but most people pass it up simply because it's an "old sports game".

Knights of the Old Republic II and Morrowind GOTY are each worth $25+. Both are great games, but people say it's tough to go back to Morrowind after playing Oblivion and Skyrim.

A tip about Xbox sports games for the future: always keep your eye out for Madden 09 for the regular Xbox, especially if you can get it cheap. It was one of the last games for the system, and it's pretty uncommon. It's a nice flip, but most people pass it up simply because it's an "old sports game".
i have some old xbox games. I changed out the old cases for the xbox 360 cases to match the other s.

Lots of good scores this weekend. Here are the highlights:

The Marvel Encyclopedia (practically new)- 0.50
Jurassic park Operation Genesis Xbox Complete - 1.00
Star Wars Battlefront Xbox Complete- 1.00
N64 clear black system w/ 4 1st party controllers- 3.00
N64 original w/ 3 1st party controllers-3.00
The Last of Us Complete-10.00
Zumba Fitness 2 Wii Complete-5.00
SMW Super Mario Advance 2 GBA w/manual-1.50
Megaman Battle network 6 w/manual-1.50
FF 1&2 GBA- 1.50
Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3&4 PS2 Complete-2.50 each
Battlecry Avalon Hill Strategy Board Game New-3.00
Just Dance Summer Hits Wii Complete-2.00
Tony Hawk 2 N64 Complete-3.00
Maximo vs Army of Zin PS2 Complete-2.00
The New Tetris N64- free
Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story DS Complete-2.00
Several Mario DS games complete-2.00

A buch more but that's just off the top of my head. Score of the week/year is definitely JP Operation Genesis for a buck.
Friday morning finds before work. This community sale was hard to miss for work. The neighborhood is so big and so many sales. I only went from 7:30 to 8:30. Usually have to go by 8 but told the boss I'd be a little late. I only hit a small fraction of the sales and missed all day Saturday due to swim meet. I could only imagine how big this haul would have been with Friday and Saturday combined. Three other community sales around the same area as the big one.

Games and CD's $1 each. Kinks is sealed. Encyclopedia and marbles 50 cents. Goonies "Sloth to the rescue" glass 25 cents.


Risk Star Wars $1. Risk is one of my favorites. Tip to Risk fans. For fast and 1 player Risk try PS2 version. It is a surprisingly fun game for Risk fans. Games are much shorter and you can play against computer.


This is my best XBOX lot ever. These are adult owned and in perfect shape. I only noticed 1 used the rest looked to be purchased new. I walked up and saw 2 boxes of games. The homeowner kindly informed me games are a $1 each. The pricing caught me off guard as these are nice games. I quickly pulled out 28 games leaving sports and driving games. We counted up the games to 28 and he says "take 2 more and I will give them to you for $25". He talked himself down. I think he was happy these were going to a fellow gamer. Missing from the pic is Dead to Rights II. Yes there is one PS2 game in there. I'm a longtime Playstation guy and am not as familiar with XBOX games. Do I have any gems or rare games in this lot? Enjoy.


Not pictured $5 Longboard. Cruised this around the neighborhood and it is fun. Seems more stable at higher speeds than my regular board.
Dat Goonies glass. I want it. Please send me a PM if your willing to sell or trade it. I LOVE the Goonies.

I just watched to goonies the other night. A good drinking game would be to drink whenever a felony is committed. ;) So much stuff in that movie would land you in jail if it happened today.

Usually don't go out on Sundays this early in the year, but I woke up at like 8am so I decided to hit up a few.

1st sale was in the projects and suppose to start at 9am and have games. Get there a minute or two before 9 - nothing. Next street over is a sale. I pick up 101 dalmations on DVD and ask about the other one. They said "oh, those people don't get up early". I waited around until 9:20 and said eff it and knocked on the door. The answer the door half asleep and say come back after 10. She knew the ad said 9am, but they were still sleeping so maybe 10 or 1030.

Really annoyed me. I usually don't go to this area and try to stay out of projects when yardsaling. Most times that I've gone to sales in those types of places the stuff is extra dirty, broken, crazy prices and other issues.

Went to another sale that was starting at 10. It said "100's of dvds and video games" There was 20 dvd and 15 video games. DVDs were $5 dollars each and games $10 each. No haggling at all. I guess they will have fun putting back there old PS2 games and the DVDs. I tried to make a deal picking up a few DVDs and maybe one PS2 game but nothing was happening.

Overall that kind of crap annoyed me. Lazy ass people staying in bed even though the ad says 9am. Multiple people were driving around looking for it. Then just the blatant lying of "100's".

Here are the finds for the day:


101 Dalmations DVD


Sonic Mega Collection PS2

Genesis Collection PS3


Guitar Hero 3 - 360



Bunch of wrestling figures

Rocky Belt (like a toy or prop from the Rocky movies)


Risk - LotR Trilogy Edition - not sure i complete. Missing instructions but the pieces were all bagged up nicely inside - so it might be complete aside from that

Cinderella DVD

Halo 2 Special Edition

Star Wars: New Hope DVD

360 Guitar

Dat Goonies glass. I want it. Please send me a PM if your willing to sell or trade it. I LOVE the Goonies.
If your ever in Astoria, Oregon you can go to the Goonies house. The bike ride they take would be to Ecola Park with view of Haystack Rock. This would be a 25-30 mile bike ride on PCH 101. If you are Goonies fan it's definitely worth it to take this pilgrimage. Haystack Rock is in Cannon Beach. Cannon Beach is where they exit One Eyed Willies hideout. Goonies never say die.
There was a neighborhood sale down the street from home. Here's what I picked up.

Wired Xbox 360 controller- $1

Seasons 1-5 of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia- $10

LotR Trilogy collection on Blu Ray- $12

Guitar Hero guitar- $3

Altec Lansing Zune radio dock- $2

Sony Dream Machine with iPod dock- $4

Notre Dame Sportula- $3

A ****ing massive Coca Cola display- 25 cents, gonna sell it to a friend who collects Coca Cola stuff



Then my favorite buy. This is a Theatre Master MX-1000 remote. Has a fucking lcd touch screen and an joystick navigator!! $1.


If your ever in Astoria, Oregon you can go to the Goonies house. The bike ride they take would be to Ecola Park with view of Haystack Rock. This would be a 25-30 mile bike ride on PCH 101. If you are Goonies fan it's definitely worth it to take this pilgrimage. Haystack Rock is in Cannon Beach. Cannon Beach is where they exit One Eyed Willies hideout. Goonies never say die.
My wife and I are currently discussing it. Our 5 year anniversary is coming up and she shares my love of The Goonies. It is definitely a possibility. I'd love to do it.

I've never seen the goonies. I'm guessing its good from the love I see for it here.
It's probably more of a fond memory to us older guys. I'm not sure it is necessarily any different than The Last Dragon, or Big Trouble in Little China in terms of quality. It isn't as good as ET or Raiders, but it has its place in our hearts and minds.

bread's done