Amazon: Buy a video game and get $5 in Mp3s

[quote name='helluvagood']this isn't even a deal... I don't know anyone in RL who actually pays to download music lol[/QUOTE]

people that aren't criminals and that have morals
[quote name='poker360']people that aren't criminals and that have morals[/QUOTE]

read: Fools.

Be mad all you want but I thought it was funny.
[quote name='Thorgouge']read: Fools.

Be mad all you want but I thought it was funny.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, but it is ILLEGAL to steal. Would you go to wal-mart and steal a CD? Didn't think so. Same thing, your just not getting caught.
[quote name='poker360']Sorry, but it is ILLEGAL to steal. Would you go to wal-mart and steal a CD? Didn't think so. Same thing, your just not getting caught.[/QUOTE]

You guys are so full of it. You know you download music illegally, you just don't want to admit it.
Sorry, but it is ILLEGAL to steal. Would you go to wal-mart and steal a CD?

Absolutely, if cd's had any value to me whatsoever. As it is, however, downloading mp3's is easier and more efficient.

"Piracy" is not theft, though, so your analogy is a failure. When I shoplift a CD from Wal-Mart, I'm depriving Wal-Mart of a physical good that it previously owned. When I pirate an mp3 I am copying data to my computer. The only "loss" incurred by the supposed "owner" of that mp3's copyright is the speculative sale they would have benefited from if I had actually acquired it through legal means, which is not a sure thing at all. Anyone who believes piracy is theft has been duped by media corporations, plain and simple.
Beyond wondering why the jewy hasn't had his ass kicked for that userid, his view of the world is just as flawed and stupid. It argues that information has no value in and of itself. Taking any information, as long as you make a copy, would be fine and dandy in his ridiculous worldview. I could come up with a few hyperbolic examples, but anyone could easily come up with their own.
The selection for a lot of purchasable music is pretty limited though, even on iTunes. Whenever I get a giftcard I make sure to buy music from artists I'd like to support though.

Still, $0.99 a song is ridiculously expensive IMO.
Do I buy CDs? If it's a band I like, or a band I want to support. Usually I get a copy of something from someone else or borrow someone's hard drive and transfer music. Occasionally I'll download a CD, if I REALLY like it I'll even go out and buy it. Theft is stealing, Piracy is making a copy of something :p

I buy DVDs and games however.
[quote name='jewsdidwtc']Absolutely, if cd's had any value to me whatsoever. As it is, however, downloading mp3's is easier and more efficient.

"Piracy" is not theft, though, so your analogy is a failure. When I shoplift a CD from Wal-Mart, I'm depriving Wal-Mart of a physical good that it previously owned. When I pirate an mp3 I am copying data to my computer. The only "loss" incurred by the supposed "owner" of that mp3's copyright is the speculative sale they would have benefited from if I had actually acquired it through legal means, which is not a sure thing at all. Anyone who believes piracy is theft has been duped by media corporations, plain and simple.[/QUOTE]

Anyone who believes what you said is plain stupid, because it is not based on any known fact. I have found that anyone that makes any argument for pirating music pretty much makes shit up. Thank you for continuing the trend.

If you like the music, support the artist/recording company. Don't be a cheap dumbass.
[quote name='InFlames215']If you like the music, support the artist/recording company. Don't be a cheap dumbass.[/QUOTE]Ironic considering the site we're on.
I rarely buy the music I listen to anymore, but I spend a lot of money going to shows of bands that I like to support, and would rather buy a shirt or directly buy an album from them so that they actually make more than a tiny bit of money from it
I'm sorry but I really don't think that's a good deal, in fact I haven't paid for music since... Well I don't remember when the last time was but you know.
I don't get this whole "a supposed sale" thing. So you downloaded it to try it out? Then what, you actually bought the track(if you liked it)? Judging by the way you worded your defense, I'm going to guess no. So you think it's too expensive, so you refuse to pay the price they want you to pay, but you still want the song so you pirate it? Where does your sense of entitlement come from?

Also, before you bring up the "Pirating is good, it helps you share the song with friends which gets them(the artist) recognized/more fans/buyers." No. Why would they buy it when they can just get it from the same place you did?
[quote name='mr_bungle']Do I buy CDs? If it's a band I like, or a band I want to support. Usually I get a copy of something from someone else or borrow someone's hard drive and transfer music. Occasionally I'll download a CD, if I REALLY like it I'll even go out and buy it. Theft is stealing, Piracy is making a copy of something :p

I buy DVDs and games however.[/QUOTE]

Sorry for the double post:

So do you pirate songs from bands you don't like, meaning you don't listen to the song? It seems like you tried to make an excuse at the beginning, but then you discarded it when you said you transfer music.

I think the only reason you, or any pirate might buy games/dvds, is because the hardware you play it on won't/might not work with it and you'd have to use some method of getting around it which comes with a drawback you can't handle.

Games: Ps3 is unhacked so you have to buy, 360 means no xbox live for modded xbox, Wii - None I think, besides updates and possible bricking or no online. Same with PSP and DS.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.
It's not even that big of a deal, both sides just blow it up into this huge moral issue. Being a musical artist has always been an all or nothing endeavor. Are people really clamoring for an age where up and coming bands check their MP3 sales income every day to see how they are doing? I know small bands that would be absoultely flattered if you had their song on your mp3 player -- whether you payed a fee or not. Most struggling bands give their shit out for free anyways.

Does that mean pirating is okay? No. But asking people pay a dollar for every song on their iPod is absolutely insane. How good do people think their music is these days? The pop artists on the radio often have their shit going at $1.49 -- lol? They make more money in one concert then most people do in a year.

Does that justify pirating? No. No one is looking for justification, people just want to listen to music. Some people pay (quite a lot people actually), and a lot more people pirate. And the majority of the people who pay heard stuff they liked originally from free sources. When people stop making music, I'll believe it's a huge problem.

And all this high and mighty talk coming from CAG? Do you have any idea how shameless the used game market is?

On topic: Thanks for reminding us of the deal
[quote name='helluvagood']this isn't even a deal... I don't know anyone in RL who actually pays to download music lol[/QUOTE]

Move out of the ghetto and you'll find 'em.
[quote name='panzerfaust']It's not even that big of a deal, both sides just blow it up into this huge moral issue. Being a musical artist has always been an all or nothing endeavor. Are people really clamoring for an age where up and coming bands check their MP3 sales income every day to see how they are doing? I know small bands that would be absoultely flattered if you had their song on your mp3 player -- whether you payed a fee or not. Most struggling bands give their shit out for free anyways.

Does that mean pirating is okay? No. But asking people pay a dollar for every song on their iPod is absolutely insane. How good do people think their music is these days? The pop artists on the radio often have their shit going at $1.49 -- lol? They make more money in one concert then most people do in a year.

Does that justify pirating? No. No one is looking for justification, people just want to listen to music. Some people pay (quite a lot people actually), and a lot more people pirate. And the majority of the people who pay heard stuff they liked originally from free sources. When people stop making music, I'll believe it's a huge problem.

And all this high and mighty talk coming from CAG? Do you have any idea how shameless the used game market is?

On topic: Thanks for reminding us of the deal[/QUOTE]

Physical copy, we're talking about digital here.

Though, the rest of your post is right, IMO.

Only problem is, people don't know if the artist they're downloading is okay if you got it for free. They can't say it's okay, because then, why pay for it at all?

And ya, $1 is too high for a song, but I blame the RIAA.

fuck the RIAA
[quote name='panzerfaust']
And all this high and mighty talk coming from CAG? Do you have any idea how shameless the used game market is?

Welcome to CAG, everyone on here rides a moral high horse. Whether it be hoarding, reselling, downloading, flipping, etc. someone will always argue the morality of the issue.
Fellow Gentlemen and Ladies with penises who dwell in this cesspool of failure known as the internet, i believe these images speak for themselves.

anyone do this yet? how do they give you the song? do they just credit it to your account, give you a code, or what?
[quote name='An J0e']anyone do this yet? how do they give you the song? do they just credit it to your account, give you a code, or what?[/QUOTE]

It's added to your account automatically.

[quote name='fxu']Just ask for a refund on those $5. Demand it if they deny you the first time. They give in eventually.[/QUOTE]
I wonder how far you'll get demanding a refund for something that Amazon gives you for free.
[quote name='Thorgouge']read: Fools.

Be mad all you want but I thought it was funny.[/QUOTE]

No, FOOLS would be the people that steal the things they like. Why? They're going to get less of what they like. These things are not free to produce, and if everyone acts like mouth breathing one celled creature, like you, then we'll all have nothing.

It's like all of those people who want more and more taxes piled on the rich to pay for the poor to underachieve and wallow in their brain dead self pity. You tax the job creators, the rich, and you get less of what we all want, which is jobs. It's a fact. You steal .mp3's, games, you get LESS of the games and music you want.

Only a fool couldn't see this. Just because you view yourself as a pinhole in the bucket does not excuse your lack of ethics, and the fact that you're no more than a brain dead thief.
[quote name='menikmati']I got both credits for RDR and Alan Wake.

I always buy the music I enjoy, mostly on vinyl if it's available.[/QUOTE]

i thought its 1 $5 credit per promotion period. i got $5 for smg2 and RDR, but thought that was because i pre-ordered smg2 on amazon like 3 months ago and the $5 from RDR was for this period.

i didn't get one for alan wake.
i have ordered a bunch of games and only ever received one $5 credit which is dumb cause it made me spend 8$ to get an album if they gave more than one per person they would make more money from me.
[quote name='frpilot']i thought its 1 $5 credit per promotion period. i got $5 for smg2 and RDR, but thought that was because i pre-ordered smg2 on amazon like 3 months ago and the $5 from RDR was for this period.

i didn't get one for alan wake.[/QUOTE]

Not sure, but I got 2 $5 credits somehow.
I got a $5 MP3 credit with Super Mario Galaxy 2. I recently ordered Glory of Heracles and Deathsmiles and both offer a $5 MP3 credit. Am I correct in that I won't receive the 2 new MP3 credits since I already got one with Galaxy 2?
[quote name='menikmati']Not sure, but I got 2 $5 credits somehow.[/QUOTE]

I got two $5 credits as well, but unfortunately the third time no such luck even though at the checkout it said I'd qualify for another $5 in MP3 credit. Possibly a YMMV.
[quote name='Thrinn']I got two $5 credits as well, but unfortunately the third time no such luck even though at the checkout it said I'd qualify for another $5 in MP3 credit. Possibly a YMMV.[/QUOTE]

Like your motto says, I'd buy those for a dollar!
Yeah, I got a 5 dollar credit for TV shows a while back. Didn't see the point, and shows cost like, 2.99 so I could only get one episode and have weird credit left over.

This time, I got the 5 bucks for music, and they've got a bunch of albums on sale for 5 dollars. I can either get the new She and Him...or the Justin Bieber album.

I'm kidding about one of them. Can you guess which one?
Theft is theft regardless of how you want to argue it, if it doesn't say the album has been made available for free per the artist/label. The fact your not taking a physical item doesn't lessen that, or you can ask the people who have been ordered to pay thousands in court fees and fines that have been caught doing so.

Yes I have downloaded music in the past illegally, I no longer do so nor do i have the music that I obtained, most people who upload music do so at the crappiest bit rates to begin with.

Hell amazon has over 100 albums right now for 5.00 good ones in fact.

And to those who complain .99 is too much. Then sample em from amazon you like em buy the album its cheaper then buying all the songs individually. I buy more songs because well frankly most cd's don't have but 1-3 songs I like. And it costs money to make cd's, its not a bunch of guys in their basement with pro tools, you figure time spent, instruments, etc it adds up pretty quickly.

But its okay if you want to keep doing it and pay 100 a ticket to see your bands through live nation/ticketmasters monopoly keep going, because that's where its heading.
I do not know if anyone posted about this but it was a must post. I preordered ncaa football 11 and madden 11 and they sent me $5 credit for music instantly. I am not sure which did it cause i am not at my other pc right now to look at the email. But why are they sending them for preorder stuff instantly? I got a bunch of the codes in the past i just deleted.

On a side note madden is $20 credit and $10 for ncaa. I was shocked about the 20 on madden. :)
[quote name='poker360']people that aren't criminals and that have morals[/QUOTE]
you buy all your music? well good for you, but I like to use my money towards other things.. like games.:lol::lol::lol:
and it seems like all the people I know don't have morals then. I must be such a bad person.;)
[quote name='ryushe']Ironic considering the site we're on.[/QUOTE]

So this site supports the stealing of intellectual property? Why even have deal threads for PC game deals? Just point out torrents where they can be downloaded. According to you people, that's not stealing so it's perfectly fine.
bread's done