360 summer games: what'll you have?

Definitely interested in The Darkness, Project Sylpheed, and Bioshock... though it's probable that I'll only get Sylpheed for the 360.
The Darkness, Transformers and Stranglehold are buys for me. As for the rest (including Too Human), I'll wait for impressions/reviews or a demo.
Shadowrun and Forza 2 are "wait-until-they're-on-the-retail-site" for me.
Call of Juarez is a rental.
The Darkness i'll get either day of or after a few weeks. Depends on reviews and feedback.
Bioshock is a day mother f'n one title for me.
Stranglehold, All Pro Football and Two Worlds will be rentals for me. I'll pick up Two Worlds if it's good.

I hate spending tons of money on games (I usually like to do store credit), but I may pay the 70 bucks for the Bioshock LE at Gamestop. Not sure yet.
Im actually looking forward to Nascar '08...EA has diappointed me 2 years in a row now but '08 looks to have some promise.
Probably The Darkness and Bioshock. I'm betting Mass Effect ends up in November. Those two will probably be enough to hold me until September 25.
[quote name='psychobrawler']Probably The Darkness and Bioshock. I'm betting Mass Effect ends up in November. Those two will probably be enough to hold me until September 25.[/quote]

Sweet! Those are 2 more that I won't have to buy!;)
I should probably work on my backlog of games, but Bioshock and the Darkness are the two from that list that interest me the most.
Darkness, Bioshock and Project Sylpheed I have reserved.
I've seen an early preview of the Darkness and I thought it looked great.

I'm intertested in Call of Juarez but I am waiting for some feedback first. I love western style games but I have mixed feeling on this one from what I have heard so far.
Bioshock LE is reserved at GS and will be a day-one pickup.
The Darkness may be a day-one pickup, depending on how it ends up.
Call of Juarez is a "wait until CAG price".
Forza 2, not sure, depends if I decide to snag the wheel for it or not.
Vampire Rain, that'll be a "wait for the demo" to decide. Same for Tenchu Z and Too Human.
Shadowrun is a "wait until more CAGs get it and it's on sale".
Just short of being a summer release, but DIRT is definitely going to be a must buy for me. There are a few other games on the summer list I'm interested in, but I'll likely be waiting on Demos and reviews before deciding for sure.
I'd eventually like to play all of these except Tenchu, but will most likely wait for demos/reviews first, and then price drops. Still trying to get through my backlog...
Shrike, Tenchu Z demo can be downloaded in the Japanese marketplace. Plenty people have dissed it but i loved it and have points saved to get it from video game lagoon.

360 Summer:
Tenchu Z, Madden 08, Blue Dragon and Virtua Fighter 5(if it makes summer release) are the 3 titles i know i will get.

The Darkness, Bioshock are ones i intend on getting pending reviews.

Too Human turns me off only because its supposed to be a 3 part game or something. I have enough games to play now and rather just wait until part 3 is out and the previous two can be had really cheap.

Two Worlds, well that depends on if enough friends get it and the reviews are good. A free MMO type game sounds good but its still a $60 fee up front.

The rest i dont plan on getting, unless they get really great reviews that make me want to try it.

Also whats up with the game "The Bigs"? Its a game coming out by 2k but im not sure how its different from MLB2k7(slugfest type maybe?)
Bioshock is a release day purchase for me.

Call of Juarez and Darkness are on my radar, but I will wait for the reviews before purchasing.
The darkness, bioshock, transformers are day 1 pickups

Call of Juarez, too human are maybe's

And I am having a hard time resisting shadowrun
Well considering that most of the games are coming out at the end of the summer of *after* summer, Summer will be pretty dry ofr me.

Summer will be DiRT, Project Sylpheed and Bioshock (but that's more like post summer too)
Like almost everyone else, BioShock and the Darkness for sure, with VF5 (if it's out in the summer) whenever I get the scratch, since I'll also have to pony up for an arcade stick.
Madden is a lock for me. The other two football games (All-Pro, NCAA) and Overlord I might rent. I'll wait to see about Bioshock and Too Human. Blue Dragon, eh, maybe. My brother might get it.
I'll buy BioShock, but I also want to play The Darkness and Call of Juarez (though it hasn't been getting very good reviews).
[quote name='Chacrana']Definitely interested in The Darkness, Project Sylpheed, and Bioshock... though it's probable that I'll only get Sylpheed for the 360.[/QUOTE]
From the way you typed that, it seems as though you plan on picking up Bioshock and The Darkness on the PS3. I'm not sure if you know that Bioshock is a 360 exclusive.

I'll pick up Bioshock for sure, and The Darkness if it gets good reviews.
Nothing interests me...Blue Dragon does a bit, but I probably won't buy that on release. I'm more interested in eternal sonata as an RPG and Halo 3...so septermber/fall is when my interest is sparked again :D
Bioshock is for sure. Can't pass up the $40 price tag at Lion Games. Rest of those don't really interest me. I know I am getting Blue Dragon and Mass Effect when everthey both come out.
Other than my 360-backlog which has F.E.A.R. and Dear Rising at the forefront, I'll be concentrating my efforts on BioShock (when it comes out) and DiRT.
none of these titles stand out as a must-buy .... yet. i'll pull a wait-and-see approach, wont be buying anything within the first week of launch. going to wait to see what the games are actually like, wait for the bugs and complaints to actually surface (which are never relfected in reviews). Even with bioshock - until we can actually play the game, its tough to judge how unique it'll be.
I'm going to get Call of Juarez next week, and I'm most definitely getting The Darkness and BioShock.

(Emphasis on The Darkness.)
Only one I have a slight interest in is Bioshock, and I may wait for a price drop on that. I've got plenty of other games to keep my busy, plus summer will be big on the Wii with Strikers and Metroid ;). I can play XBLA games and my 360 backlog in between those (not to mention some PS2 games). But Blue Dragon might be a day 1 pickup for me if it gets good reviews...

I'm hoping another achievement challenge comes mid-summer - seems like a good time for it from a marketing standpoint. I've been saving some of my 360 games for that (King Kong, Tomb Raider Legend, Kameo, etc). I missed out on the last one.
I'll buy Bioshock for sure.

Sylpheed if it releases at >$40.
Not a damned one of those, except maybe Bioshock as a rental. Man, I haven't looked at the release date calendar recently but is that all I have to look forward to on 360 this summer? Gotta be something to good to feed my two brand spankin new Elites.
[quote name='AGuth'] Gotta be something to good to feed my two brand spankin new Elites.[/QUOTE]


Hey, I bought into the hype and got one (didn't have a 360 before so it was a pretty easy choice - I've already filled up more than 20GB of space for one thing)... But why TWO?
I'll get Two Worlds if it's good, and Bioshock after a price drop. I'm also hoping that Mass Effect comes out this summer.
bread's done