All HBO DVDs 50% off at Best Buy (includes BR)


3 (100%)
All HBO products are on sale at Best Buy and Best for 50% off. This is a sale they do every year around this time. There are some great bargains.

I just picked up Sopranos season 6 part 2 for $35 on blu-ray. It had an original price sticker of $109 on it. Band of Brothers blu-ray for $35 would have been a great deal also if I hadn't just finished watching it on dvd last week.
I may have to get Season 6 Part II of the Sopranos, The Compete Set of The Wire, Band of Brothers on BR and the rest of Oz I need. Yay
[quote name='alongx']John Adams isn't worth it. If you think it is, and you want it, I'll give you a sweetheart deal on the set.[/quote]

The second half of the series dragged on, as Adams became a bitter, old curmudgeon. The parts leading up to and including the Revolutionary War, though, were quite good.
Excellent deal. I got Flight of the Conchords for $13.49 and Band of Brothers BR for $37.49. Insane deals.

Btw, John Adams is excellent. Maybe it was just too articulate for some.
Damn.. I'm going to have to finish up my Christmas shopping tomorrow and see how much money I have left for myself. The Sopranos for $28 a pop? It doesn't get much cheaper than that.
[quote name='neocisco']Everyone go buy The Wire. Arguably the most underrated show of the last 10 years.
Yeah, it is a great show. On Time's top 100 greatest shows of all time list.
Get Extras! the complete series. Really funny show. Great price too. Glad I didnt pick up the individual season when they were $11.99 at CC.
I'm tempted to get the Sopranos 6A and 6B but figure why waste my time when the fucking HBO assholes can't even deliver season 1. It's on indefinite delay and I don't expect 2-5 to follow very soon after that. We'll be driving Jetson cars by the time that set is complete.

HBO really has been sinking like a rock lately. Their biggest shows are over. The only decent show they have in the pipe is a potential George Martin books series. What was formerly wee little Showtime is now stomping a mudhole in their asses. Now they're pulling all kinds of anti-HD shit like not putting out what people really want on Blu-Ray and yanking their HD On-Demand channel.
Mr. Show isn't on the 1/2 off list :( Would love to pick it up again after losing a few discs when lending them to people.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I'm tempted to get the Sopranos 6A and 6B but figure why waste my time when the fucking HBO assholes can't even deliver season 1. It's on indefinite delay and I don't expect 2-5 to follow very soon after that. We'll be driving Jetson cars by the time that set is complete.

HBO really has been sinking like a rock lately. Their biggest shows are over. The only decent show they have in the pipe is a potential George Martin books series. What was formerly wee little Showtime is now stomping a mudhole in their asses. Now they're pulling all kinds of anti-HD shit like not putting out what people really want on Blu-Ray and yanking their HD On-Demand channel.[/quote]
Sweet. FLight of the conchords and Entourage for my son.
Wish I could have got Entourage for $10 black friday, but this will have to do.
[quote name='UjnHunter']Too bad Deadwood isn't on Blu-Ray ;)[/quote]

I agree, it would be amazing to see Deadwood. I wish they had finished the damn series, but more cocksuckers like watching 'popular' stuff like Sopranos, which is arguably a good show but I prefer Deadwood. It's like the Okami/Ico/SotC of TV shows.
[quote name='gdemander']Yeah, Rome gets down to 19.99 along with Six Feet Under.[/QUOTE]

Second season or first? Perhaps both?
[quote name='crunchb3rry']So they are actually making that still? I thought it was canned.[/QUOTE]

Oh, man I hope not! I am looking forward to this more than any other show/film in 2009.
You mean Rome normally gets down to $20 elsewhere (which I know it does) or each season is $20 with this deal? I already have every season of SFU and The Wire, but might check up on that, John Adams, and the last two seasons of Deadwood, maybe the complete series set if it's out.

The Pacific has not been canned, A Song of Ice and Fire (which I couldn't give two shits about) has.
[quote name='neocisco']Everyone go buy The Wire. Arguably the most underrated show of the last 10 years.[/quote]

Actually, that would have to go to something like Firefly or Dead Like Me. They were canceled before they even managed to get out of the gate and hit their prime, yet they were great shows nonetheless.
[quote name='James in VA']I believe all of these HBO deals are being matched by Amazon. DVD and Blu-Ray. Why pay tax at Best Buy?[/quote]

They do indeed! No reason to pay tax here, anyways...:bouncy:
Actually looks like Amazon may be a few dollars cheaper on some of the stuff. For example Sopranos is about $28 on Amazon and $35 at Best Buy. I haven't looked through everything but at least some stuff is cheaper.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Actually, that would have to go to something like Firefly or Dead Like Me. They were canceled before they even managed to get out of the gate and hit their prime, yet they were great shows nonetheless.[/quote]

Yeah, I have to agree, not on those particular shows but that The Wire was actually NOT underrated. It got rave reviews by any critic who wrote about it, people who watched it would only meet those who either never saw it or loved it to death, not anybody who hated it.

There are multiple reasons why I think The Wire wasn't elevated to the level it belongs, but would be derailing the topic if I went into it.

If the criteria is that the show got bad ratings, I think Freaks & Geeks (the only good Apatow creation, even by his own claim) would give Firefly a run for its money. Both had episodes aired out of order, thus ruining the necessary continuity to maintain an audience, but Freaks & Geeks was further decimated in the ratings by constant timeslot shuffling (with no notice) so they could air basketball games.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Both had episodes aired out of order, thus ruining the necessary continuity to maintain an audience, but Freaks & Geeks was further decimated in the ratings by constant timeslot shuffling (with no notice) so they could air basketball games.[/quote]
Didn't that happen to Firefly as well? I remember it getting preempted for something, maybe baseball?

I love Firefly and think it had some of the best casting of any show ever, but I think The Wire may very well be the greatest television show that ever was. At least top 10. It's like the War & Peace of television.
[quote name='petedrags']Actually looks like Amazon may be a few dollars cheaper on some of the stuff. For example Sopranos is about $28 on Amazon and $35 at Best Buy. I haven't looked through everything but at least some stuff is cheaper.[/quote]

Amazon was matching Best Buy with this sale, so they should be the same price. Sopranos at Best Buy is indeed 27.5, not 35.
[quote name='simmias']Didn't that happen to Firefly as well? I remember it getting preempted for something, maybe baseball?

Not sure, but it's definitely possible knowing Fox.
[quote name='sodapopinski']Anyone know how long this sale runs for? I would love to pick up The Wire complete set with some Christmas money on the 26th.[/quote]

I'm not sure but just a week I think.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Yeah, I have to agree, not on those particular shows but that The Wire was actually NOT underrated. It got rave reviews by any critic who wrote about it, people who watched it would only meet those who either never saw it or loved it to death, not anybody who hated it.

There are multiple reasons why I think The Wire wasn't elevated to the level it belongs, but would be derailing the topic if I went into it.[/quote]

The Wire may not have been underrated in respect to critical acclaim, but it was definitely under watched and IMO snubbed time and time again come awards season. It's the best TV drama I've ever come across.

Anyway, to get back to the sale at hand, this really makes me sad that HBO has been moving so slow on getting their BD releases out. While that is a fantastic price for Band of Brothers, I already have it but boy I would love to have some other HBO series on BD, especially Rome which I think was given the axe way too early.
Picked up Deadwood the complete series for 74.00, and both seasons of Big Love for 60'ish.

Only HBO shows worth purchasing in my opinion.

Waiting for all of the Sopranos on BRD before i pick that up.
I really want both Rome seasons, but I'm holding out hope for a Blu-Ray release.

Edit: Hmmm...looks like they're on sale at Amazon for $30 each as well...what to do, what to do.
[quote name='Fuzi0n']Mr. Show isn't on the 1/2 off list :( Would love to pick it up again after losing a few discs when lending them to people.[/QUOTE]

Of course, the set that I would like to get is not for sale.
I, too, wish they had Mr. Show on sale. Some not very nice fellow on eBay absconded with my dough for season four, and Paypal didn't get it back for me...

Nevertheless, I had some RewardZone certificates burning a hole in my pocket, so I sprang for Deadwood (the complete series). It had better live up to its reputation!

I would also heartily echo the recommendations of others as to The Wire. Great show. Crime, punishment, politics, and pathos in Bawlmer, from the guy who brought us Homicide.
[quote name='Omniscia']I, too, wish they had Mr. Show on sale. Some not very nice fellow on eBay absconded with my dough for season four, and Paypal didn't get it back for me...

Nevertheless, I had some RewardZone certificates burning a hole in my pocket, so I sprang for Deadwood (the complete series). It had better live up to its reputation!

I would also heartily echo the recommendations of others as to The Wire. Great show. Crime, punishment, politics, and pathos in Bawlmer, from the guy who brought us Homicide.[/QUOTE]

Deadwood is well worth it. I just wish they could have finished it.
I am kicking myself for not buying The Wire complete series when I had the chance. Does anyone know if BB or Amazon will honor the price if I purchase it online now even though it is back ordered?
bread's done