Anime and Manga Thread Vol. 1: Visions of a God

[quote name='PrarieD0G']

Watched the Eureka Seven movie today. It was OK. Almost all of the characters' personalities were completely changed (because it's an alternate storyline), so it really was entirely different from the show, other than being set in the same universe. Didn't even come close to being as good as the series, IMO. Still, it wasn't awful. At least it looked amazing and had a pretty good soundtrack, heh. Overall, disappointing though.

Damn, why are movies hardly ever as good as the series they were based on?[/QUOTE]
After the RahXephon movie, I've decided that I'm not going to bother with any more Bones movies.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']After the RahXephon movie, I've decided that I'm not going to bother with any more Bones movies.[/QUOTE]

What?! Cowboy Bebop: The Movie and Sword of the Stranger are great movies. I don't know about RahXephon, but don't let that soil all of their other movies; that seems a bit harsh.
[quote name='Razzuel']What?! Cowboy Bebop: The Movie and Sword of the Stranger are great movies. I don't know about RahXephon, but don't let that soil all of their other movies; that seems a bit harsh.[/QUOTE]

Well, I was more talking about the movies that share a name with a series but have absolutely nothing to do with said series aside from characters that look and are named the same (i.e. RahXephon and Eureka Seven).
I just finished watching Kanamemo episode six. It continues to be totally awesome and totally hilarious. Also, Haruka's antics never get old. Viva la blackout!
[quote name='Razzuel']What?! Cowboy Bebop: The Movie and Sword of the Stranger are great movies. I don't know about RahXephon, but don't let that soil all of their other movies; that seems a bit harsh.[/QUOTE]

Didn't you JUST get done saying the CB movie wasn't that great? WTF.....

I heard Sword of the Stranger was good though.

I finished the first disk of Now and Then, Here and There. Mixed feelings. For one, the art style definitely threw me off, as tbh, it's not very good. Not sure what I was expecting, bit still.

The story is decent, and the characters are pretty good, but the protagonist is pretty unlikable and is risking his life to save some random girl he just met. It's still good enough to keep watching, but I guess I was just expecting something...better...
[quote name='the_punisher']Didn't you JUST get done saying the CB movie wasn't that great? WTF.....[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Razzuel']I felt that it wasn't as good as the TV series, but that's about all I know.[/QUOTE]

All I can say with any measure of certainty is that the movie did not evoke the same feelings that the TV show evoked. I think the movie is good, but I don't know to what degree. I need to watch the movie again. It has everything in it that makes Cowboy Bebop awesome, but for some reason I didn't get the same feelings that I got during the show; or at least I think I didn't—maybe the length of the movie plays a factor. Here are some examples of how it does things right: the fights scenes in the movie are better than most—if not all—of the fight scenes in the show; plus there are those story and character development pieces; plus the music is awesome. It's all there, but like I said I cannot say with certainty to what degree I enjoyed it. I guess if you want some sort of barometer, then I should say that I cannot decide whether I should give it a four or a five on Netflix. I need to watch it again.
Ugh, after three episodes of gun frontier and cosmo warrior, I'm gonna have to drop both. Some of the worst shows I've seen in quite some time. Terrible voice acting, lame stories, and the animation ain't so great. Just overall bad shows.
Yeah, the movie just didn't have the same Cowboy Bebop "feel" to it. It actually kinda bored me at parts.

Also, I somehow got my mom and sister to watch the first episode of Gunslinger Girl with me tonight (nothing on TV). My mom said, "It wasn't as bad as I thought." Haha, that's probably as good as I'll ever do. I know there are probably better shows to pick for them but whatever... I thought this was "normal" enough, and it had enough action in it. Just to give them a taste of what anime really is (aka. not just Pokemanz or Dragon Ball Z).
So, I'm wondering if I should buy these Dragonboxes or just get the currently DBZ releases. They've released DBGT and are releasing DB in the current format, and things matching are always nice.

[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']I don't remember the RahXephon being that bad...[/QUOTE]
It wasn't really all that bad that I remember. I just felt that I'd rather have a movie that adds to the story rather than a "reimaging". I mostly feel this way about Eureka Seven since I didn't really care for the ending so much.

[quote name='the_punisher']but I guess I was just expecting something...better...[/QUOTE]
I just watched the Eureka Seven movie. It was awesome.

However, some confusing/stupid things:

Why is Eureka naked and long haired and mute at the end? She turned into Lucy from f-ing Elfen Lied :bomb: :roll: unacceptable.

What was the ship at the end?
So Funimation finally got the rights to the first saga of Dragon Ball and they're only releasing it in the new sets? fuck them. Now I have to sell the DVDs I have to get these just for the first 13 episodes.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']So, I just started watching Big O. Is it just me or is it the worst opening ever? Yet, I can't stop watching it.[/QUOTE]
Don't you mean the greatest?

Oh man I'm falling behind on Kanamemo. It's the only other show I've been following this season along with Aoi Hana.
[quote name='Razzuel']No.

All I can say with any measure of certainty is that the movie did not evoke the same feelings that the TV show evoked. I think the movie is good, but I don't know to what degree. I need to watch the movie again. It has everything in it that makes Cowboy Bebop awesome, but for some reason I didn't get the same feelings that I got during the show; or at least I think I didn't—maybe the length of the movie plays a factor. Here are some examples of how it does things right: the fights scenes in the movie are better than most—if not all—of the fight scenes in the show; plus there are those story and character development pieces; plus the music is awesome. It's all there, but like I said I cannot say with certainty to what degree I enjoyed it. I guess if you want some sort of barometer, then I should say that I cannot decide whether I should give it a four or a five on Netflix. I need to watch it again.[/QUOTE]

Shut. Up. ;)
[quote name='tehweezner']I just watched the Eureka Seven movie. It was awesome.

However, some confusing/stupid things:

Why is Eureka naked and long haired and mute at the end? She turned into Lucy from f-ing Elfen Lied :bomb: :roll: unacceptable.

What was the ship at the end?

My turn to be Kirin. Ugh.

Animation was great, music was great. But story and characters? Train wreck.
I gave it a 7/10 on MAL, and that's because I am a huge Eureka Seven fanboy and couldn't give it anything less, haha.

Here is how I felt about the movie, in detail, for people who have seen it:
Written by Alexstratz from MAL (because I'm lazy):
"When I start looking at how much time's left when I'm watching a movie, I know something is wrong. And this was the case with the E7 movie.

I loved the original TV series but I also know that Pocketful of Rainbows is some kind of spin-off, so I took it as that and I'm gonna try to judge it as someone who didn't see E7 TV.

As most people have said, this movie lacks substance. From start to end they throw a lot of information at us, whether it's new characters, background information, or simply what's going on. But it just felt like trying to do a TV series in a 2 hours movie since nothing was really explained and everything felt underdeveloped. It's probably even harder to connect the dots if you haven't watched the original 50 episodes show.

The relation between the characters was oversimplified and felt really cheesy. How many times did we see Eureka crying? How many times did we hear Renton calling out Eureka's name like a moron? (...)

On a brighter note, the animation, art style, and music are exceptional as expected. Bones has already showed us that they can do great mecha battle scenes in E7 TV and Xam'd and here they prove again that they are one of the best in the industry. (...)

As an Eureka Seven fan, I feel this movie is wasted potential. As someone who didn't see E7 TV, I'd probably feel this movie is only about surfing mechas firing lasers and missiles at fishies, nothing more."
And an attempt to answer your question:
Eureka was basically reborn at the end. Whatever was inside of her that the coralians had implanted to supposedly "collect data on the human race and find a weakness" merged with the coralians when the sun beam hit her. Or was destroyed? Either way, her memories were apart of that so they were destroyed/merged along with that.
But yeah, honestly: WTF. I don't really know. haha. The whole thing is pretty contrived.
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[quote name='PrarieD0G']My turn to be Kirin. Ugh.

"Pocketful of Rainbows is some kind of spin-off, so I took it as that and I'm gonna try to judge it as someone who didn't see E7 TV."

This movie is for people that have seen (and liked) E7. How can you enjoy an alternate universe when there's no context for it? It had its flaws, but its strengths far outweighed any weaknesses. Any true E7 fan would have appreciated the movie ;)
Yeah, the E7 movie is nice to look at. But almost everything that made E7 awesome (with a few exceptions) are removed from the movie. I still liked seeing all the old characters again, even if they were completely different, though. That made it worth watching, for me.

Also, I am definitely a "true fan" of E7. It's my #1 show. The movie just wasn't that great. Characters personalities' were all shallow and stereotypical. Story seemed rushed and underdeveloped, despite a near 2 hour run-time. They tried to do too much, so it all ended up feeling meaningless. I don't see how anyone could think the movie was completely awesome unless they placed undue value on the animation/art quality or hadn't seen many other anime series/movies.

I agree that it would be hard to appreciate the movie AT ALL without seeing the series first though. (I don't 100% agree, word-for-word, with the review I posted :p). Then it really wouldn't make much sense, heh.

Anyway, I'm not trying to say you're wrong for loving the movie or anything. Just saying, I didn't like it as much.
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[quote name='PrarieD0G']
Anyway, I'm not trying to say you're wrong for loving the movie or anything. Just saying, I didn't like it as much.[/QUOTE]

There is no right or wrong. We're all just banging opinions up against other opinions. :cool:
Yep, very true. =)

Anyway, I finished all of Ah! My Goddess (both seasons, specials and everything). Another one of those non-ending endings, but I was expecting it since they they're still working on the manga, even. Now I look like a major Ah My Goddess fanboy on MAL, haha (there are like 5 listings). Still have the movie to watch though. It definitely feels like more of a niche series. But yeah, I liked it.
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just finished Witchblade... really loved it.

3 anime series in the bank
all three main characters die at the end.

good stuff though, all around.
Watched all of Air TV today. After the first few episodes I was beginning to wonder just where the hell the story was going, and when it planned to take me there. Then the "oohhhh, ok" moment came. A few episodes later I was confused again, then I got it again. Jeebus, it was a nice story but the damn thing kept throwing me off.

I hope to have enough time tomorrow to watch Air the Movie, as I couldn't squeeze it in today.

I'm really gonna have to hustle and try to shovel down as much anime as I can in the next week, as school is going to start after that. I'm going to be taking some graduate level classes as an undergrad, so I won't have as much time for anime.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']I'm really gonna have to hustle and try to shovel down as much anime as I can in the next week, as school is going to start after that. I'm going to be taking some graduate level classes as an undergrad, so I won't have as much time for anime.[/QUOTE]

Haha, I'm doing the same thing right now. School starts in a week. Although I may not be taking any graduate level courses, I'm in engineering. Same difference. :p (Not really, but it's a ton of work. And it ain't easy.)

Started RahXephon today. So far, so good. =) Definitely my kind of show.
School starts in a week for me too and I'm a graduate student in engineering so =P

RahXephon is pretty great.
I finished the first half of Big O. I'm loving it a lot. I'm going to have to take a break from mecha for a while though. Golion is the next mecha that I need to watch. 52 episodes so I'll have to be ready for it.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']So, I just started watching Big O. Is it just me or is it the worst opening ever? Yet, I can't stop watching it. In a way, it kinda reminds me of:

Also, has anyone seen Nadia: Secret of Blue Water? I'm thinking of picking it up.[/QUOTE]

I'm probably one of the biggest Big O fans on CAG and I have to agree the opening sucks. The rest of the music in the show is absolutely epic though.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I'm probably one of the biggest Big O fans on CAG and I have to agree the opening sucks. The rest of the music in the show is absolutely epic though.[/QUOTE]

Absolutely. One of my most favorite anime soundtracks ever.
I decided on starting Genshiken this weekend. I was hooked and my wife and I wound up watching the first 12 plus the 3 OAV's. I'll be watching the next 12 soon, but I really like this show. It's basically the story of a girl dealing with otaku and I suppose I kinda saw it from both the inside and outside the culture point of view. Great show.

After that it's Hajime No Ippo and Law of Ueki based on CAG recommendations.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Absolutely. One of my most favorite anime soundtracks ever.[/QUOTE]

Really? Aside from the OP and ED, I've noticed 3 songs. One of which, everytime it starts, I think it's the Twilight Zone theme.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']Really? Aside from the OP and ED, I've noticed 3 songs. One of which, everytime it starts, I think it's the Twilight Zone theme.[/QUOTE]

I always found Flag to be particularly memorable (ah, anthems!), as well as Prayer [the WTC Street variation]. Then again, I am biased. I imported (and paid quite a bit for) both soundtracks from Amazon Japan back in the day. Worth ~every~ penny!
Big O was a nice sleep aide. :D It at least helped me learn that mechs are a sign of anime I won't like. I liked the Batman-style of Roger Smith and the early episodes, but the change towards a plot that was pretty much The Matrix turned me off.
For a long time, I wasn't a fan of Mecha anime then I got into SRPGs which led to Super Robot Wars and that's where I found a new respect for the genre.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']I decided on starting Genshiken this weekend. I was hooked and my wife and I wound up watching the first 12 plus the 3 OAV's. I'll be watching the next 12 soon, but I really like this show. It's basically the story of a girl dealing with otaku and I suppose I kinda saw it from both the inside and outside the culture point of view. Great show.

After that it's Hajime No Ippo and Law of Ueki based on CAG recommendations.[/QUOTE]

Nice, I did almost the same thing when I watched it (all in one sitting), haha. +1 for Genshiken. Also, you're lucky that you have a wife that will watch anime with you, haha.

I watched Princess Mononoke again today. Really like that movie. My favorite Miyazaki film, for sure.
I actually got my mom and sister to watch it with me this time, and I think they liked it alright too. =P
I went and saw Ponyo tonight. I loved it; it was absolutely magical. I already knew going into the movie that I was going to like it, since it was from Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki, but Ponyo was still able to blow away my expectations. It's one of my favorite Studio Ghibli movies. The movie was even able to make my eyes watery, but not because of sadness; my eyes were watering because some of the scenes were so pure and touching. All of the characters were amazing, but Lisa was probably my favorite. All the scenes she is in are wonderful.

Go see this movie; it deserves it!
[quote name='Razzuel']I went and saw Ponyo tonight. I loved it; it was absolutely magical. I already knew going into the movie that I was going to like it, since it was from Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki, but Ponyo was still able to blow away my expectations. It's one of my favorite Studio Ghibli movies. The movie was even able to make my eyes watery, but not because of sadness; my eyes were watering because some of the scenes were so pure and touching. All of the characters were amazing, but Lisa was probably my favorite. All the scenes she is in are wonderful.

Go see this movie; it deserves it![/QUOTE]
I think it's the worst Miyazaki film. Of the ones I've seen anyway.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']I've actually never seen a Miyazaki film. Is that wrong?[/QUOTE]

If you're an anime fan, or just a fan of good cinema in general, yes, absolutely. There are some *amazing* Ghibli films out there, but there are some so-so ones as well. I highly recommend Princess Mononoke, Kiki's Delivery Service, My Neighbor Totoro, Grave of the Fireflies, and Spirited Away, in that order. Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro (not a Ghibli film, but directed by Miyazaki) is also fantastic.

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']No. They're all pretty mediocre at best.[/QUOTE]

Your taste in films is mediocre at best.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']If you're an anime fan, or just a fan of good cinema in general, yes, absolutely. There are some *amazing* Ghibli films out there, but there are some so-so ones as well. I highly recommend Princess Mononoke, Kiki's Delivery Service, My Neighbor Totoro, Grave of the Fireflies, and Spirited Away, in that order. Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro (not a Ghibli film, but directed by Miyazaki) is also fantastic.

Your taste in films is mediocre at best.[/QUOTE]
I'll give you Cagliostro (which isn't Miyazaki) and Mononoke. Other than that, Miyazaki movies have done nothing but put me to sleep.

I'd also make a witty comment about your lack of taste, but I'll be nice on account of you liking ROD TV and Witchblade so much.
Half the thing with Miyazaki's movies is the artistry and detail he puts into them. And the weird magical-ness of everything. I guess you kind of have to be able to appreciate that to appreciate his movies. I'll admit, most of them are pretty slow paced and rather long, so it's easy to zone out if you're not really "into" it. I haven't loved everything I've seen by him, either. Princess Mononoke and Kiki's Delivery Service are my favorites though. Also, I think Spirited Away is overrated. Not that I hated it, just sayin'--contrary to what the ratings would tell you, it's definitely not his best movie. At least I don't think so.

I still haven't seen: Nausicaa, Castle in the Sky, or Grave in the Fireflies. Going to watch the latter soon though.
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[quote name='ChibiJosh']Was Grave of the Fireflies done by Miyazaki? I didn't think it was.[/QUOTE]

Nah, it wasn't, you're right. I guess Kirin was talking about Ghibli films in general there and I got mixed up..

It's based on a true story though, IIRC.
bread's done