AMC's The Walking Dead - S3 2nd half starts 02/10/13 9PM ET

Influenza (what this appears and they are discussing it to be) isn't blood borne, so what's your point?
just saying the entire show does not even add up anymore

like i said before

Why do the zombies keep attacking the fences when they see people Yet they left michonne alone when she had walkers with her.

where does the dead zombies go after they kill them against the fence. They just keep coming so they cant go out and clean up the mess yet there is no massive amount of zombie bodies anywhere

ect ect ect

I swear that Daryl/Carol must be damn good cooks if those zombies are pushing at the fence.  They want some really good southern cooking so they are pushing at the fence.



Yeah.... I am pretty sure that the a quarter of the group is/was infected with some virus that killed them...

sucks..but that may be one way to end the series.

just saying the entire show does not even add up anymore

like i said before

Why do the zombies keep attacking the fences when they see people Yet they left michonne alone when she had walkers with her.

where does the dead zombies go after they kill them against the fence. They just keep coming so they cant go out and clean up the mess yet there is no massive amount of zombie bodies anywhere

ect ect ect

One person, covered in zombie entrails, surrounded by two zombies, blend in. Remember back in season one when Glenn and Rick had to do that to get out of the city?

As far as the zombies still attacking the fence, they operate on smell and the actions of other zombies. They can smell humans in there, and the others can see the ones at fence trying to get in. Additionally, someone was feeding them and that's only going to draw even more attention.

In the comics, IIRC, they would go out so often to pull them away and burn them. Piled up rotting corpses = disease risk. Just because they don't showing them cleaning them up doesn't mean it's not happening. They don't show people pooping, but you'd be silly to think they aren't doing it.

They won't kill will lose the women that watch it just for him. Norman Reedus has BJs for life after him 'saving' Carol last season. He can go anywhere/anytime and hook up with any chick...must be nice :rofl:

A similar thing would go for Maggie, but I have a feeling she will get killed off. I mean Carol,Beth, or Hershel would be the easy choices. So far they have been killing off the least popular/evil characters it seems (except for Dale). I think they will go for someone who will be missed this season. In theory Rick, Glen, Carl, should be untouchable, but every series likes to 'shake things up' now.
Didn't one of the producers say that Carl and Rick are the only untouchables? Implying everybody else is fair game. Which is what I like about the show. Characters will get killed which makes it more realistic compared to almost every other TV show where nobody ever dies.
One person, covered in zombie entrails, surrounded by two zombies, blend in. Remember back in season one when Glenn and Rick had to do that to get out of the city?

As far as the zombies still attacking the fence, they operate on smell and the actions of other zombies. They can smell humans in there, and the others can see the ones at fence trying to get in. Additionally, someone was feeding them and that's only going to draw even more attention.

In the comics, IIRC, they would go out so often to pull them away and burn them. Piled up rotting corpses = disease risk. Just because they don't showing them cleaning them up doesn't mean it's not happening. They don't show people pooping, but you'd be silly to think they aren't doing it.
nope the zombies scared the poop out of everyone for the rest of their lives so noone will ever poop again :)

i dont recall her being covered in zombie guts when she was first shown . was she

Okay I need to stop thinking that they'll try to be realistic. Patrick killing his first victim bugged the hell out of me. Its like the guy died instantly to being bitten in the neck. Why didn't he react? =/

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I finally watched this one. As soon as a saw the 'rat' scene, I was like 'That's a puppet' :/  Even though I complain I still enjoy the show. I'm not a person who is into guns, but when I saw Rick's 6 inch colt python magnum, I said that is a cool gun. (I rewrote that sentence like 8 times and it always ends up homoerotic) haha

Did i just see a zombie cameo from the  woman from the 1st episode

-Cutty going bitchmode in the first 5 mins, brother just cant catch a break, glad hes got plot armor for the time being.

-Why in the world would carol believe that decoy would actually work LOL.

-4 people in the car, not one of them paying attention to the road instead lets derp around on the radio, OH SHIT 5 million zombies out of nowhere -crash-

Influenza (what this appears and they are discussing it to be) isn't blood borne, so what's your point?
Ummm last night seemed to change that... doctor spits blood on them and they take their mask off ... so it must be spread by blood... so rick is immuned and will save them all

Thought last night was a great episode.  I love how they still work in important bits from the the comic
(like Rick and Tyreese beating the shit out of each other, Tyrese going ape shit and killing a ton of walkers with the hammer)
in very different contexts/scenarios than the books.

Ummm last night seemed to change that... doctor spits blood on them and they take their mask off ... so it must be spread by blood... so rick is immuned and will save them all
Not exactly - he coughed blood on him, which came from the lungs. This would also contain infectious saliva that would spread the flu virus. If the blood were to spurt from an open wound, I doubt the concern would have been there for Hershel.

Thought last night was a great episode. I love how they still work in important bits from the the comic
(like Rick and Tyreese beating the shit out of each other, Tyrese going ape shit and killing a ton of walkers with the hammer)
in very different contexts/scenarios than the books.
As soon as they showed Tyreese sitting in the back of the car, looking like he's about to give up, I knew it was coming. Then out came the fucking hammer. That made me smile.

When I saw those 1000+ walkers, I was like are they heading towards the prison?!?!?!!?!?  If so Rick and Company are fucked.  No way that gate fence can stand up to that.

At this point I don't see this as a win situation.  Either the walkers are going to get them or that illness is.  Given the fact that they are probably drinking untreated water, it was only a matter of time before the got sick.

Heck I wouldn't be surprised if it was the Governor behind all of this. 

The car stuck trying to run over the walkers might make for a good DVD case :p

hahah. This.

Did i just see a zombie cameo from the woman from the 1st episode

-Cutty going bitchmode in the first 5 mins, brother just cant catch a break, glad hes got plot armor for the time being.

-Why in the world would carol believe that decoy would actually work LOL.

-4 people in the car, not one of them paying attention to the road instead lets derp around on the radio, OH SHIT 5 million zombies out of nowhere -crash-
Apparently you guys have never driven with a bunch of teenagers and/or women. :lol:

Thought last night was a great episode. I love how they still work in important bits from the the comic
(like Rick and Tyreese beating the shit out of each other, Tyrese going ape shit and killing a ton of walkers with the hammer)
in very different contexts/scenarios than the books.
If you haven't read upto issue 100, don't read this:
I wonder if they're going to "kill" Glenn in a similar fashion to the comic. From the looks of it, his days are pretty numbered, so it wouldn't surprise me if they let him die from the illness and then have Maggie smash his head in with a baseball bat after he turns.
I just watched episode 3. I would think the mega herd would be hard not to see. Spoiler alert (not really, since it is a guess), but this season's cover image is rick standing at the prison around a broken fence...that should give a hint of what may happen. So the 'murder' mystery is solved, but the rat one is not. I would think it is probable those people were already dead and they were knifed to keep from turning, then burned to prevent more of an outbreak. I don't trust the army medic, something not right about that guy...

I feel like the scene with Rick getting rid of Carol could've been a lot better. If someone was leaving me on my own in a world full of zombies, I'd damn sure be putting up more of a fight than she did.

Thinking back, I guess they kind of built up Carol's departure. She kept making decisions on her own without discussing it. It was a pretty smart move by Rick though, avoided unnecessary tension at the Prison if the info ever got out. 

Also I might have missed it, but did they ever show what happened to the guy from the couple?

Seemed like Daryl and the crew weren't all too concerned about the mega hoard. Weird.
Yeah I didn't like that at all. They probably saw a couple thousand zombies (mega herd, I like that), then they escape, then go about their business as usual; raising no concern whatsoever.

One theory I liked was what Chris Hardwick mentioned in The Talking Dead. He said that the Governor was the one leading the herd towards the prison. It would explain why all those zombies were on the road to begin with.

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Yeah I didn't like that at all. They probably saw a couple thousand zombies (mega herd, I like that), then they escape, then go about their business as usual; raising no concern whatsoever.

One theory I liked was what Chris Hardwick mentioned in The Talking Dead. He said that the Governor was the one leading the herd towards the prison. It would explain why all those zombies were on the road to begin with.
wouldn't the prison look like that if they weren't there? They kill like 20+ zombies an episode

I like the idea that the Governor may be behind the sudden increase in walkers going to the prison and in the surrounding areas.  It wouldn't surprise me that next week when they show Rick come back without Carol he tells everyone that the walkers got her and the guy that Rick gave his watch to is at the prison.  That way Rick doesn't have to try to explain why he left her and doesn't have to deal with a pissed off Daryl that wants to go look for her, and everyone gets to see that the guy made it to the prison only to have him killed later on.  The only ones I can see him telling is Hershel, only to see if what he did was the right thing, and Tyreese so he knows that Rick did something about the "murder" of Karen.

I think the Governor will be back near/at the end of this season.  It might lead up to the start of next season or finish of this one, but I expect him to come back.  I'm thinking he got with a group that is just as messed up if not more messed up than he is and they are now fallowing him.  I'm thinking that Carol may somehow come back at this point in time and be the one to kill the Governor.  At that point everyone will be wondering what is going on and Daryl and Tyreese will be ready to kill Rick.  Both for different reasons.  Daryl because he just found out that Rick left Carol on her own, and Tyreese because Rick didn't kill her like he let Tyreese thinks he did.  

After that I think Daryl will want her back and she will choose not to stay and walk off.  After she walks away I see it going one of two ways.  The first being divisions in the groups  Daryl along with others going with Carol, some leaving with Tyreese and others staying with Rick.  It would't surprise me if Carl leaves with Carol.  The other thing I can see happening is Daryl wanting to go with Carol and he stopping him and that she wants nothing more to do with the group.  I still think Tyreese will leave on his on and that him or Carol will replace the Governor.  Hell maybe even both.

I do expect the talking from Tyreese to stop not long after it starts once he sees Carol.  Hell I could be wrong about all that I just typed and he could kill her on the spot and it be him that becomes the next Governor.  

This is all being said without having read the comics.  So I have no clue what happens to Carol or Tyreese at this point in the comics.  I know the show is trying to do some things different than the comics so what ever happened to them in the comics may not happen in the show.

This is all a guess and sadly may be better than what really does happen in the show.

On a side note a friend of mine just showed me this the other day:

bread's done