3x Bump rule in the Trading Forums....

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So recently it's been called to my attention that I bump my trading Thread "excessively" although I do bump my thread a lot, I don't really think anything can be excessive when it comes to bumping. Still there is a 3 bump limit per day, which personally I find the be a very stupid rule. I'm really curious who suggested such a thing. The reasoning I was given was that "Its unfair to other users" Really? How so? Who is harmed by my bumping of my thread? I have things to sell and Items to trade so if I am willing to put in the effort and make time to bump my thread all by myself why am I being punished for working hard to sell my wares. Punishing anyone who can bump several times a day because some people can't be bothered to bump more then 3 times a day? Also if it's truly unfair to have your thread bumped "excessively" as it was put, then it should also be unfair to have friends who congregate in your thread on a regular basis, because that's just a loophole in the rule. You just bumping you thread with posts that don't look like bumps. Honestly I think there should be no limit on how often you can bump your thread, but if there must be a limit for whatever reason 3x a day is completely unreasonable. Maybe like 1 every hour or two hours. I realized I was singled out because I had bumped a TON in the last few days, but I'm sure most people in the trading forums bump more then 3x times a day on a regular basis. Its like Jaywalking in New York, yes its technically illegal, but no cop is dumb enough to give you a ticket for it.

I don't know if anyone actually takes this stuff into consideration, but I'm hoping for some change.
I don't know how many times you bumped, but it would have to be an awful lot for the mods to notice. Why can't you just stick to 3x a day, once in the morning, afternoon, and evening?
Yea, it was a lot. I was multitasking and not paying attention, but regardless. I'm here, I watch my thread leave the 1st page why should I not be able to revive it. Its unfair for me to be limited like this.
I don't see what's unfair about having a rule in place to prevent douchebags from bumping their thread every 45 seconds to stay on the front page when there are hundreds of other users trying to use the website to trade as well. Seems perfectly logical to me, actually.
Which is why I suggested 1 every hour or two, 3 a day is excessively low. Threads don't stay on the front page for more then maybe an hour when its slow. Less when its fast. Besides the hundreds of other users can bump just as much as the "douchebags" although I really don't think we have any malicious bumpers here to begin with, and if I'm wrong and we do then they should be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Its a more reasonable time table, its not saying everyone must do it, cause everyone won't obviously, but it give people with the time to bump the leeway to do so rather then bind them to some crap rule like this one.
3x a day is perfectly reasonable. Once every two hours is ridiculous and would fill every trade list with pages of useless bump posts -- and while not a huge issue would cause some extra unnecessary server load. Have some patience.
I like it how you're complaining about a free service that you are making money off of and benefiting from. Your tradelist doesn't stay on the main page all day long. Boo hoo. If you're so concerned about people seeing your items, go sell them on eBay or Amazon.
[quote name='DoubleEcksZero']Its a more reasonable time table, its not saying everyone must do it, cause everyone won't obviously, but it give people with the time to bump the leeway to do so rather then bind them to some crap rule like this one.[/quote]cry me a river, dickface. you can try selling your stuff here... www.yourtradelististoppriority.com
Yes, I am complaining. Its a simple matter of if I put in more effort I should benefit more, if you can't keep up that's your problem. There should not be a universal handicap for those of us who wish to get things done because some of you can't be bothered to keep up your bumping.
[quote name='DoubleEcksZero']Yes, I am complaining. Its a simple matter of if I put in more effort I should benefit more, if you can't keep up that's your problem. There should not be a universal handicap for those of us who wish to get things done because some of you can't be bothered to keep up your bumping.[/quote]It's not a universal handicap, it's the rules. The rules were set up to be as fair as possible for all users. There's more CAGs now that there were in the past, and with an increase of the number of CAGs, there's more tradelists. Making an across-the-board restriction on the number of times a thread is bumped is the only way to assure there's some sense of fairness. If everyone did the same as you, your TL would be knocked off the front page in minutes, if not seconds. So, your own idea wouldn't do you, or anyone else, any good.

In any case, if you keep your TL up to date, with the right entries in the OP and clean it up so that sold items aren't in there anymore, anyone doing a search can find your TL regardless of the page it's on. I've found more than of my share of items via search, and the same has been said for people finding my TL when it's not on page 1.

If you don't wish to abide by them, feel free to go to another site to trade. I'm sorry to hear that you think an attempt to be fair to all is considered in your mind to be a handicap.
I love the pricks (not the mods) who randomly decide to remind you of this 3x post rule. Even when you've only posted twice in that day. To be honest, I think think the rule is perfectly reasonable, I just hate the idiots who try and "educate" you...
[quote name='DoubleEcksZero']So recently it's been called to my attention that I bump my trading Thread "excessively" although I do bump my thread a lot, I don't really think anything can be excessive when it comes to bumping. Still there is a 3 bump limit per day, which personally I find the be a very stupid rule. I'm really curious who suggested such a thing. The reasoning I was given was that "Its unfair to other users" Really? How so? Who is harmed by my bumping of my thread? I have things to sell and Items to trade so if I am willing to put in the effort and make time to bump my thread all by myself why am I being punished for working hard to sell my wares. Punishing anyone who can bump several times a day because some people can't be bothered to bump more then 3 times a day? Also if it's truly unfair to have your thread bumped "excessively" as it was put, then it should also be unfair to have friends who congregate in your thread on a regular basis, because that's just a loophole in the rule. You just bumping you thread with posts that don't look like bumps. Honestly I think there should be no limit on how often you can bump your thread, but if there must be a limit for whatever reason 3x a day is completely unreasonable. Maybe like 1 every hour or two hours. I realized I was singled out because I had bumped a TON in the last few days, but I'm sure most people in the trading forums bump more then 3x times a day on a regular basis. Its like Jaywalking in New York, yes its technically illegal, but no cop is dumb enough to give you a ticket for it.

I don't know if anyone actually takes this stuff into consideration, but I'm hoping for some change.[/QUOTE]

Here's some possible options for you.

1. Follow the rules.
2. Purchase and run your own trading site where you make the rules.
3. Get the fuck out of here.
[quote name='shrike4242']It's not a universal handicap, it's the rules. The rules were set up to be as fair as possible for all users. There's more CAGs now that there were in the past, and with an increase of the number of CAGs, there's more tradelists. Making an across-the-board restriction on the number of times a thread is bumped is the only way to assure there's some sense of fairness. If everyone did the same as you, your TL would be knocked off the front page in minutes, if not seconds. So, your own idea wouldn't do you, or anyone else, any good.

In any case, if you keep your TL up to date, with the right entries in the OP and clean it up so that sold items aren't in there anymore, anyone doing a search can find your TL regardless of the page it's on. I've found more than of my share of items via search, and the same has been said for people finding my TL when it's not on page 1.

If you don't wish to abide by them, feel free to go to another site to trade. I'm sorry to hear that you think an attempt to be fair to all is considered in your mind to be a handicap.[/quote]
That would be true if I had mostly normal items, but I don't. I have somethings that people wouldn't think to just search for like a Guitar (which I got offers for, but only when on the front page) and Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment. I can't exactly pack all the names of my items into the title bar. My bumping habits tend to be about 1 bump every 3 to 5 hours which seems quite reasonable to me.

I concede your point there must be a restriction, but I still think 3 is too small a number. Maybe 5 or so at least, out of fairness to those with unusual items that need exposure.
Also, there are many users who do go over 3 posts a day. So if you really believe its unfair you should be handing out punishment left and right on a daily basis till the rule is uniformly followed.
quit whining, if you really have such a problem with it stop trading. As you can see from the responses on this thread you are on the losing side of this argument. It doesnt matter if you have the best prices/most items/or rarest items, everyone is the same, 3 per day.
Regardless of those of you who want to come to my thread and argue against me; every time someone bumps 4 or more times they are on my side and therefore I will always have the # for me even if they are silent.
[quote name='DoubleEcksZero']That would be true if I had mostly normal items, but I don't. I have somethings that people wouldn't think to just search for like a Guitar (which I got offers for, but only when on the front page) and Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment. I can't exactly pack all the names of my items into the title bar. My bumping habits tend to be about 1 bump every 3 to 5 hours which seems quite reasonable to me.

I concede your point there must be a restriction, but I still think 3 is too small a number. Maybe 5 or so at least, out of fairness to those with unusual items that need exposure.[/quote]Let's see, you think your items aren't "normal", though there are plenty of threads that have items that aren't "normal". xcopy is one that comes to mind, as he has a number of items that aren't "normal", and he follows the rules.

Again, if your TL has the right setup where you remove items you don't have, you should have hits on it, regardless of where it's located.

Unusualness of the items in question is up to individual opinion. I've looked over your TL and the items there don't stand out to me as needing individual attention over others. The 3x rule was set up to be as fair as possible to everyone, and on the flip side of it, it could easily be less. Every 8 hours or so is about as fair as it can be without penalizing those who aren't on CAG as often as others. And before you go saying that you're putting more work into yours that requires more allowance of bumps, that's your opinion. Others, I'm sure would disagree.

[quote name='DoubleEcksZero']Also, there are many users who do go over 3 posts a day. So if you really believe its unfair you should be handing out punishment left and right on a daily basis till the rule is uniformly followed.[/quote]If we see evidence of it, we deal with it. I do check out threads at random for issues like that, and if there's evidence of it, it's dealt with. I've had more than a few CAGs bring up such threads and in retrospect, it's determined to be a non-issue because they weren't breaking the rules.

If you feel there's an issue with someone excessive bumping a thread, either PM a mod, or report the OP of the thread in question. Don't throw out a blanket statement like that without having some facts to back it up.

[quote name='DoubleEcksZero']Regardless of those of you who want to come to my thread and argue against me; every time someone bumps 4 or more times they are on my side and therefore I will always have the # for me even if they are silent.[/quote]Now I know you're delusional. It's not an us-versus-you argument. It's the rules of the use of the Trading Forum. If you can't abide by them, don't use it, and go elsewhere. You're not getting special compensation.
Xcopy does definitely come to mind actually, because he has items that I wanted and I saw his thread once and only once EVER! :bomb: This is coming from a guy with a CAG window open pretty much 100% of the time.
and I had a fucking hard time finding him again when I actually had items to trade to him.

Actually before I made this thread I checked some other threads and yes I did see more then 3 bumps from days passed. I'm not going to blow up anyone spot, but yes its there and not exactly hidden. Your only one mod and I'm not blaming you for anything cause I don't think its a problem. Just saying if its going to be inforced it must be inforced well.

The last quote of mine was adirect response to Ikohn4ever who was making it a "us vs you" argument as you put it.
[quote name='DoubleEcksZero']So recently it's been called to my attention that I bump my trading Thread "excessively" although I do bump my thread a lot, I don't really think anything can be excessive when it comes to bumping. Still there is a 3 bump limit per day, which personally I find the be a very stupid rule. I'm really curious who suggested such a thing. The reasoning I was given was that "Its unfair to other users" Really? How so? Who is harmed by my bumping of my thread? I have things to sell and Items to trade so if I am willing to put in the effort and make time to bump my thread all by myself why am I being punished for working hard to sell my wares. Punishing anyone who can bump several times a day because some people can't be bothered to bump more then 3 times a day? Also if it's truly unfair to have your thread bumped "excessively" as it was put, then it should also be unfair to have friends who congregate in your thread on a regular basis, because that's just a loophole in the rule. You just bumping you thread with posts that don't look like bumps. Honestly I think there should be no limit on how often you can bump your thread, but if there must be a limit for whatever reason 3x a day is completely unreasonable. Maybe like 1 every hour or two hours. I realized I was singled out because I had bumped a TON in the last few days, but I'm sure most people in the trading forums bump more then 3x times a day on a regular basis. Its like Jaywalking in New York, yes its technically illegal, but no cop is dumb enough to give you a ticket for it.

I don't know if anyone actually takes this stuff into consideration, but I'm hoping for some change.[/quote]

[quote name='DoubleEcksZero']Xcopy does definitely come to mind actually, because he has items that I wanted and I saw his thread once and only once EVER! :bomb: This is coming from a guy with a CAG window open pretty much 100% of the time.
and I had a fucking hard time finding him again when I actually had items to trade to him.[/quote]If you like items in a thread, or being sold by a specific user, put in a subscription to the thread, so you can see what's changed in it, as you'll see it in your subscription list. Keywords also work in search to find items that you may have seen in a user's TL.

Actually before I made this thread I checked some other threads and yes I did see more then 3 bumps from days passed. I'm not going to blow up anyone spot, but yes its there and not exactly hidden. Your only one mod and I'm not blaming you for anything cause I don't think its a problem. Just saying if its going to be inforced it must be inforced well.
See, and there's the issue. If it's so obvious and I'm not seeing it, why don't you PM me a link to the thread and I'll take a look at it. If there's a TL being bumped excessively, it'll be looked into and the rules on that will be enforced.

The last quote of mine was adirect response to Ikohn4ever who was making it a "us vs you" argument as you put it.
For every issue you have with the 3x bump rule, there's quite a few more CAGs that don't have an issue with the rule. I guarantee you that if the number of bumps per day was increased, we'd make you happy and have numerous other CAGs unhappy with getting bumped off the front page. You can't please everyone.
i never even knew of the 3 bump rule .... then again my trade list sucks so badly and is out of date its not realy worth bumping more then 3x a day... though i might go bump it now LOL : )
[quote name='shrike4242']If you like items in a thread, or being sold by a specific user, put in a subscription to the thread, so you can see what's changed in it, as you'll see it in your subscription list. Keywords also work in search to find items that you may have seen in a user's TL.
So you don't find it an issue that someone who follows the rule almost religiously (xcopy) is hard to find for a casual CAG trading surfer who's just looking around the 1st maybe 2nd page or something. Also at the time I didn't think I'd have anything he'd want so I just ignored him only to remember later on.

[quote name='shrike4242']
See, and there's the issue. If it's so obvious and I'm not seeing it, why don't you PM me a link to the thread and I'll take a look at it. If there's a TL being bumped excessively, it'll be looked into and the rules on that will be enforced. [/quote]
Like I said I won't be blowing up anyones spot, because I don't feel its an issue. I would not be the asshole who reports other people in my community for null issues.

[quote name='shrike4242']
For every issue you have with the 3x bump rule, there's quite a few more CAGs that don't have an issue with the rule. I guarantee you that if the number of bumps per day was increased, we'd make you happy and have numerous other CAGs unhappy with getting bumped off the front page. You can't please everyone.[/quote]

I think there is more who break the rule even if sparingly there the few in this thread who oppose me.
[quote name='tiredfornow']if everybody bumped their trade list once an hour, your list would never see the front page. quit whining.[/quote]

Your trolling won't help the pursuit, the argument isn't that I'm above the rule. Its that the rule is stupid and should be amended. If you don't like the argument take your trolling elsewhere.
Funny how you seem to dish out the "if you don't like it, take it elsewhere" doctrine at the same time that you can't take it.

I'm not here to troll, I'm here to be blunt: this site has rules, and your participation here necessitates you abide by them. You got a mod to respond to this issue several times in this thread clarifying the rules.

What you don't seem to get is that your point has been made, people in positions to implement those changes are aware of and responded to it. So you've done your job; whether or not you get your way is another story.

Short version of my post: you've made your point already, so stop being a petulant little brat and shut the fuck up already.
[quote name='DoubleEcksZero']Yea, it was a lot. I was multitasking and not paying attention, but regardless. I'm here, I watch my thread leave the 1st page why should I not be able to revive it. Its unfair for me to be limited like this.[/QUOTE]
Life's not fair. Live with it.
No wrong!
This site has rule, yes. But this is a community site, and this is the FEEDBACK forum, and guess what this is, Feedback. This is the forums where people with issue take their issues to be dealt with and that's what I'm doing dealing with it. You on the other hand, are a troll who wishes only to run your mouth. Yes, a Mod. In fact the mod of the forum of which I have a complaint has come and has spoken, and all of my posts since have been addressed to the the aforementioned mod, but you wishing to stretch your legs as a troll so to speak decided you would like to instigate an argument in which you had no part in. Going back to things which have been discussed and passed and overall being useless. That is why you should shoo. I on the other hand will stay cause I have a stake in the argument. Whether or not this goes anywhere if someone wants to come troll like yourself I will respond, but I have yet you instigate any of the extra stupidity presented here that you seem to be so fond of.
Yes my point has been made, and you as well as the other trolls keep bringing it back up.
Yes yes yes, that's all well and good. Let me summarize this thread for you and point out the absurdity of it continuing.

You: We should change the rules for bumps and here's why.
Mod: We don't do that.

You: We should change the rules for bumps and here's why.
Mod: We don't do that.

You: We should change the rules for bumps and here's why.
Mod: We don't do that.

You: We should change the rules for bumps and here's why.
Mod: We don't do that.

You: We should change the rules for bumps and here's why.
Mod: We don't do that.

You: We should change the rules for bumps and here's why.
Mod: We don't do that.

You see? I deal with enough folks who want to see things change in other organizations I'm a part of. I ostensibly deal with children who, like yourself, don't seem to understand why nobody else wants to adhere to their great idea. They imagine speaking their mind, and the rest of the universe worshiping at their feet like some kind of Greek intellectual fucking god. They can't fathom being turned down or given reasons for their proposal being denied. So instead of leaving well enough alone, they repeat their dictum for the world to hear, as if the point wasn't made the first time.

Look, you may think I'm a troll, but I like to think I have personality. I don't give a flying fuck if I'm on your christmas card list or not. The only thing you've succeeded in doing was coming off like an infant who was denied their bottle, and began screaming louder and longer for said bottle, which, us grownups have seen, has already been denied, on the premise that you have had enough to eat already.

This all ignores the *fact* that tiredfornow brings up, which is that if this rule were lifted, you'd have to double and redouble your efforts to stay on the front page, making the whole fucking thing moot.

So, this is the last I'll say, and sit and think about it. I won't respond, so feel free to spew as much venom as humanly possible in my direction. I'm thick-skinned, I can take it. But you have made your argument and received a response to it. What, then, is the purpose of continuing to bray like a child about your cause? What more can you do to make your point? Nothing? Then why make it?
I skipped most of that cause there more then 1 fuck and it looked like trolling, but that "quote" is inaccurate. It went more like "My reason" him going "well people in this thread seem to oppose" me going "true, but their clearly issues with the rule" and him going "well people in this thread still seem to oppose". Then silence and then your Trolling.
You made a comment about the 3x bump rule. I was implicitly stating that others are fine with the rules, why can't you? It's apparently only unfair to you. It's quite obvious why there is this rule and it's not stupid as you state.

The way I read your comments you come off as being the troll. And from reading the replies, I'm not the only one. You don't seem to be one that can take feedback that doesn't agree with you. Sorry I even bothered to provide my short thoughts. I'll let the thousands of other CAGs to instead.

if no one else came in here to reply, how would you know how others feel about the rule as it currently stands? You state that it's stupid, therefore it gets changed? Thread closed?
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Wonder why...[/quote]
Cause I don't really care what douchbags think of me, and I'm not very nice, but I'm friendly with the good part of the community that's good enough for me.
[quote name='b3b0p']You made a comment about the 3x bump rule. I was implicitly stating that others are fine with the rules, why can't you? It's apparently only unfair to you. It's quite obvious why there is this rule and it's not stupid as you state.

The way I read your comments you come off as being the troll. And from reading the replies, I'm not the only one. You don't seem to be one that can take feedback that doesn't agree with you. Sorry I even bothered to provide my short thoughts. I'll let the thousands of other CAGs to instead.

if no one else came in here to reply, how would you know how others feel about the rule as it currently stands? You state that it's stupid, therefore it gets changed? Thread closed?[/quote]

Like I said, anyone who break the rule is with me. Silent or not.
[quote name='DoubleEcksZero']It went more like "My reason" him going "well people in this thread seem to oppose" me going "true, but their clearly issues with the rule" and him going "well people in this thread still seem to oppose".[/QUOTE]
The rule really isn't that bad. It's not like anybody wouldn't see your tradelist if it is NOT on the front page. I usually check a few pages deep when I'm interested in buying or trading, but maybe that is just me.

I guess the question is, if a mod bluntly posted that your feedback is noted, however, we are not changing the rule, would that suffice?
[quote name='galvatron2k1']The rule really isn't that bad. It's not like anybody wouldn't see your tradelist if it is NOT on the front page. I usually check a few pages deep when I'm interested in buying or trading, but maybe that is just me.

I guess the question is, if a mod bluntly posted that your feedback is noted, however, we are not changing the rule, would that suffice?[/quote]

Oh I rarely ever look past the 1st page, except on the rare occasion I look all the way from 1st to last.
My conversation with Shrike is evidence of that already, the trolls are the ones keeping the issue alive. I've already chosen my course of action.
I'm not reading any more of this I want my way, screw all the other CAGs and their TLs selfish and self-centered whining after the need and reasoning for the rule has been explained. Multiple times.

The rule stands. Thread closed.

And for the record, myke was in no way trolling.
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