Amazon PCDD - Important Update New Community Manager Incoming!

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Amazon DVG Deals

Official Representative
4 (100%)

I’ve got some news I’m both excited and sad to share with you at the same time. I’ll be leaving the Digital Video Games team in Mid-March to join the marketing team for’s Loyalty and Rewards program, Amazon Coins. My boss and I have talked extensively about how to maintain and continue our presence here and across the other communities we’ve created in the past couple of years. To that end I’d like to introduce you to Josh, who take over monitoring, updating, and responding to this thread. Josh will be ramping up over the next couple of weeks, he  will be posting shortly to introduce himself.

Now that the “what’s going on” part of the message is out of the way I want to tell you all how much I love CAG and the posters here. This was the first community I joined when I started this job (anyone still remember that first thread?) and all of you have had a huge hand in shaping how we think about and execute Community Development and Management here at Amazon, which has in turn shaped my career these last two and a half years.

I started to write out a section calling out the regular posters and realized the list would be both overly long and incomplete at the same time. Instead I’d like to thank you all again, you all have my deep and sincere gratitude. I’ll still be around and my gaming accounts aren’t going anywhere so feel free to hit me up anytime you want to chat. I’ll probably still hang out in the thread too :).

Thanks again everyone, let me or Josh know if you have any questions!

The Indie Store has launched! is launching a storefront dedicated to supporting and promoting PC/Mac/Web-based Indie Games. Our Digital Video Games team is a small group of passionate gamers and we’re all really excited to help Indie developers reach more customers quickly by providing a quick and simple process for bringing their games to market. Additionally we’ll be supporting the Indie Store with a ton of promotions, both at and after launch. Many of these promotions are designed to give the developer the opportunity to maximize their revenue. For example, Amazon is forfeiting all royalties from bundle sales and passing them along directly to the developer, we’ve also created an “Indie Spotlight” program to help customers learn more about the games and developers they love. We view the Indie developers as some of the most creative in the industry and we want to help them continue to create new and innovative experience for customers.

Why we are doing this:

  • Allow customers to discover an entirely new category of games on
  • Help developers reach new customers quickly. Our onboarding process is straightforward and we want to sell every Indie game available
  • We want to leverage our strengths to support and help the developers who are driving forward innovation and creativity in the games industry
General Information

Hi CAGs,
I'll be posting deals we're running on Digital Games (PC/Mac, Free to Play, Sony/Microsoft Points/Subs).

I'm also here to answer questions you might have, get you closer to the developers by hosting Q&As, setting up podcasts, live streaming gameplay etc. If I don't respond to a question you have in thread please send me a PM. These ping my email address and make it more likely that I will see your question and respond more quickly.


FYI. EA Games sold by Amazon will not activate on Steam.

1. Does the game I'm buying from Amazon Activate on Steam/Origin/Uplay? What DRM does the game use?

There are two places to identify DRM on a digital video game detail page:

At the top of the page, below the title:


In the "Product Description" section:


2. Note on Electronic Arts Games - For the most part, EA games sold on Amazon do not activate on Steam. Most activate on Origin.

3. Note on DRM with limited activations:

Our Policy

4. Sometimes I'll do giveaways.

5. I work with developers and publishers to get fun (or at least what I think is fun) content to share with you all. Here are some examples:

a. Check out the Pax Gameplay videos here: Xcom: Enemy Unknown I played Xcom with Jake, the Creative Director for the game, a few months before the game came out Also, on this page, check out the Q&A, also a community driven event.

b. Check out the interview on this page: Borderlands 2 we did this interview at E3 with Randy Pitchford this year.

c. We've partnered with the ++GoodGames Podcast to feature many of the games we carry. They talk to the developers about the game development process, how the games are conceptualized and managed, all kinds of fun stuff. I'm working on putting together full link list and will update when I have it.

What else do we sell?

Xbox Live Points and Subscriptions:

1600 Microsoft Live Points
4000 Microsoft Live Points
12 Month XBOX Live Subscription
3 Month XBOX Live Subscription]
12 Month + 1 XBOX Live Subscription

PSN+ Subscriptions and PSN Points:

$20 PSN Points
$50 PSN Points
12 Month PSN+ Subscription
3 Month PSN+ Subscription

We also have a Free-2-Play store supported by our GameConnect technology. Gameconnect allows you to link your account with free-2-play and MMO accounts so that you can buy things like in game currency, premium game time/subscriptions, in game items, etc. on using your payment options and have this content delivered directly into your game.

5. Price Matching notes: Generally we do not match international retailers (GMG, Gamersgate, etc) or physical retailers (Best Buy,, etc.)
To check out the Free-2-Play games we offer you can visit our storefront here: Free-2-Play Store

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Ok, I'll give you that one. I can't even begin to tell of the horrors I've seen when I tried to google some of the terms the damn kids these days talk about on the net. Word of advice, sounding has NOTHING to do with audio technology.

Well urban dictionary just taught me a new way that satan will punish me in hell.
so, like a moron i just read the urban dictionary entry... i didn't know that was a thing. who comes up with this?!?!?!?

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free keys to good home
"I have the weirdest boner… I think I'm gonna shove something in it."
^ Someone had to think that ^

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Anyone know anything about/have used  They've got global Titanfall origin keys at $45 & I am very tempted - but honestly, I'd never heard of them.

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Anyone know anything about/have used They've got global Titanfall origin keys at $45 & I am very tempted - but honestly, I'd never heard of them.
They are unauthorized reseller and thus I wouldn't recommend using.

That said I did buy Thief Bank Heist DLC and recieved it instantly,

but I've heard people having problems with them.

Don't know anything about them but there's always this
Hmn - thanks. I honestly never think of sites like that.. for some reason I end up going to the forum I frequent that has anything to do with the site in question & ask there (obviously CAG for game related sites). I really have to think about that... maybe it has something to do with my age - or maybe it's just that I don't trust reviews from people I don't know :)


They are unauthorized reseller and thus I wouldn't recommend using.

That said I did buy Thief Bank Heist DLC and recieved it instantly,

but I've heard people having problems with them.
Vindication for my odd thought processes!! lol Thanks for the info. Definitely something for me to think about.

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Sorry, I only pop in this thread every once in a while so forgive me if it's been asked.  With the Sega deals is the Steam Genesis mega pack happening?

so, like a moron i just read the urban dictionary entry... i didn't know that was a thing. who comes up with this?!?!?!?
My question isn't who comes up with this, it's how does one decide that they're going to DO this? And then why does one CONTINUE to do this to great extents?

Sorry, I only pop in this thread every once in a while so forgive me if it's been asked. With the Sega deals is the Steam Genesis mega pack happening?
There's rumors that this might be a Humble Bundle but it's far from comprehensive and those steam db entries for Sega bundles have been red herrings before, at least for anything that would be remotely a indie bundle level deal.

There's rumors that this might be a Humble Bundle but it's far from comprehensive and those steam db entries for Sega bundles have been red herrings before, at least for anything that would be remotely a indie bundle level deal.
Nice. If that's going to a bundle site it sounds pretty good. At this point I think I finally *will* grab the Genesis pack DRM-free next time it comes on sale.

Nice. If that's going to a bundle site it sounds pretty good. At this point I think I finally *will* grab the Genesis pack DRM-free next time it comes on sale.
Once nice thing is if you have even one of those games on Steam you can drop the rest obtained DRM free into the Steam directory and it will run them from the emulator on Steam.

You'll of course have to re-download and add them every time you change computers though since they won't actually be attached to your Steam account.

There's rumors that this might be a Humble Bundle but it's far from comprehensive and those steam db entries for Sega bundles have been red herrings before, at least for anything that would be remotely a indie bundle level deal.
Considering how many of us just bought Alpha Protocol when it was on sale a couple weeks ago . . . makes perfect sense that it goes HB soon. :|

At first I was dismissing the rumors myself but there seems to be an awful lot of Sega sales all the sudden...
Even if it does, I doubt it would be relegated to a measly weekly bundle (even if I want it to), so we should have a couple weeks before it (might) hit.

Side note, I have a couple keys for 39 Steps. If you want it, quote this and tell me what you miss most about Tebow.

And I have to really feel the longing pain in your words.

Pain could be from emotion or spanks, I don't care.

Even if it does, I doubt it would be relegated to a measly weekly bundle (even if I want it to), so we should have a couple weeks before it (might) hit.

Side note, I have a couple keys for 39 Steps. If you want it, quote this and tell me what you miss most about Tebow.

And I have to really feel the longing pain in your words.

Pain could be from emotion or spanks, I don't care.
I don't need a key but spanky wanky party y u do dis lmao dumb neuro5i5 lazy bad boy.

In memoriam.

so is he permabanned or just temporary? and what happened, anyway? i can't say i miss any of his drivel, but the threads are lacking something, for better or worse...
No one is really sure. The murky details is he contacted CheapyD and the mods (possibly multiple times) to report Drabelincoln for some sort of perceived harassment and then they banned him presumably for contacting them so much, being generally annoying to other CAGs, and generating a massive amount of reported posts to the mods. Something like that. CAG y u do dis?

Once nice thing is if you have even one of those games on Steam you can drop the rest obtained DRM free into the Steam directory and it will run them from the emulator on Steam.

You'll of course have to re-download and add them every time you change computers though since they won't actually be attached to your Steam account.
I've heard that. I think DRM-free might be the way to go for times when I'm hanging with some (non-gaming) buddies and can grab them off Amazon quick.

The pack with all the Genesis games? Sega never gave Tony any keys so I doubt they'll ever do it.

Just how broken and pathetic does your life have to be to like these trashy asian games? You guys know there's real porn on the net and it's free (mostly), right? What's the appeal aside from being mentally disturbed?
Sounds like someone needs an Alabama steamroller.

Or maybe you have no idea what you are talking about and he did it to himself by going apeshit and trying to get someone else banned for making silly posts when he himself is the king of them but then it backfired because he has no self control whatsoever and doesn't have enough sense not to flip out on mods or spam the hell out of them with nonsense requests.
I wonder what will become more annoying... Tebow's posts, or your posts about Tebow. :whistle2:k

ugh...i want to throw up...
Don't knock it till you try it.

Just wanted to let everyone know that I've been playin Aliens: Colonial Marines last 2 hours (now on Chapter 4) on Easy, just to finish the game as I heard it sucked, only to find me enjoying the game and its silly plot. I really recommend everyone to buy it (at $2 its a steal) and play the game on easy, its Alien for god sake!

EDIT: Also, it runs beatifully on max quality!

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Updated my sig with the new SEGA sale ... linked all the games I could find from SEGA that where on sale .. see something m,issing or wrong .. let me know.

Now to go back and catch up on this thread ..

Also ...

I have 2 keys for Microsoft's Project Spark BETA. If any of the regulars here (and you know who you are) are REALLY interested in trying this please PM me. NOTE that it REQUIRES Windows 8.1 (Will not work on Win8).

I wonder what will become more annoying... Tebow's posts, or your posts about Tebow. :whistle2:k
Right. I made one post about it vs hundreds that constantly annoyed people. And even the one post I made was only because someone who knew nothing about the situation made wrong assumptions.

I'm sorry you're butthurt that I gave you shit yesterday in IM for defending him because you think you're fighting the man while admitting you actually didn't give a shit if he came back or not.

Oh and I have the chat log if you try to deny it.
Oh and I have the chat log if you try to deny it.
Motoki: I love you.

Idiotekque: I love you too.

Motoki: Ok, I have to go.

Idiotekque: I'll miss you.

Motoki: I'll miss you too!

Idiotekque: ok, you hang up.

Motoki: No, you hang up, hehe

Idiotekque: Noooo, come on, you hang up!

Motoki: *silence*

Idiotekque: Did you hang up?

Motoki: No, still here, you hang up!

Idiotekque: hehe, you hang up!

NSA: ohmyfuckinggodIamgoingtokillyouboth!

Right. I made one post about it vs hundreds that constantly annoyed people. And even the one post I made was only because someone who knew nothing about the situation made wrong assumptions.

I'm sorry you're butthurt that I gave you shit yesterday in IM for defending him because you think you're fighting the man while admitting you actually didn't give a shit if he came back or not.

Oh and I have the chat log if you try to deny it.
Note to self, Motoki saves chat logs.

Right. I made one post about it vs hundreds that constantly annoyed people. And even the one post I made was only because someone who knew nothing about the situation made wrong assumptions.

I'm sorry you're butthurt that I gave you shit yesterday in IM for defending him because you think you're fighting the man while admitting you actually didn't give a shit if he came back or not.

Oh and I have the chat log if you try to deny it.
Hey now, give my butt some credit. It can much more abuse than that.

Why would I deny it though? That's exactly what I said, lol.

Motoki: I love you.

Idiotekque: I love you too.

Motoki: Ok, I have to go.

Idiotekque: I'll miss you.

Motoki: I'll miss you too!

Idiotekque: ok, you hang up.

Motoki: No, you hang up, hehe

Idiotekque: Noooo, come on, you hang up!

Motoki: *silence*

Idiotekque: Did you hang up?

Motoki: No, still here, you hang up!

Idiotekque: hehe, you hang up!

NSA: ohmyfuckinggodIamgoingtokillyouboth!
Why is he sending you our chat logs?

Well that was an interesting two pages ..

So to sum it up ..

  • Some people here like strange acts of sex ... is it bad I knew what they all where without googling it??
  • Tebow got banned
  • Tony has something he's working on
  • Motoki works for the NSA
Sad to hear about Tebow .. hopefully it's just a temp ban .. while he could be annoying sometimes did like his banter .. .at least what I could comprehend of it.

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