Andrew WK a "fake"...I guess?


11 (100%)
Apologies if this is old, this is the first I've heard of it.

I don't think I've ever seen the guy pictured on the right, but then again I'm not a fan so I'm certainly not up to date on all the hot Andrew WK news, or whatever. Only thing I know him from is that bloody album cover and that time he was rocking out in his wheelchair on the Spike VGAs years ago.

This is sort of interesting regardless, in a WTF-is-going-on way:


What the…??? I’m not a fan of this his music, but this is pretty crazy/awesome. So apparently the “Andrew W.K.” from the albums was in fact an actor hired by the real Andrew Wilkes-Krier, his dad and some others in an attempt to create “the ultimate frontman”??? Read the story below and then click through to the video where he admits it:

Popular memes and subcultural rumours suggest that another person, known as “Steev Mike”, is behind Andrew W.K.’s music. The rumours began with the release of Andrew’s first album, “I Get Wet”, when many music critics and industry insiders accused Andrew W.K. of being a corporate rock think-tank construction. When a series of websites appeared in November 2004, supposedly created by someone calling himself “Steev Mike”, the early accusations began to ring of truth. Andrew WK’s website also appeared to have been hacked during the same time period.

In November 2004, Andrew addressed the issue for the first time – in an open letter posted on his official website, he wrote, “PLEASE DON’T BELIEVE STEEV MIKE. I USED TO CALL MYSELF STEEV MIKE A LONG TIME AGO AND IT’S NOTHING NOW. Someone is trying to confuse you and make me look bad.”
A 2000 article from UK magazine Dazed & Confused, which featured a full-page story on “Steev Mike”, but showed a photo and discography of “Andrew W.K.”. Steev Mike was listed as “Executive Producer” on Andrew’s first album “I Get Wet”. Three years later, Steev Mike was listed again on Andrew’s DVD “Who Knows”, and on Andrew’s third album, “Close Calls With Brick Walls”, as “Executive Producer”.

In March 2006, a 1992 Bulb Records 7″ 45 recorded under the name Steev Mike was discovered. The tracks on the record were found to be the same as Bulb band Couch’s first EP, except for the last track, which was Couch’s track Old Man instead of the listed track (Is This) Time Travel Man.

In May 2009 Andrew discussed the “Steev Mike” rumours once again in an interview with British magazine, Front. In the interview he states, “Steev Mike is the executive producer on my first album. The nature of how we presented my initial offerings caused some confusion, even though I tried to make it as straight forward as possible”. He also adds later in the interview, in reference to rumours of him being a “puppet” for a record label, “Most of what you’ve heard is exaggerated but the parts that are true may be more disturbing than you’d hoped”.
In December 2009 during a lecture at Madame Jojo’s in London, Andrew W.K. finally admitted that the Andrew W.K. persona was created by a committee including himself, his father, and other individuals. Claiming, “I’m not the guy you’ve seen from the I Get Wet album…I’m not that same person. I don’t just mean that in a philosophical or conceptual way. It’s not the same person at all.” He continued to say that people were auditioned to play the part of Andrew W.K. and that the music and performances were created, “in the spirit of commerce.” Finally, in an interview from the same video he says, “I thought it would be more interesting if my secret history was revealed after the fact rather than as a precursor”.
What the hell? He is from Ann Arbor Michigan which is only a few cities over from where I am from so I always had a soft spot for him.

That crazy as hell.
The group of pictures on the right is the guy I've always seen to be Andrew WK, from MTV appearances and such. He had a show on MTV2 a few years ago, and I'm pretty sure that was the guy that hosted it. He just looks a little less dirty in the pictures.
I guess the just goes to show you that you can dress up any generic scruffy white guy with long hair, dressed in white pants and a T-shirt and call him Andrew WK.
He's on Red Eye a lot, and I've only ever seen him looking like how he is on the left. I've never seen him look like the guy on the right.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']He's on Red Eye a lot, and I've only ever seen him looking like how he is on the left. I've never seen him look like the guy on the right.[/QUOTE]

That's because he's shaved and not wearing a white shirt. It's the same guy.
[quote name='chakan']weird shit to worry about[/QUOTE]

I don't think anyone is worried about it. The guy is irrelevant. I just thought it was a weird story.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I don't think anyone is worried about it. The guy is irrelevant. I just thought it was a weird story.[/QUOTE]

Not irrelevant to me. I have some of my best party memories from when I first moved to Chicago thanks to this/these guy(s).
so basically some geeky guy wrote some kick ass tunes and needed a badass looking grungy bastard to sing them and make it all look credible? as far as the pics go its the same guy he just bulked up a bit and stopped shaving and showering. consiering how many famous singers dont realy even sing ( without their voices being filtered/altered) hes not as bad as alot of them. had this story come out in the 90s hed have been hurt but now hes doing some kids show and nobody cares anymore except the last 12 of his fans still hoping for that next great album.
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I only heard of him via Madden 04/05 I I could care less
I've been following this for awhile and I'm pretty sure this is a hoax by Andrew himself.

He's big into ego death and even in that interview from the bottom of your quote, he contradicts himself.

-edit [quote name='lokizz']but now hes doing some kids show and nobody cares anymore except the last 12 of his fans still hoping for that next great album.[/QUOTE]

I Get Wet is a fantastic/over-the-top/ridiculous explosion of catchy tunes. I will stand behind it no matter who created it (supposedly). The other albums....not so much, but I did like his Japanese cover album that came out a bit ago.

Quick Story Time: I lent I Get Wet to my brother-in-law (a big Pearl Jam and 311 fan) in the hope that he would find something on there he would dig. Gave it back to me a week later saying, "Is this supposed to be some kind of joke?" Not the reaction I was looking for....
[quote name='jupiterjones']I Get Wet is a fantastic/over-the-top/ridiculous explosion of catchy tunes. I will stand behind it no matter who created it (supposedly). The other albums....not so much, but I did like his Japanese cover album that came out a bit ago.[/QUOTE]

Do yourself a favor and burn I Get Wet & The Wolf to one CD minus I Love NYC/Don't Stop Living In The Red/Make's damn near the greatest thing ever. Bonus points if you follow it with Close Calls With Brick Walls.
Eh, I agree with everyone else that its the same guy in all the pics. Even if he did create some "persona" to sell the music, I'm not concerned. I still enjoy both of his CDs so the face on the front doesn't mean much to me.
[quote name='Vincent_Core']Don't forget about his Gundam rock album he released in Japan.[/QUOTE]
I picked it up and it's surprisingly good. I'd actually like to hear him cover some more music from the rest of the series.
So...yeah I don't know what the fuck

AndrewWK I'm humbly asking my friends to stand with me during this. I was forced to say this stuff:

AndrewWK And I'm having a public meeting on Feb 23, to address this whole thing & try to answer all the questions:

He was forced to say that stuff and he's having a public meeting to answer questions about himself?

Has to be a hoax that ends with a band performance.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']He's on Red Eye a lot, and I've only ever seen him looking like how he is on the left. I've never seen him look like the guy on the right.[/QUOTE]

sweet, someone else that watches Red Eye
[quote name='Sporadic']Do yourself a favor and burn I Get Wet & The Wolf to one CD minus I Love NYC/Don't Stop Living In The Red/Make's damn near the greatest thing ever. Bonus points if you follow it with Close Calls With Brick Walls.[/QUOTE]

If it ain't Tom Petty, it ain't The Greatest! ;)
My brother has often stated he'd like to do an Andrew W.K. tribute song someday... it will consist of loud guitars and the word 'party' over and over and over again. :lol:

And I'm going to have to hunt down that Gundam album. That's one of the most awesome thing I've ever seen (and I haven't looked that the youtube clips yet!)
[quote name='fart_bubble']sweet, someone else that watches Red Eye[/QUOTE]

That show is great. I watch it when I can.
I think it's really interesting, I always just thought of him as a throwaway pop star, not some kind of experimental character played by an actor.
[quote name='slickkill77']Who cares people? The guy likes to party.[/QUOTE]

His party is real, but he is not.
bread's done