Anime... Do u watch any?

So apparently there is going to be a live-action version of Witch Hunter Robin coming to the Sci-fi channel near the very end of this year or so. I like the anime, and the live-action adaptation is being handled by the same guys who made the Ring from Ringu so it should at least be interesting.
With regards to the earlier posts regarding Miyazaki and Disney:
Disney long ago purchased the distribution rights to Studio Ghibli films for North America...and they held that license without releasing any of the actual films. For several, several years, Miyazaki fans made do with screenings at film festivals and bootlegs. In fact, I only purchased a DVD collection (which is obviously not legitimate for sale in North America because it's not offered through Disney or their subsidiary, Buena Vista) because Disney wouldn't specify any date for release (or any release at all) on DVD when the collection became available online. After Spirited Away was released in theaters, however, Disney has begun making these classic titles available on DVD at last.

That being said, it's kind of pricey to collect these titles one by one as Disney dribbles them out individually. Here's a link to the collection (this was the first link I found to it: I'm not familiar with this vendor and can offer no assurances about this site, but at least it shows the titles and their dates of release:

Wiggy to think that these titles have been around for decades, only to have much of the American public think that they're new. :wink: For big Miyazaki fans, don't forget about The Castle of Cagliostro, which I believe he had a hand in making (it's not affiliated with Ghibli.) As a last aside, the only other anime title of note that I can mention would be Ghost In The Shell, which is commonly compared to Blade Runner (and no, it is nothing like Miyazaki's works!)
The Samurai X OVA (Trust and Betrayal) were beyond hot. Ghost in the Shell, Akira, and Ninja Scroll are just classics.
I also absolutely loved the movies Kite and Perfect Blue, if anyone else ever saw either.
As for series, Trigun is sweet. I also bought the boxed set for Blue Seed, which was well worth my $40. I was really into Gundam Wing when that first was on cartoon network. And Evangelion's been my holiest possessions for over half a decade now.
I'm cusious if anyone know the name of this anime i watched a long time ago(7 or 8 years) on UPN. It had a guy that could transform into a robot using a crystal and he escaped so he was good, and he had to fight all of his captured family member who had been brainwashed and were evil. The main guy's crystal ended up breaking and he'd have to use a robot to transform(that could also be used as a airboard to perform supermoves. I realize this is a shot in the dark but if any one know that name of it id appreciate it.
Yeah I enjoy Anime :)

Anime? Yeah, I've watched a few. I've fansubbed a few back in the day as well. ^^; Slayers TRY episodes 1-2 (the good version!) was my first project. I collect many things not the least of which include shitajiki, artbooks, OSTs, video games and many, many cels. The nice ones... they aren't cheap unfotrunately, but I love them. I love meeting Japanese GoH at conventions that I Staff and getting items signed, but I LOVE getting sketches and have acquired a number of them over the years. ^^x

I've been Staffing anime conventions since '97 at quite a few venues to say the least. Otakon is still my favorite to Staff and attend, but AX (LA), Anime Central, Animazement and AWA (the party convention) are some other favs. It's great to see anime become as popular as it has nowadays in the States. ^^x

[quote name='Cubanx']Yeah I enjoy Anime :)

Wow, man. Really impressive. The shelving looks great. It's like walking into a store like Suncoast or Bestbuy and just having all the anime on the shelves. If you don't mind me asking, do you know the value of your collection? :)
In fact, I only purchased a DVD collection (which is obviously not legitimate for sale in North America because it's not offered through Disney or their subsidiary, Buena Vista) because Disney wouldn't specify any date for release (or any release at all) on DVD when the collection became available online.

Yup, I have that same box set. Really nice quality, too. I'm a bit of an a-typical Myazaki fan it seems. My fav flicks of his are Kiki's Delivery Service, Whispers of the Heart, and My Neighbor Totoro. I like Mononoke but apparently not as much as everyone else that's seen it, and Spirited Away is the only movie of his I didn't like.
[quote name='Cubanx']Yeah I enjoy Anime :)[/quote]

Ooh, not only do I see mainstream anime in there, I also see some hentai in that mix! I can recognize Cool Devices and La Blue Girl anywhere, because me and hubby own them too! >:3
Thanks Guys. Glad you like the collection. Yeah I have a nice Hentai collection Darke Katt. ;)

Not sure of the value moiety. I would have to say easily over 10K since it's around 1000 disc's and I probaly paid a median price of $15 each. I just got $650 trade-in value for some disc's i'll never watch again and my shelves are still full. I gotta watch more asap but I also have 30+ games for all 3 consoles i'm trying to get through slowly.

I used to buy everything released but now there is some real crap being released so i'm alot more selective since I have such a huge backlog.
[quote="Yup, I have that same box set. Really nice quality, too. I'm a bit of an atypical Myazaki fan it seems. My fav flicks of his are Kiki's Delivery Service, Whispers of the Heart, and My Neighbor Totoro. I like Mononoke but apparently not as much as everyone else that's seen it, and Spirited Away is the only movie of his I didn't like.[/quote]

Actually, Kiki's Delivery Service is probably my favorite, as well. I think it's mostly influenced by order of exposure. People often consider the first Miyazaki film they see to be their favorite, and since Mononoke Hime and Spirited Away were the first samplings of his work to the mainstream American public, they're often people's "favorites." One of my favorite one-word movie quotes is still Jiji saying,"Nudo?" :lol: Incidentally, I was put off a bit by Spirited Away the first time I saw it, since it's so different from his earlier works--well, in some ways--but it really grew on me with each viewing. If you only watched it once, it might merit a second chance.
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