Am I in the wrong?

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I do think people are being a little hard on him. Technically/I] he stole it since he noticed and said nothing. But in the end of the day it's a cashier's mistake. It's not the moral thing to do, but it's not as bad as shoplifting where he went into the store with the intention to steal it, snuck it through security etc. He just simply didn't speak up to correct and employees mistake.

A lot more people would do that that out right steal something, shoplift etc.

Yes, it's incredibly douchey to post a blog and a thread about it, but it's also not some ghastly crime or even shoplifting so I think some people need to get off their soapboxes as I imagine most of us have done much worse things in our lives. Though we all probably had the good sense not to blog about them!
[quote name='dmaul1114']But in the end of the day it's a cashier's mistake. It's not the moral thing to do, but it's not as bad as shoplifting where he went into the store with the intention to steal it, snuck it through security etc. He just simply didn't speak up to correct and employees mistake.

A lot more people would do that that out right steal something, shoplift etc.

Once again, under all precepts of law, a unilateral mistake (a mistake made by only one side of an agreement) holds the non-mistake party at fault if they have conscious knowledge of the mistake. So no, at the end it is not the cashier's mistake but instead the OP's fault for what is considered under all eyes of the law as theft for withholding the knowledge of the mistake from the cashier.

Also, premeditation is not required for an offense to be considered shoplifting. As a matter of fact, the NASP (National Association for Shoplifting Prevention - has the following statistic:

"Shoplifting is often not a premeditated crime. 73 percent of adult and 72 percent of juvenile shoplifters don't plan to steal in advance."

According to Canadian legal law (since the OP resides in Canada):

"Shoplifting is a common or street term which usually refers to the offence of theft under the value of $5,000. It means taking something out of a store without paying for it. " (

Now, what's done is done, and there isn't a good way to handle the situation. However, what we've learned from this is that there is a serious dearth of education amongst CAGs.

The OP should just take the event and following discussion and absorb it into his conscience. The only positive outcome is that hopefully some people have learned something from this. The OP must come to the realization that he has stolen something, and anyone rewarding that behavior is otherwise foolish and ignorant.

I thought Canadians were supposed to hold themselves to a higher regard than us stupid Americans... ;)
You're in the wrong. You took something you didn't pay for out of a store and are keeping it. You did this with knowledge of what you were doing. That's wrong.
If the cashier doubled charged you for TDK, noticed, but then didn't say anything, it would be stealing. Once you realized, you would then be complaining that they stole from you and probably go back in the store and demand that they refund you the money.
If the cashier doubled charged you without knowing, you'd still think they stole money from you.
The only reason you see keeping it as right is because it worked out for you.
[quote name='Treehouse Gamer']Opinion?

The legal definition of theft is "A criminal act in which property belonging to another is taken without that person's consent."

Also, under the preconception of Reality of Consent with regards to contracts and agreements, "When one party knows that the other is negotiating with a mistaken assumption about an important fact, the party who knows of the error must correct it".

Under stare decisis, as this is a unilateral mistake, Donovan v RRL (2001) has set forth that in a unilateral mistake such as this one the "silent" party is actually at fault since the nonmistaken party knew of this error.

Either way, our "opinion" isn't relevant. Under all precepts of the law, this act is illegal and morally wrong.[/quote]

yes but it is our opinion that it is wrong or right, i am not arguing that he stole something, im simply saying that this thread is kind of pointless because no matter what people say to him hes going to do what he is going to do if we may think it is right or if we think it is wrong. he allready has the movie and he will do what he will do, in my opinion it is wrong, if he didnt notice thats 1 thing, but he did, so yes, its opinion of right or wrong as i said.
This thread needs a poll. Based on what I've read thus far, here are some good choices:

[ ] Cashier's mistake, you're blameless. Enjoy your Dark Knight.
[ ] You should have done the right thing.
[ ] fuckING THIEF! Go die in a fire!

Only because the person was new and you noticed that, I would have corrected him. Times are tough, but you're buying a fucking Blu-Ray for yourself; doesn't sound like you're hurting for the scratch. This hand of mine wants to slap you for your selfishness.
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[quote name='crzyjoeguy']yes but it is our opinion that it is wrong or right, i am not arguing that he stole something, im simply saying that this thread is kind of pointless because no matter what people say to him hes going to do what he is going to do if we may think it is right or if we think it is wrong. he allready has the movie and he will do what he will do, in my opinion it is wrong, if he didnt notice thats 1 thing, but he did, so yes, its opinion of right or wrong as i said.[/quote]

... and what I'm saying is that it is not an opinion. I've documented what the law says, and the law says it's wrong. Case closed.

I think what you are trying to get accross is that our "same situation" response is opinion-based. However, the events that transpired were illegal and thus wrong. That is not a statement of opinion. It is a statement of fact.
[quote name='apokalipze2']Big deal. Seriously most people here would have done the same thing. Anyways it's the cashiers fault for being incompetent[/quote]

So far, it would seem the majority of people here have stated that they would not have done the same thing. What you actually mean to say is, "I would have done the same thing." It's this Nietzsche-ian thought that rewards amoral behavior (aka "We are all human, thus we are all self-seekers").

And I've already stated who the law sees at fault (in this case, the OP's).

Also, it's not a matter of incompetance. It's a consumer taking advantage of a disadvantaged and distracted employee.

We all need a little more education in our lives.
[quote name='carpwrist']This thread needs a poll. Based on what I've read thus far, here are some good choices:

[ ] Cashier's mistake, you're blameless. Enjoy your Dark Knight.
[ ] You should have done the right thing.
[ ] fuckING THIEF! Go die in a fire!

Only because the person was new and you noticed that, I would have corrected him. Times are tough, but you're buying a fucking Blu-Ray for yourself; doesn't sound like you're hurting for the scratch. This hand of mine wants to slap you for your selfishness.[/quote]

Everyone would choose the 3rd one then.
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You sir have earned the name twatty twatterson. For bundying that blu ray you should be punished. I recommend buying 100 copies of Shaq Fu and playing each copy for an hour as repetence.
Any debate in this situation really doesn't matter. It's fairly obvious he knows what he did was wrong. It seems he just wanted people to justify his actions for him. When he didn't get the reactions he wanted in the blog, he went and created a thread that would get more exposure and maybe more people to back him up. Seems he gets the same reaction in this thread, which is why I think this is a worthless thread. The OP created a thread title that also seems to suggest he wants some sort of pity or sympathy for being treated how he was in his blog. Whether or not this is all true, what he did was a complete fail.

You stole. You are definitely in the wrong. And on top of that, you're kind of a cowardly thief, too. You just stood there hoping they would miss it and be able to walk out with it. Knowing full well that if they did catch the non-scan, you would have totally paid in full and said absolutely nothing, too.
[quote name='Treehouse Gamer']So far, it would seem the majority of people here have stated that they would not have done the same thing. What you actually mean to say is, "I would have done the same thing." It's this Nietzsche-ian thought that rewards amoral behavior (aka "We are all human, thus we are all self-seekers").

And I've already stated who the law sees at fault (in this case, the OP's).

Also, it's not a matter of incompetance. It's a consumer taking advantage of a disadvantaged and distracted employee.

We all need a little more education in our lives.[/quote]

You can't really expect an individual to follow all laws at all times though. Certainly it's both wrong and illegal.

However, it is a quite understandable action given the situation and I don't think its really fair to throw down some sort of judgment on the individuals personality or even life just because of a single action. It's not like he's hiding it, and even came here to ask if he was in the wrong.

People can get caught up some times, everyone has broken a law or two and gotten away with it. I would think it quite premature to throw out a character judgment based on this situation.
You should have said something before you left and once you walked out the store, you stole. Pretty simple.
Was it wrong? Yes. Was it bad? No. I have the shiftiest of morals and see nothing wrong with what you did, after all a lot of people on this site choose to break agreements to get free/discounted things. The only problem sir is you did it in person instead of on the internet.
You got lucky, let people get off their high horses.

Futureshop employees probably steal more then you did.
Its 1 blu-ray, and its best buy.

Blah blah blah, I know someone is going to quote me and tell me stealing is wrong, but honestly who cares? Its not like TDK is a niche movie that needs all the money it can get.
[quote name='cindersphere']Was it wrong? Yes. Was it bad? No. I have the shiftiest of morals and see nothing wrong with what you did, after all a lot of people on this site choose to break agreements to get free/discounted things. The only problem sir is you did it in person instead of on the internet.[/quote]

Thats a good point actually. I hope all the people going on about how this is stealing (which it is) and is morally wrong etc etc have never used a coupon or voucher they weren't supposed to or used a glitch to get games cheaper/for free. Cos guess what, thats stealing as well.
[quote name='benjamouth']Maybe bad things happen to good people.[/quote]Of course bad things happen to good people! Good things happen to bad people. But there comes a day when we stand accountable.

OP did wrong and did a bad thing by not paying for it. I have clerks miss stuff every so often. And just like I speak up when i get charged too much or they ring in some other persons items with my stuff, I also speak up if they miss an item completely or even when something rings up too little. In which case I get the Stupid Look and am told not to worry about it.

Its called honesty. I want folks to deal with me honestly, so I in turn, treat others the same.

On the less moral/ethical spectrum, its also called keeping prices low. Shoplifting drives up prices significantly. I'm poor and I'm cheap, so I am all about people paying for what they take out of a store.
[quote name='musha666']You paid for a Nicolas Cage movie. So I would call it even.[/quote]

LOL, thanks I needed a good laugh today.
[quote name='guinaevere']OP did wrong and did a bad thing by not paying for it. I have clerks miss stuff every so often. And just like I speak up when i get charged too much or they ring in some other persons items with my stuff, I also speak up if they miss an item completely or even when something rings up too little. In which case I get the Stupid Look and am told not to worry about it.

Its called honesty. I want folks to deal with me honestly, so I in turn, treat others the same.
Well said.
It's one thing to get home and realize they didn't ring it up right... it's completely different to KNOW they are screwing up and going along with it.
Yeah, if you had realized the mistake after you got home, I'd say no big deal. But since you realized it as it was happening, you definitely should have spoken up.
It's the cashier's responsibility to handle the transaction in the appropriate way and their fault for missing it.

It shouldn't be on your conscience to correct their mistakes.

The only real crime that took place was you spending 28.99 for a Will Farrell movie.
OP, you didn't pay for the movie, it's theft by your omission of not telling the cashier they made a mistake. Regardless if they made the mistake or not, with you leaving the store without paying for the item, it's theft.

I'd suggest, as have others in this thread, that you go back to the store, explain what happened, and let the store decide on what you should do. If they say you should pay for it, then pay for it. If they thank you for bringing it to their attention, though not worry about paying for it, then you get it for free.

Either way, go back to the store and let them know what happened. If they have a problem employee, and she's doing this for not just you, then it's costing them more than your copy of TDK on BR.
[quote name='PenDynasty']I think the store would think you're an idiot.

25 DOLLARS WILL NOT KILL FUTURESHOP OR YOUR SOUL.[/quote]That's your opinion, of course. And I don't think they'd assume the OP is an idiot.

Though, if they have one employee doing this once per transaction, and she does 100 transactions per week, then I think that $2,500CD might be something to bring to their attention as a loss.
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[quote name='shrike4242']That's your opinion, of course. And I don't think they'd assume the OP is an idiot.

Though, if they have one employee doing this once per transaction, and she does 100 transactions per week, then I think that $25,000CD might be something to bring to their attention as a loss.[/quote]

Before anyone gives you an a-hole response to this, check your math.
[quote name='Treehouse Gamer']Once again, under all precepts of law, a unilateral mistake (a mistake made by only one side of an agreement) holds the non-mistake party at fault if they have conscious knowledge of the mistake. So no, at the end it is not the cashier's mistake but instead the OP's fault for what is considered under all eyes of the law as theft for withholding the knowledge of the mistake from the cashier.

Legally I'm sure that's the case. But it's still a minor wrong and not worth people bashing the hell out of him over IMO, as I'm sure the vast majority of us have done much worse things. But he brought it on himself by bragging about it in a blog and starting a thread about it so I don't particularly sorry for him.

If people make mistakes that benefit me, I can's say I'm going to point it out, especially in minor situations like that. But I'm not going to go online and brag about it or try to argue that it was right either. We all have our own moral compasses for things like this, turning in money you find on a store floor vs. pocketing it, theater hopping etc. And I'm happy to lean a little to the lower end on that scale as the few friends I have that are all goody two shows on that stuff are pretty boring people as it tends to lean toward being conservative in general. Same with dating, the few I've hooked up with that were all moralistic on that kind of crap were boring in the sack. Now I'm not referring to people who wouldn't themselves do what the OP did, won't theater hop etc. I'm saying the people who won't do it and get on a high horse slamming people for doing such things, rather than just not really caring. People that push their moral compass on others.
when I ordered Guitar Hero World Tour Guitar and game online at Best Buy for in store pick up. I get there, give them my pickup order, girl comes back with the full band kit. Which is $179, the guitar and game I ordered and already paid for online was $99. I say nothing to see where this is going. She proceeds through the transaction. Then she asks me if it was the full band kit I ordered while looking over my order confirmation slip, which just said GH World Tour and didn't have the final price.

Since she asked me outright, I felt I had to tell her no, just the guitar.

Could I have gotten the full band kit for $99. probably. Would I have felt good about it? Probably. But at the time I felt the right thing to do was to be honest. Would I have skipped out of the parking lot and then go blog about it and make polls online asking if I'm a bad person. Yeah, no I wouldn't. You know it was wrong to not say anything, and are just looking for reassuring from others. Seriously, it was a dick thing to not say anything about it at the time, but get over it, it aint the end of times.
you should return/pay for it. do the right thing

also, this may be one incident at one store with one cashier, but monetary loss really adds up. in the end the consumers pay with higher prices to offset the loss and to fund programs to stop loss.
[quote name='Strell']Don't worry - if enough people tell you that you are wrong here, you can always make another blog or thread about it! As they say, the third time is the charm.[/quote]

You stole but who gives a fuck.. I think your intent matters. You didn't intend to steal it. You picked up your movie and took it to the counter with the intent to pay for it. They missed it. Big deal.. it's not like they're going to get penalized for their mistake.
If you lived in the USA I would not only recommend theft but I would suggest that you upgrade to rape and murder. However, you live in Canada so you should probably return the movie.
lol @ people on here giving you shit.

stfu and get over it

you did fine, who cares?

it was never your intention to not pay for it or mis-lead the cashier in any way...they made a mistake and that's their problem, it's not your job to make sure they ring you out's your job to give them what you want to buy and it's their job to give you a price for did, they many times do you have to correct a cashier because the item should've been on sale, or their was a buy 1 get 1 promo or blah blah blah? many times do people go in stores and not realize that they should've gotten a cheaper price? do the cashiers chase them down? half of the cashiers are misinformed idiots who don't care anyway

that said, depending on my mood, i'll let the cashier i'm dealing with know of a mistake if they've under-charged me...sometimes they're apologetic and say "thank you, you're so honest", other times i've been told by the cashier that i was stupid for telling them and i've also been given attitude by cashiers who roll their eyes while fixing the problem

for the people who want you to go back and pay for it (lol)...if you got double-charged by accident, the cashier wouldn't track you down later and let you know about it (well, a very small percentage might)...furthermore, if you went back there a few days later after getting double-charged, i'd say you have about a 90% chance at getting turned down at a refund

in the end:
unfortunately, this is a ymmv deal
fortunately, it can happen any where
I had this happen to me at a major electronics retailer. I purchased several items on one receipt and had a large bill, but somehow they didn't ring up one of the games when they were messing with the little security cases.

I reviewed the receipt when I got to my car because it didn't seem right. As soon as I realized what happened I went back in with the game and the receipt so I could pay for it.

Here's where things go sideways... they accused me of stealing it, and told me to get out of the store and don't shop there again. They didn't even want the item back for some reason. I was shocked, and more than a little pissed off. I was in my early 30s at the time and was in a suit. I never returned to that particular store. They eventually closed that location a few years ago.

My suggestion, if you decide to return it then call first and speak with a manager.
[quote name='daminion']I had this happen to me at a major electronics retailer. I purchased several items on one receipt and had a large bill, but somehow they didn't ring up one of the games when they were messing with the little security cases.

I reviewed the receipt when I got to my car because it didn't seem right. As soon as I realized what happened I went back in with the game and the receipt so I could pay for it.

Here's where things go sideways... they accused me of stealing it, and told me to get out of the store and don't shop there again. They didn't even want the item back for some reason. I was shocked, and more than a little pissed off. I was in my early 30s at the time and was in a suit. I never returned to that particular store. They eventually closed that location a few years ago.

My suggestion, if you decide to return it then call first and speak with a manager.[/quote]

Yeah speak to the manager. I think they did that so they wouldn't get in trouble with their supervisor.
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I like how the people who don't have a problem with all of this go ahead and insult everyone that does. Character!

What a great day to be a human being.
[quote name='Strell']I like how the people who don't have a problem with all of this go ahead and insult everyone that does. Character!

What a great day to be a human being.[/quote]

And I could at least understand if everyone was insulting the OP, but for the most part, the posts were simply saying, "No, you're wrong." I'm sure the "supporters" will come up with examples to try and show I'm clueless, but I stand by my opinion. Most people have been civil and anything above and beyond was probably brought on by the fact that the OP was already told he was wrong in his blog post, and rather than just say, "fuck it, I don't care," decided to compound the issue by making a thread about it.
I bought a pack of gum and the Mario Party 7 with mic box when it had first come out at a random Shopko. They somehow missed scanning the Mario Party 7 and charged me the .89 or whatever the pack of gum cost for the lot of it. No questions asked. The cashier even put it on the demagnetizing thing to deactivate the security thing.
How many here have used coupons from Best Buy/Circuit City on games when the coupon specifically stated that games were excluded? How many informed the cashier that they should be paying extra because the coupon wasn't valid on games?

How many have gone to Circuit City and taken advantage of their free gift card when they knew a shipment of games was late? Circuit City had no control over that, yet you chose to get your free $10 gift card anyway.

How many have price matched something at another store, when they knew the ad was wrong, and the original store wouldn't honor it?

Fact is, you can still consider all of those shady even if the law doesn't define it as theft. But I'm sure nobody who's arguing that what the OP did was wrong has had any problem doing any of those above. I'm not saying what the OP did was right. But I won't argue that what he did was wrong either. I just think that some people who decide to respond with "You're a fucking theif, I can't believe you did such a thing" should take a good look at themselves before they decide to judge others.
[quote name='daminion']I had this happen to me at a major electronics retailer. I purchased several items on one receipt and had a large bill, but somehow they didn't ring up one of the games when they were messing with the little security cases.

I reviewed the receipt when I got to my car because it didn't seem right. As soon as I realized what happened I went back in with the game and the receipt so I could pay for it.

Here's where things go sideways... they accused me of stealing it, and told me to get out of the store and don't shop there again. They didn't even want the item back for some reason. I was shocked, and more than a little pissed off. I was in my early 30s at the time and was in a suit. I never returned to that particular store. They eventually closed that location a few years ago.

My suggestion, if you decide to return it then call first and speak with a manager.[/quote]

This is exactly why you should not only not return stuff you stole by accident, but start stealing more, and intentionally.
[quote name='Treehouse Gamer']... and what I'm saying is that it is not an opinion. I've documented what the law says, and the law says it's wrong. Case closed.
So according to you it's ok for me to go to the mall tell all the kids Santa isn't real, undermine the confidante of random strangers by telling them to sat out of the public because they are so fat and ugly. Then go over to the movie theater and spoil the endings of the movies for every one waiting in and then letting rip a big one. Finally find the nicest volunteer there then convince his daughter(who is over 18) that I love just so I can fuck her then abandon her when she gets pregnant and then run off with his wife. Just so long as I don't speed on my drive to the there and back.

back on topic ya what the op did wasn't right, but if that's the worst thing he's ever done the he's probably a fucking saint
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