Animal Crossing New Leaf

What would you want for the Firefly lamp?

I think Big Bro's Hat is actually a Labelle item, and orderable. I'll check shortly. I'm reasonably certain I have an extra Block Floor as well.

I'm updating my list now, it's been a long day between work and having to take my girlfriend on an urgent doctor trip.

Added you, BTW. PM to be sent shortly.
Sorry about the bad day!

You can have the lamp for free--though I'll take the Big Bro's hat if you have it cataloged and can order it. Already set up a trade for the block floor with explicit.

Finally printed out a list of all the museum items so I could see what I need. Just the two fossils above, but still have lots of bugs, fish and art to track down so I'll be playing this game for a long time to come still. :D

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Sorry about the bad day!

You can have the lamp for free--though I'll take the Big Bro's hat if you have it cataloged and can order it. Already set up a trade for the block floor with explicit.

Finally printed out a list of all the museum items so I could see what I need. Just the two fossils above, but still have lots of bugs, fish and art to track down so I'll be playing this game for a long time to come still. :D
It is order able, so I'll give you mine and just wait for the new one to arrive.

What two fossils? Can't help on the shark tooth, but probably have the other.
It is order able, so I'll give you mine and just wait for the new one to arrive.

What two fossils? Can't help on the shark tooth, but probably have the other.

Styraco Torso is the other fossil I need.

Need any of the Nintendo items I listed? Or some bells so it's not a 2 for 1 trade for the lamp?

Also, just added you, you'll need to add me: 2595-0524-8826

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Styraco Torso is the other fossil I need.

Need any of the Nintendo items I listed? Or some bells so it's not a 2 for 1 trade for the lamp?

Also, just added you, you'll need to add me: 2595-0524-8826[/size]
You have been added on Rev (my main).

I'm not worried about it. Figured if there was anything I didn't have in the FFA it'd be even.
Thanks to some very helpful people here, my trade list has been updated from earlier this morning. I'll post it here. PM me or post here if anything catches your eye!

Items for trade


  • Toad hat
  • Kart
  • Yoshi's egg
  • Super Star
  • ? Block
  • Fire Bar
  • red Pikmin
  • Bad bro's stache
  • Big bro's stache
  • Green shell
  • Peach's parasol
  • Varia suit shoes
  • Styraco tail
  • dimetrodon tail
  • tricera skull
  • tricera tail
  • stego skull
  • mammoth skull
  • dimetrodon torso
  • parasaur tail
  • ammonite
  • archelon skull
  • pachy torso x2
  • ankylo skull
  • diplo skull
Things I need:

Stegotaurus torso
Plesiosaur skull

Midna's Mask

Pretty much everything

Catalog items (really want these badly!)
  • Samurai Suit (furniture)
  • Samurai Wig
  • Samurai Helmet
  • Samurai Shirt
Posting from my tablet sucks sometimes.

I have the fossils and mask. Also have all the music in my catalog.
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Will be AFK now, but gates are still open in case anyone wants to browse the items (again, pretty common stuff).  Will close and sell around 9pm EST probably.

Edit:  All set on fruit, need Bamboo if anyone has an extra stalk.  Thanks Sychophantom!

And here's my updated lists:

Nintendo duplicates:

Fire Bar 
Triple Bananas x2
Fire Flower
Super Mushroom
Majora's Mask
Big Bro's Stache
Muchroom Mural
Blue Pikmin
Varia Suit Shoes
Bug Off Items:
Ladybug Chair
Catepillar Sofa
Ladybug Carpet

Nintendo Wants:
Varia suit clothes
Master Sword
Lil Bro's Stache
Block Floor
Fossil Needed:
Shark Tooth
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Will be AFK now, but gates are still open in case anyone wants to browse the items (again, pretty common stuff). Will close and sell around 9pm EST probably.

Also, I just remembered that I've not bothered with getting foreign fruit yet after the first day or two around launch. So if anyone has any I don't have and wants to drop some off it would be much appreciated. :D Also feel free to shake trees in my town for any you're missing (not sure how much is out right now, replanted a ton of trees on Saturday).

Fruit I have:
Cherries (my native fruit)

And here's my updated lists:

Nintendo duplicates:

Fire Bar
Triple Bananas x2
Fire Flower
Super Mushroom
Majora's Mask
Big Bro's Stache
Bad Bro's Stache
Muchroom Mural
Blue Pikmin
Varia Suit Shoes

Bug Off Items:

Ladybug Chair

Catepillar Sofa
Ladybug Carpet

Nintendo Wants:

Varia suit clothes
Master Sword
Lil Bro's Stache
Block Floor

Fossil Needed:

Shark Tooth
Dropping some fruit off. Lychee, persimmons, coconuts, and pears. I'd give some bamboo, but I'm out of sprouts.

Edit: it's in front of your town tree.
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It's a wig item, rather than a shampoodle style. Happy to let you catalog it sometime. Heading home from work in a bit and will hop onto try and sell turnips in ich00's town.
I'm adding you now. My FC is 0962-9914-8094.

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Dropping some fruit off. Lychee, persimmons, coconuts, and pears. I'd give some bamboo, but I'm out of sprouts.

Edit: it's in front of your town tree.
Thanks! You rock.

I'm adding you now. My FC is 0962-9914-8094.
Added you as well. I'll re-open my gates and keep an eye on it (and here) if you're around and want to catalog the mohawk wig. I'll stand over by my Retail (to the right of the station) with it on the ground by my feet so you can do it even if I'm AFK.

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Done for the night.

sp00ge, maybe I can get you the Mohawk mask tomorrow. I'll try and remember and order one and then you can just have one rather than cataloging it.

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Will be AFK now, but gates are still open in case anyone wants to browse the items (again, pretty common stuff). Will close and sell around 9pm EST probably.

Edit: All set on fruit, need Bamboo if anyone has an extra stalk. Thanks Sychophantom!

And here's my updated lists:

Nintendo duplicates:

Fire Bar
Triple Bananas x2
Fire Flower
Super Mushroom
Majora's Mask
Big Bro's Stache
Muchroom Mural
Blue Pikmin
Varia Suit Shoes

Bug Off Items:

Ladybug Chair

Catepillar Sofa
Ladybug Carpet

Nintendo Wants:

Varia suit clothes
Master Sword
Lil Bro's Stache
Block Floor

Fossil Needed:

Shark Tooth
I have master sword. Let me know
Turnips are 558 in my town tonight. If anybody wants in, my FC is in the spreadsheet. PM me your info and I'll try to get to everyone who asks, but I'll probably be AFK in and out.

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Anyone have an extra Hero's Cap, or Hero's Pants? I am trying to complete my wardrobe. I got stuff I can trade if needed. You can come to my town and check out my stuff if you'd like to pick something for trade.

Anyone have an extra Hero's Cap, or Hero's Pants? I am trying to complete my wardrobe. I got stuff I can trade if needed. You can come to my town and check out my stuff if you'd like to pick something for trade.
Thanks to advance. I got to profit on my turnips and got a hero's cap. Woo. Now I just need the pants.

Why did I think I'd get some kind of reward for finishing out the fossil collection at the museum? It's been a week and I've completed like 6 models! I guess that's what happens when you deny strategy guides and the like...

Also, is 204 turnip price enough for anyone?

edit: bah! screw 204, I wanna get in on that 500+!

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Why did I think I'd get some kind of reward for finishing out the fossil collection at the museum? It's been a week and I've completed like 6 models! I guess that's what happens when you deny strategy guides and the like...

Also, is 204 turnip price enough for anyone?

edit: bah! screw 204, I wanna get in on that 500+!
Just went to advanced's town his turnips where 500+ went ahead a sold mine while I can. I paid 90 so I did pretty well.

Turnips are 558 in my town tonight. If anybody wants in, my FC is in the spreadsheet. PM me your info and I'll try to get to everyone who asks, but I'll probably be AFK in and out.
If you're still letting people in your town I'd like to roll through to sell my turnips.
Just PM me your FC. I'm on the west coast and I don't know when ReTail closes, but as long as I can get people in, I'll be doing it.

Edit: Vile, your FC was invalid? Double check and get back to me.

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Advanced thx again! My first huge splash in the stalk market was a success. It made farming for sharks and beetles tonight extra boring.
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Re-Tail just closed for the night. I'm gonna crash. Glad I could help everyone out.

Thanks for the tips! My girlfriend is crazy jealous and in awe of all the generosity!
Just an update to my trade list. I'll be on later this evening after work. Just PM me if you see anything you need.

Items for trade


  • Toad hat
  • Yoshi's egg
  • Super Star x2
  • Fire Bar
  • red Pikmin
  • Bad bro's stache
  • Big bro's stache
  • Green shell
  • Peach's parasol
  • Varia suit shoes
  • Varia suit pants

  • Styraco tail
  • dimetrodon tail
  • tricera skull
  • tricera tail
  • stego skull
  • mammoth skull
  • dimetrodon torso
  • parasaur tail
  • ammonite x2
  • archelon skull
  • pachy torso x2
  • ankylo skull
  • diplo skull
  • diplo hip

Things I need:

Pretty much everything

Random Catalog items (really want these badly!)

  • Samurai Suit (furniture)
  • Samurai Shirt
  • Taiko Drum
Space Series:

  • Lunar Horizon wall
  • Lunar Surface floor
  • Moon
  • Lunar Lander
  • Spaceman Sam
Zen Series:

  • Tea Table
  • Screen
  • Hibachi
  • Tea Tansu
  • Low Screen

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I wonder how the samurai set looks. I have the ninja head and pants, looks ok. Would prefer the samurai.

Anyone has the Varia shirt? Looking for it for my daughter's char.

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If anyone wants to sell a Plate Armor or any Pascal items let me know! :D

Also need a Sci Fi floor.

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I have a perfect town but lost count on what day I'm on, is there any other way to find out besides keeping count on your own?
I'll be on in a bit. I have to do my usual upkeep on the town and watch the Google event at 9. Afterwards I'll be on.
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Perfect Town Day 1, yay.

Katie finally showed up so if anyone wants her let me know. Is it possible to just bounce her between two towns or will she not want to go since she came from the Town X that you want to take her to?

I just ended my 15 days of a perfect town today and received my golden can...

I didn't even know it had been 15 days considering for a couple of days I didn't even maintain my town since I was on vacation at Disneyland. Either way I'll take it!

Dug up a shark tooth this morning, so my fossil set is done now.  Thanks again to those who helped with that yesterday!  Also got a virtual boy from a fortune cookie, first non-dupe item I've gotten in a few days.  And I got a few street passes in recent days so 3 more houses in HHA to order stuff from.

Oh, and my T&T Supermart will be closed tomorrow while expanding into the Home Center.  So pretty productive day. :D

I doubt I'll be on tonight to get sp00ge the mahawk wig or get the master sword from HuBu (don't feel any obligation to hold onto it by anymeans if someone who's around wants it).

Here's my updated lists, more just for my records since I won't be able to trade until tomorrow at the earliest.

Nintendo duplicates up for trade:

-Fire Bar 
-Triple Bananas x2
-Fire Flower
-Super Mushroom
-Majora's Mask
-Big Bro's Stache
-Muchroom Mural
-Blue Pikmin
-Varia Suit Shoes
-Goal Pole
Bug Off Items:
-Ladybug Chair
-Catepillar Sofa
-Ladybug Carpet

Nintendo Wants:
-Varia suit clothes
-Master Sword
-Lil Bro's Stache
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Leif gave me the silver watering can today, so I can stop buying flowers now - I have too much in my town already that I've just been selling them right after buying. I also got my gold turnip trading badge the other day, but I'll still keep buying about 1600 or 3200 turnips per week until I get the ABD from the post office - I'm almost 1/4th of the way there.

Here are my fortune cookie extras:


1-Up Mushroom
big bro's mustache
Bill Blaster
block floor
mushroom mural x2

Triple Bananas
Hero's Tunic
Majora's Mask
Midna Mask
blue Pikmin
Green Shell
Master Sword
Virtual Boy
Wii Balance Board

FC: 4742-5601-9252 (PM if you add, so I can add you back)

I also have one extra cabana table, cabana wardrobe, and cabana vanity. The table and wardrobe were customized because I was curious what colorful looked like. :p I'll trade all three of these for one bottled ship from Club Tortimer. Or all of them for a cabana floor.

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Leif gave me the silver watering can today, so I can stop buying flowers now - I have too much in my town already that I've just been selling them right after buying. I also got my gold turnip trading badge the other day, but I'll still keep buying about 1600 or 3200 turnips per week until I get the ABD from the post office - I'm almost 1/4th of the way there.

Here are my fortune cookie extras:


1-Up Mushroom
big bro's mustache
Bill Blaster
block floor
mushroom mural x2

Triple Bananas


Hero's Tunic
Majora's Mask
Midna Mask
blue Pikmin
Green Shell
? Block
Master Sword
Virtual Boy
Wii Balance Board

FC: 4742-5601-9252 (PM if you add, so I can add you back)

I also have one extra cabana table, cabana wardrobe, and cabana vanity. The table and wardrobe were customized because I was curious what colorful looked like. :p I'll trade all three of these for one bottled ship from Club Tortimer. Or all of them for a cabana floor.
I have most of those Nintendo items you need.

bread's done