Activision Calling for Console Price Cuts


6 (100%)
Despite cuts happening recently on PS3 & Wii & Sony still losing $18 per system as of Feb 6th; Activision is calling for more console price cuts in order to improve the industry's health.

They said this was necessary, "given the economic uncertainties that we have.”

They also talked up digital product because of higher margin opportunities - believing natural growth will occur because this would help expand demographics...

Funny... so they believe console makers should lose more money despite these economic uncertainties to help a company that did a whole lot to create this year's industry decline who are still following the same game plan for this year.
I agree and who are they to say anything? If anything, how about stopping that bullshit of "limited edition" consoles like the mw2 because the only real incentive on that is a 250gb hd which they will end up selling later on one way or another. Nothing ever stays limited or exclusive forever. Microsoft is playing this game of gimmicks and I think $400 for a console such as the mw2 one is crap and the start should be there. I am happy with my ps3 and think $300 is the price point for it to be due to the fact that out of the box it does many things like free online play, wireless built in (that already saves you $ right there) and more. The 360 should just be made in arcade and a pro which would be a 60gb-120gb as it currently is and that's it. Sell the hd separately and give people a choice. It's like they are cornering the market with their bullshit tactics and i'm tired of it. Which is why I stopped buying microsoft products and won't support it. Also, they should do price cuts on video games. Alot of games are having price drops quick as people are no longer having blind buys and instead just wait it out which I don't blame. For a company like activision to be making all these millions and state what they did, they have some nerve and balls. I suggest they do a price cut all across the board on consoles, games, etc.
[quote name='KingBroly']He should call for games packed-in with peripherals to be cut in price, not consoles.[/QUOTE]

Seeing the rate DJ Hero had price cuts due to not selling, you could almost say he covertly did.

Kotick is wearing his corporate heart on his sleeve with giant neon signs and air horns blasting nonstop. It's too bad so many great franchises are under his company's roof, because he's going to indirectly hurt them with all the dumbass decisions he makes.
If you people would actually click the link, you might notice that this article isn't even about Kotick (who is indeed, note, a complete and utter fuck), so I don't see why a lot of the discussion is automatically focusing on him. These comments come from Michael Morhaime, president and co-founder of Blizzard.
i think the game prices are more of the problem then the consoles.
i just dotn see how people can spend 60$ on a game unless it's a huge blockbuster like lets say halo 3 or ff14.

there is an industry based around used games too. do you think the publishers get any of that money? probably just a license from xbox or sony and thats about it. :)
Great franchises? Rofl. They watered down GH and have NOTHING else of value. They ruined all their brands just like EA did years ago. They cut the new projects, rehashed the sequels. That's not the way to go, so when we finally stop buying their BS games they find the nerve to blame it on hardware sales. We aren't that stupid. Activision needs to find some good games and quickly. And that means less games with expensive peripherals. GH had success, that doesn't mean the DJ and skating games will sell.
[quote name='DPsx7']Great franchises? Rofl. They watered down GH and have NOTHING else of value. [/QUOTE]

Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft. Own all of Sierra's old franchises.

There's probably more worth mentioning.
So the president of Blizzard, the company that has sworn off consoles for years now, is saying consoles should drop in price? Thanks for the input chuckles.
Own all of Sierra's old franchises.
Which they will never do anything with, other than sell them on (which is basically free money, so it's not surprising that they're doing it, and shouldn't be seen as a sign that they ever actually intend to do anything else with those IPs).
its a good thing i started boycotting activision a long time ago. I want NEW / GOOD titles.....not 4 guitar heroes per year and 2 COD games per year. Activision sucks, they have for a long time. Name the last EXCELLENT game they have made themselves OR published. Even Infinity Ward cant make a game for them that isnt chock full of glitches.

and for the record, my boycott started because COD WAW ruined my original 60GB system!
That's funny considering the industry has always been driven by the software rather than the hardware. (If you mention the Wii, I'm going to punch you in the face and kick your sister)

Dear Activision,

I'm going to keep this real simple for you: Make games that people will want to play and you will be just fine. Kthanksbye

[quote name='camnron']and for the record, my boycott started because COD WAW ruined my original 60GB system![/QUOTE]

Really? Care to elaborate on that please?
[quote name='Scorch']fuck Kotick. He wants other people's prices to go down while his software prices go up.[/QUOTE]
This. The less a console is, the more money is freed for software. What a cunt.
[quote name='PraiseChaos']Really? Care to elaborate on that please?[/QUOTE]

CoD4 ruined my 60 gb PS3 not more then one month old. Had to send it to Sony and get it repaired, then I played CoD4 again. From my experience, the game will freeze randomly, where you couldn't even play five minutes and then it eventually just killed the system. It happened on CoD3 from what I could research what happened to my system. It froze a few times on CoD MW2 so it seems they still haven't really fixed whatever bug that is causing this to happen.
My only reason for still caring about this company is Diablo III and Starcraft II. COD is all right but I have felt it was an overrated franchise for years.
[quote name='Strell']Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft. Own all of Sierra's old franchises.

There's probably more worth mentioning.[/QUOTE]

Old titles, zero entertainment. Any more?
Buy 2 Activision games and you've paid more than a console costs. I think they realized that's not sustainable so they'll keep doing expensive CE's & then progress onto making more of their games require subscription payments. Then other companies will attempt the same.
How about Activision stops making those crappy Guitar Hero: Jonas Brothers sequels and then they'll have a right to bitch about console prices.

Seriously, they've saturated the market to the point where barely anyone cares anymore.
[quote name='DPsx7']Old titles, zero entertainment. Any more?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Kevfactor']i think the game prices are more of the problem then the consoles.
i just dotn see how people can spend 60$ on a game unless it's a huge blockbuster like lets say halo 3 or ff14.

there is an industry based around used games too. do you think the publishers get any of that money? probably just a license from xbox or sony and thats about it. :)[/QUOTE]


Consoles are more affordable than they ever have been, and the sales of a came like MW2 show that there's a big enough install base for a well-advertised and well-made game to sell well (or set records, for that matter).'
[quote name='bsesb2003']The magic price for consoles is $200.[/QUOTE]

That price used to be $150. But yes, I too feel that $200 is the magic price point now. And 2 of the 3 current gen consoles are $200. So the hardware makers have been doing their part. If a publisher is so concerned about their customers in today's economy, then they should do what they have to power to do and lower the prices on their products.
“You are going to need to see product innovations,” he said. “And as you look at some of the new user interfaces that are coming out, I think those are certainly going to deliver some interesting product innovation.”

New Innovation is not the same as more plastic shit, k.
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The article he mentions the need to support the "motion controls" of Sony/MS systems, and that they need to drop prices to reach larger demographics. From what Im taking from it, they want sony/ms to become like nintendo so they can whore their 20 iterations of GH and Tony Hawk. Ironically he mentions innovation, yet as I mentioned GH and TH are the most whored franchises ever. And of course digital distribution is mentioned because of Blizzards WOW franchise, they just want to make even more money for producing less.
diablo 3 and starcraft 2 is going to be an okay game. it will end up like call of duty 6 modern warfare 2 for pc, that is botched and forced. the funny thing is, it's not activisions doing, it's blizzards doing.
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']diablo 3 and starcraft 2 is going to be an okay game. it will end up like call of duty 6 modern warfare 2 for pc, that is botched and forced. the funny thing is, it's not activisions doing, it's blizzards doing.[/QUOTE]

Stop talking.
[quote name='Chuplayer']Activision = video game trolls

Remember when they were trolling Atari?[/QUOTE]

Remember when Activision didn't suck ass?

I don't either.
[quote name='georox']Remember when Activision didn't suck ass?

I don't either.[/QUOTE]

Pitfall, 1982. What'd I win?

[quote name='DPsx7']Old titles, zero entertainment. Any more?[/QUOTE]

I still have like 3 copies of King's Quest 6... And as for StarCraft, I guess you don't know any Koreans :lol:
[quote name='Halo05']fucking kids.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']

What, you two think I'm wrong? Well I'm not. Maybe I can let you have the RPG but Warcraft is just a glorified chatroom/MMO, not a real game. My point still stands that Activision has nothing. We all know the story of EA so they're just following the same path. Eventually they'll learn to find some new games and redeem themselves.
You do realize that Warcraft started life as an RTS and at some point down the line, there's going to be a Warcraft 4 that continues down that path right?

EDIT - And despite being over ten years old, Starcraft still has a massive worldwide following. And despite being almost ten years old, Diablo 2 still gets patched and enjoys constant Battlenet play. Look, like them or not, it isn't an accident that stores still carry the Diablo, Warcraft III, and Starcraft boxed sets, they still sell.
If you think Starcraft is bad gaming, you are the reason for ruining gaming. I'm going to refer to those of you as Activision from now on.
Tons of people still play Starcraft and that game was released in what...1998? Yup... zero entertainment.


Not to mention SC2 beta just started today. Stop talking out of thy buttox.
The one negative thing I will say about Blizzard is that they really have no business calling for any movement on console price in the least. The last decent game Blizzard made that was on a console was what The Lost Vikings 1 & 2 or Blackthorne? and that was the SNES. After that they've just thrown out some garbage N64 racing games and GBA titles.

That being said, if any gamer of any age can't realize the vast impact that Warcraft has directly had on RTS gaming for the last 15 years then they really need a history lesson. There is a reason every other game implement resource collection and race differentiation of units. The only other game with that claim is Dune II, it just wasn't popular enough to make it mainstream.

There's definitely a reason why so many PC games that we forget about year after year are brushed aside because they are "Diablo-esque" or "Warcraft like." It's because these games did it right first and it like Doom(or Wolfenstein?) for FPS's is what the benchmark was set by. Sure 12 years down the road it's easy to say "No entertainment value left." but I would counter that by saying if there was really no entertainment value in classic video gaming than I doubt the vast majority of WiiWare sales would have occured. Super Mario Brothers is still the shit nearly 30 years later.

Personal opinion : Blizzard developed what I am sure is the majority money maker for Activision annually in World of Warcraft. Malign it all you want(and I would be there with you doing it) it is the standard in MMORPGs for a reason, it just might not be a good reason. Now if they were calling for a drop in computer prices, that almost might make sense..
dropping console prices further wont help things imo. if you havent bought a consle by now youre either saving up to get one or you plan on getting one after the next gen comes out. like many of you mentioned game prices dictate sales more than the console prices at this point on top of that add to the equation the inevitable dlc prices that come up and theres the reason why their games might not sell as well as they want. that and those games that require special peripherals.

i liked call of duty waw overall but going into mp is kind of annoyig when you can only play 4 out of every 10 games you try to join because you dont have the required map pack.
Technically they aren't even Activision games. But no, RTS's aren't that entertaining. I only played one or two. And if they were doing so well then why is Activision whining? Talk your way out of that one...
[quote name='DPsx7']Technically they aren't even Activision games. But no, RTS's aren't that entertaining. I only played one or two. And if they were doing so well then why is Activision whining? Talk your way out of that one...[/QUOTE]

It's really cute you think you are making a good argument here.
[quote name='DPsx7']...why is Activision whining?...[/QUOTE]

Why do you think they are whining? Direct quote from Morhaime:

If you look at consoles, I think you are going to need to see hardware price declines given the economic uncertainties that we have... You are going to need to see product innovations... And as you look at some of the new user interfaces that are coming out, I think those are certainly going to deliver some interesting product innovation.
bread's done