Advance Wars: Days of Ruin - General Discussion - Release Date Jan. 21 2008!!!

[quote name='hootie']Though I'm still hyped for this game...IS has really thinned it down.

No Hard Campaign
No War Room
No Combat
No Survival
No Place to buy new maps/etc (Hachi)


Say What?!?

Those were the perfect options to make the gameplay last longer :cry:
[quote name='suko_32']My FC is 051663-661095. Post here or PM me if you want a match.[/quote]

Added you.

Played a match online, got beat badly but it was fun.
[quote name='yukine']Added you.

Played a match online, got beat badly but it was fun.[/QUOTE]

DS is done charging and added you as well. If you want to get a match in sometime today, let me know.
Does anyone else in the thread have a headset? I haven't picked up the game yet, but I'll be curious to see how well voice chat works.
[quote name='Logain8955']Wtf? I thought it shipped today, in stores tomorrow. Where are you guys getting your copies?[/QUOTE]

Right now it's either:

1) The Nintendo World Store
2) Local independent game store having a copy and selling it early
3) Other means
[quote name='suko_32']DS is done charging and added you as well. If you want to get a match in sometime today, let me know.[/quote]

Maybe sometime tonight, I'm going to be leaving the house here soon and won't be back until later.
Not gonna say who, but a certain CAG uses a certain torrent site that I use and I noticed that this CAG happened to leave a comment on the Days of Ruin torrent :lol:
[quote name='Logain8955']Wtf? I thought it shipped today, in stores tomorrow. Where are you guys getting your copies?[/quote]
I got this early from the Nintendo World store, my early impression so far is very positive. It feels like the completely new game. The whole combat system is completely overhauled to balance both aspects of gameplay and game mechanics. Perhaps to make the online player much better.

What new in this game compare to previous game, Advance Wars Dual Stirke?

1. New Art and Story- The characters in this look less like cartoon characters instead they look more realistic. Story is taken more serious then the last time, people actually actually get killed this time.

2. A new side quest mission on story mode- During the story mode, you will unlock a new optional side quest missions or otherwise known as free maps. They have no impact on storyline, but you can play them to unlock stuff like characters, map or music.

3. New method of earn maps and CO- You can no longer buy maps, music or CO(Commanding Officers) instead you need to earn them by progressing further in game or play side quest mission in story mode.

4. Overhall of CO Powers- The commanding officer no longer have to wait in sidelines and bark orders; they can join the battle as well. In order to use them- place a unit in headquarters or structure that can develop units (factory, airport or seaport) and select CO. They will cost 1/2 of unit cost in order to summon them. If a CO enters a bomber which initial cost is 20000, it will cost 10000 for CO to take control of unit.CO will make that unit slightly stronger along new command zone

5.Command Zone-The command zone grants any friendly units nearby defense or offensive boost. Your commander gets two command zone levels: half bar for zone 1 or full bar for zone 2 for full strength. You can level up these command zone like the CO power by either taking damage or dealing damage. When you use your CO powers it will drop it back to zero.

6. New rankings system- In previous version, you get cap for 100 in either speed, power or technique. Now thats different, they remove the cap which enable to net higher scores and more bragging rights for high scores.

7. Units can level up- It same thing as Military Madness, when your unit kills an enemy they can deal more damage then before. Level cap at level 3.

8. New units.
A)Unit: Duster(Air)
Cost: 13000
Brief Description- Sort like Mid Tank of air units. It has the offensive power helicopter on ground troops and fighter on air units. It's not quite as strong as counterpart, but they are good all around

Cost: 15000 (Only Carriers can produce them)
Brief Description- A stronger version of duster, but with limited ammo and you need a pricey carrier to summon them.

C)Unit: Bike (light ground infantry vechile)
Brief Description- A combination of infantry and recon. High movement with weaker offensive punch of recon , but they can capture structures

D)Unit:Flare(light tank)
Brief Description- A weaker version of light tank with the exceptions of lower cost and has secondary ability called flare, it reveals more areas in fog of war.

E)Unit: War Tank(heavy tank)
Brief Description- They are the new Neotanks of Days of Ruin. Not as strong or broken as Neo Tank, but cost is lower.

F)Unit:Rigs (light armor vechile)
Brief Description- Apc's are gone, say hello to new Rigs. They share similar characteristics of Apc like transportation of infantry or resupply your units, but this time they can build temporary structure like airport or seaports on selected areas with a cost of one turn. These temporary structures act a closer safe havens to repair or refuel your units.

G)Unit: Anti Tank (missle tank unit)
Cost: 11000
Brief Description- Combination of both artillery and light tank. They can strike up close or afar. Unlike artillery, they use hit and run and can defense themselves when enemy strikes near. It not hard to figure out that it's main purpose is to destroy tanks.

F)Units: Gunboat (naval unit)
Cost: 6000
Brief Description- Combination of lander and cruiser in one. It can transport ground units and attack other naval unit with moderate damage for a low cost of 6000. But one huge drawback, it can only hold one shell. You need a Rig trailing this unit if you intend to attack more then one time.

9. What's remove from this game? Experience points, Neo Tank, Ship the can repair naval units, Hachi Shop, War Room, Combat, Survival, (hard mode?, i didn't beat it yet)

10. Easier to navigate menu with more hot keys or options

11. New Save feature- You can no longer cheat and spam multiple record to get easy medals. Your save is attach to file you load with.

12. Can save up to 50 custom maps.

13. Reply the previous campaign mission without starting a new record.

14. Most importantly is the addition of Wifi play.
[quote name='KhaosX']FC

Maybe someone should start a new topic for FC lists and such, or modify the first post.[/QUOTE]

It should be in the OP of this thread, but that is dependent on either the OP doing that or a mod who is interested in the game stepping in and doing it. I can't modify threads in this forum or I'd do it as I'll be into this game once I get it... I can't think of an uber-mod who would be playing this, though you never know. So if the OP doesn't want to, I guess someone else needs to make a new thread for it.
[quote name='io']It should be in the OP of this thread, but that is dependent on either the OP doing that or a mod who is interested in the game stepping in and doing it. I can't modify threads in this forum or I'd do it as I'll be into this game once I get it... I can't think of an uber-mod who would be playing this, though you never know. So if the OP doesn't want to, I guess someone else needs to make a new thread for it.[/quote]

I will gladly work on it. Just list your codes and I will start to compile them in a few days.

EDIT: Can someone do me a favor though. In the interest of quickness, can someone compile the codes thus far and make a reply here and I will post it in the OP.
[quote name='soccerstud652']EDIT: Can someone do me a favor though. In the interest of quickness, can someone compile the codes thus far and make a reply here and I will post it in the OP.[/quote]

A bit lazy are we? :p

Code - CAG Username

201987-576233 - KhaosX
051663-661095 - suko_32
094613-349970 - yukine

Even alphabetized for quicker access with links straight to PMs! :cool:

Not going to post mine since playing turn based strategy games against others is eye stabbing fun for me.

Anyways, I must say I like this main character about a million times more than the last game. God I hated him so much.
[quote name='naes']Not gonna say who, but a certain CAG uses a certain torrent site that I use and I noticed that this CAG happened to leave a comment on the Days of Ruin torrent :lol:[/quote]
What torrent site are you not a member of? :lol:


No, seriously. I'm buying it as well, I just don't want to buy two copies for multi-card play with my girlfriend.

You're also on the other site that is related to this site.

Wow, it's starting to sound like gibberish :lol:
[quote name='yukine']What torrent site are you not a member of? :lol:


No, seriously. I'm buying it as well, I just don't want to buy two copies for multi-card play with my girlfriend.
I got the game just now ... gonna start the campaign till i get the hang of things.

Yes, it uses the built-in mic but some people prefer the headset so they dont have to move in close to the mic and get spit on the screen.
plus its sometimes hard to hear voices through the DS's speakers.

Me, im fine with the built-in mics.
You dont need to move in closer to the screen to talk, if anything it makes it worse. You can talk from the same distance you play and the other person can hear you fine.
Bah - got the call from Gamecrazy that my game was in Tuesday around noon but I couldn't make it up there. I probably won't till Thursday at the earliest. :cry:
I just beat campaign mode, it's not that difficult if plan out a strategy. The last stage you will encounter five lasers, bombardment of bombs that can't be destroyed and enemies keep spawning. If place your units in right spot, you can avoid most of devastating attack. To stop the spawn, start camping your strongest units near the entry point along with the commander field ability, you can rake up easy kills and level up your units in no time. Beat it in 10-12 turns.

The hard part in this game are those trial maps. Those maps just as hard as hard mode in Advance Wars Dual Strike . A smart aggressive AI with the combination of fog of war, it makes you start to second guess your strategy. The AI mindset will quickly adjust to your play style.
cant bring myself to buy this until i've given the proper attention to the first DS one..

i got stuck and abandoned it on some helicopter battle where i'm forced to use the damn old man, who i never took the time to use and level up in the war room or anything.

give me back my colin D:
Damn it ... I can't for the sake of God beat Side Mission T23.
Tried it multiple times now ... i get stalemate at best ... but i can't win.
I end up clashed in the middle fighting to keep at least half of the cities.
And that is hard as hell just in by itself. I got close to their base a couple of times but i keep getting screwed near the final blow.

I can go on with the story missions but my pride wont let me move on if i already getting owned... so far all the side missions and main mission i've got mostly S ranks and only a few A's all on first tries...

Any tips from those that beat that map?
Picked up the game this morning, haven't gotten to play it yet but I've enjoyed the previous Advance Wars games. Probably play some tonight or tomorrow at work.

Here's my friend code:

I'm loving the game, but I have yet to get an S on any of the missions after mission 4. They're all A's.. Is there a trick to getting an S?
[quote name='soccerstud652']Does this game have the real time mini game that was in Dual Strike? That was one of the best parts of DS.[/QUOTE]
That was Combat, and no, that was one of the removed features. D'oh.
[quote name='tokitoki50']I'm loving the game, but I have yet to get an S on any of the missions after mission 4. They're all A's.. Is there a trick to getting an S?[/QUOTE]

Getting the S Rank are pretty easy now since they remove 100 point restrictions on power, speed or technique. If you focus your strategy on speed, you should be fine. Speed strategies such as rushing the base . Also, keep your casualties to minimum you should be fine.
[quote name='fatbeer']. . .rushing the base . . . keep your casualties to minimum.[/quote]

Is that even possible? It sure isn't for me..:lol:
I like what they've done to the units. Battleships that can fire after moving, no more nanotank, bike infantry, no pipecannons or oozium, etc.

The campaign has been pretty good so far, all A's and S's but I'm sure it'll get harder soon. Is it true they removed the hard mode?
When you first start off make 1 oe 2 recon and sent them off to disrupt the enemy's base capturing. giving you a greater cash start.

Then You get mad technique pts for doing things like tanking artillerys.
Just move ahead slowly with rockets/artillery in the back, a anti-tank in the middle and a Tank in the front to shield them. add in some anti-air and missiles if map is plane heavy.

inch your way to the enemy's HQ and then set some units on their bases so they cant produce units.
Then kill the rest or even better, make a wall around the HQ with tanks with 1 or 2 Rigs with soldiers in them to cature the HQ.

Just try to use this technique when you can and it's an easy win and an easy S rank.

Keep some recons around to damage those pesky anti-tanks too.

I love this game.

You want hard mode? jump onto Wifi and you might get a opponent that will make you wish you had an AI
S Rank is based on 3 stats. The maximum is 150 per category.

Speed-How fast you beat your stage
Power-Average damage dealt in stage
Technique-Based on casualties lost in battle

Since Power is based on average damage dealt in stage, you could kill one enemy and get 150. Trust me, I got a 150 in Power for one kill. You shouldn't build too many Recons. They are good at disrupting the AI at start, but in long hall they will affect your power rating as well technique, they're fragile as hell. I prefer using Anti Air to disrupt the enemy. Anyway, build units that deal great damage - Anti-Air, Artilllery, Bombers, 3 lines of Tanks(tank, medium tank, war tank) helicopter, and battleship. There are others units deal great as well, but these troops are most useful on any variety of missions.

Speed and technique are really lump together. If you want a good speed along with technique, you need to place your units very carefully. You can rotate your troops by place them in back once injured or combine them. Always make sure your units are one square behind in movement. You should bait weaker or inexpensive units on front and leave the stronger units, commander or missile units on rear. If they took the bait, strike with your strongest unit and level them up. If AI doesn't take the bait, they will start to retreat over and over again until they can't run no more. Giving you full control of map, as well as resources.

Most stages can be won by building a large arsenal of bombers.
[quote name='fatbeer']Getting the S Rank are pretty easy now since they remove 100 point restrictions on power, speed or technique. If you focus your strategy on speed, you should be fine. Speed strategies such as rushing the base . Also, keep your casualties to minimum you should be fine.[/quote]

Mine is completely opposite. As someone mentioned, a well placed tank/artillery/rocket always works, and while it usually takes a while, i end up ranking on average 75/120/120 for speed/power/tech.
[quote name='supraazn']Damn it ... I can't for the sake of God beat Side Mission T23.
Tried it multiple times now ... i get stalemate at best ... but i can't win.
I end up clashed in the middle fighting to keep at least half of the cities.
And that is hard as hell just in by itself. I got close to their base a couple of times but i keep getting screwed near the final blow.

I can go on with the story missions but my pride wont let me move on if i already getting owned... so far all the side missions and main mission i've got mostly S ranks and only a few A's all on first tries...

Any tips from those that beat that map?[/QUOTE]

This is what I did, if I remember correctly.

From the get-go, get two bikes. One to capture the airport at the top-left and one to capture the city just below it. After that, start building mech units as oppose to infantry. I find mech units to be more effective on this map due to their slightly greater traveling distance on mountains and they're, of course, more powerful than infantry. I would move all the mechs towards the center and start capturing those cities. The enemy will probably have infantry units so you should be okay. After acquiring most of the cities in the middle, I would build Bombers. And by then, you should be able to overpower the enemy to build a T-Chopper equipped with an infantry/mech that you can drop on the base to capture it. I ended up with an A ranking (conquered the enemy on 28th day).

Oh, and building tanks is kind of useless on this map since they'll take forever to reach the enemy.
@Socheata - That isnt the map i was talking about. I actually beated that airport map very easily.

T23 was the one that you start on the top left and the opponent is on the bottom right. Theres nothing but plains and forests. you start of with no buildings but the enemy has 1. you only have 2 bases and no airports.

I just beat it today tho... man it was hectic as hell. Took 46 turns but i ended up with a 324pt S rank.
Man i was so happy when i beat it. I was just spamming rockets and anti-tanks. Had a few med tanks and small tanks with them... inched my ass towards the other side and eventually beat it.
Definitely a map you need to take your time on, because it nearly impossible to beat it in less than 35-40 days.
hm...Really tempted in picking this one up even for MSRP!I just beat Dual Strike but the funny thing is,I couldn't beat the Final Mission on NORMAL!I think I'm at Mission 10 on Hard.
[quote name='supraazn']@Socheata - That isnt the map i was talking about. I actually beated that airport map very easily.

T23 was the one that you start on the top left and the opponent is on the bottom right. Theres nothing but plains and forests. you start of with no buildings but the enemy has 1. you only have 2 bases and no airports.

I just beat it today tho... man it was hectic as hell. Took 46 turns but i ended up with a 324pt S rank.
Man i was so happy when i beat it. I was just spamming rockets and anti-tanks. Had a few med tanks and small tanks with them... inched my ass towards the other side and eventually beat it.
Definitely a map you need to take your time on, because it nearly impossible to beat it in less than 35-40 days.[/QUOTE]

I just beat that map a few hours ago and boy... I have to tell you that map is tough. Your in total disadvantage in that map; one less base, limited resources and tough terrain. Even if you manage to get close, your factory is too far away to back up your troops while enemy is within walk distance. You have to slowly grind your way down with artillery or rockets and support them with infantry, tank or mech units. I beat it in 27 turns, but I score slighty better then you. I got an overall score of 336(110 speed,107 power ,119 tech)
wow, yea i guess i could have done it faster .... I think my speed was 80 something ... but my power and tech were very high like 120.

i spend a lot of the time land locked in the middle ... couldnt move in because of their rockets and vice versa. barely keeping half of the citys.
Finally the AI made some stupid mistakes and i was about to move in.

i really did enjoy that mission at the end tho because of the challenge of it.
Remember, always move in packs so that your power wehicles are in front and protect your indirect hit units. If you move together, the computed will have a hard time beating you, and you will relly limit casualties.
bread's done