[Amazon] Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Collector's Edition ($99.99)- PlayStation 3 Preorder is up

I love all these grown men trying to put me down for flipping ONE SINGLE videogame that's going for $200+ on eBay.

Riiiiiight, cause im going to keep a game with kiddy dolls I preordered as an afterthought to flip back in October? Lol you guys should try getting off your soap boxes, and quit feeling burned cause you didn't preorder in time. I could care less what you think as soon as I get that $200 in my bank that's all I care about. Bank!

I love all these grown men trying to put me down for flipping ONE SINGLE videogame that's going for $200+ on eBay.

Riiiiiight, cause im going to keep a game with kiddy dolls I preordered as an afterthought to flip back in October? Lol you guys should try getting off your soap boxes, and quit feeling burned cause you didn't preorder in time. I could care less what you think as soon as I get that $200 in my bank that's all I care about. Bank!
We are saying that there are better ways of investing money in terms of raw amount.

If money is so important to you , there are better ways of making quick money than reselling games.

Also , I think there is some sort of ethics lesson that you are missing.

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I love all these grown men trying to put me down for flipping ONE SINGLE videogame that's going for $200+ on eBay.

Riiiiiight, cause im going to keep a game with kiddy dolls I preordered as an afterthought to flip back in October? Lol you guys should try getting off your soap boxes, and quit feeling burned cause you didn't preorder in time. I could care less what you think as soon as I get that $200 in my bank that's all I care about. Bank!
People like you represent the bad side of gamers. There's been quite a few times I could've sold many things for more than they were worth but I have morals. I am 28 years old, collect Disney Infinity Toys and even watch Super Sentai. What I consider fun for you may be boring and vice versa. But you come on here to not only rip off real gamers but to insult us, what kind of person does that make you? Maybe a few bucks richer, but know that there's more to this world than money. You'll understand when you get older. And if you're older than me, then I really have pity on you.

Mine from Amazon was in the 14,000s. I don't think we can assume that Amazon got all the extras - it's not like ones under 15,000 are X/15,000 while those over are X/18,000.
Ah. I was just seeing that everyone's amazon orders were > 15,000 until I saw you post. It does seem so far like Gamestop got the lower numbered ones in comparison to amazon though.

They probably shipped it out based on inventory. The lower numbers were in the back of the inventory pool with the higher numbers up front (they loaded the lower numbers first into the warehouse). When they shipped out the first batches they got the back of the stock which had higher numbers. People who have their orders coming in Today, Tomorrow or even Friday may have a lower number. I know my delivery date was set to 2/27 while some people were reporting (and actively changing) their date to 2/25.

I'll see when I get mine what number I have to support the theory. I would have to have lower than 14,000 to have some support to this.

I love all these grown men trying to put me down for flipping ONE SINGLE videogame that's going for $200+ on eBay.

Riiiiiight, cause im going to keep a game with kiddy dolls I preordered as an afterthought to flip back in October? Lol you guys should try getting off your soap boxes, and quit feeling burned cause you didn't preorder in time. I could care less what you think as soon as I get that $200 in my bank that's all I care about. Bank!
Ebay pretty much always sides with the buyer, so you might not get your money after all if someone tries to rip you off. Good luck with your meager profit.

It's "I couldn't care less."
I don't want to encourage your feeding the troll (already have rieper on ignore), but it sort of isn't.

Yes, it logically doesn't make sense, but it's the correct idiom, at least in the US. Should you use "I couldn't care less?" Probably. But is "I could care less" wrong? Nope.

I preordered this thing 5 months ago and mine is in the 16,000's. -_- You'd think I would get one of the first ones...

Still a great package though

both of my ce's were in mint condition. they are going straight to the upcoming trade list. im suprised GS didnt put those ugly stickers on it like they did with my former zelda ce's.

Looked at this when it was first announced, before the steelbook was mentioned.  Really regret not keeping track of this, because I would have got the CE if I had realized the steelbook was added...  Anybody want to sell me their steelbook only?  PM me to work something out, thanks.

Just received mine, when I saw the shipping box I got a little nervous (the right sided corners were smashed in pretty horribly). So I opened it cautiously and lo & behold, the f'ing CE was sitting right next to that corner. They wrapped the whole left side with paper but didn't cushion the other side at all. Baffles me how they couldn't just place it in the center of the box with an even amount of wrapping on both sides.

Luckily there's no denting on the outer box, just a small little tear on the bottom, definitely not as bad as what other CAGs had the misfortune of receiving. I got #13637/18000, and pre-ordered the same day it was posted on here. 

Much much better than me ToX that I got from Gamestop (I actually threw the box out because it in shitty conditions. Thank god I got one from Warehouse about a week later.)

I really don't know what I'm going to do about my Dark Souls II CE, really debating whether I'll stick with Amazon or move it to Best Buy, but that's a tale for another day.

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For the people that always presents getting ripped off as a seller on ebay as a certainty, just to clue you in...it happens maybe once in 500 transactions (for digital media merchandise, probably more for other lines like clothing, electronics, etc). With higher priced items, just buy insurance. Risk completely mitigated. You people bend yourselves backwards to save $5 here $5 there. This guy is going to probably net at least $60. How many people here wait months for a game to drop $5? Now that's sad.

5087 here. Picked up my copy from GS last night after work. They were shortshipped 1 copy to cover but luckily 2 were still available.
For the people that always presents getting ripped off as a seller on ebay as a certainty, just to clue you in...it happens maybe once in 500 transactions (for digital media merchandise, probably more for other lines like clothing, electronics, etc). With higher priced items, just buy insurance. Risk completely mitigated. You people bend yourselves backwards to save $5 here $5 there. This guy is going to probably net at least $60. How many people here wait months for a game to drop $5? Now that's sad.
If I'm waiting months for a game , it generally drops around 50%.

If I'm waiting months for a game , it generally drops around 50%.
Going to back to what you said about better investment of money. Reality check. Most people here have negligible net worth. Is putting a couple thousand dollars into even an explosive stock like Tesla going to really change anyone's lives? The only real resource people here have is time, and playing videogames in general is a "horrible" allocation of that resource. You could have studied harder, gotten into an Ivy League school, became an investment banker, married a model wife, had half a dozen 20-year old mistresses and properties all across the world. But...when you were 14 years old, you just wanted to catch all the Pokemon. Tough break.

Granted, I'm leaving out the most important qualities: a baseline intelligence level and actual aspirations.

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13505/18000 from amazon. NO packing material whatsoever just loose in a much larger box. Corner is slightly damaged.

Going to back to what you said about better investment of money. Reality check. Most people here have negligible net worth. Is putting a couple thousand dollars into even an explosive stock like Tesla going to really change anyone's lives? The only real resource people here have is time, and playing videogames in general is a "horrible" allocation of that resource. You could have studied harder, gotten into an Ivy League school, became an investment banker, married a model wife, had half a dozen 20-year old mistresses and properties all across the world. But...when you were 14 years old, you just wanted to catch all the Pokemon. Tough break.

Granted, I'm leaving out the most important qualities: a baseline intelligence level and actual aspirations.
Failing to troll a message board is a "horrible" allocation of your time. Why don't you pick up a game and have some fun for a change?

Mine is 16742 from Amazon. Very poor packaging, only 2 of those air bags in the box. I am lucky to just have a few cracks in the plastic cover.

Just got mine, very good condition, no dings or anything on the box, but the outside plastic seems to have a little bit of a crease, maybe measure .75", no biggie.

Nice number too, at least I think so: #16785

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Ordered back in October (not the day it went live). My number is 16,111. I wasn't home when it arrived, but my mom said it was just basically stuffed in a box. Fortunately, it just has a small indent/ding on a corner. It's heavier than I thought.

I got this at a really good price considering I got rid of my copies of ToS & ToS Wii for like $50 months ago when the PS3 port was announced (plus no ebay fees), and I used a GC I got from the $25 back on $75 Amex promotion. And I got an extra $5 off from it being in my Quick Picks.

Still wish we could get Tales of Vesperia PS3 though... :cry:

All my copies from Amazon are in the mid 16k range. Kinda bummed it's not lower. Still have yet to pick up my GS copy. Luckily, multiple copies from Amazon means packaging from Amazon is less likely to destroy the contents.
Ordered back in October (not the day it went live). My number is 16,111. I wasn't home when it arrived, but my mom said it was just basically stuffed in a box. Fortunately, it just has a small indent/ding on a corner. It's heavier than I thought.

I got this at a really good price considering I got rid of my copies of ToS & ToS Wii for like $50 months ago when the PS3 port was announced (plus no ebay fees), and I used a GC I got from the $25 back on $75 Amex promotion. And I got an extra $5 off from it being in my Quick Picks.

Still wish we could get Tales of Vesperia PS3 though... :cry:
Another good number, though!

Ordered back in October (not the day it went live). My number is 16,111. I wasn't home when it arrived, but my mom said it was just basically stuffed in a box. Fortunately, it just has a small indent/ding on a corner. It's heavier than I thought.

I got this at a really good price considering I got rid of my copies of ToS & ToS Wii for like $50 months ago when the PS3 port was announced (plus no ebay fees), and I used a GC I got from the $25 back on $75 Amex promotion. And I got an extra $5 off from it being in my Quick Picks.

Still wish we could get Tales of Vesperia PS3 though... :cry:
Should've kept ToS GCN at least, has twice as better framerate and better textures/world map polygon meshes.

What is the difference between 2000 and 9000? Thinking a good $1000.00 more for the #2000

I had two ordered from gamestop, but canceled the earlier order two weeks ago so maybe someone else could pick it up. Anyway I got it in the 9000's and in great condition.

My Gamestop one arrived packed better than my Amazon one. GS one is mint and in the 8000's, the Amazon one has a slight dinged corner and is in the 13000's.

Mine came in a frighteningly loose box. I could feel the game wobbling around inside. I opened it up and to my great relief it was in perfect shape. #14708

Mine shipped out from Amazon and was supposed to arrive today but it never showed.

Ontrac was the carrier and it was in my city since 6am out for delivery, but now its been rescheduled to redeliver tomorrow.


honestly i dont care much about what number just more about having a minty one.  got lucky my gamestop one is minty but to those who got damaged screwed up corners etc.. from piss poor amazon.   what have you done???   i tried calling and all i got was were sorry but we can issue you a full refund if you want to return the item.  so sounds like either i got a crappy CS or thats all they will do even though its 180+ to buy a mint one now.   anyone here have luck with amazon refunding a portion on a damaged one???

bread's done