Amazon: Post-Order Price Guarantee Ending 8/31/08

well it sucks, but that doesn't mean that I won't buy from them anymore. I'll just make sure that the things I buy are for prices I want.
[quote name='mgarc1125']This sucks but its not enough to stop shopping at amazon. First off the offer better deals than most other retailers, brick and mortar or online. Second, for most people they don't charge taxes like brick and mortar stores do.

Lastly, if youre like me, when you buy a game on Amazon during a deal, you probably dont get around to playing it for about a month due to other games. If they change the price in that 30 days just return it and buy again during the deal.[/QUOTE]

Amazon charges *YOU* to return the item (shipping), so it would need to be worth your trouble to ship it back AND cost of shipping.
Thanks for posting this-- this is huge. Now I'm gonna be more wary about buying items from Amazon. Most stores have some sort of price gurantee like this-- I'd be a little less pissed if they wanted to puss out and reduce the 30 days to 7 days or something like that.
[quote name='Josef']Next thing you know, Amazon will get rid of the free shipping option for orders over $25...

That will pretty much stop me from buying anything from them again.[/QUOTE]

I may not bother buying from them directly as well if that happened. You see for me if that free shipping isn't included I'm paying tax AND shipping so it really starts to not become worthwhile. zShops for Blu-ray's and such, on the other hand, are a different story as I'm not taxed and only pay shipping.
I've never used this post-order guarantee. Regardless I WILL be e-mailing to complain. I'm going to be e-mailing Amazon as well as calling to lodge my complaint. I won't stop shopping however. I don't know where I stand on being more cautious in terms of my gaming purchases though, depending on the item and system. Movies I almost always will buy from the zShops anyway.
Cheapy should explain his probable displeasure with this, if CAGs are planning to shop there less than they were before. Cheapy gets affiliate money for every purchase made through a clickthrough link from CAG to Amazon, so this will affect him as well.

I'll make sure to bring this up to him when he's around next.
[quote name='MrNEWZ']Amazon charges *YOU* to return the item (shipping), so it would need to be worth your trouble to ship it back AND cost of shipping.[/quote]

I have never been charged to return an item. I have returned two items in the past, a set of DVDs and a router, didnt get charged shipping on either. If they are charging others than they either changed their policy or I got lucky.
[quote name='mgarc1125']I have never been charged to return an item. I have returned two items in the past, a set of DVDs and a router, didnt get charged shipping on either. If they are charging others than they either changed their policy or I got lucky.[/quote]
[quote name='MrNEWZ']Amazon charges *YOU* to return the item (shipping), so it would need to be worth your trouble to ship it back AND cost of shipping.[/quote]They only charge you to return the item when it's not something that was their fault. Any retail place on the web is like that, so that's not a huge surprise.

If it was damaged in shipment, or shipped by their error, then they'll pay for it. Otherwise, it's your nickedl.
Wow, I literally just got off the phone with a CS guy to lower Disgaea 3 by 3$ and then I read this thread. That sucks, but I will still shop from them as the only thing I have ever PM'ed them on was their drop on the Halo 3 Legendary thing for like $20 a couple of months ago. I shop from them quite often, mainly cause of the no tax and free saver shipping which is still better than 75% of other online retail outlets. So not a big loss IMO.
Received this email today after my call to Amazon. I really dislike how this was going to just be sprung upon people without warning during a holiday weekend. I really like shopping with Amazon but I will certainly question shopping there in the future.

[quote name='""']Hello from

Thanks for contacting us asking about post-order price policies for items
purchased from have forwarded the concern about the post order
price guarantee to the appropriate department and they have responded that
starting September 1, 2008 policy will be discontinued already.

While we don't always beat the best available price on every product, we do
offer deep discounts on many thousands of items and cannot offer discounts after
your order is complete.

From time to time, prices on some items will change due to special offers from
suppliers and manufacturers or our inventory and sales volumes. When we can
offer a lower price for new purchases, we will.

You may have been able to take advantage of post-purchase discounts on orders
you placed in the past, but that policy was discontinued on September 1, 2008.

We recognize that you have a choice of retailers and are pleased that you would
prefer to order from us. I hope you'll be able to take advantage of the many discounts we offer on your next visit to our store.

We always strive to provide a high level of service, and we would appreciate
your feedback. Please let us know if we resolved your inquiry.[/quote]
I've used a retro price match from amazon twice in the last 3 or 4 years, both times for $5 or less.
Judging by the comments in this thread, I'm in the minority that doesn't buy several things from amazon a day/week then checks each one daily for the next month to request a price match.

I will continue to buy things from amazon when I think they are at a fair price.
At the end of the day, if this isn't a precursor for more disturbing trends to come, then Amazon has every right to discontinue this service. I'm not saying it doesn't suck, but I was shocked when I found out they actually offered price protection. Is there any other online retailer that offers this besides Amazon?
I can't believe how many people are going "well it's understandable, they are a business"

How far does that line of logic go? If they get rid of $25 free super saver shipping, is it still acceptable because "hey they are a business"? How about imposing a price/weight limit for Amazon Prime purchases? Currently, they will ship out anything I buy via 2 day shipping, even if it's a pack of pencils. I'm sure that has to be expensive. Removing the Gold Box and Deal Of The Day deals? Stopping their constant update of prices? I'm sure it would be better for the bottom line if they just updated the price once a day.
[quote name='Sporadic']I can't believe how many people are going "well it's understandable, they are a business"

How far does that line of logic go? If they get rid of $25 free super saver shipping, is it still acceptable because "hey they are a business"? How about imposing a price/weight limit for Amazon Prime purchases? Currently, they will ship out anything I buy via 2 day shipping, even if it's a pack of pencils. I'm sure that has to be expensive. Removing the Gold Box and Deal Of The Day deals? Stopping their constant update of prices? I'm sure it would be better for the bottom line if they just updated the price once a day.[/quote]

It is all right. They are a business. They can do whatever they want. They can charge $100 for a $5 movie if they want. It's their business. Whether or not you want to do business with them anymore after a particular change is your business. It's the beauty of a free and open market.

And even if they took away all of the things you just mentioned, I would probably still buy plenty of stuff from them. Well, accept for free shipping, which would end up killing a lot of deals. But where in the world are you consistently going to get some of the deals you get from Amazon? And where are you going to find customer service which is second to absolutely none?
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']It is all right. They are a business. They can do whatever they want. They can charge $100 for a $5 movie if they want. It's their business. Whether or not you want to do business with them anymore after a particular change is your business. It's the beauty of a free and open market.

And even if they took away all of the things you just mentioned, I would probably still buy plenty of stuff from them. Well, accept for free shipping, which would end up killing a lot of deals. But where in the world are you consistently going to get some of the deals you get from Amazon? And where are you going to find customer service which is second to absolutely none?[/quote]

*Waits for him to spend X amount on a console, then suffer when a $100 price drop hits*
[quote name='kevzik']*Waits for him to spend X amount on a console, then suffer when a $100 price drop hits*[/quote]

You have just convinced me not to make major purchases at amazon. I did not take something like this into account.
[quote name='kevzik']*Waits for him to spend X amount on a console, then suffer when a $100 price drop hits*[/quote]

If it happens, it happens. It's part of buying anything. You can't sit around and wait to save every cent in the universe. There's being cheap, and then there's being nuts about things. Also, considering the wealth of information out there right now, you can be pretty certain of when certain drops are going to come, so you can easily shop around them. And as far as sales go, they happen all the time and at different places. How would you feel if you bought $1500 television and saw it on sale for $1000 the next week at a different store? How is it any different? It's not, and it happens. So, live with it. Or don't buy anything ever again, because prices drop, and you might get screwed out of two dollars. Then, just stare at your empty walls, satisfied that you never got screwed.
[quote name='kevzik']*Waits for him to spend X amount on a console, then suffer when a $100 price drop hits*[/quote]

But with an item like that, you should be smart enough to know when to expect a price drop on consoles when blogs and the like report as such. Unless you live under a rock 23 hours a day and only come out to purchase items on Amazon, then yeah you should be wary of console price drops.

As for other big ticket items. I would never, in my life, buy such expensive items like TV's or whatever online anyhow. Even if it did save me $x00.00 amount, the convenience of taking it back to the B&M store if something did go wrong outweighs any savings difference.
According to an article on, reported that they will not get rid of the free shipping anytime soon during their latest quarterly earnings report.
Wow, this is shocking. I had been requesting refunds from Amazon for price drops, LONG before they even had an official policy posted regarding it and they had honored my requests as long as it wasn't more than a week after the purchase. Then when the official policy went into place, I got 30 days. This will definitely make me think twice about ordering from them in the future.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Considering the wealth of information out there right now, you can be pretty certain of when certain drops are going to come, so you can easily shop around them. And as far as sales go, they happen all the time and at different places. How would you feel if you bought $1500 television and saw it on sale for $1000 the next week at a different store? How is it any different? It's not, and it happens. So, live with it.[/quote]

I couldn't disagree with bdbruce more. Maybe bdb has lots of excess cash or blinders and that allows him to say that a $500 price drop at another store wouldn't bother him. Yes, I use services like and, but that won't help as much if this policy goes away.

Bottom line is, this is about Amazon's bottom line. Like everyone in retail, Amazon is concerned about the faltering economy. They got some spreadsheet-wielding business-school grads to crunch how much they're "losing" under the current policy and, if they're really good, how much they think they're going to lose if they get rid of the policy. We can prove them wrong.

On the one hand, Amazon stands to gain a few dollars. Say 20% of their items experience a 5% price drop within 30 days of an individual buyer's purchase. Assuming a 100% of those eligible get their money back, that still means Amazon loses 4% max on their gross revenue. However, say 100% of those who might have used the policy start shopping at places that still have the policy (e.g. Tiger Direct, Best Buy, Circuit City, The Apple Store). Amazon would stand to lose much more. Here's the catch: what is the conversion rate on their rebates, and how many Amazon shoppers are actually willing to do more than just post about it?

If Amazon thinks that thousands of hard-core gamers who are always buying stuff will walk if Amazon gets rid of the policy, I guarantee you the policy will come back. The faster people raise awareness about this, and the more it's publicized on blogs and such, the more likely Amazon will keep it. I say start a website, e-mail campaign, facebook fan page, mystuff page, online petition--whatever it takes. Why rollover and act like customers have no say in how business is run? Customers ARE the business, and this is how you prove it.

does this mean that anything that we order today (august 31) WILL qualify for the price match guarantee? what about pre-orders? if i pre-order something today that gets released in october, will i have 30 days to price match once it ships?

i'm considering pre-ordering a bunch of blu-ray movies and games today if it means they will all still qualify for the 30 day price match guarantee, even if they don't come out for another month or 2.
First with the NYC taxes, now this? Man, this blows... Business is business, but still, it sucks! I wonder how many of you gonna praise Amazon for great CS when your price adjustment e-mails get shot down! Honestly, the only e-mails i sent them were price adjustments and they do a good job adjusting them, that's why they're good. Without the price adjustment thing, hmmmm, it's worse than B&M stores. At least with B&M stores, you can return and rebuy in the worse case scenario for price adjustment, anyone with me on this?
[quote name='trent82']does this mean that anything that we order today (august 31) WILL qualify for the price match guarantee? what about pre-orders? if i pre-order something today that gets released in october, will i have 30 days to price match once it ships?

i'm considering pre-ordering a bunch of blu-ray movies and games today if it means they will all still qualify for the 30 day price match guarantee, even if they don't come out for another month or 2.[/quote]

The e-mail in the first is quite vague... I'm not sure this applies to pre-order price guarantees. So say the Elmo Live is $65 from Amazon and the release date price is $60 (Wal-mart is taking $60 for pre-orders), I believe you do get the $5 back if that's indeed the "suggested" release date price.

However, if the Elmo price dropped to $50 within 30 days of shipping, and you order it after Sep 1, 2008, you're not gonna get the price adjustment.
[quote name='jdubbleu']I couldn't disagree with bdbruce more. Maybe bdb has lots of excess cash or blinders and that allows him to say that a $500 price drop at another store wouldn't bother him.[/quote]

Sorry, but if that's hard to believe, I don't know what to tell you. You can't go through life worrying about everytime an item you buy goes down in price. You'll never buy anything of value again. It's part of being a consumer. Unless you have a crystal ball, you can never tell when an item is going to drop. It's a reality. Like I said in my other poster, why don't you just sit in an empty house, so that you never get screwed out a dollar. Better yet, make that an apartment, because the house market is weak, and you might lose money there, too.

If Amazon thinks that thousands of hard-core gamers who are always buying stuff will walk if Amazon gets rid of the policy, I guarantee you the policy will come back.
Hate to break it to you, but as others have said in such threads since I came here, the reality is, CAG is not that big or powerful. Even if every, single registered member of this forum never bought a single item from Amazon again, they would not change their minds. And a number of posters have already said they aren't going to stop buying, while others simply said they will think a little harder before they do.

Why rollover and act like customers have no say in how business is run? Customers ARE the business, and this is how you prove it.
Again, as I asked before, where did anyone say just rollover and ignore it? No where.

[quote name='Serpentor']I wonder how many of you gonna praise Amazon for great CS when your price adjustment e-mails get shot down![/quote]

I've never price adjusted a single item from Amazon, and I will once again say their customer service is second to none. I've had to return damaged items. No problems. They had to fix promos I didn't receive. No problems. Everything about dealing with Amazon is quick, easy, and painless, which is more than I can say about dealing with customer service at a store.
this is severely disappointing to me and I will definitely send them an email about this

I mean just look at the deal page lately, they've been dropping the prices on games shortly after they come out a lot recently

Too Human is down to $49.99, Tales of Vesperia is now at $54.99 and I'm sure there are more but those are just the two off the top of my head

edit: also this should be on the deal page because a lot of people don't go to the shopping discussion forum yet this effects them too

I know the only reason I found it was the moved notice on the deal page

edit 2: I emailed The Consumerist to alert them about this, if they pick up the news that could help spread the word to people who don't look at Gold Box discussions or come to CAG
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This really stinks. I love this feature and having just purchased a Samsung LCD TV I've gotten a few hundred off of the original price with this feature. Luckily I got it on 8/16 and can still get the drops.
Wow...the $10 refunds to people that bought Too Human must have really been a deciding factor in this.

To have a pretty big policy change come out of the blue like this shortly after a price FUBAR like that says that it might have been the final straw on this policy.

I've only used this policy once, but it was nice to know it was there.
[quote name='racerman8']According to an article on, reported that they will not get rid of the free shipping anytime soon during their latest quarterly earnings report.[/quote]

My Guess is Free shipping will never go away. I remember reading an article about Amazon and when they introduced free shipping that is when they blew up. Sales went up some 300-400 percent. Free shipping is a major and necessary feature of an online retailer unless they can lower prices to compensate.

As far as the post order guarantee. I use it frequently and this is very disappointing they are getting rid of it. I have every major console release that I might purchase already preordered from them (I just cancel as I change my mind). Although this policy wont stop me from purchasing all items from them, there were a significant number of items I purchased from them knowing they would drop in/within 30 days and I would just price match them. I guess no longer can we rely on that. I will be sending an email to them to express my dissatisfaction.
I too am surprised so many people are willing to just accept this policy change so willingly.
I can handle not price matching competitors (which I still question somewhat). But to not guarantee their own price seems like bad customer service. I purchased a computer from them recently because I knew if the price dropped they'd match (on top of their already low-price). I got $90 bucks back using that policy.
I realize that CAG alone could not affect policy but all the folks from FW and SD combined with us...that may have some push esp. if The Consumerist can run with this story.
In the meantime, I've cancelled pre-orders that were not saving me any money and listed "30 day price matching guarantee policy change" as the reason for the cancellation.
I may not have much power but I'm going to use what I can to voice my opinion. I suggest those of us who are upset, fight this. If/when the tables turn, the Amazon sympathizers can thank us.
[quote name='Vader582']I too am surprised so many people are willing to just accept this policy change so willingly.
I can handle not price matching competitors (which I still question somewhat). But to not guarantee their own price seems like bad customer service. I purchased a computer from them recently because I knew if the price dropped they'd match (on top of their already low-price). I got $90 bucks back using that policy.
I realize that CAG alone could not affect policy but all the folks from FW and SD combined with us...that may have some push esp. if The Consumerist can run with this story.
In the meantime, I've cancelled pre-orders that were not saving me any money and listed "30 day price matching guarantee policy change" as the reason for the cancellation.
I may not have much power but I'm going to use what I can to voice my opinion. I suggest those of us who are upset, fight this. If/when the tables turn, the Amazon sympathizers can thank us.[/quote]


I just wanted everyone to know that I've started a petition. Please distribute and let your voice be heard.


[quote name='jdubbleu']Ditto.

I just wanted everyone to know that I've started a petition. Please distribute and let your voice be heard.



What is this suppose to mean?

[quote name='The Petition']We're not stopping here! If you want to save money on Amazon, click "Available to Petition Author" below and I'll send you more info[/quote]
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']It is all right. They are a business. They can do whatever they want. They can charge $100 for a $5 movie if they want. It's their business. Whether or not you want to do business with them anymore after a particular change is your business. It's the beauty of a free and open market.

And even if they took away all of the things you just mentioned, I would probably still buy plenty of stuff from them. Well, accept for free shipping, which would end up killing a lot of deals. But where in the world are you consistently going to get some of the deals you get from Amazon? And where are you going to find customer service which is second to absolutely none?[/QUOTE]

I agree with all of this, i'm guessing a lot of you don't even remember when Amazon offered coupons like crazy that could be used on anything. They completely got rid of that, was hurting the bottom line. That is just how things go and I won't be running for the hills now that price guarantee is done.
I saved maybe $30 last year because of that? It is not the end of world and unlikely to change my shipping pattern at amazon
[quote name='PenguinoMF']What is this suppose to mean?[/quote]

Fair question, penguin.

A petition is a rather passive solution. If someone wants to be more active, I plan on enlisting allies. I know people at different discount websites who might have a way of turning this into a big deal. If someone doesn't want to opt-in, no problem--just don't opt in. I just want to be able to contact people who want more info.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']If it happens, it happens. It's part of buying anything. You can't sit around and wait to save every cent in the universe. There's being cheap, and then there's being nuts about things. Also, considering the wealth of information out there right now, you can be pretty certain of when certain drops are going to come, so you can easily shop around them. And as far as sales go, they happen all the time and at different places. How would you feel if you bought $1500 television and saw it on sale for $1000 the next week at a different store? How is it any different? It's not, and it happens. So, live with it. Or don't buy anything ever again, because prices drop, and you might get screwed out of two dollars. Then, just stare at your empty walls, satisfied that you never got screwed.[/quote]

I would use their 30 price match guarantee and get my $500 bucks back.
[quote name='62t']I saved maybe $30 last year because of that? It is not the end of world and unlikely to change my shipping pattern at amazon[/quote]

Exactly what I and others are saying. But watch, you're just sympathizing with Amazon! Bad you.
Amazon isn't going to care, because a select few stop shopping with them or cancel prime.

When you think of the business Amazon does , not just in the US but all over the world. I'm sure they could really care less.

Business is Business
[quote name='MrDubbs']Amazon isn't going to care, because a select few stop shopping with them or cancel prime.

When you think of the business Amazon does , not just in the US but all over the world. I'm sure they could really care less.

Business is Business[/quote]

You are right. They are gambling that their average consumer does not care about this feature of The only way to respond if you do care is to express dissatisfaction. Basically we need to show them that the profits they will lose over additional orders outweighs the money they lose administrating this guarantee. It isn't like this is a feature that is uncommon. Every major b+m retailer has something similar to this. Amazon went a long way to legitimizing .com business' it will be sad if they start taking away some of the things they were founded upon to legitimize themselves.
[quote name='62t']I saved maybe $30 last year because of that? It is not the end of world and unlikely to change my shipping pattern at amazon[/quote]
You're obviously not that cheap-ass of a gamer or you don't shop at Amzn very often. :lol:

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Exactly what I and others are saying. But watch, you're just sympathizing with Amazon! Bad you.[/quote]
You downplay our right to be upset and can make light of it all you want, however, I love(d) Amazon. I'm a Prime Member. It was my one-stop shop for so many items. I knew I was getting a great deal most of the time and if that price dropped (only @ Amazon of course) I could call and get them to match with little to no hassle. What Amazon has done now, in my case, is to add an extra step. The ease and carefree attitude I had as a regular Amazon shopper will be replaced by someone who now has to spend time trying to find the best deal. I knew I had the best deal or could at least get price-matched to the best deal before. Now I will spend time researching at places other than Amazon. Seems like a bad move for both of us (me & Amzn). I have to spend more time researching. They potentially lose a customer.
I could see them limiting the amount of price matching to a one-time only type thing. Getting rid of it completely, as I said before, seems like bad business.

[quote name='MrDubbs']When you think of the business Amazon does , not just in the US but all over the world.[/quote]Why does nobody think like this on days like last Wednesday? :lol: Everybody was up in arms because they couldn't get their Uncharted for $30 but a major policy chance?...pfft...not a big deal.
[quote name='Vader582']You're obviously not that cheap-ass of a gamer or you don't shop at Amzn very often. :lol:


Actually I did more shopping at amazon than any other store. It is usually just $2-5 so not that much. There is the time where I got Twilight Princess for free but that is due to a glitch
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']

I've never price adjusted a single item from Amazon, and I will once again say their customer service is second to none. I've had to return damaged items. No problems. [/quote]

That's true for all big retailers, so i don't see any connection why Amazon is 2nd to none. The downside? You have to pay for returning postage (at least returns). I know, it's not CS related...

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']
They had to fix promos I didn't receive. No problems.
Isn't that price adjustment? You didn't ask for it, but they applied. Well, after the new rule set in motion, you can pretty say goodbye to this... You can still praise it for the old time's sake of course.

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']
Everything about dealing with Amazon is quick, easy, and painless, which is more than I can say about dealing with customer service at a store.[/quote]
Full of BS... unless you don't like to interact with people, dealing with CS at B&M stores is not all nightmares. Think about it for a sec, what kind of "dealing" are we talking about here? Most of the time, return or exchange in B&M stores don't give you any problems.

So, besides the good old price adjustment from courteous Amazon CS, i don't see anything else more superior than B&M stores.

And like i said, at least in B&M stores, you can always do return and rebuy to get your price adjustment. The best part? The cycle can continue "endlessly" if the items kept dropping prices (as long as you keep your receipts).
Many who buy at Amazon have been enjoying Amazon's Post-Order Price Guarantee (POPG). POPG allows the user to get their money back on the difference of any Amazon price drop within 30 days of buying an item from Amazon.

More than any actual rebates (which were minimal), users like me enjoyed the peace of mind that came with knowing they could buy today and get the lowest Amazon price, especially in this economy where my dollar doesn't go as far as it used to. At least on Amazon, life was pretty good.

No more.

With no public notice, Amazon has quietly e-mailed people who have recently collected rebates, informing them that any items ordered after September 1 will no longer be eligible for POPG. This is an outrage.

Here is the thread that is discussing the issue:

Amazon is making a huge mistake. Please join me and sign the petition. If enough people step up, we may be able to shame Amazon into keeping the policy, just as Apple had to buckle under the public embarrassment over the iPhone price drop.

Sign now and forward to your friends!


P.S. is a very reputable website. Please check out their privacy policy and Google them for news.
Some of you are really acting like sarcastic, bratty children who either don't read what other people say or simply ignore it, in order to make your own points look better. I've never been involved in a thread on here where I decided to block so many people, but some of you simply bring nothing to the table, except whining and a sense of entitlement.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Some of you are really acting like sarcastic, bratty children who either don't read what other people say or simply ignore it, in order to make your own points look better. I've never been involved in a thread on here where I decided to block so many people, but some of you simply bring nothing to the table, except whining and a sense of entitlement.[/quote]No offense but why even post in this thread then? Sounds and smells like flame-bait. :shrug: You end up egging us/them on. This is bound to get heated because many of us are regular, loyal Amazon customers. I don't think anyone as come off as too ridiculous here yet. Just because some of the folks here don't agree with you doesn't make us necessarily bratty, etc.
I quit shopping with amazon when they started taxing online orders to the state of NY. I bought all the big stuff last year so I don't need anything else. Newegg doesn't tax orders to the state of NY so I don't see why amazon can't follow in their footsteps. Sometimes shipping is less than tax for those of us who pay 8.75% sales tax. This just pretty much solidifies that I won't be shopping at amazon for a while now unless I see an unbeatable rock bottom price which I have yet to see for a while now. I have been buying cheaper used video games on ebay (or on clearance at various retailers, I prefer the clearance method personally) and waiting for prices to drop instead of buying everything new, everything drops in price so fast that its simply not worth it for me to buy new at release games anymore.
[quote name='SaraAB']I quit shopping with amazon when they started taxing online orders to the state of NY. I bought all the big stuff last year so I don't need anything else. Newegg doesn't tax orders to the state of NY so I don't see why amazon can't follow in their footsteps. Sometimes shipping is less than tax for those of us who pay 8.75% sales tax. This just pretty much solidifies that I won't be shopping at amazon for a while now unless I see an unbeatable rock bottom price which I have yet to see for a while now. I have been buying cheaper used video games on ebay (or on clearance at various retailers, I prefer the clearance method personally) and waiting for prices to drop instead of buying everything new, everything drops in price so fast that its simply not worth it for me to buy new at release games anymore.[/QUOTE]

Yeah what happens when the NY government finally catches up to the websites that are not charging tax to NYers? Those companies will owe the money and its going to come out of their pockets.

I don't blame Amazon for charging tax. Its the law. Of course it sucks but oh well.
bread's done