Am I in the wrong?

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[quote name='joshythegreat18']
How many have gone to Circuit City and taken advantage of their free gift card when they knew a shipment of games was late? Circuit City had no control over that, yet you chose to get your free $10 gift card anyway.

Oh this is nonsense. Of course they had control over it. First off, they didn't to print that byline/ad! But they did! Entirely of their own volition and accord, unless you've got proof that an army of retail terrorists are holding guns to the heads of their marketing department. And they probably did it EVEN KNOWING every time they do, they'll have cases where people are getting the card due to shipping problems.

That's CC's deal they are offering TO ME as a customer.

Beyond that, lots of CAGs have reported CC not upholding their end on this, and instead choosing to make up any number of excuses to avoid giving the GC.

So this isn't even comparable. At all.

But I'm sure nobody who's arguing that what the OP did was wrong has had any problem doing any of those above.

Anecdotal stereotyping. Goes real nicely with the last sentence of your post, by the way.
[quote name='Strell']Oh this is nonsense. Of course they had control over it. First off, they didn't to print that byline/ad! But they did! Entirely of their own volition and accord, unless you've got proof that an army of retail terrorists are holding guns to the heads of their marketing department. And they probably did it EVEN KNOWING every time they do, they'll have cases where people are getting the card due to shipping problems.

That's CC's deal they are offering TO ME as a customer.

Beyond that, lots of CAGs have reported CC not upholding their end on this, and instead choosing to make up any number of excuses to avoid giving the GC.

So this isn't even comparable. At all.[/quote]

Did CC have to print it in the ad? No. Never said they did. What I DID say was that they had no control over when the shipment came in. The purpose of the offer is to give you "money" to spend at CC, in case they run out of a popular game that ran out, in hopes you won't be going somewhere else for your purchases. It's not meant to be taken advantage of when you know that shipment of a game to all retailers has been postponed.

I also know CC has refused to honor the card many times. I've read the stories.

It's also not the OP's fault that they hired somebody who wasn't paying attention. Shady? Maybe. But IMHO, not more shady then trying to take advantage of the gift card when you know it wasn't meant to apply to shipping problems.

[quote name='Strell']Anecdotal stereotyping. Goes real nicely with the last sentence of your post, by the way.[/quote]

Ok, let me rephrase: I'm sure SOME people in here, REGARDLESS OF THEIR POSITION ON THIS MATTER, MAY have no problem with these instances. Make you feel better?
[quote name='Strell']I like how the people who don't have a problem with all of this go ahead and insult everyone that does. [/QUOTE]

To re-clarify my insulting post (which I thought was clear already)--I have no problem with people who think what he did was wrong. And that includes most of the people in this thread.

Just the few that were over the top, digging up reasons why it was a crime and making a huge deal out of how wrong it was. Get a life people. It's not that big a deal and nearly all of us have probably done worse things. And anyone that's so morally perfect that they haven't is probably an uptight prude and boring as fuck to be around, and always going to be a goody-goody two shows and nagging people who don't meet their perfect moral standards. It takes a certain kind of person to get on their moral high horse about minor shit like this, theater hopping etc.

It's one thing to say this was wrong, but one doesn't have to get on their moral high horse to do so. And most haven't. And again, everyone can feel free to bash him for being a douche and blogging and posting about it. :D
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I would have done exactly what you did. Like at pizza hut we got the wrong bill and saved 30 dollars as their bill was 15 bucks and ours was 45 hahahaha.
[quote name='joshythegreat18']Did CC have to print it in the ad? No. Never said they did. What I DID say was that they had no control over when the shipment came in. [/quote]

Doesn't matter. They print the ad. I guarantee they had someone in the room that day who said "we don't control UPS/Fedex and can't be sure we'll have stuff in time" when someone suggested it.

Implied risk is something you take into account. That's why advertising is such a pain in the ass - language can be twisted this way and that over and over and over.

Once you offer up the deal and it's 100% on you to fulfill it, then it's your fault when you don't. Don't like it? Don't offer. Simple. People taking advantage of something like this is worlds apart from walking out of a store with something you didn't pay for, and the fact that you can't tell the two apart is really....well I'd say disturbing, but that's got a poor connotation, so I'll just go with odd.

The purpose of the offer is to give you "money" to spend at CC, in case they run out of a popular game that ran out, in hopes you won't be going somewhere else for your purchases.

Last I saw one of these ads it wasn't for "if the game runs out," it was for "we'll have it in our store and ready to buy at 2 PM, and if we don't have it out by then, you get a gift card." Meaning if they HAD it in stock at 2 PM and ran out, they still had it in stock, meaning the offer is off the table.

But again, this is where it gets hazy because CC employees have repeatedly denied CAGs for a host of reasons, so really the reason why they offer the GC doesn't matter.

It's not meant to be taken advantage of when you know that shipment of a game to all retailers has been postponed.

Now you're changing your argument with a massive new factoid. Massive. And since you've done that, really, there is no longer a worthwhile discussion here. I hope you know that. Regardless, let's discuss it a bit anyway.

CC has every right and reason to notice this, be on top of it, notify store managers, and instruct people to not offer the game for official reasons. Again, 100% on their end. And again, they've claimed this sort of thing in the past amongst their arsenal of denials, so I'm not sure why you are saying they haven't.

It's also not the OP's fault that they hired somebody who wasn't paying attention.

Sigh, I hate this mode of logic. It's like saying "I didn't see it, it must be legal!" Or as Homer Simpson might put, "If I don't see it, it's not illegal!"

Did the cashier not pay attention? Yes. The OP noticed it. The OP essentially crossed his fingers about it. The OP knew the entire time. But is all really getting besides the point and starts entering territory where we can dream up a thousand and one hypothetical scenarios that probably go split down the middle on how to justify/not justify something, which is why it's not worth it to go into it.

Maybe. But IMHO, not more shady then trying to take advantage of the gift card when you know it wasn't meant to apply to shipping problems.

Except - again - CC offered that up to begin with. They want to run the risk? That's their deal. Want to know what they DON'T consider a risk? Shoplifting - they consider that a crime, one that they aren't abetting in any way other than by having a store with physical goods in it.

Your comparison doesn't hold a drop of water.
It would have been wrong to keep it if you had discovered the mistake once you got home. That you discovered it before you were rung up and took it anyway is simple theft. You weren't done paying, you knew it wasn't payed for, and you knowingly carried it out of the store. Pretty simple case of theft. That someone's error gave you the opportunity to carry it out doesn't change the nature of the act one iota.
[quote name='soulyogurt']It would have been wrong to keep it if you had discovered the mistake once you got home. That you discovered it before you were rung up and took it anyway is simple theft. You weren't done paying, you knew it wasn't payed for, and you knowingly carried it out of the store. Pretty simple case of theft. That someone's error gave you the opportunity to carry it out doesn't change the nature of the act one iota.[/QUOTE]

I really find these repeated posts of this kind just silly. Sure it's probably technically and legally true.

But I'd like to see someone take evidence of this "crime" to the authorities and get them to do anything other than laugh at you. Versus if you took clear evidence of shoplifting.

The end result of both is someone getting something they didn't pay for, but the intent is what really matters in the seriousness of the offense. And again it takes certain kind of person to get outraged over such trivial wrongs.
[quote name='Strell']Doesn't matter. They print the ad. I guarantee they had someone in the room that day who said "we don't control UPS/Fedex and can't be sure we'll have stuff in time" when someone suggested it.

Implied risk is something you take into account. That's why advertising is such a pain in the ass - language can be twisted this way and that over and over and over.

Once you offer up the deal and it's 100% on you to fulfill it, then it's your fault when you don't. Don't like it? Don't offer. Simple. People taking advantage of something like this is worlds apart from walking out of a store with something you didn't pay for, and the fact that you can't tell the two apart is really....well I'd say disturbing, but that's got a poor connotation, so I'll just go with odd.

Last I saw one of these ads it wasn't for "if the game runs out," it was for "we'll have it in our store and ready to buy at 2 PM, and if we don't have it out by then, you get a gift card." Meaning if they HAD it in stock at 2 PM and ran out, they still had it in stock, meaning the offer is off the table.

But again, this is where it gets hazy because CC employees have repeatedly denied CAGs for a host of reasons, so really the reason why they offer the GC doesn't matter.

Now you're changing your argument with a massive new factoid. Massive. And since you've done that, really, there is no longer a worthwhile discussion here. I hope you know that. Regardless, let's discuss it a bit anyway.

CC has every right and reason to notice this, be on top of it, notify store managers, and instruct people to not offer the game for official reasons. Again, 100% on their end. And again, they've claimed this sort of thing in the past amongst their arsenal of denials, so I'm not sure why you are saying they haven't.

Sigh, I hate this mode of logic. It's like saying "I didn't see it, it must be legal!" Or as Homer Simpson might put, "If I don't see it, it's not illegal!"

Did the cashier not pay attention? Yes. The OP noticed it. The OP essentially crossed his fingers about it. The OP knew the entire time. But is all really getting besides the point and starts entering territory where we can dream up a thousand and one hypothetical scenarios that probably go split down the middle on how to justify/not justify something, which is why it's not worth it to go into it.

Except - again - CC offered that up to begin with. They want to run the risk? That's their deal. Want to know what they DON'T consider a risk? Shoplifting - they consider that a crime, one that they aren't abetting in any way other than by having a store with physical goods in it.

Your comparison doesn't hold a drop of water.[/quote]

That's your opinion, and I respect that. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this matter.
To answer your question, yes, you are in the wrong. You also lied by omission by not speaking up to correct the cashier's error.

However, that's your problem, not mine. I could sit here and call you a thief, a liar, and an asshole all day while telling you what to do to correct your mistake, but when it comes down to it, the guilt (or lack of guilt as your bragging shows) is on your head and so are the consequences of your actions. Do with them as you will; I'll be busy playing Fallout 3 myself.
[quote name='joshythegreat18']How many here have used coupons from Best Buy/Circuit City on games when the coupon specifically stated that games were excluded? How many informed the cashier that they should be paying extra because the coupon wasn't valid on games?

How many have gone to Circuit City and taken advantage of their free gift card when they knew a shipment of games was late? Circuit City had no control over that, yet you chose to get your free $10 gift card anyway.

How many have price matched something at another store, when they knew the ad was wrong, and the original store wouldn't honor it?

But I'm sure nobody who's arguing that what the OP did was wrong has had any problem doing any of those above. [/quote]

What's funny is I've never even thought anyone would actually do that stuff...
[quote name='itachiitachi']So according to you it's ok for me to go to the mall tell all the kids Santa isn't real, undermine the confidante of random strangers by telling them to sat out of the public because they are so fat and ugly. Then go over to the movie theater and spoil the endings of the movies for every one waiting in and then letting rip a big one. Finally find the nicest volunteer there then convince his daughter(who is over 18) that I love just so I can fuck her then abandon her when she gets pregnant and then run off with his wife. Just so long as I don't speed on my drive to the there and back. [/quote]

That's a weird change of topic... but anyway, when the law says something is wrong, it is wrong. Other than that, it's all grey matter.

And half that stuff does fall under public indecency and disturbance laws as well as childcare laws. But kudos on the creativity.
I Say fuck It Lots Of People Do Way Worse Things Then Stealing A fucken $30 Game I Say Enjoy The Movie :d
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This directly affects the price we pay for stuff in the long run. Will that $30 item make the store go bankrupt and close? No, but theft and fraud like the people buying bundles and returning parts of it for cash will eventually affect us all in the prices we pay for these items. The stores have to make up for loss some way, either it being higher prices or less pay(lower raises) for employees, etc.
Bottom line---don't do it again.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Just the few that were over the top, digging up reasons why it was a crime and making a huge deal out of how wrong it was.


It's one thing to say this was wrong, but one doesn't have to get on their moral high horse to do so. And most haven't. And again, everyone can feel free to bash him for being a douche and blogging and posting about it. :D[/quote]

I assume that this is directed towards me.

While I admit that I am being overly analytical, I am only doing so because I find it particularly annoying that so many people are vindicating the OP and incorrectly diverting the blame. Like I said earlier, now I just want to make sure that CAGs are educated about what is the law.

Unfortunately, not enough of you kiddos realize what is considereda crime.

[quote name='dmaul1114']The end result of both is someone getting something they didn't pay for, but the intent is what really matters in the seriousness of the offense.[/quote]

Withholding knowledge from a mistaken party is, in fact, intent. What you are confusing intent with is premeditation which is such a small percentage of theft.
[quote name='Treehouse Gamer']I
While I admit that I am being overly analytical, I am only doing so because I find it particularly annoying that so many people are vindicating the OP and incorrectly diverting the blame. Like I said earlier, now I just want to make sure that CAGs are educated about what is the law.

People shouldn't vindicate him or or divert blame. Yes what he did was wrong. It's just such a trivial offense that people shouldn't get so outraged over it. And of course he shouldn't be bragging about such a trivial thing online either.

Unfortunately, not enough of you kiddos realize what is considereda crime.

Yes it's a crime--I'm a criminologist so I know what a crime is, and hardly a kiddo since I just turned 30. j :D

It's just so minor that people shouldn't making such a big deal out of it--both people bashing him and the OP for posting it in the first place. Yes it's a crime. But so is driving 5-10 miles over the speed limit and you don't see many people getting so bent out of shape over that. Not everything that's wrong or illegal is worth getting upset over and should be left as personal moral decisions on whether to engage in such behavior.

Withholding knowledge from a mistaken party is, in fact, intent. What you are confusing intent with is premeditation which is such a small percentage of theft.

True, I had the terms wrong. But regardless of premeditation, it's still not nearly as bad as shoplifting. A shop lifter, even if they didn't enter the store with the intent to steal something, developed that intent while in the store, never took the item to the register etc.

Both are wrong, but they are very different degrees of wrongness, and people are over-reacting to this one. The blame is his for not correcting the cashier, but I can't offer much more than a "fuck you you bunch of moralistic prudes!" to people who get outraged over such minor shit.
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I think what's frustrating you, TG, is that you are stating a truth based on impartial law. The majority of posters on this thread are trying to come to a moral consensus based on majority opinion which is about as solid as a sand castle at high tide.
Let me ask you a question. Why the fuck do you care what other people think? Some people will think it's wrong and others will think it's not. Who gives a shit, really? Just quit while your ahead kid.
Why are the damn DVD prices for hancock and step brothers nearly the same on blu ray @_@ Why not pay the few extra and get them on blu ray lol
You got lucky leave it at that. I mean are you going to go back a day later and be like. Sir you accidentaly forgot to ring up my movie so here is your 36 dollars. No your going to keep it lol.
Ya know, OP, everything was "ok" until you were stupid enough to post what you did online! Your blog, this post, the pics -- that qualifies you as a George W. Bush, grade 'A' idiot! (I'm going to throw my shoes at you in disgust!):dunce:

In layman's terms, you just fucked yourself with your own guilt.

The same people that you just screwed over may read/be a member of CAG!!! I bet you didn't think about that before you started bragging over the internet. Stupid kids like yourself get busted everyday because they just couldn't keep their friggin' mouth shut.

Just go back to the store, ask to speak with the MoD (manager on duty) and explain the situation w/o being a total douche. You will have a higher probability of being rewarded for your honesty. And do it ASAP before you get caught.
Are you guys all seriously saying you wouldn't keep it if the cashier screwed up. Any chance for something free is a plus.
The OP already knows the answer. He wouldn't have posted asking for people's opinions if he was confident that he was in the right.

Sorry buddy, we can't clear your conscience for you. Only you can.
[quote name='enforcer2003']The OP already knows the answer. He wouldn't have posted asking for people's opinions if he was confident that he was in the right.

Sorry buddy, we can't clear your conscience for you. Only you can.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='enforcer2003']The OP already knows the answer. He wouldn't have posted asking for people's opinions if he was confident that he was in the right.

Sorry buddy, we can't clear your conscience for you. Only you can.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. Nobody starts a thread talking about how they bought Batman for $25, because there's nothing to feel guilty about buying an item.

When you steal an item, however, you may want some kind of weird Internet reassurance.

OP, you stole an item. You decide how you want to feel about it. Just note: our general definition of a good person is not a person who steals.
This happened to me a few months ago. I bought a bunch of $5 games at TRU. They forgot to ring one up, I realized it when I walked outside of the store. At first I wasn't going to go back in but I thought about it and knew I would feel bad if I didn't go back.

Same with a cashier giving me too much change. I know right away to give it back since it is likely to come out of their check if their cash register is short.
[quote name='joshythegreat18']How many here have used coupons from Best Buy/Circuit City on games when the coupon specifically stated that games were excluded? How many informed the cashier that they should be paying extra because the coupon wasn't valid on games?

How many have gone to Circuit City and taken advantage of their free gift card when they knew a shipment of games was late? Circuit City had no control over that, yet you chose to get your free $10 gift card anyway.

How many have price matched something at another store, when they knew the ad was wrong, and the original store wouldn't honor it?

Fact is, you can still consider all of those shady even if the law doesn't define it as theft. But I'm sure nobody who's arguing that what the OP did was wrong has had any problem doing any of those above. I'm not saying what the OP did was right. But I won't argue that what he did was wrong either. I just think that some people who decide to respond with "You're a fucking theif, I can't believe you did such a thing" should take a good look at themselves before they decide to judge others.[/quote]

Actually I think this is called fraud.
My two cents on this situation:

If the OP noticed the omission of TDK BR when they got home, congrats, they got a free movie even if it was still wrong.

But since the OP noticed the omission of it IN STORE and let the transaction continue, then it was theft plain and simple.

That's just where my beliefs lie on this subject.

If someone fucks up and I'm all the way home before I notice it, I'm not going to go out of my way to rectify the situation.

Of course, that does change if the error is NOT in my favor, but if it's in my favor then you better believe I'm gonna enjoy my free (insert item name here).
its ok to get freebies every now and then. people are just jealous so ignore them. you shouldnt be blogging about this type of stuff anyways, its meant for disaster.
Hahahaha this reminds be of something that happened last year during the holiday season.

At TRU this moron of an employee forgot to ring up a fucking Wii system and let the couple walk out of the store with it. But the couple realized the mistake and went back in to correct it.

Needless to say the kid got grilled good for it, even though he should have been fired.
My only question is if the clerk noticed he charged you for 2 movies instead of one(and you didn't notice), would you want him to say something?
I would like to chime in here with something. I have noticed ALOT of people saying they would walk right back in the story and pay for it. HMMMM let's see here, rly now? or are you just saying that so you don't get heckled by everyone else? This is the same website where tons of people took advantage of the circuit city glitches in late OCT, who took advantage of the 360 pricing error on BF, I have a hard time believing there are this many people on this site who "will do the right thing". Myself, I would never get lucky enough to have this happen, so Idk what Id do, but don't go giving the TC crap. If you feel he was wrong then say so, but don't act like he murdered someone or stole a pregnant lady's wallet.
The store isn't going to care much- it'll get marked off as stolen inventory, and certainly not the only copy of that movie to be marked as such.

In the grand scheme of things, this isn't a monstrous bad thing worth getting flogged over.

But, you were indeed wrong. 100% wrong. All you had to say was 'you missed one', and you didn't becuase you got greedy. People get greedy sometimes. Go feel guilty for a while, then move on and don't do it again.
Anyone who goes shopping on the regular is bound to encounter this at least 3-5 times a year. Not saying anything isn't theft, it was their mistake.
Wow! Talk about the f-n "morality" police here. OK OP, here is the solution that would fit their "judgment."

Get lobbyists and have them get a bill passed that allows you to circumvent current laws to allow you to steal from the American people (in your case Canadian) and trample the basic rights of the citizenry all to inflate the power of corporations and those that control them. Yes people, theft occurs ALL THE TIME. And it is made legal because you LET politicians and the rich get away with it. So, wake your a$$e$ up and do something REAL (your duties as a citizen) instead of whining about someone getting a dvd for free due to the error of yet another pricefixing corporation that has subsidies(for the uneducated that means handouts in the form of tax breaks, etc). Oh yeah, invading a nation to steal and privatize its oil reserves is OK then...

Let go your false morality for a true morality that maintains consistency.
This whole exchange from morality policers brings to mind some great quotes. Hope you enjoy.

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."
-Stephen Hawking

"Politics is the shadow cast on society by big business... the attenuation of the shadow will not change the substance."
-John Dewey

"Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it."

"To believe the American dream one has to be asleep."
-George Carlin

"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
- Albert Einstein

Unrelated (directly) but great nonetheless. Great for the ones who believe invading and stealing from a nation is fine but stealing a dvd is soooo sinful:

"The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them."
- George Orwell
What did OP do wrong?

It was the cashier's fault, not his.
If the store doesn't want shit like this to happen, they should get better cashiers.
[quote name='joeboosauce']Blah blah blah...I got a "Quote-a-Day" calendar as an early Christmas present, and now I am going to randomly quote things that have nothing to do with the conversation at hand.[/quote]

Thanks...I laughed...hard...

[quote name='darkslime']What did OP do wrong?

It was the cashier's fault, not his.
If the store doesn't want shit like this to happen, they should get better cashiers.[/quote]

If the store got better people to work as cashiers, they would have to actually pay them more. Guess who would pay for that? Yeah...
OP, I said yes you should have said something. I usually do but there's been a couple of other times when I've said, screw it.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Thanks...I laughed...hard...

If the store got better people to work as cashiers, they would have to actually pay them more. Guess who would pay for that? Yeah...[/QUOTE]

Plus sometimes even the best cashiers can make mistakes. I am a manager of a small retail store and I have people who have been working for close to 2 years make mistakes once in a while, no one is perfect.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Thanks...I laughed...hard...

Oh God, my eyes welled up with tears. Pseudo-intellectuals and their need to hijack conversations...
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Thanks...I laughed...hard...

If the store got better people to work as cashiers, they would have to actually pay them more. Guess who would pay for that? Yeah...[/quote]

Oh. You don't get it. Now should I be surprised... not really. The quotes have to do with the false morality most seem to have and then use to denounce others such as the OP. This is a product of their inability to think freely and to be conditioned into this illusion of having their own moral code, which they do not. Is this confusing you? Refer to the first quote of Hawking's. Then to truly understand the overarching issue, which is the control of society and its thinking by powerful interests which coalesce in big business refer to the Dewey quote? Still don't get it? Refer to quote #1. Rinse, repeat until you do.
[quote name='Treehouse Gamer']Oh God, my eyes welled up with tears. Pseudo-intellectuals and their need to hijack conversations...[/quote]

And how is it being a pseudo-moralist?
I'm sure you impress everyone at your local Starbuck's, but you're still hijacking this discussion for some odd political agenda. Terrorist.

[quote name='joeboosauce'] This is a product of their inability to think freely and to be conditioned into this illusion of having their own moral code, which they do not. Is this confusing you? [/quote]


You're saying that we can't think freely, and that makes us think we have our own moral code.

Wouldn't it be the opposite? The inability to think freely would mean that we would automatically conform to the moral code as set forth by others. Otherwise, having our own moral code would, by default, be thinking freely.

Once again, don't hijack a conversation if all you're going to do is attack other posters. Argumentum ad hominem, my friend.
[quote name='Treehouse Gamer']Oh God, my eyes welled up with tears. Pseudo-intellectuals and their need to hijack conversations...[/quote]

And how is it being a pseudo-moralist?
[quote name='YoshiFan1']Plus sometimes even the best cashiers can make mistakes. I am a manager of a small retail store and I have people who have been working for close to 2 years make mistakes once in a while, no one is perfect.[/quote]

Of course. Should have said that, as well. No one is perfect. With all of the transactions that take place in a day, errors are going to be made. And I'm sure if they made an error against some of these people, they would raise holy hell from here to the end of time.

[quote name='joeboosauce']Oh. You don't get it. Now should I be surprised... not really.[/quote]

No, I don't get it. I only studied philosophy for four years and will soon be studying to obtain my PhD. But I don't get your quotable-quotes book material. As the other poster said, peddle your pseudo-intellectual wares elsewhere. It impressed no one, including the people that may have agreed with you, if you didn't try to be "that guy."
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