Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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Ok, I was thinking maybe it went out of stock after I ordered it and now it changed. My other 2 seasons shipped though and S7 is still processing, so idk.
Can take a while. That or Theyre shipping from dif stores
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Rightstuf/Nozomi has nothing to do with Gundam The Origin getting dubbed. It was always planned by Sunrise to have it be dubbed for international release. Just like how Gundam Unicorn was released with a English dub upon its release. Heck the Collectior's Edition that is on Rightstuf right now is a import of the Japanese release.

I said they were the ones who were dubbing it, not the reason it WAS dubbed.  Also, when you mention Nadesico OVAs, do you mean the Gekiganger ones?  Otherwise, is there a new OVA I should know about?  And lastly, last time i received something from gohastings that was out of stock, I received a new copy of Saving Mr. Banks for the price of it used (they couldn't find a used copy to send me).  Obviously, you probably won't have a similar situation, but you never know.

Well.. finally received my $14.99 Blu Ray version of Canaan yesterday from Frys that I ordered last Black Friday lol

And lastly, last time i received something from gohastings that was out of stock, I received a new copy of Saving Mr. Banks for the price of it used (they couldn't find a used copy to send me). Obviously, you probably won't have a similar situation, but you never know.
Yeah, I doubt that they're going to send him a new copy of Saving Mr. Banks if they can't find his Inuyasha seasons.


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Inuyasha the Movie Complete Collection on blu-ray is about $13 on Amazon (the 4 movie set). Hopefully I don't already have this at home...I'll find out soon! haha Love that series

So I'm going to ask for a recommendation that will get me a lot of hate. I'll first say that I really liked Bleach (sans filler) and Naruto (sans filler). I've noticed though that it's really rare to find anime like that (shounen with deep plot and character development with great action). Most shows are slice of life, harem or something that combines the two recently. Anyone know anything that's streaming now or is relatively recent that is about as good as those two? Yes, I think they are good for that genre :p *puts on armor of +5 flame resistance*

Why does it have to be recent? It's not like Bleach and Naruto are recent. No idea if Yu Yu Hakusho is streamed anywhere.
Mainly because I've been watching anime for a long time, so I'm guessing I've seen all the big shounen shows. I'll put a list together when I get home of what's in my collection already.

Inuyasha the Movie Complete Collection on blu-ray is about $13 on Amazon (the 4 movie set). Hopefully I don't already have this at home...I'll find out soon! haha Love that series
I'll be honest, I found the Blu-ray set lacking and thought the DVDs looked better. In fact, the Blu-rays looked blurry on my CRT TV.
So I'm going to ask for a recommendation that will get me a lot of hate. I'll first say that I really liked Bleach (sans filler) and Naruto (sans filler). I've noticed though that it's really rare to find anime like that (shounen with deep plot and character development with great action). Most shows are slice of life, harem or something that combines the two recently. Anyone know anything that's streaming now or is relatively recent that is about as good as those two? Yes, I think they are good for that genre :p *puts on armor of +5 flame resistance*
One Piece and Fairy Tail. Yu Yu Hakusho as others have suggested is good too.

One Piece and Fairy Tail. Yu Yu Hakusho as others have suggested is good too.
Don't forget Hunter x Hunter (the newer one). Maybe Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (also the newer one). I enjoy World Trigger, though I haven't watched much of the anime.

One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach had dominated the "DBZ-like" genre for so long (and yes, I realize they're not just tournament manga, especially One Piece), that I don't know what really replaces them. In non Shonen Jump stuff, Fairy Tale definitely has a similar vibe. Hunter x Hunter is off and on, Toriko's anime is already done, and they're already going back to Naruto and Dragonball anyway. As someone who grew up with Dragonball, St. Seiya, and Kinnikuman I love me some shonen, though.

You can see it in Shonen Jump Alpha (the English translated digital-only weekly release). Luckily Naruto came back, but man these "flashbacks" to older series feel like page count filler (though I do enjoy World Trigger, and though I'm super confused by the plot, My Hero Academia).

Regardless of where anyone's watching the Inuyasha movie blu-ray set, it's not still not worth upgrading if you already have them on DVD. The upscale is bad, there are numerous compression artifacts, and the movies are missing special features included on the original DVDs. I made the mistake of 'upgrading' and selling off my DVD copies, and now regret it. 

Don't forget Hunter x Hunter (the newer one). Maybe Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (also the newer one). I enjoy World Trigger, though I haven't watched much of the anime.
it fills me with much sorrow that it took until you for someone to mention Hunter X Hunter :/

anyways some that haven't been mentioned

Assassination classroom is an interesting one, a different shonen with less focus on fighting, but at least it doesn't have ecchi in it.

Attack on Titan - you have likely seen this one, not a typical shonen but still technically shonen

and while this one isn't new most people don't know this one

Shura no Toki - a fun little battle show following the lives of a few users of a given martial art having them face off against some of the bigger names of history. This show doesn't actually excel at anything, the action isn't amazing, the story isn't amazing, but it's also not bad at anything and thus overall is just a solid watch from start to finish.

If you wonder over to the light novel gary stu world (which makes them technically not shonen as that is a demographic based on magazine but they still have a similar feel to shonen) there are plenty of fun shows to watch. Most of them have a bit of ecchi but nothing close to what ecchi shows have (most of these also have quite a few fans and haters)

Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? - is fun so far and has had some good action scenes

No Game No Life - this one has some bad ecchi scenes, but aside from those it's a ride from start to finish. Not a lot of physical action a lot more psychological action.

Sword Art Online - Has some great scenes, though it also contains a few questionable scenes in the second half.

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - fun story, some good action.

Some other shows that are not shonen but instead are shonen like just a lot more mature are

Black Lagoon - ever wonder what it would be like if japan made a B grade hollywood action movie. Wonder no more (dub recommended)

Darker than Black - fun super power show

Tiger and bunny - Fun tv sponsered super hero show that gets a serious story unexpectedly

Psycho Pass - nice little sci fi series

Finally, if you are able to put up with some bad ecchi scenes in the first few episodes Shokugeki no Souma has hit its stride in the anime (and will continue to be really solid as long as it continues to follow the manga) it's a shonen show but needs it's own part as it isn't your typical shonen show at all. The first few episodes are bogged down with some bad characters and borderline porn scenes. After those though it gets way way way WAY better as the creator figured out he could carry the show without trying to tap into his previous hentai lifestyle and the show evolves into something far far better toning down the sexual stuff to low levels and focusing instead on the battles and food. That's right this show is about food wars. The ecchi scenes tend to come to orgasmic reactions to the food but after things are toned down they are more just over the top reactions to food in the vein of yakitate japan (a solid shonen parody show without much ecchi at all)

that should do for a small list for now :p


note one punch man in the fall should be right up your alley and when Boku no Hero Academia get an anime in late 2016 or 2017 that one will be a great one to follow as well.

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LITERAL KEKS !! BDs look like shit over composite dood.
Eh, most of my Blu-rays look fine on my CRT.

Then again, my HDTV auto zooms all fullscreen DVDs and Blu-ray and my older shows (like ThunderCats or MMPR) look acceptable, so maybe it's just me.

Which should tell you how bad the InuYasha movie Blu-ray set is.

Besides, for less money you can get the only 2 good ones (Sword of an Honorable Ruler and Fire on Mystic Island) on DVD and get extras and stuff.
Attack on Titan - you have likely seen this one, not a typical shonen but still technically shonen

and while this one isn't new most people don't know this one

Sword Art Online - Has some great scenes, though it also contains a few questionable scenes in the second half.
Disgusting, why you recommend these bad shows? ;)

I think he was kidding...and if he's not then my faith in humanity will be gone.
My HDTV is in the living room, my bedroom just has a CRT. Not worth it to upgrade.
Was going to say, I don't think he's kidding. Cause I thought he bought tons of DVD anime sets anyways.

CRTs use about 3x the power though, which adds up if you have it on a lot. Not enough to justify an LCD, but... why?

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Was going to say, I don't think he's kidding. Cause I thought he bought tons of DVD anime sets anyways.

CRTs use about 3x the power though, which adds up if you have it on a lot. Not enough to justify an LCD, but... why?
...Because my CRT still works great? And because it'd be a pain in the ass to lug it downstairs, out the front door, and around the block so it can be picked up for trash? And because I have my Blu-ray player, antennae, converter, and about 5 or 6 Gundam Models on top that I have no room for anywhere else?

What exactly is so offensive about having a CRT TV as a secondary TV?

And I buy whichever I can get cheaper, DVD or Blu-ray. Well, of anime anyway, since after I watch it I put it up on eBay.

Funimation's PE of Soul Eater looks like it be disappointing as we all expected it to be. I hope this is a mockup of the final product as this just appears lazy. I already have Meister/Weapon collection from a few years back but this probably a tough sell to even the most hardcore of SE fans.

And I buy whichever I can get cheaper, DVD or Blu-ray. Well, of anime anyway, since after I watch it I put it up on eBay.
What's your ebay name so I can watch your auctions? I see you be picking up alot of anime throughout the week almost every week and I sure would like to add to my collection.
What's your ebay name so I can watch your auctions? I see you be picking up alot of anime throughout the week almost every week and I sure would like to add to my collection.
Cop321. It's also in my sig. Don't have anything up right now though.
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I enjoyed the Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer in manga form, at least, as a kind of different take on a shonen manga.  I'd imagine the anime is good if it follows the manga, though I don't think it's available anymore?

you should check out prison school

first pv trailer
yeah... the neogaf anime thread already tricked me into reading the manga (I'll admit I kept reading for some reason, but at no point did I actually find it to be any good). There is no way I am going to watch that fetish peddling story in animated form.

The manga is pretty funny from what I saw of it, but the animation in the trailer is absolutely horrendous.
if you really really enjoy awkward situation humor (and by that I mean weird reactions to stomping of certain parts of the body and S&M/urination scenes in general) it's possible that it can be amusing. As someone that typically doesn't find that humor funny (but doesn't hate it) at best there were a handful of funny moments (to the point that it never crossed my mind that it was trying to be a comedy) mostly it was just setting up for the next fetish scene.

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yeah... the neogaf anime thread already tricked me into reading the manga (I'll admit I kept reading for some reason, but at no point did I actually find it to be any good). There is no way I am going to watch that fetish peddling story in animated form.

I found it funny due to it taking it's ridiculous premise so damn seriously. That and most of the fanservice came off more of a satire of those prison exploitation films.

if you really really enjoy awkard situation humor it's possible that it can be amusing. As someone that typically doesn't find that humor funny (but doesn't hate it) at best there were a handful of funny moments (to the point that it never crossed my mind that it was trying to be a comedy) mostly it was just setting up for the next fetish scene.
I loved the Prison School manga, but I don't care for the animation in that trailer or how the character designs translated over. Fantastic manga though, a shame it hasn't been brought to the US. 

Got all the inuyasha sets on sale from gohasting. this is what they sent
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bread's done