28 Reasons to "Hait Gamestop" - updated 02.15.08

Causal gaming store yeaaaaaaaa.

My gamestop recieved 4 No More Heroes. 3 were reserved, and the other one was sold to a kid waiting for it to come in.

I was told I should've pre-ordered it, and that they gauge their order by the amount of pre-orders. Frist off, 3 pre-order means you will only need one copy on top of that. So if there is a game that has 24 pre-order they are only going to get 8 extra copies. that is BS just last October a clerk was shocked that they only had 6 pre-orders for SMG (I'm sure most were cancelled in favor of the legendary launch deal at Toys R us), and yet when I went in there 2 or 3 days after launch they had 2 shelves of them!

On my way out of not being able to get NMH I loudly asked my girlfriend why there were so many pre-orders for Alvin and the Chipmunks (wii) since they had like 12 copies. Oh wait...its all bs. They get a lot of shovelware (hell, they even got their own shovelware exclusive wii games) that they can sell to ignorant Mom's along with game protection, edge card, the profit from the games they traded in, and 1 or 2 pre-orders.

Why try attract someone like me who has no Edge card, or interest in one takes care of his games (no protection for me), no game trades, doesn't listen to there arbuitary advice, and walks right up to the counter with a game case and hands them 55 dollars and wants every dime of change back.

There new plan is a good one from them bad one moderate to hardcore gamers.
[quote name='phear3d']yeah. you need to focus on the customer infront of you and specially if that customers is a paying customer. you could potentially loose that person in 5 minutes.[/quote]

During my first few weeks at GameCrazy, I had a customer I was ringing through. The phone rang, I said "excuse me" and answered it. When I was done, the guy was a little upset that I put the customer on the phone before him. I could see his point.

Since then, if the phone rings and i'm in the middle of the transaction, I ignore it. Nothing's more important than the customer that's physically in the store at the point in time.
[quote name='gareman']Causal gaming store yeaaaaaaaa.

My gamestop recieved 4 No More Heroes. 3 were reserved, and the other one was sold to a kid waiting for it to come in.

I was told I should've pre-ordered it, and that they gauge their order by the amount of pre-orders. Frist off, 3 pre-order means you will only need one copy on top of that. So if there is a game that has 24 pre-order they are only going to get 8 extra copies. that is BS just last October a clerk was shocked that they only had 6 pre-orders for SMG (I'm sure most were cancelled in favor of the legendary launch deal at Toys R us), and yet when I went in there 2 or 3 days after launch they had 2 shelves of them!

On my way out of not being able to get NMH I loudly asked my girlfriend why there were so many pre-orders for Alvin and the Chipmunks (wii) since they had like 12 copies. Oh wait...its all bs. They get a lot of shovelware (hell, they even got their own shovelware exclusive wii games) that they can sell to ignorant Mom's along with game protection, edge card, the profit from the games they traded in, and 1 or 2 pre-orders.

Why try attract someone like me who has no Edge card, or interest in one takes care of his games (no protection for me), no game trades, doesn't listen to there arbuitary advice, and walks right up to the counter with a game case and hands them 55 dollars and wants every dime of change back.

There new plan is a good one from them bad one moderate to hardcore gamers.[/quote]

In all fairness, No More Heroes is a pretty hardcore niche title. Look at how shitty it sold in Japan then ask why your local Gamestop didn't order more than 4 copies. You can't blame Gamestop corporate for not ordering a lot of copies if the interest wasn't there when they did presells. Hell, blame Ubisoft for not advertising very much. There are so many factors in the equation that you can't just shrug it off on one thing. Yeah, Gamestops ordering system seems fucked up a lot but why would they want to order a hundred copies of a game that looks like it's going to tank?

They'd rather cater to the Madden and Halo crowds because they know it's a sure fire way to move tons of product. I'd like Gamestop to cater to the hardcore gamer as much as you seem to want them to but it doesn't make sense from a business standpoint. If I see something is going to be a niche title or disappear within a month(hello Atlus!) I throw $5 on it just in case. Worse comes to worse, I go get my $5 back. Gee, that was tough.

On a positive note, NMH is pretty much the most amazing thing I've played on Wii. I haven't put it down since I got it last week.
My problem with GS is that for a lot of the employees in my area it's more than a job for them and I don't mean it in a good way.

During the Kmart extra 30% clearance I picked up a crap load of 360 games to flip. I came in to trade them all and when I pulled out the sealed games they immediately asked me where I got them and then I was told I had to open all of the games before I could trade them in. The second store actually called the mall security guy to ask if any games had been stolen from any of the other stores.

For fucks sake, just take my games and give me my store credit. Its not your job to police me nor is it your job to question me. The trade-in policy doesn't state "After complete background check and interrogation". To top it off they've started asking for full name, address and phone number when taking trade-ins. Ive had to make up a entirely separate alias just for game trades. I almost feel like I'm buying drugs when I walk into GS now.

The latest stunt has now made me a marked man at GS. I reserved SSBB at one store and then wanted to cancel it and reserve at a store closer to my house. They didn't take kindly to that type of behavior.

Play-n-trade opened up 3 weeks ago so my days with GS are over once the remainder of my credit is spent.
During the Kmart extra 30% clearance I picked up a crap load of 360 games to flip. I came in to trade them all and when I pulled out the sealed games they immediately asked me where I got them and then I was told I had to open all of the games before I could trade them in. The second store actually called the mall security guy to ask if any games had been stolen from any of the other stores.

Sorry, but whereas I will generally join in on the GS bashing...and quickly at that....I will have to respectfully say this is one thing where you really can't blame them for their strict policy. The last thing a retail store wants to be caught up in is the purchase of stolen goods. It does come off as a bit odd when a person brings in a bunch of sealed stuff.
[quote name='GogoTheMimic']In all fairness, No More Heroes is a pretty hardcore niche title. Look at how shitty it sold in Japan then ask why your local Gamestop didn't order more than 4 copies. You can't blame Gamestop corporate for not ordering a lot of copies if the interest wasn't there when they did presells. Hell, blame Ubisoft for not advertising very much. There are so many factors in the equation that you can't just shrug it off on one thing. Yeah, Gamestops ordering system seems fucked up a lot but why would they want to order a hundred copies of a game that looks like it's going to tank?

They'd rather cater to the Madden and Halo crowds because they know it's a sure fire way to move tons of product. I'd like Gamestop to cater to the hardcore gamer as much as you seem to want them to but it doesn't make sense from a business standpoint. If I see something is going to be a niche title or disappear within a month(hello Atlus!) I throw $5 on it just in case. Worse comes to worse, I go get my $5 back. Gee, that was tough.

On a positive note, NMH is pretty much the most amazing thing I've played on Wii. I haven't put it down since I got it last week.
An easy way to avoid GS preorders is Amazon... they don't ship until the game comes out and you don't pay taxes/shipping.

Gamestop smells and I can't find anything because the games are out of order.

The clerks are rude and I understand why, they are hounded more than customers are for preorder/magazine numbers.

If you need to go to a b/m store for your games, try a local family-owned game store, I'm sure you'll have a better experience.
An easy way to avoid GS preorders is Amazon... they don't ship until the game comes out and you don't pay taxes/shipping.

If I do pre-order, I generally do so through Amazon. If I am not in a big hurry to play the game, I'll go with free shipping. The only times I do pre-oder through GS are when they have the free overnight shipping offers. It is worth the couple bucks in tax to get the game that day at my door when I get home in the afternoon.
They can't stock a million copies of a hardcore game because if the game bombs (and many have done that) they are stuck with all the extra inventory that they cannot sell, then they have to drop the price to compete with other stores and they end up losing money on it. There are so many games out there that if they stocked a ton of each game they would never be in business today. Don't forget if a game does well in sales it usually gets reprinted nowadays, look at Phoenix Wright.
here is a though stop taking old sports games in. the ones u got like madden 01, nascar 01 and all that blow them out for 49 cents and stop cluttering up the 9.99 and under bin with 75 copies of madden 2002 .
[quote name='Scorch']During my first few weeks at GameCrazy, I had a customer I was ringing through. The phone rang, I said "excuse me" and answered it. When I was done, the guy was a little upset that I put the customer on the phone before him. I could see his point.

Since then, if the phone rings and i'm in the middle of the transaction, I ignore it. Nothing's more important than the customer that's physically in the store at the point in time.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. I was taught that at a golf store I worked at years back.

Also always hand items back to the customer when ringing them up. Its rude to put their stuff/change on the counter and make them retieve it after they handed it to you in the first place. Small things, but they go a long way.
Gamestop needs to hire this guy and clear out all the fools.

Why would they only have 4 copies of No More Heroes with 3 reserves and one extra. Don't games come in shipmets of 6. I bet you there were two employees that put the game aside withoug reserving it and still haven't purchased it. In regards of not having excess copies of games, with having 3 reservations for a game that got barely got any publicity. They should ahve at least got an extra case of it, but I guess Kane & Lynch are taking up all the extra space.
[quote name='SaraAB']They can't stock a million copies of a hardcore game because if the game bombs (and many have done that) they are stuck with all the extra inventory that they cannot sell, then they have to drop the price to compete with other stores and they end up losing money on it. There are so many games out there that if they stocked a ton of each game they would never be in business today. Don't forget if a game does well in sales it usually gets reprinted nowadays, look at Phoenix Wright.[/quote]

Well, I am not asking for a million copies of NMHs....

Just like4-5 non pre-order copies. Thats quite the slippery slope. As for reprints why shouldn't I be able to get a game the day it comes out and not 10-12 months later.
[quote name='emceelokey']Why would they only have 4 copies of No More Heroes with 3 reserves and one extra. Don't games come in shipmets of 6. I bet you there were two employees that put the game aside withoug reserving it and still haven't purchased it. In regards of not having excess copies of games, with having 3 reservations for a game that got barely got any publicity. They should ahve at least got an extra case of it, but I guess Kane & Lynch are taking up all the extra space.[/quote]

Finally, someone sees my point. As for your theory of employees buying the extra copies, with they way the TWO of them smirked, I am almost certain your right.
There ought to be a system in place in which games can be received in smaller quantities though. I believe Wii games actually arrive in something like sets of 4. Gamecube games came in 6 but I noticed the descrepancy for Wii games while I was in a store once, but I dont remember what number it was exactly.
As much as I don't like GS and have been seen joining in on the pile very often on this board, I gotta agree with the other guy and excuse them for not having a lot cop non-reserved copies of games, especially niche stuff. GS is not the kind of store a lot of people just go in browse. If you're there, you're more than likely there with a purpose: to buy games, more than likely specific games. They can't bank on people coming in for one thing and buying a lot of other stuff.

From my experience, there are two types of people who do "browse" a lot at a video game store: parents with their children and people who are digging through the used bins. Obviously, a parent isn't going to be buying their child a niche title, especially a violent one. And the guys digging through the used titles are looking for a bargain. They probably don't want to spend $50 or $60 on a brand-new game. They could walk off with a few games for that price.

With all that said, I wouldn't doubt that one or two of the employees probably had their copies sitting behind the counter. But that is how the cookie crumbles. I'm sure I've gotten screwed out of a game or two from them, as well.
[quote name='emceelokey']Why would they only have 4 copies of No More Heroes with 3 reserves and one extra. Don't games come in shipmets of 6.[/quote]

It varies depending on the pressing company. Most of the places Nintendo gets games pressed from shrink wrap games in blocks of 5 whereas EA and Activision usually box them up by 12.

Just because they come from the pressing companies this way doesn't mean a store is going to get them in bricks, they usually split them up at the distribution centers especially on smaller titles(like NMH).
[quote name='emceelokey']Why would they only have 4 copies of No More Heroes with 3 reserves and one extra. Don't games come in shipmets of 6. I bet you there were two employees that put the game aside withoug reserving it and still haven't purchased it. In regards of not having excess copies of games, with having 3 reservations for a game that got barely got any publicity. They should ahve at least got an extra case of it, but I guess Kane & Lynch are taking up all the extra space.[/quote] they never carry any more than 5 copies. they will meet the preorders but for extra store copies they wont. its usually the other way around right? well at gamestop it isnt.

games are expensive no matter where you buy them. if gamestop buys 10,000 of that game to be distributed to all stores they probably get a deal. say, $40 a game. so that gets them a $10 profit. BUT, if someone were to trade in their copy this is how it should look for them:

Trade in - $20-$22
Resell @ - $44.99
see the difference? they make more profit when someone trades it in. and its less effort, cutting the middle men cost, etc. etc. etc.. less of everything means less money to spend on them or none at all.

now you can only imagine if a game like Vampire Rain being traded in the next day.. then 2 weeks later the reviews are all read, the game sucks, so GS/EB takes the loss.
I do have a few things to say..

one.. I like going to gamestop and eb whenever I am in the area.. I love the edge card discount (albiet its not as good as it used to be .. 25 percent and free shipping was awesome from ebgames.com) I also like purchasing used games..

two.. gamestop is a pretty convient store and a pretty easy to find what you want atmosphere.. while I dislike all the standups and ads it has all over the store I can find what I want easily.. (at some of the "bigger" GS anyways)

I've never had a "bad" customer service complaint really.. except the time I purchased baulder's gate dark alliance 2 for the xbox and the clerk told me "i'm never going to find it again i need to buy the protection plan".. i kept telling him that I'm an adult and I know what I'm doing.. but for the most part they GS guys leave me alone and I can go about and purchase what I want with little interference.. since I rarely buy new games (if I do I usually get them from Best Buy or Circuit City clearances) they fill a need I have of getting games.
I make it a point to shop at GS as little as possible. A used game should never be only $5 less than retail; even if it just came out.

I had a friend that is a manager at GS, but he's the epitome of the "bad information" GS employee. I can't count how many times he lied to me about things. (Lesse, he's claimed that "Firmware flashing" 360s will unban them if banned, that the 360s chips would break the chips when you opened the case [@ launch], and other rediculous theories).

My friendship ended with him when he had me order some modchips for his Wii, and never paid me for them (of course, I kept them...their packaging gathering dust).

Of course, I don't hold *his* actions against GS per-se, but I don't like employees that do things he does. Usually if I buy something from GS, it's an accessory. I bought GH3 from them when nobody else had it in stock; nothing bad to say.
I don't get why everyone is defending GS for getting one copy of a Niche title. Shouldn't they get enough copies to last more than a day? I mean it was put out by Ubisoft and it is on the second most popular system in the world. On top of that if 3 people pre-order it wouldn't it be safe to assume that they should get atleast 3 copies? I mean considering you can safely assume that no matter how bad a game sells it won't drop within 2 months. Plus if it doesn't sell...it will become rare they can open it then sell it used for 59.99
They expect people to trade in the more popular games so they can stock used copies, which then make them more profit. Sadly the fact that people can save 5$ by buying the used copy works for "most" of gamestop's clientele.

The RPG and niche game audience is also less likely to trade in a game because they know it will go up in value or they are smart enough to know that Gamestop is a ripoff store for trade in's and take their games to ebay, or they buy a game to play it and keep it which means less trade in's and less profits for gamestop. RPG's are also longer games which means it takes longer to beat them and thus longer to receive trade in's.
My list would have an easy choice for #1.

1) Stop charging $5 more than everywhere else for many new releases. To me this is GS banking on the fact that some (less knowledgable) shoppers will go to them for video games not realizing they charge $5 over MSRP. Then maybe that shopper notices the same game at WM or Target or Best Buy or wherever for $5 less later that week and feels like a sucker. Or maybe many people just don't give a shit about $5 so they don't care?
Let's not forget, they will sometimes charge you a fee for games not having the manuals and boxes when you trade them in (YMMV), but will have no problem charging full used price for the games when they put them up in their generic GameStop case.

This kinda shit grinds my gears.
[quote name='Tsukento']Let's not forget, they will sometimes charge you a fee for games not having the manuals and boxes when you trade them in (YMMV), but will have no problem charging full used price for the games when they put them up in their generic GameStop case.

This kinda shit grinds my gears.[/quote]

Or charging a fee for scratched up games & putting it up for sale minutes after the trade-in in the same damn condition it was traded in as. It's like the fee's not for resurfacing it, it's for the employee that has to put up with the return when the customer realizes that the disc is fucked up.
At the store I work at, one of the managers like to put stickers on the inserts. I thought gutting the games was bad enough. I also hate gutting multiple copies of the same games.
My list would have an easy choice for #1.

1) Stop charging $5 more than everywhere else for many new releases. To me this is GS banking on the fact that some (less knowledgable) shoppers will go to them for video games not realizing they charge $5 over MSRP. Then maybe that shopper notices the same game at WM or Target or Best Buy or wherever for $5 less later that week and feels like a sucker. Or maybe many people just don't give a shit about $5 so they don't care?
Does this happen very often? I know I have seen some niche titles, especially cheaper ones (Fire Pro Wrestling Returns comes to mind), but I have never seen them do this with anything else, really. Can't say I really check out their prices much, though.
At the store I work at, one of the managers like to put stickers on the inserts. I thought gutting the games was bad enough. I also hate gutting multiple copies of the same games.
This, unfortunately, seems to take place at more GameStop stores than it should. I am constantly getting used games with labeled up inserts. A couple of instruction manuals, too! Does that even make any sense?
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Does this happen very often? I know I have seen some niche titles, especially cheaper ones (Fire Pro Wrestling Returns comes to mind), but I have never seen them do this with anything else, really. Can't say I really check out their prices much, though.[/QUOTE]

I notice the Nintendo first party DS games are usually $5 more.
[quote name='bruceleeah']I notice the Nintendo first party DS games are usually $5 more.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that was my main thought on that one. Pretty sure they do this with a lot of DS titles. The DS is the only current system I owned up until about a month ago when I picked up a 360 so I don't know if they've done this on other systems or not.

I guess it could be because the price of new DS games vary ($30-40) where the price of a new 360 or PS3 game is pretty much always $60 so if they had a non-LE game priced at $65 it would stick out like a sore thumb.
[quote name='bruceleeah']I notice the Nintendo first party DS games are usually $5 more.[/quote]

Wow, that stinks. Another reason for me to dislike them.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']This, unfortunately, seems to take place at more GameStop stores than it should. I am constantly getting used games with labeled up inserts. A couple of instruction manuals, too! Does that even make any sense?[/QUOTE]

He does it on new games actually.
I'm not wading through 5 pages, but I have to say if they want a great example of customer service, they should visit The Exchange.

I went there for the first time (two different Exchange stores, I might add) this weekend the CS was absolutely amazing. While the clutter factor is still there, the employees were all very sociable and helpful, unlike my two local GS stores.

The employees will just sit behind the counter and BS with each other and wait for you to approach them for help, even if there are no other customers in the store. And then they'll start the whole GI/preorder/etc shpeil.
The employees will just sit behind the counter and BS with each other and wait for you to approach them for help, even if there are no other customers in the store. And then they'll start the whole GI/preorder/etc shpeil.

Yeah, this unfortunately appears to the normal behavior for them. The worst is when I go into a store during an off hour, like a weekday morning, and they are playing games. Then, they act like you're disturbing their free time by having the nerve to look to be rung up.
[quote name='sp00ge']I'm not wading through 5 pages, but I have to say if they want a great example of customer service, they should visit The Exchange.

I went there for the first time (two different Exchange stores, I might add) this weekend the CS was absolutely amazing. While the clutter factor is still there, the employees were all very sociable and helpful, unlike my two local GS stores.

The employees will just sit behind the counter and BS with each other and wait for you to approach them for help, even if there are no other customers in the store. And then they'll start the whole GI/preorder/etc shpeil.[/quote]
i agree. i have gone to alot of their stores and absolutely love their CS. you get a friendly environment.. that equals to alot of customers.. return customers are so important because they spread the word and they spend the most money..

the exchange's game pricing had changed dramatically for the past 2 years. they almost share the same pricing strategies like GS. they seem to base alot of the prices through ebay as well.
[quote name='Puffa469']yeah but they dont want 'gamers' working there.[/quote]

They want people who know English, and will work for $7 an hour. 'Nuff said.
I only shop at GS's for the coupons we get sometimes, and the girl that works at my local store rocks (will go out of her way to hold something for you or stack discounts)
[quote name='zman73']and the girl that works at my local store rocks (will go out of her way to hold something for you)[/quote]

It's good to have the numbers, but I think it's fairly obvious that:

1. Gamestop makes a killing on used games (especially used copies of new games for $5 off the new price.)

2. This practice is probably bad for the industry in general.

This does present a dilemma - as CAG's we want to get the most for our $, so that $5 for a used (practically new if the game has been out for a week) copy looks great. But it's just lining the pockets of gamestop, and not helping the people who made the game at all.
I find it unbelievable that everyone has the same experiences with this hell hole. Is there one good GameStop? I think you have to be a complete idiot for them to hire you. If you are looking for a job at GameStop in your Interview just let them know you are completely incompetent and your in!

You know you are a loser if you work at CC or GameStop.......

Thats real talk, sorry if this is you, but wake up .
[quote name='ironlion']I find it unbelievable that everyone has the same experiences with this hell hole. Is there one good GameStop? I think you have to be a complete idiot for them to hire you. If you are looking for a job at GameStop in your Interview just let them know you are completely incompetent and your in!

You know you are a loser if you work at CC or GameStop.......

Thats real talk, sorry if this is you, but wake up .[/quote]
if you want to get hired by gamestop, tell them that you dont play video games but know a little about whats popular with kids and grown men with 360s. then explain how you will push 10% edge cards & the benefits of preordering so you can trade in games sooner and get the best value for them.
1) Personally, I never buy newer games used. The $5 savings just isn't enough to justify it, even if the copy is flawless. I would much rather buy it new and contribute, in the slightest way, to the game's sales numbers. Hell, the only time I ever buy used games at all is when GS has deals.

2) I agree that is so amazing that so many people have the same bad experiences at GameStop stores. What really annoys me is that I almost never see the few good employees (ie the ones that don't bog me down with pre-order, GI, Edge Card, buy something else please nonsense) last very long. Sure, I'm sure many simply move for their own reasons, but you have to suspect a lot of them ultimately get fed up with the nonsense. They probably take a lot of flak for not following the corporate spiel to the letter.
[quote name='ironlion']I find it unbelievable that everyone has the same experiences with this hell hole. Is there one good GameStop? I think you have to be a complete idiot for them to hire you. If you are looking for a job at GameStop in your Interview just let them know you are completely incompetent and your in!

You know you are a loser if you work at CC or GameStop.......

Thats real talk, sorry if this is you, but wake up .[/quote] seems like if you know how to count your fingers, you get the job at gamestop.

i also consider the factor that everyone should be treated as equal. and since gamestop is an equal opportunity employer (i think they are anyways), they do not have any sort of quality control over the people they want to hire. it just seems like the people who got promoted were the rejects that was hired as sales associates before. a few people pointed out that DM's used to be Managers. now in order for you to be a manager, you start from the very bottom of the chain. and in that case, a sales associate. basically they promote idiots, to hire more idiots. gotta love corporate america for that.
[quote name='Unickuta']:lol:[/QUOTE]

LOL... I didnt catch that until later... GAMES people... besides my wife would not approve of THAT TYPE of customer service
Personally I think all the gamestop employees here sound alike, look alike and are just alike in a really scary way, as in they only hire people with a certain personality, or the company brainwashes them while working there. But it really seems like they pick a certain type of person for the job.

95% of the employees in the western NY area are white, either skinny or normal sized, no overweight guys even by a little. I have seen about 1-3 girls working at the stores over the years, they seemed to enjoy their job but I don't know how long they were able to stand it for because they quickly disappeared.

The smell of the store and the smell of the people in the store is a major issue for me, I am a female and I am clean. I like video games but I am not so obsessed with them that I cannot stop playing to take a shower. I am also not a "casual" gamer who wants to play petz games all day long. Is this issue getting progressively worse because I have not had a problem with it until recently? Are gamers so lazy that they cannot take a shower? Maybe gamestop should start selling gamestop branded soap or handing out little sample bars of soap in each bag so that people would wash themselves like they do at anime conventions! I don't think they should spray the store aka hollister or abercrombie (I also have allergies) however I would prefer if the stores smelled a bit on the more normal side. Its gotten so bad that I have to smell each game before buying it before I bring a smelly game into my house.

These stores are seriously starting to smell like a local comic book shop filled with 40 year old smelly comic books.
I have two stories about Gamestop.

One day, I was visiting my favorite GS (over 30 mins away). I was browsing the DS section because at the time, I just got one and was looking for deals. One sales rep. (aka retail chimps) asked me if I wanted a preorder for Diamond & Pearl. I said, no and thought that was the end of it. He look at me with a snide glare as if I denied him a kidney. "You'll never find a copy for a few months because the game is that POPULAR!" he said in a snide nerd-speak. A week after the launch, I goes to my local Walmart and finds 10 copies of both versions.

Next story was the reason, I go 30 mins out of my way to GS. This was the Game Days promotion(anyone remember that?). They had Diablo 2 for 10 bucks (a great deal!!!). I goes on a Sunday early to grab it. I finds out that there are two SKUs for the game, the marked down SKU and the regular SKU. I was pissed off. I was like can't you let me have it for the marked down price? I have seen people do that, in order to keep customers happy. They not only couldn't do it, they wouldn't even try to make a sale. I was getting angry. One of the other retail chimps looked as if he was backing up the other guy in case some crap went down. I'm a peace loving man, but I could have taken the backup guy if I wanted to fight. Anyway, pissed and empty handed, I walked out.

Gamestop really need to step it up but with no real competition, they can do about what they want. I buy my games from Kmart down the road. Better deals and friendly service.
There were only two times that I've had a twatty experience. In one of them, I was trading in some stuff and he kept docking the values by like $2 a piece because "I should be lucky I'm getting anything for games on a dead system". Yeah, not like Gamecube games work on the Wii or anything. The other time, it was because some douche didn't want to get hit on his numbers by taking a return. I'm like "why is that my problem?" He tried to make some BS about their being no returns at all during a B2G1F when I wanted to return one set of 3 and keep the other.
bread's done