Amazon Vote...Both PS3's and Wiiii

Crap. I had my sister enter and she won on the 60GB PS3. I think I'm going to pass on buying it though. I just don't think I can afford it right now.
i didn't win:((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Well, the reason I'm really considering not buying it is because the only game I care about for the PS3 is Resistance:FoM. The PS1 emulator for the PSP is cool too, but I don't really care for the games that are out now. Still, I've got a few hours left to decide...
[quote name='bdgskarulz']can anyone use the codes? cause i won the wii but i dont think i am getting it.[/QUOTE]

I'll try it ... I'd like one if you don't want it.
[quote name='bdgskarulz']can anyone use the codes? cause i won the wii but i dont think i am getting it.[/quote]

no its stuck to your account, someone can send you 250$ then you have amazon ship it to their address, but then you need that trust factor.

i didnt win but no biggie i can always wait till next month when it wont be so hard to get.
[quote name='bdgskarulz']can anyone use the codes? cause i won the wii but i dont think i am getting it.[/quote]
My 8 year old nephew is wanting one for Christmas and his parents would really like to be able to get one...and I'd really like to help them out. The only thing is they have 3 kids and they *don't* have any chance of doing camping since they're doing all the Christmas festivites at their house for our whole family. In appreciation, I'd like to be able to provide a source to them to grab the Wii at cost.

Any chance you could hook me up? I'd be more than happy to do a Paypal transfer, and of course cover all fees and shipping costs.
[quote name='bdgskarulz']can anyone use the codes? cause i won the wii but i dont think i am getting it.[/QUOTE]

sent you a PM about the code, i am trustworthy, i'd be willing to do this in the most secure way possible.
[quote name='Kfoster1979']Mine shows

Delivery estimate: December 21, 2006 (More about estimates)[/quote]

Mine shows Dec 22nd (I got second day, forgot it's Tuesday!) and says it's shipped UPS. Damnit. Now I have to play "will the UPS guy actually leave my package or am I going to have to chase it down like usual?"
[quote name='sarausagi']sent you a PM about the code, i am trustworthy, i'd be willing to do this in the most secure way possible.[/quote]

i solded the fitness machine to someone by doing a buy it now listing on ebay, they sent the paypal and i shipped the item to them and best of all we used amazons free shipping so they paid nothing over the deal price (small ebay and paypal fees tho). we decided to go through Ebay because then we can see each others feedback record. we both had 100+ 100% Fb so it was very safe. dont wanna get scammed for the holidays now, that would be a huge downer.
[quote name='halvorsb']Already got a shipping confirmation and tracking number for my Wii! Woo hoo![/QUOTE]

I haven't :whistle2:( but I also did 1 day so I assume that it will be shipped tommorow
[quote name='supraazn']i solded the fitness machine to someone by doing a buy it now listing on ebay, they sent the paypal and i shipped the item to them and best of all we used amazons free shipping so they paid nothing over the deal price (small ebay and paypal fees tho). we decided to go through Ebay because then we can see each others feedback record. we both had 100+ 100% Fb so it was very safe. dont wanna get scammed for the holidays now, that would be a huge downer.[/QUOTE]

too bad i don't have an ebay account..anyways..

if you reconsider PM me..I have a verified/confirmed paypal account, more than one credit card, and a secure checking account. I'm not looking to scam anyone here...i wouldn't risk not being able to post here anymore. not over a trifle [$250]
[quote name='purduealum91']Well, my HDTV does 480i, 480p, and 1080i. Im not looking at getting intoa pissing contest, but could Microsoft do it and Sony, with their play beyond machine, cant? I so hope a firmware fix will rectify this. My 65" Sony WS550 is ISF calibrated and displays an unreal picture.[/quote]

So let me see if I got this right? You have a SONY HD TV that won't run the SONY PS3? That's freaking hysterical.

[quote name='h2dk'][SIZE=-1]If you have an LCD, you cannot display 1080i. period.

Class is dismissed


Apparently you need to go back to class. I've got a Samsung 40" LCD that runs 1080i. It's one of the resolutions listed on the spec website.

[quote name='supraazn']i solded the fitness machine to someone by doing a buy it now listing on ebay, they sent the paypal and i shipped the item to them and best of all we used amazons free shipping so they paid nothing over the deal price (small ebay and paypal fees tho). we decided to go through Ebay because then we can see each others feedback record. we both had 100+ 100% Fb so it was very safe. dont wanna get scammed for the holidays now, that would be a huge downer.[/quote]

I have an Ebay account, would be willing to do this. Is it still available though?
Huzzah, I ordered a Wii! Being the cheapass that I am, I opted for the free shipping. I probably won't get it until the new year :)
[quote name='benzene']Huzzah, I ordered a Wii! Being the cheapass that I am, I opted for the free shipping. I probably won't get it until the new year :)[/quote]

Well this marks another unsuccessful attempt to get a wii. I've been trying since preorders (everything's been sold out faster than I could get to it). I guess i'm stuck til after new year's to get a wii. I refuse to pay more than retail value for it cause i know they'll release buttloads after the holidays. I've spent WAAAY too many mornings up at the crack of dawn trying for one of these damned things! Congrats to all of you who won in the drawing!!!
I think it's pretty random. Best bet--like every other source--is to keep checking periodically for the next few days. There's bound to be some rejected credit cards and bad addresses out there that would help in the releases.

Nothing that you haven't heard. Sorry. Link doesn't work...still need claim code apparently.

I wasn't gonna post this in the deals section (I posted it in the Wii section)...mostly because I'm not even sure it will actually work..but I was able to take my order all the way through the check out process til JUST before payment, and it seemed to say I could order one.

Maybe they're the leftovers from the Amazon Vote promo..I don't know. But give it a shot (anyone looking for a Wii) and let us know if it works. If it does, I'll leave the link up. If not..I'll edit this post and remove the link.

FYI, they say they won't ship til after Xmas.
I'd do it, but what's that "Leslie Dame Enterprises"? That makes me nervous...

[quote name='Kfoster1979']No again your wrong... Your confusing HD Ready and HD Built in. Again if your TV can support a HD Resolution then by definition of the ATSC it is a HDTV. But at this point its a Pissing contest, also take a look there are also older TVs that do all 4 but but have a ATSC tuner. HD ready is technically a monitor due to the fact it needs an outside source to give it HD so I will concied that fact . However you do not need all 4 Resolutions to have an HDTV...[/QUOTE]

The only exception would be if there are TVs that handle all four broadcast resolutions, but for some reason can't handle all of them for input. That could technically still be an HDTV. I have no idea if there are any such TVs though. It would be a pretty stupid oversight (though no stupider than selling TVs that only do one of the HD resolutions).

[quote name='orochi']And then what if they change the standard to include that the TV has to do 1080p as well? [/QUOTE]

That's silly. The standard's been set for years. Anything above that is just a bonus, an added capability the TV has.

[quote name='h2dk']
HDTVs are either 720p native or 1080i native (excluding the newer 1080p TVs). They are not both. If you have an LCD, you cannot display 1080i. period.[/quote]

It gets resized to either 720p or 1080p. If it couldn't handle 1080i, it wouldn't be an HDTV.

If you have an RPTV that is 1080i native, you cannot display 720p. period.

Agaain, it gets resampled to 1080i. If it can't do that it's not an HDTV.

Some networks, NBC, CBS, are 1080i while others, ABC, FOX, ESPN are 720p. Your TV will convert the signal to its native display.

Exactly. If it can't do that, it's not an HDTV.

If your TV does not have an HD Tuner (HDTV Monitor), your TV, "BY DEFINITION", is still an HDTV because it can display an HD signal of either 1080i OR 720p.

No, you're randomly making that up. By definition an HDTV has an ATSC tuner and handles all four resolutions. Anything that doesn't meet those criteria is BY DEFINITION not an HDTV. My PC monitor is NOT an HDTV for example.
[quote name='Wolfpup']I'd do it, but what's that "Leslie Dame Enterprises"? That makes me nervous...

No, you're randomly making that up. By definition an HDTV has an ATSC tuner and handles all four resolutions. Anything that doesn't meet those criteria is BY DEFINITION not an HDTV. My PC monitor is NOT an HDTV for example.[/quote]
The "Leslie Dame Enterprises" thing was, supposedly, a way to hide the initial offering from "regular" customers while the "vote winners" were buying their items. From what other posters are saying (in the Amazon discussion at the bottom of the linked page), the item is actually coming directly from Amazon. It even says so under the Availability:In Stock tag. So, the risk would be minor since, if there were any issues, you'd be dealing with Amazon, directly, and not a 3rd party seller.

On your last line, you've hit the nail on the head. An HD capable TV, without tuner, is technically considered "HD Ready", not an "HDTV".

The TV I have is a Sony 65WS550. It has a built-in ATSC tuner. It cant do 720p natively. Am I screwed when it comes to 720p PS3 games?
[quote name='purduealum91']Wolfpup,

The TV I have is a Sony 65WS550. It has a built-in ATSC tuner. It cant do 720p natively. Am I screwed when it comes to 720p PS3 games?[/quote]

I'm not Wolfpup, but he's gonna say the same thing.

The TV will scale the signal, internally, so it displays at the best possible resolution on your set (in this case, 1080i, I think).
Hi pil....

but I think Im still screwed when it comes to the PS3, no? If the PS3 senses that my TV cant display 720 p natively, it will downconvert the signal internally to 480p and send it out that way. Is this correct? I wish it would send it out in 720p and let my TV do the upscaling.
WOOOOOOHOOOO! my Wii is on its way. Won a chance to get a Wii yesterday, and promptly ordered the Wii and component cables. Wii is out for delivery via UPS.
[quote name='pilferk']

I wasn't gonna post this in the deals section (I posted it in the Wii section)...mostly because I'm not even sure it will actually work..but I was able to take my order all the way through the check out process til JUST before payment, and it seemed to say I could order one.

Maybe they're the leftovers from the Amazon Vote promo..I don't know. But give it a shot (anyone looking for a Wii) and let us know if it works. If it does, I'll leave the link up. If not..I'll edit this post and remove the link.

FYI, they say they won't ship til after Xmas.[/quote]

You still need a claim code in order to check out. :cry:
[quote name='purduealum91']Hi pil....

but I think Im still screwed when it comes to the PS3, no? If the PS3 senses that my TV cant display 720 p natively, it will downconvert the signal internally to 480p and send it out that way. Is this correct? I wish it would send it out in 720p and let my TV do the upscaling.[/quote]
Hmmm, I think it long as your display has a built in scaler (I'm pretty sure that model does...only a couple years old...) and can accept (not display, just accept) a 720p signal for conversion.

Wolfpup may have more definitive knowledge on this, but..from what I have seen and read on the AVS forums, it sounds like that's the case.

I'm not sure the PS3, across a component cable anyway, (your set doesn't have HDMI, right?) can determine what your TV can, and can't, accept for a signal. There shouldn't be any 2 way communication across a component cable to allow for that.

My set is DVI only. I ordered an HDMI switch box and an HDMI-DVI cable. I just dont understand why, if my TV does scale 720p signals to 1080i, the PS3 cant output the 720 signal and let my TV do the rest. Yes, its 2.5 yrs old only. ISF calibrated and displays a fantastic picture.

Wolfpup, help us out here, please!
[quote name='purduealum91']Hi pil....

but I think Im still screwed when it comes to the PS3, no? If the PS3 senses that my TV cant display 720 p natively, it will downconvert the signal internally to 480p and send it out that way. Is this correct? I wish it would send it out in 720p and let my TV do the upscaling.[/QUOTE]

No, as far as I know you just select the resolution you want. My TV is 720p native but I can still select 1080i if I want to on both the PS3 and 360.
I'm not sure on an HDMI or DVI cable. Through component it lets you select the resolution manually (ie on my 720p native set I could select 1080i as my resolution, like on the 360).

I was under the impression that with HDMI you could either set it manually, or have it auto-configure for your TV, but I didn't get a chance to try it yet.

Through Amazon it looks like they don't have the 20GB PS3 unfortunately :(
[quote name='purduealum91']Pil,

My set is DVI only. I ordered an HDMI switch box and an HDMI-DVI cable. I just dont understand why, if my TV does scale 720p signals to 1080i, the PS3 cant output the 720 signal and let my TV do the rest. Yes, its 2.5 yrs old only. ISF calibrated and displays a fantastic picture.

Wolfpup, help us out here, please![/QUOTE]

You are making things more complicated than they really are. If your TV can accept a 720p signal, there is no problem at all. If you are playing a 720p game like Resistance, and your TV is a native 1080i/p display, the TV will simply upconvert the 720p signal to the native resolution. No problems here.

The problem is only with TVs that don't accept 720p signals.
[quote name='Wolfpup']I'd do it, but what's that "Leslie Dame Enterprises"? That makes me nervous...

The only exception would be if there are TVs that handle all four broadcast resolutions, but for some reason can't handle all of them for input. That could technically still be an HDTV. I have no idea if there are any such TVs though. It would be a pretty stupid oversight (though no stupider than selling TVs that only do one of the HD resolutions).


Lets set a few things straight HD is only 720p/1080i/1080p resolutions so your tv has to have one of those native resolutions to be a HDTV.

But were just Parsing words here, I agree with you in the fact that if there is no built in tuner then it is just a monitor but where I dissagree and the CEA, FCC, and ATSC agree is that any HDTV Ready(monitor) only needs to be able to display 720p/1080i or Higher to be a HDTV. If it has no built in tuner then the source should do it for you ex: cable or sat box, XBOX360, you set the output display to your TVs native and its good to go. The issue at hand is before Sony did the Firmware
The Kind of fix
(Did'nt want to type all of that out sorry for the links )

[quote name='Wolfpup']I'm not sure on an HDMI or DVI cable. Through component it lets you select the resolution manually (ie on my 720p native set I could select 1080i as my resolution, like on the 360).

I was under the impression that with HDMI you could either set it manually, or have it auto-configure for your TV, but I didn't get a chance to try it yet.

And yes it will auto configure with a HDMI to DVI cable I have hook one up this way. But you have to go in a change the audio output or it will defult to HDMI

Thanks for the clarification. What had me confused was problems with TVs that will not accept a 720p signal AT ALL. Mine accepts it and upconverts it to 1080i. Whew!
I finally got my Wii...and I don't like it. I feel dirty, like I disagree with the entire world population...but I just don't find it fun. Is anyone in the same boat as me?
[quote name='bassec']I finally got my Wii...and I don't like it. I feel dirty, like I disagree with the entire world population...but I just don't find it fun. Is anyone in the same boat as me?[/QUOTE]

Probably cause the hype on the Wii has been crazy recently.
bread's done