24 TV Series/Movie Discussion: Season 8 DVD/BluRay out 12/7/10 | 24 Movie COMING SOON

[quote name='pitfallharry219']The death of Renee is one of the most unexpected deaths I've seen on TV in a while.[/QUOTE]

While it was sad to see, it did not surprise me at all. Jack is definitely going to go beast mode for these last episodes though.
[quote name='Ryukahn']While it was sad to see, it did not surprise me at all. Jack is definitely going to go beast mode for these last episodes though.[/QUOTE]

It didn't really surprise me either. I hated to see it, but you could see it coming if you've watched the other seasons. And I sincerely hope Jack starts beast mode with Dana. Please, Jack, show no mercy on her ass!!
[quote name='keithp']It didn't really surprise me either. I hated to see it, but you could see it coming if you've watched the other seasons. And I sincerely hope Jack starts beast mode with Dana. Please, Jack, show no mercy on her ass!![/QUOTE]

Yup, I knew it was coming and I was still pissed. After all Jack has been through, I wanted him and Renee to end the season together and ready to move on to new things. If they wanted her to be killed to start the 24 movie as a means to get Jack back into things, then so be it, but they deserved to have a grand send-off for the series finale IMO.
[quote name='Magus8472']Good lord do the writers ever enjoy having everything Jack Bauer touches turn to shit. I mean, you know your life sucks when getting stabbed in the stomach doesn't even rank in the top 5 "Worst Things that Happened to Me Today" list.[/QUOTE]

No kidding.

I can't say I didn't see it coming, but wow that was depressing.
I knew it was going to happen, sadly every chick Jack gets involved ends up dying (he's cursed to be a bachelor the rest of his life). Awesome seeing Chloe head of CTU for the time being (that was more surprising than Rene getting killed imho). The next six episodes should be crazy, Jack will be out for blood. Very curious to see what Logan has planned that guy is slimy.
I suspect the "blackwater-like" company has something to do with this whole thing.
Best episode this season, without a question. Almost a nice nod back to the final episode of Season 1.

And I think the last six hours will be damned good ones, if they can keep up this level of intensity and play off of what happened.
Excellent episode. Unfortunately I had the death spoiled from a yahoo article rating TV networks based on their show line ups this year. :bomb:
[quote name='Ryukahn']Yup, I knew it was coming and I was still pissed. After all Jack has been through, I wanted him and Renee to end the season together and ready to move on to new things. If they wanted her to be killed to start the 24 movie as a means to get Jack back into things, then so be it, but they deserved to have a grand send-off for the series finale IMO.[/QUOTE]

Renee's death almost had me quit watching for the remainder of the season. It's so sad. Everyone Jack gets involved with dies.. except his daughter.. and Audrey Raines.
[quote name='Scorch']
Renee's death almost had me quit watching for the remainder of the season. It's so sad. Everyone Jack gets involved with dies.. except his daughter.. and Audrey Raines.

Well Audrey is brain dead. Same thing. His daughter...Russians probably kill her too
I thought this episode sucked. Although I suppose it nicely highlights how quickly people in office change their tune to suit their needs.
I didn't think it was too horrible. Certainly not the worst of the season, but not the best. I still enjoyed it overall, and am looking forward to the final 6 hours.

I've already told my wife, after the last 6 hours of 24, I break my oath to never watch Lost and we will start from Season 1.
[quote name='myl0r']I've already told my wife, after the last 6 hours of 24, I break my oath to never watch Lost and we will start from Season 1.[/QUOTE]

If you really want to start watching that shitstorm, stop watching after Season 2. Trust me.
[quote name='SpeedyG']How many times do they think that we find
Rogue Jack
At least one more
I find
Rogue Jack
interesting. He doesn't take any shit from anyone, including the President, and will always do what he feels is right. In this case, it's tracking down Renee's killer and exposing the corrupt people in the Russian government. I think it's actually pretty damn cool he's giving a big F U to the President, who's now only looking out for her own legacy, where as before her character would've taken the moral highground and tried to get justice served. So now it's up to
Rogue Jack
, and that's perfectly fine with me.

Besides, it beats some stupid Dana storyline any day.
[quote name='keithp']I find
Rogue Jack
interesting. He doesn't take any shit from anyone, including the President, and will always do what he feels is right. In this case, it's tracking down Renee's killer and exposing the corrupt people in the Russian government. I think it's actually pretty damn cool he's giving a big F U to the President, who's now only looking out for her own legacy, where as before her character would've taken the moral highground and tried to get justice served. So now it's up to
Rogue Jack
, and that's perfectly fine with me.

Besides, it beats some stupid Dana storyline any day.[/QUOTE]

It's just dumb because she threw her family under the bus all in the name of justice and now she is like screw justice, I need my peace agreement! The quick turn seems to go against everything we have learned about President Taylor, and does not seem to serve a purpose other than making Jack have to go rogue and be on his own for the final few hours.

Logan revealing his play right away kind of sucked too, as I was hoping for him to be the main villain for the final few episodes (though I suppose that could still happen).

I'm still pissed about Renee too, so I might be judging the episode harsher than it really was. I am kind of hoping
that she isn't really dead, seeing as how they were quick to move her, and that she'll do one of those revive later things like Tony or even Jack at the end of season 4. What the play would be, I don't know (Really in with the Russians or some other angle?). And yes, I know she was 'killed' by a Russian agent, but there can be more than one Russian team (Possibly with Logan as the leader of it?)
[quote name='Ryukahn']It's just dumb because she threw her family under the bus all in the name of justice and now she is like screw justice, I need my peace agreement! The quick turn seems to go against everything we have learned about President Taylor, and does not seem to serve a purpose other than making Jack have to go rogue and be on his own for the final few hours.[/QUOTE]

I really don't see the incongruity in being willing to both refuse to cover up a person's crimes because they're your family and refuse to investigate a crime in the name of world peace.

Besides, it's not like Jack is on the side of the angels her. The whole justice bit is a smokescreen, he's just out for revenge, which is exactly what you'd expect from his character. The President is thinking big picture; better to bring peace to millions than get justice for a few.
1 escort, uncuffed, and the return of the JackPack...

Might as well just hand the fucking chopper to him.
[quote name='will530']1 escort, uncuffed, and the return of the JackPack...

Might as well just hand the fucking chopper to him.

Why the hell would they cuff him? He wasn't a criminal. And there were other men besides the escort walking out to the chopper with them.
[quote name='will530']1 escort, uncuffed, and the return of the JackPack...[/QUOTE]

What is it with badasses and messenger bags, anyway? It's almost a required accessory these days.
[quote name='Magus8472']I really don't see the incongruity in being willing to both refuse to cover up a person's crimes because they're your family and refuse to investigate a crime in the name of world peace.

Besides, it's not like Jack is on the side of the angels her. The whole justice bit is a smokescreen, he's just out for revenge, which is exactly what you'd expect from his character. The President is thinking big picture; better to bring peace to millions than get justice for a few.[/QUOTE]

She's always done the 'right' thing up until this point. No matter if it was turning in her daughter or refusing to give up Hassan at the possible expense of a hundred thousand American lives, she stuck to justice and morals. With the course she took in the episode on Monday, all of that went out the window, and was totally out of character.

As for Jack, I have no complaints about Jack, as he has always ultimately done what he thought was best, or what he wanted to do.
[quote name='Ryukahn']She's always done the 'right' thing up until this point. No matter if it was turning in her daughter or refusing to give up Hassan at the possible expense of a hundred thousand American lives, she stuck to justice and morals.[/QUOTE]

Exactly; she'd rather let thousands of Americans die than endanger the peace process. If anything it'd be more inconsistent if she were to suddenly sacrifice everything in the name of getting justice for Renee or getting back at Russia.

There's nothing inherently just about letting civilians die to save one guy, even if he is a head of state. There is no "right" thing to do in the situation. It's about numbers, and containing Jack helps more people. Of course, that doesn't mean the cosmos won't align and make Jack right. But even then he'd only be vindicated in hindsight.

Regardless, I just hope he kills a few Russians in an extremely awesome fashion.
[quote name='keithp']Yes, freakin
Dana getting tortured!

I love how Jack wants to basically stop her from getting tortured so he can torture her himself. I hope she dies so bad.
[quote name='tcrash247']
I love how Jack wants to basically stop her from getting tortured so he can torture her himself. I hope she dies so bad.

and you could see the look in Cole's eyes thinking about the payback HE would give her when Jack was recruiting him to go get her!
Just a quick note, I do background work in LA. And somehow I got onto one of my fave shows, "24" and was actually on the most recent episode that aired on Monday. I was at the very end of the episode, near the helipad, dressed in all brown, as a NY CTU agent. Ya might see me for a flash second before Jack heads toward the helicopter...
Didn't really care for this episode either beyond the notion that Logan has a much grander scheme in place (which was kind of obvious anyway, but now it seems a little more out in the open).
Jack needs to up the deathcount! He has barely killed anyone this season.

I was hoping Madsen would be a baddie, him vs Bauer would have been sweet.
[quote name='Pavel6969']Jack needs to up the deathcount! [/QUOTE]

After watching today's episode and the clips for next week I do believe your wish is granted.
that was cold blooded. It borders on murder to be honest. Is it good for the character? HELL fucking YES!
Rogue Jack continues to be awesome and the preview seems to indicate it gets much more brutal from there.

This series can only end with one epic conclusion
Jack killing Taylor.
Think about it. Think about what the show has and hasn't been able to do. The ULTIMATE way to end it all.
[quote name='redshadow']Jack is going to torture the fuck out of someone next episode.[/QUOTE]

And in some kind of barbecue way.....!!!!fucking way, hell!!!
[quote name='KingBroly']

This series can only end with one epic conclusion
Jack killing Taylor.
Think about it. Think about what the show has and hasn't been able to do. The ULTIMATE way to end it all.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it will be
Taylor who Jack will be killing, but
Logan sounds more like it

and last nights episode was awesome. Pure vintage Jack Bauer stuff, and next week looks amazing also! is it Monday yet?
[quote name='KingBroly']Seriously
that was cold blooded. It borders on murder to be honest. Is it good for the character? HELL fucking YES!
Rogue Jack continues to be awesome and the preview seems to indicate it gets much more brutal from there.[/QUOTE]

No worse than what he did to Nina Myers. He's nothing if not consistent.
Its entirely possible I missed it at some point but did they ever conclude what officially came of Wayne Palmer?
Good stuff all around for this episode. Should be interesting to see what happens with the next couple of weeks leading into the finale in three weeks.
Excellent episode all around. I especially enjoyed the cat-and-mouse games. As I think back on this season though it's too bad there weren't more standout episodes. In fact, I would go so far as to say the majority of them really didn't give you that "oh my god, what's going to happen next?!" feeling that the best 24 eps did. Maybe it's such a contrast because most of this season was so bad that when you get a decent episode it stands out.
[quote name='Will']Its entirely possible I missed it at some point but did they ever conclude what officially came of Wayne Palmer?[/QUOTE]

Given that his VP served the rest of his term I think we're left to assume he never woke up from the coma. But they've never been clear about it.
bread's done