Amazon PCDD - Important Update New Community Manager Incoming!

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Amazon DVG Deals

Official Representative
4 (100%)

I’ve got some news I’m both excited and sad to share with you at the same time. I’ll be leaving the Digital Video Games team in Mid-March to join the marketing team for’s Loyalty and Rewards program, Amazon Coins. My boss and I have talked extensively about how to maintain and continue our presence here and across the other communities we’ve created in the past couple of years. To that end I’d like to introduce you to Josh, who take over monitoring, updating, and responding to this thread. Josh will be ramping up over the next couple of weeks, he  will be posting shortly to introduce himself.

Now that the “what’s going on” part of the message is out of the way I want to tell you all how much I love CAG and the posters here. This was the first community I joined when I started this job (anyone still remember that first thread?) and all of you have had a huge hand in shaping how we think about and execute Community Development and Management here at Amazon, which has in turn shaped my career these last two and a half years.

I started to write out a section calling out the regular posters and realized the list would be both overly long and incomplete at the same time. Instead I’d like to thank you all again, you all have my deep and sincere gratitude. I’ll still be around and my gaming accounts aren’t going anywhere so feel free to hit me up anytime you want to chat. I’ll probably still hang out in the thread too :).

Thanks again everyone, let me or Josh know if you have any questions!

The Indie Store has launched! is launching a storefront dedicated to supporting and promoting PC/Mac/Web-based Indie Games. Our Digital Video Games team is a small group of passionate gamers and we’re all really excited to help Indie developers reach more customers quickly by providing a quick and simple process for bringing their games to market. Additionally we’ll be supporting the Indie Store with a ton of promotions, both at and after launch. Many of these promotions are designed to give the developer the opportunity to maximize their revenue. For example, Amazon is forfeiting all royalties from bundle sales and passing them along directly to the developer, we’ve also created an “Indie Spotlight” program to help customers learn more about the games and developers they love. We view the Indie developers as some of the most creative in the industry and we want to help them continue to create new and innovative experience for customers.

Why we are doing this:

  • Allow customers to discover an entirely new category of games on
  • Help developers reach new customers quickly. Our onboarding process is straightforward and we want to sell every Indie game available
  • We want to leverage our strengths to support and help the developers who are driving forward innovation and creativity in the games industry
General Information

Hi CAGs,
I'll be posting deals we're running on Digital Games (PC/Mac, Free to Play, Sony/Microsoft Points/Subs).

I'm also here to answer questions you might have, get you closer to the developers by hosting Q&As, setting up podcasts, live streaming gameplay etc. If I don't respond to a question you have in thread please send me a PM. These ping my email address and make it more likely that I will see your question and respond more quickly.


FYI. EA Games sold by Amazon will not activate on Steam.

1. Does the game I'm buying from Amazon Activate on Steam/Origin/Uplay? What DRM does the game use?

There are two places to identify DRM on a digital video game detail page:

At the top of the page, below the title:


In the "Product Description" section:


2. Note on Electronic Arts Games - For the most part, EA games sold on Amazon do not activate on Steam. Most activate on Origin.

3. Note on DRM with limited activations:

Our Policy

4. Sometimes I'll do giveaways.

5. I work with developers and publishers to get fun (or at least what I think is fun) content to share with you all. Here are some examples:

a. Check out the Pax Gameplay videos here: Xcom: Enemy Unknown I played Xcom with Jake, the Creative Director for the game, a few months before the game came out Also, on this page, check out the Q&A, also a community driven event.

b. Check out the interview on this page: Borderlands 2 we did this interview at E3 with Randy Pitchford this year.

c. We've partnered with the ++GoodGames Podcast to feature many of the games we carry. They talk to the developers about the game development process, how the games are conceptualized and managed, all kinds of fun stuff. I'm working on putting together full link list and will update when I have it.

What else do we sell?

Xbox Live Points and Subscriptions:

1600 Microsoft Live Points
4000 Microsoft Live Points
12 Month XBOX Live Subscription
3 Month XBOX Live Subscription]
12 Month + 1 XBOX Live Subscription

PSN+ Subscriptions and PSN Points:

$20 PSN Points
$50 PSN Points
12 Month PSN+ Subscription
3 Month PSN+ Subscription

We also have a Free-2-Play store supported by our GameConnect technology. Gameconnect allows you to link your account with free-2-play and MMO accounts so that you can buy things like in game currency, premium game time/subscriptions, in game items, etc. on using your payment options and have this content delivered directly into your game.

5. Price Matching notes: Generally we do not match international retailers (GMG, Gamersgate, etc) or physical retailers (Best Buy,, etc.)
To check out the Free-2-Play games we offer you can visit our storefront here: Free-2-Play Store

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I install all my games, Steam, Uplay, Origin, DRM Free...regardless if I'm going to play them or not. And I actually craft badges, but I stopped idling because I couldn't keep up.
How many TB does that take? I filled most of my 3TB drive and I still have hundreds of games that aren't installed.

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How many TB does that take? I filled most of my 3TB drive and I still have hundreds of games that aren't installed.
Same here. I have 6 drives, totaling about 5 TB and less than half the games I own, whether it's Steam, Uplay, Origin, Desura, GoG or disc based, installed. I've only got about 500 GB left.


March Madness EC?

Amazon DVG bracket challenge?
If Tony could come up with 68 games to pair off against each other in daily bracket-style promotions, that would be awesome. Winner (game with most sales) goes on to the next round, while the loser goes back to retail price.

Would 16-seed Toilet Tycoon be able to upset 1-seed Skyrim LE? Could be fun to watch, and see if The Internet buys a bunch of copies of TT just for the lulz. Skyrim would need a deep enough discount to ensure that it attracts enough sales to survive and advance.

But I don't think it would work within the confines of the "Amazon page style". You'd have to have a central bracket page, with all the games listed and linked; you'd have to have the "seeds" listed, a clock with "sale time remaining", and some sort of scoreboard to show customers who's winning at the moment. None of that is possible right now, and Amazon's contracts with publishers may prevent any sort of display that shows actual sales volume.

But man, if it could work... forget the January EC, forget MAYhem, forget lots of other sales. This would be 1006% awesome.
Knowing Amazon CS, I think that's doubtful. 90% of my interactions with them lead to misinformation and utter confusion on their part. It's a known fact that Amazon puts its money into giving customers credit instead of paying more for more experienced CS reps and/or training.

Amazon would be one of the worst CS I've ever dealt with, if not for their usual promptness (I've had them ignore or miss emails before, and had to resend) and willingness to offer credit and returns in most cases. Everything else is just plain terrible and untrained nonsense.
Amazon has tripled its global headcount in the last three years, and now employs more people than Microsoft. Their call centers span the globe. I'm not at all surprised that CS quality has declined; the bigger AMZN gets, the harder it is for changes, promotions, and other updates to reach the people who field questions from customers.

As companies get bigger, their need to communicate information internally grows exponentially. Ideally, the shopping system would provide those internal updates to CS automatically as prices and promotions change; but then, there seem to be a lot of things that the system would "ideally" do that it just doesn't.

tl/dr: Growing pains.

You've bought Steam games you have no interest in to only increase the count?

I'm not, seriously, trying to belittle anyone, just understand the mentality.
I joke about it, but every game I buy is purchased with good intentions. Once the price is right, any number of games might be entertaining and it's worth taking a shot. If nothing else, a decent backlog means you always have something new to play.

I install all my games, Steam, Uplay, Origin, DRM Free...regardless if I'm going to play them or not. And I actually craft badges, but I stopped idling because I couldn't keep up.
I'm in the same boat, install everything so they're there ready if I ever want to play. Speaking of card idling, I've fallen so far behind. l just checked and I have 67 games ready to be idled. Ugh. I'm not one for using SAM either, so catching up might not happen any time soon.

I'm in the same boat, install everything so they're there ready if I ever want to play. Speaking of card idling, I've fallen so far behind. l just checked and I have 67 games ready to be idled. Ugh. I'm not one for using SAM either, so catching up might not happen any time soon.
I keep around 150-200 games installed, and can relatively easily download new ones quickly. I have a ton of games to idle for cards, but I have no clue how to use SAM, and don't quite understand what it is, so I usually just try to find a game I want to play out of my card list so I can get them.

So... you guys aren't actually "gamers", just dirty, dirty consumers or worse ... collectors.

Edit: Sort of like digital Hoarders.
I play my games. I also enjoying getting games on good deals. I'm on this site because A) I like the community and B) To help me find game deals

Although I like getting good deals, I have so many games I only buy deals on games that I could see myself playing. It's unrealistic to think I'll play every game I own, but they're all pretty much games that I would like to play if I had the opportunity. That's why even though ACM is just 2 bucks I'm not gonna buy it...I have zero interest in playing it.

Edit: If a game comes in a bundle and I'm lukewarm on it, I'll keep it if it has cards for the card money. If it doesn't have cards, I'll sell it...if it has cards but is reportedly terrible (like Takedown: Red Sabre) I'll sell it.

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How many TB does that take? I filled most of my 3TB drive and I still have hundreds of games that aren't installed.
Currently, 3.3TB being used. I guess that's around 900-1000 games in total?

Same here. I have 6 drives, totaling about 5 TB and less than half the games I own, whether it's Steam, Uplay, Origin, Desura, GoG or disc based, installed. I've only got about 500 GB left.
It took a while to accumulate, but I probably have around 40TB of storage in use now. Not all in my PC, but between that, my NAS devices, and my backups.

I'm in the same boat, install everything so they're there ready if I ever want to play. Speaking of card idling, I've fallen so far behind. l just checked and I have 67 games ready to be idled. Ugh. I'm not one for using SAM either, so catching up might not happen any time soon.
Eighty four games, three hundred twenty four drops remaining. Damn ES has to throw that in my face when ever I visit my badge I stopped visiting that page.
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Currently, 3.3TB being used. I guess that's around 900-1000 games in total?

Eighty four games, three hundred twenty four drops remaining. Damn ES has to throw that in my face when ever I visit my badge I stopped visiting that page.
Keeping up w/drops isn't that hard. I had a ton of games w/drops a month or two ago, as I had never really idled anything before. I would just idle at night while I watched a movie or something before bed...plowed through all my games in less than a couple weeks and made 25 bucks card money.

... I have no clue how to use SAM, and don't quite understand what it is...
It's an Achievement Manager -- meaning that you can unlock and lock achievements with it. Now that takes away all of the fun (at least the unlocking part), so I don't use it for that reason. However, it's excellent for simply running the .exe without loading the game, allowing you to idle for cards without using the system resources you'd use otherwise. It's also handy for times you just don't want to/can't download the game.

It's a tiny install and it has a super-simple graphical UI (just click on the game you want to run). Two clicks and Steam thinks you're running the game... and cards will follow. When you're done, close it out. No mess.

Keeping up w/drops isn't that hard. I had a ton of games w/drops a month or two ago, as I had never really idled anything before. I would just idle at night while I watched a movie or something before bed...plowed through all my games in less than a couple weeks and made 25 bucks card money.
I guess I should have stated that that was what I was doing, but recently decided to finish downloading everything I've bought. The bundle sites are the slowest to grab and that's what I have left. And card money is not a thing as I'm one of the idiots that collects them. But, thanks for pointing that obvious tip out for me you jerk. Now instead of going downstairs to get my tea ready, I've had to spend time typing up this lame response and I'm sure my water has cooled down to a point I deem unsatisfactory. I blame you and Sasha and MysterD failed client and j.Barneywarneydingdong.
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Eighty four games, three hundred twenty four drops remaining. Damn ES has to throw that in my face when ever I visit my badge I stopped visiting that page.
i had no clue ES showed this. here's what i have (it's nice that the Chrome version of ES shows my potential gaben bucks haul):

[attachment=3516:bubzers Badges page.png]

[attachment=3517:TurDuckN Badges page.png]

yes, i have 2 accounts. no, i don't have a problem.

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I had no idea they were both you. :oops:
i had originally set up one (TurDuckN) as a "family" account, but it took on a life of it's own. Probably because no one else plays games... I guess I should have thought that thru a little more.

Now it's just whatever computer I'm on.

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Now instead of going downstairs to get my tea ready,
Buy an electric kettle and keep your tea in your room. That's what I do...on days off I can drink tea, browse the forums, play video games, etc all day and only have to leave my room to refill my kettle.

I'm not a recluse or anything, I swear

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Buy an electric kettle and keep your tea in your room. That's what I do...on days off I can drink tea, browse the forums, play video games, etc all day and only have to leave my room to refill my kettle.

I'm not a recluse or anything, I swear
While that is an intriguing idea (I'm looking at Amazon right now), that would lead to a mini fridge, then a mini sink, then a kitchenette, then a diaper changing's a slippery slope.

While that is an intriguing idea (I'm looking at Amazon right now), that would lead to a mini fridge, then a mini sink, then a kitchenette, then a diaper changing's a slippery slope.
i also havea minifridge...although thats partially to prevent roommates from stealing my food

i also havea minifridge...although thats partially to prevent roommates from stealing my food
I've never lived with a roommate. I have cats. Not sure if that's any different. They make a mess, shit stinks, eat anything and everything, always around when you don't want them, not there when you do, on your computer when they shouldn't be, throw up in the least convenient places, keep you awake when you want to I talking about cats or roommates, you decide.

I've never lived with a roommate. I have cats. Not sure if that's any different. They make a mess, shit stinks, eat anything and everything, always around when you don't want them, not there when you do, on your computer when they shouldn't be, throw up in the least convenient places, keep you awake when you want to I talking about cats or roommates, you decide.
we also have a cat. that fucker tries to steal my food all the time. plus he gets drunk and tries to steal my bed to have sex in

seriously tho i can relate to your post with my dog. the other day i came home to find she ate a whole box of peanut butter pop tarts and was obviously not feeling well. the next morning i woke up to find she had thrown up a bunch of gooey peanut buttery crap all over my room

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I have a mini fridge in my office/den/game room although in my defense I bought it when Sears sent out a repair guy to 'fix' the fan noise in my main fridge, except he broke the whole thing and I couldn't get them back out for another three weeks.  :bomb:

On buying/hoarding/not buying games. For the ones I buy by themselves I like to have the intention to at least try them a bit though realistically that doesn't happen but at least I will say the interest is there. For bundle games I really don't care as long as there's at least one or two games I don't have that I want. At most of those price points it's hard to complain and it's usually worth it for even one game.

I will say I couldn't bring myself to buy that recent bundle with Marlow Briggs, Takedown and Rekoil even at $1 because I already own Marlow (Amazon Christmas sale trolled me) and I have zero interest in Takedown and Rekoil, dislike those sort of games and hear even from those who do that they are absolutely terrible.

I kept telling myself 'but it's only a dollar!' but I just couldn't do it. I guess even I have some standards. :p

Been playing a bit of A:CM (bought last december). Is not a "bad" game. but graphics are far from beign good. Very very far. But $2 is a fair price. Also, Is not a "catchy" game. I didn't play much, and don't want to continue playing it. And yes, I'm an Alien fan and even liked Aliens vs Predator 2010 (finished the predator chapter really quick and anjoyed it very much).

Cats are evil, this is a fact.

This is not a fact; it's an ugly rumor finally put to rest by Stephen King in his seminal 1985 documentary, Cat's Eye.

I will say I couldn't bring myself to buy that recent bundle with Marlow Briggs, Takedown and Rekoil even at $1 because I already own Marlow (Amazon Christmas sale trolled me) and I have zero interest in Takedown and Rekoil, dislike those sort of games and hear even from those who do that they are absolutely terrible.

I kept telling myself 'but it's only a dollar!' but I just couldn't do it. I guess even I have some standards. :p
I'm pretty sure most of us picked up that bundle just for Marlow Briggs; if I'd already had that, I definitely would have passed on it.

I've never lived with a roommate. I have cats. Not sure if that's any different. They make a mess, shit stinks, eat anything and everything, always around when you don't want them, not there when you do, on your computer when they shouldn't be, throw up in the least convenient places, keep you awake when you want to I talking about cats or roommates, you decide.
One of ours, Tristan, is a big, loud male. Males are a new thing for me, because when I got married, I inherited three Siamese females. Then we acquired a stray female and much later Tristan. Tristan likes to let you know when he's hungry by crying at the top of his voice and beating on the door. Which is very annoying on a Saturday morning.

It's a sickness.

But seriously, I just redeemed probably over 50 keys in the past couple of days, because I finally decided to give up on having any sort of quality control where my library is concerned. I can't be bothered to keep track of what has cards and Playfire rewards and then dig it out of the bundle key archive. Most of these bundled games I only paid cents for anyway, so I figure I'll just keep everything in one place, drop any dupes I have here, and then I can easily see if I need to idle anything. You know, like a normal person.
I just did the same thing. I had a bunch of keys for games I was saving for trade or I already owned on a different system but some of them date back pretty far so I finally said screw it and redeemed everything that wasn't a dupe Steam/Desura key. I still have a few keys to add to Origin from that Humble Bundle but the USED? column on my game spreadsheet is finally free of NOs.

Now I have a pretty big list of Steam dupes that I need to get rid of and then my gaming life will be completely organized. At least until the next bundle wave hits the internets.

Now I have a pretty big list of Steam dupes that I need to get rid of and then my gaming life will be completely organized. At least until the next bundle wave hits the internets.
You should connect with LN3000, I think we were going to plan a massive SG giveaway puzzle sort of contest giveaway bonanza.

This is not a fact; it's an ugly rumor finally put to rest by Stephen King in his seminal 1985 documentary, Cat's Eye.

I'm pretty sure most of us picked up that bundle just for Marlow Briggs; if I'd already had that, I definitely would have passed on it.

One of ours, Tristan, is a big, loud male. Males are a new thing for me, because when I got married, I inherited three Siamese females. Then we acquired a stray female and much later Tristan. Tristan likes to let you know when he's hungry by crying at the top of his voice and beating on the door. Which is very annoying on a Saturday morning.
You're not supposed to feed them for the entire day when they do that. Teaches them not to demand food and also makes them suffer, which is always good.

And the snopes article talks about cats sucking the breath out of kids, which is obviously not true. While unlikely, I still don't doubt a cat would try to lay across my face and kill me in my sleep. That is why I do the same to them from time to time. I always let up at the last minute, but it teaches them who is boss.

You should connect with LN3000, I think we were going to plan a massive SG giveaway puzzle sort of contest giveaway bonanza.
That sounds like a great idea! My only problem is I don't always do a good job of marking used keys so I probably have a few games on my list that have already been given away. I always advise my recipients to have low expectations when I am offering up keys that have been gathering dust way back on that top shelf that I forget about.

Edited: I just looked at my list and my oldest unused key (Duke Nukem Forever) was purchased from Amazon way back in January of 2012!

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That sounds like a great idea! My only problem is I don't always do a good job of marking used keys so I probably have a few games on my list that have already been given away. I always advise my recipients to have low expectations when I am offering up keys that have been gathering dust way back on that top shelf that I forget about.
Those are fine as well. For known working keys we create SG giveaways, and for possibly working keys we can just toss them in the giveaway description so the first solvers of puzzles get a crack at them.

I've never lived with a roommate. I have cats. Not sure if that's any different. They make a mess, shit stinks, eat anything and everything, always around when you don't want them, not there when you do, on your computer when they shouldn't be, throw up in the least convenient places, keep you awake when you want to I talking about cats or roommates, you decide.
If you think thats bad, try having 7 of them. We have 4 females and 3 males, all standard domestic short haired except one, which is a Maine Coon that I bought from a breeder (always wanted a Maine Coon!). We have a saying in our house, "its thier house, we just live here". They wake me up every morning at 4:30 to be fed. They very quickly learned that you can say no to 1 or 2 of them, but when they act as a uniform group, its pretty much impossible to ignore them. I swear, one of them was a dog in his last life. He fetches, loves to go for car rides, and even makes these little noises that sound like a muffled bark. We have 4 large litter boxes, 5 cat castles, 3 Drinkwell fountains, and enough cat toys to fill a dump truck. My house is pure feline madness.

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If you think thats bad, try having 7 of them. We have 4 females and 3 males, all standard domestic short haired except one, which is a Maine Coon that I bought from a breeder (always wanted a Maine Coon!). We have a saying in our house, "its thier house, we just live here". The wake me up every morning at 4:30 to be fed. They very quickly learned that you can say no to 1 or 2 of them, but when they act as a uniform group, its pretty much impossible to ignore them. I swear, one of them was a dog in his last life. He fetches, loves to go for car rides, and even makes these little noises that sound like a muffled bark. We have 4 large litter boxes, 5 cat castles, 3 Drinkwell fountains, and enough cat toys to fill a dump truck. My house is pure feline madness.

Yeah, you can say that again! I swore I was done at 5, but I wound up finding a kitten in my garage that was literally on the brink of death, from starvation and being bled to death by fleas. Even my vet said the chances of him surviving were practically nil. I paid to have him treated anyways and sure enough, all he needed was a little bit of food and to get rid of those damn fleas and he recovered amazingly fast. Now he eats every chance he gets and will even eat until he throws up, as if he might never see food again. That brought me up to 6. Then a couple months later, I found another cat seeking shelter in my garage and he was just a super freindly cat, clearly not feral. I think he was abandoned. The miunte he saw me, he walked right up to me and just plopped down and started purring madly. I just couldn't say no. That was #7 and hopefully the last. I am spending over $300 a month, just on food and litter alone. I love cats so I really don't mind, but it's still crazy.

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I will say I couldn't bring myself to buy that recent bundle with Marlow Briggs, Takedown and Rekoil even at $1 because I already own Marlow (Amazon Christmas sale trolled me) and I have zero interest in Takedown and Rekoil, dislike those sort of games and hear even from those who do that they are absolutely terrible.

I kept telling myself 'but it's only a dollar!' but I just couldn't do it. I guess even I have some standards. :p
Yeah, this. Just couldn't convince myself to grab that bundle having already grabbed Marlow Briggs from Amazon.

Somebody here hoards more than video games...
Yep, just can't say no to animals in need. Definitely one of my biggest weaknesses in life. If you think I am bad, you should see my uncle, lol. He has 3 cats, 2 dogs, 2 parrots, a Chinchilla, a turtle, a rabbit and a 1000 gallon fish tank that is absolutely breathtaking. If I ever get like that, I will seek therapy. Oh yeah, I forgot his 2 Tarantula's.

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Yep, just can't say no to animals in need. Definitely one of my biggest weaknesses in life. If you think I am bad, you should see my uncle, lol. He has 3 cats, 2 dogs, 2 parrots, a Chinchilla, a turtle, a rabbit and a 1000 gallon fish tank that is absolutely breathtaking. If I ever get like that, I will seek therapy. Oh yeah, I forgot his 2 Tarantula's.
I'm guessing there are no fish in the tank, it's just there for "Pet Bath Day"

I believe the technical term for that is "Swimming pool".
It actually was made to fit into the wall so it really doesnt take up any space at all. They look smaller than they sound. Here is a picture of a similar tank. Yeah, I guess it is pretty big when you stop and think about it. I have no experience whatsoever with fish tanks so I really don't know what an average sized tank is, although I assume its significantly smaller than 1000 gallons.


I'm guessing there are no fish in the tank, it's just there for "Pet Bath Day"
Yeah no doubt, lol. I do have to admit, his parrots are amazing! Too noisy for me, but they are absolutely beautiful and have really large vocabularies so they are just a stitch to hang out with.
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Buy an electric kettle and keep your tea in your room. That's what I do...on days off I can drink tea, browse the forums, play video games, etc all day and only have to leave my room to refill my kettle.

I'm not a recluse or anything, I swear
I heat my tea with the power of my own smug satisfaction.

Cats are evil, this is a fact.

They only do this to dog-people. When I was a child I had a gray tabby manx that would sleep on my chest very possessively. Later I had a big black maine coon that would displace my pillow and take it's place.

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I heat my tea with the power of my own smug satisfaction.

They only do this to dog-people. When I was a child I had a gray tabby manx that would sleep on my chest very possessively. Later I had a big black maine coon that would displace my pillow and take it's place.
Hilarious. Where did you find that?

It actually was made to fit into the wall so it really doesnt take up any space at all. They look smaller than they sound. Here is a picture of a similar tank. Yeah, I guess it is pretty big when you stop and think about it. I have no experience whatsoever with fish tanks so I really don't know what an average sized tank is, although I assume its significantly smaller than 1000 gallons.
Yeah, I suppose if you cube it, it's only ten times larger than a traditional 10 gallon starter tank. Like you said, sounds bigger on paper :)

Yeah, I suppose if you cube it, it's only ten times larger than a traditional 10 gallon starter tank. Like you said, sounds bigger on paper :)
A 10 gallon tank? Yeah that sound real humane. Watching your fish bump into glass all day long, lol. Do they really make 10 gallon tanks? I know they have fish bowls that are small but a 10 gallon tank? Wow, that just sound incredibly small. Oh well, this is one of the reasons I don't own one. I know nothing about them.

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