Amiibos Currently Available and for Pre-order. Wave 4 announced *Do not post trades here!*

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This warning goes for everyone but especially the cag in training/newbies.

Use the report button if anyone repeatedly violates any of the above.
If there are any sales or important updates, message me so I can post it on the first page rather than people scrolling through every page.
Ill keep the list updated for new amiibos and when they are on sale.
The average cost for the Amiibos are usually priced at $12.99.
Toys R Us
Best Buy
*GCU - 20% off



Wave 1
207-00-5001 - Mario
207-00-5002 - Pikachu
207-00-5003 - Link
207-00-5004 - Peach
207-00-5005 - Yoshi
207-00-5006 - Donkey Kong
207-00-5007 - Kirby
207-00-5008 - Villager
207-00-5009 - Fox
207-00-5010 - Samus
207-00-5011 - Marth
207-00-5012 - Wii Fit Trainer
Wave 2
207-00-5013 - Luigi
207-00-5014 - Zelda
207-00-5015 - Little Mac
207-00-5016 - Diddy Kong
207-00-5017 - Pit
207-00-5018 - Captain Falcon



* There would be reprints for Marth in the upcoming months

* Wave 4 amiibos announced


* A new set of amiibos would be available for the Super Mario


Exclusives [2/2015]
Lucario [Toys R Us Exclusive]

Shulk [Gamestop Exclusive]

Meta Knight [Best Buy Exclusive]

Rosalina and Luma [Target Exclusive]
*Currently not live for pre-order

Wave 1: Currently Available
Donkey Kong
The Villager
Fox McCloud
Wii Fit Instructor
Wave 2 [12/14/2014]
Diddy Kong
Little Mac
Captain Falcon
Wave 3 [2/2015]
Mega Man
Toon Link
King Dedede

Wave 4 [Spring/2015]







Wave 5(?) [3/2015]







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So my BestBuy only got 1 Diddy (Mine), and they also only had 3 Little Macs ( 2 are mine ).

Kind of pissed I didn't get 2 Diddies.

Freaking Target web-site! I have confirmations for 70 of my Rosalina's but the other 30 seem to be out there in the ether. I wish they would get their act together! Funny thing is that I lost my job yesterday because I called in sick to get these figures. A least I will make that money up by selling these bitches on E-bay!
BTW, can I post a link to my own auctions? Or is that frowned upon?
No you're good just put how many amiibos you bought and the links in your signature.
This is just like any other release. The first major run of them sells out (not to forget this is the holidays at the moment so that just cleared even more out) but they'll restock eventually. That article regarding them discontinuing some wasn't referring to the stock at this current time, they meant eventually down the line so if you didn't get whoever you wanted no need to worry now.
No, some of these have been discontinued. Obviously, not any from wave 2, but at least 3 from wave 1.

IMO, the biggest problem these Amiibos have is shelf space. They are the third video game "toy" series and retailers just do not have the space for them. Toys R Us might be able to devote more space down the line, but stores like Best Buy/Target/Wal-Mart will need to cannibalize something else to make room for more Amiibos. Too much space is already devoted to Skylanders/Infinity. When new waves of Amiibos hit, SOMETHING has to go. They just can't stock all of them.

Just stopped by the Nintendo World Store in NYC and they had a stock of WFT, Marth, and Villager. I was mighty surprised to see them all there. Not sure how long they'll last...

Amiibo fever is taking control of everyone. Even freaking ign is scouring the stores like we all are hunting these suckers down.

i know marth,WFT, and the villager are discontinued at target because i scanned them with the pda at work this weekend after i found the last marth sitting in the backroom. 

Those are happening. I can almost guarantee it. Club Nintendo had a survey a few weeks ago about Amiibos and whether or not there is interest in color variants. I voted for "extremely likely to go bankrupt".
Why?!?! Why would you do that to us?!! Should've said - "heck no, we only have room for 1 of each character! You've got enough characters without having to make variants of them!"... you've doomed us all!

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Do I buy the 3 from Amazon.DE or wait..... Choices!
A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush. I'd say go for it because as people have said, even if they go ahead and reprint certain figures they have to get retailers on board with stocking them again. While some of these are flying off the shelf because of their rarity, others like Mario, Pikachu, Kirby, Peach, are just sitting at stores not selling. Retailers are probably ecstatic to see the others fly out the doors but are probably looking at this as a whole as not worth devoting the shelf space.

I personally have all the rares so far except Villager but I'm not sure if I'm gonna spend the money on getting it. I'm waiting on a sale for the pegwarmers but who knows at this point if even those will be around long term.

Just stopped by the Nintendo World Store in NYC and they had a stock of WFT, Marth, and Villager. I was mighty surprised to see them all there. Not sure how long they'll last...
Were they fairly plentiful? I just sent one of my buddies in NYC a text asking him if he'd be able to stop and get me those three. So hopefully they last a little while... :)

Sad to see the Rosalina pre order pass but I know it'll be back. My daughter wants her and any time she sees me looking at the Target listing for her she asks "Daddy, did you get Rose-a-wina for me?" I sadly have to tell her "Not yet because of el hoardo grabbing 50 orders of her"
Brother, I hear that... I keep replaying in my head that my daughter & I saw the Villager in a store one day. "Can we get it?" Thinking at the time, that there'd be plenty of these to go around, I replied. "Put it on your Christmas list, sweetie!" And we left it.

We just left it on the peg, and walked away from it.

I'm certain Rosalina will be back up. I would think the Target opening was just a test. The major issue here is someone adding 99 of these to their cart. 

Anyway, the other pre-orders have been up for a long time. I don't see why this one would sell out in an hour, in the middle of the night. The beauty of pre-ordering and a later release date is that Nintendo will have time to produce these. There are 1000s of people ready to buy this. It's pure stupidity to have the vast majority of profits go to resellers. I actually believe in keeping certain amiibos limited, but not like this.

On another note, if you think people are going nuts over Rosalina then wait for Ness. He is going to cause the interwebs to explode. I would bet a lot that he will be limited and maybe even a store exclusive. If Nintendo wants to do the ultimate troll move, then they should make Ness a Nintendo World Exclusive xD. 

I'm certain Rosalina will be back up. I would think the Target opening was just a test. The major issue here is someone adding 99 of these to their cart.

Anyway, the other pre-orders have been up for a long time. I don't see why this one would sell out in an hour, in the middle of the night. The beauty of pre-ordering and a later release date is that Nintendo will have time to produce these. There are 1000s of people ready to buy this. It's pure stupidity to have the vast majority of profits go to resellers. I actually believe in keeping certain amiibos limited, but not like this.

On another note, if you think people are going nuts over Rosalina then wait for Ness. He is going to cause the interwebs to explode. I would bet a lot that he will be limited and maybe even a store exclusive. If Nintendo wants to do the ultimate troll move, then they should make Ness a Nintendo World Exclusive xD.
Disagree. The ultimate troll move from NoA would be to not bring it out in the US. Just everywhere else.

does someone want to tell me how to order a rosalina from the website and have it shipped to the states? i'm looking at this page completely confused :wall:
Click the orange add to cart button, log in with your US Amazon account, pick your address and method of payment, decide whether you're willing to spend $35 on it, and place the order.

So jealous of folks in New York. If some kind soul stops in and is able to pick up an extra Marth & WFT, I'd be happy to pay shipping and a little extra for your trouble. 

On another note, if you think people are going nuts over Rosalina then wait for Ness. He is going to cause the interwebs to explode. I would bet a lot that he will be limited and maybe even a store exclusive. If Nintendo wants to do the ultimate troll move, then they should make Ness a Nintendo World Exclusive xD.
I was thinking about this actually! Earthbound is my favorite game of all time and I was wondering how they would incorporate him into other games besides Smash Bros. Unless the Amiibos can give you skins/features in other games.

Then again, they could just screw us and have it only work for Smash Bros.

How in the world can we say these things are being discontinued. This is like the Wii and Wii U. Sold out during the holidays. Then after holiday bump, WHAM Wii and Wii U overstock.

I have read a crap load of amiibo related articles. Cannot find the very first one, I read it on destructoid, interviewing Masahiro Sakura. There was mention that certain figures would be limited
and the future of amiibo. You should dig for it, if amibo are important to you. Then you can believe in the accuracy of the information or take it with a grain of salt.

I know I have mentioned some things about how pissed I am by this thread. I know their has been more than a handful of scalper cags. Some I respect, for coming forward. As for some others, what a bunch of snakes. The reality of it all for a community, instead of pushing to help each other, we are trampling each other. Whether your buying 2, one to keep sealed and to use. You decrease the number for anyone else to pick up 1. Also, does not help that there is no specific value for amiibo when trading. So many are hoarding to trade for an amiibo they missed and scalping. I find it interesting that many would try to gouge fellow CAG's. It does not surprise me that the Rosalina amiibo sold out. You can joke, try to have some humor. Say you bought 5+ or whatever amiibo. But how can anyone take this lightly. This amiibo craze is causing a lot of friction.

I get called a "troll" for trying to bring up the issues we are running into and calling out a few CAG's for scalping and hoarding amiibo. To each is on. Good luck, those who really are openly honest and trying to complete their amiibo set.
No, some of these have been discontinued. Obviously, not any from wave 2, but at least 3 from wave 1.

IMO, the biggest problem these Amiibos have is shelf space. They are the third video game "toy" series and retailers just do not have the space for them. Toys R Us might be able to devote more space down the line, but stores like Best Buy/Target/Wal-Mart will need to cannibalize something else to make room for more Amiibos. Too much space is already devoted to Skylanders/Infinity. When new waves of Amiibos hit, SOMETHING has to go. They just can't stock all of them.

I wouldn't be too confident that previous figures would be restocked. Retailers only have a finite amount of space to work with. Nintendo said they will be expanding the lineup to include even more waves and figures in the future. It doesn't make sense to be in the middle of wave 5 and also another reprint of wave 1 at the same time. These figures take up a lot of space. GS barely has enough shelf space to carry the current wave plus any remaining pegs from the previous wave.

I don't think replenishments are coming. If no official statement is made by Xmas, it makes me think that Nintendo won't be able to work something out with the retailers. If that was the case, then it would make sense for them to just sell directly from their online store instead.
I just want a full set without hassle. I was hoping Amazon pre-orders + exclusives would cover it but that may be up in the air until I actually get shipping confirmation on Pit and Falcon and who knows when that will really be.
Click the orange add to cart button, log in with your US Amazon account, pick your address and method of payment, decide whether you're willing to spend $35 on it, and place the order.
Cool thanks! I placed my order! It came out to $33 dollars. Not bad considering that if I don't find one at Target, I'd end up paying even more via scalpers on eBay.

Yep, there's no way that these retailers are going to expand beyond their current four foot sections (eight foot for most TRU stores) for these things.  They're doing well but they're still not mass market.  If you assume that there's certain characters that will always be available and mostly getting two peg hooks that basically only leaves space for the new lines to cycle through.

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Why?!?! Why would you do that to us?!! Should've said - "heck no, we only have room for 1 of each character! You've got enough characters without having to make variants of them!"... you've doomed us all!
I have. No regrets. I figure if they flood the market with color variants then people will give up trying to collect them all and make it easier for those of us that have to have them all no matter what. Survival of the fittest in a way.

Shamed on me form sleeping in. Missed out on Rosalina. So that's her and Lucario I have to go to ebay scalpels for. Hoping to get them both for less than $200.
I have. No regrets. I figure if they flood the market with color variants then people will give up trying to collect them all and make it easier for those of us that have to have them all no matter what. Survival of the fittest in a way.
That's likely what would happen. I know if/when they start releasing color variants, that's when I stop trying to collect them all.

Shamed on me form sleeping in. Missed out on Rosalina. So that's her and Lucario I have to go to ebay scalpels for. Hoping to get them both for less than $200.
I have 3 extra Lucarios that I'll be selling once they come out. Assuming they're not restocked by the time February rolls around, I'll be glad to sell you one for a legitimate price. Feel free to shoot me a PM.
I do want to point out the Pokemon Rumble figures. Those things had one print run, only available at GS and that was it. Look how much they fetch now.
And that's really a shame for Nintendo. They're missing out on quite a bit of cash. Same thing goes for the amiibo. They could make a lot more money if they supplied just even a little more.

So I swung by Walmart and Bull Moose during my lunch. Walmart had only first wave figures (minus Fox). But I nabbed a Zelda and the Last Little Mac at Bull Moose, both half off with my member points.

Portland, Maine.
You and me both! ;) They tweeted it awhile ago that they were back in stock and limited 1 per customer I believe.
That's right, one per customer. I think they had something like 9 of each. By the time I was done looking around the store at other stuff, maybe a third of them were gone.

That's right, one per customer. I think they had something like 9 of each. By the time I was done looking around the store at other stuff, maybe a third of them were gone.
Ouch, only 9? Well that's not good - my contact won't be able to make it til later tonight. There goes my hope for a US Villager :(

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