Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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Just received my Attack on Titan Colossal Bundle from Funimation without a shipping confirmation. On their website, my order is still labeled as "Pending Fulfillment" so if anyone's order is labeled the same, it might already be on its way. Keep an eye out! 

EDIT: I also have yet to be charged for it. It was pre-authorized a while back, but was taken off my statement. Hooray for (currently) free anime!

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With several of the older gundam series coming to blu-ray, are you guys selling your DVDs?  I have around half of the original gundam series on dvd and the whole set of zeta gundam.  I'm trying to decide if I should trade them in.  Death note is coming as well, so I was thinking of selling that set as well.

With several of the older gundam series coming to blu-ray, are you guys selling your DVDs? I have around half of the original gundam series on dvd and the whole set of zeta gundam. I'm trying to decide if I should trade them in. Death note is coming as well, so I was thinking of selling that set as well.
Sold my 0079 sets right when the announcement was made (got max value before prices tanked lol). Getting rid of my Zeta, Wing, and SEED sets next.

Welp, I got a nice surprise in my mail today. My Dragonball order from Funimation showed up finally, didn't even get a shipping confirmation or anything.
Interestingly enough, I got my Attack on titian bundle from funimation from like a month ago too!

Got ranma 1/2 1,2,3 LE from bestbuy today. now waits for season 4/5/6/7 go down $25 or less :)

Tempting sailor moon season 1 part 1 & 2! Should i get it? Will viz ever fix the issues?
Got ranma 1/2 1,2,3 LE from bestbuy today. now waits for season 4/5/6/7 go down $25 or less :)

Tempting sailor moon season 1 part 1 & 2! Should i get it? Will viz ever fix the issues?
maybe we'll get luck later this month. I can't wait for right stuffs deals

On a whim I e-mailed Funimation after seeing a couple people still pining over their missing DBZ sets -- They provided shipping confirmation and a tracking # for my package -- I should be receiving it by end of week. So those of you with orders not completed, send them an e-mail and you might get some good news!

Viz has new Digital Manga bundles up.

Nisekoi Volume 1-5 - $20.99
Bakuman Volume 1-20 - $69.99
Food Wars Volume 1-5 - $20.99
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Volumes 1-8 - $32.99
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Volumes 1-16 - $55.99
Arata the Legend 1 Volumes 1-10 - $41.99
Arata the Legend 1 Volumes 1-15 - $54.99
Arata the Legend 1 Volumes 1-20 - $60.99

Has there been a date for Gundam Wing,G-Gundam or Char's Counterattack ?
I would like to know this as well. I have the individual volumes for Gundam Wing and it would be nice to replace those 10 DVD cases with 2 Blu-ray cases. I have the collections for G-Gundam and should probably sell those soon before the value drops. I have the first zeta gundam collection and it looks like that has dropped in value.

It'll be nice to condense parts of my collection and be the sole owner of the disks. Besides Gundam, I'd like to condense my kenshin dvds. I got a deal from a garage sale on the individual volumes. Unfortunately, those boxes are quite expensive.

Nothing outside of UC has been given a release date.

Since RightStuf is the one releasing it, the easiest way to check is to search for Gundam DVD and sort by New on their website. They're not going to announce a release date before it's available to pre-order.

I'll probably keep most of my OG releases, but G Gundam I will be most reluctant to upgrade since I highly doubt Nozomi will include the G-Files interviews.
I hesitate to upgrade SEED even if they announce it, since the JP SEED had a boatload of changes, the main one that keeps me away being the song River being completely removed.

It was added Oct. 09, 2015. It is subs only so not sure if that might be a deal breaker for some.
It seems like Netflix is featuring more and more sub-only anime, like Kill la Kill and Attack on Titan. I wonder if at any point in the future they'll add dubbed versions of these shows.

It seems like Netflix is featuring more and more sub-only anime, like Kill la Kill and Attack on Titan. I wonder if at any point in the future they'll add dubbed versions of these shows.
Luckily I'm part of the crowd who prefers the subs with original Japanese audio as opposed to dubs. But that's a discussion for elsewhere.

I've never seen Ranma 1/2 before. Is it worth picking up Sets 1,2,3 from either BB or Amazon? I'm still on the fence right now.
I say watch an episode or two to see if the humor works for you. What you see from the first episodes is what your going get for over a hundred episodes.
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Anyone after the Persona 3 movies? I have the collector's editions of the first two that I'm about to put up on eBay, and thought I'd offer them up on here first if anyone wants to eliminate the middle man and his fees. First one is complete, like new. Second one is sealed.

You don't have to watch ALL of Ranma, you can just stop after season 3 ends (when Ranma learns the Hi Ryu Shouten Ha), really if you watch it til the end of set 3, the OVAs, and the movies, and you have seen most of the best of the show.

You can pretty quickly find out which sites a show is streaming on by searching (It doesn't specifically cover Neon Alley, but I'm pretty sure that everything there is also on Hulu.)

Yes, in a "wow, that's basically Animal Farm in space" sorta way.
that actually sounds amazing and actually sold me on it....will be adding to backlog of stuff to watch.

You need to let us know what format you are looking for. DVD or BD, also we aren't going to hold you hand. If you want help that is fine but some stuff you need to look up yourself. Again what do you want it on DVD or BD, lets start there. From that we can work with you.

I used to pirate studio movies but as far as anime never did. Watched it on netflix (which got me back into anime) and now I sub to CR.
Like you I would rather support the industry by buying.
as far as pirating goes there is also the train of thought that some folks will never ever buy anything period so they arent actually hurting anything because they wouldnt have bought it anyway. and there is also the fact that an anime or really anything that gains popularity via piracy gains exposure which exposure brings it to light to people who would actually buy it. in fact there is a very solid argument to be made that anime beyond DBZ gained much popularity because of pirating.

so piracy isnt an instant = act of pure evil.

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On a whim I e-mailed Funimation after seeing a couple people still pining over their missing DBZ sets -- They provided shipping confirmation and a tracking # for my package -- I should be receiving it by end of week. So those of you with orders not completed, send them an e-mail and you might get some good news!
thanks was actually thinking about that.

that actually sounds amazing and actually sold me on it....will be adding to backlog of stuff to watch.

as far as pirating goes there is also the train of thought that some folks will never ever buy anything period so they arent actually hurting anything because they wouldnt have bought it anyway. and there is also the fact that an anime or really anything that gains popularity via piracy gains exposure which exposure brings it to light to people who would actually buy it. in fact there is a very solid argument to be made that anime beyond DBZ gained much popularity because of pirating.

so piracy isnt an instant = act of pure evil.
The arguement worked ten years ago, its much harder to make with the rise of legal streaming alternatives.
In fact there is a very solid argument to be made that anime beyond DBZ gained much popularity because of pirating.

so piracy isn't an instant = act of pure evil.
The argument worked ten years ago, its much harder to make with the rise of legal streaming alternatives.
Agreed, when people didn't know about it a while back that was different but I mean you can you tube it and crunchy roll it for free so that's not as valid of an argument anymore.

The day after I received my Dragon Ball Movies without any notice, I received both the Dragon Ball set and Attack on Titan. So, uhhh, good on you FUNi!

I received an email from amazon saying they got a release date for evangelion 3.33 of February 2, 2016.  I had almost forgotten that I had preordered it.  I've had it on preorder for a year now.  I hope this release date sticks.

When you preorder on amazon, do you pay for it then or when it ships?  It's been so long I can't remember if I've paid for it.

I received an email from amazon saying they got a release date for evangelion 3.33 of February 2, 2016. I had almost forgotten that I had preordered it. I've had it on preorder for a year now. I hope this release date sticks.

When you preorder on amazon, do you pay for it then or when it ships? It's been so long I can't remember if I've paid for it.
When it ships
I remember having 2nd and 3rd generation VHS copies of fansubs - that I had to send money for to cover shipping and the cost of the tape. And until the Internet really picked up, the only way you knew about those was word of mouth.

One of my first experiences with anime was the filipino dub of Voltes V my grandma brought to the states as well as the Ocean dub Dragonball Z bootlegs my cousins gifted me. Lol. And the bad dub of the Yu Yu Hakusho movie. XD
Gundam 0079 dropped to $43.19 on Amazon. I emailed to ask for a refund of the difference. They gave it to me then did it again when the preorder price guarantee kicked in. Hopefully they don't catch it and it stays $36.39.
Gundam 0079 dropped to $43.19 on Amazon. I emailed to ask for a refund of the difference. They gave it to me then did it again when the preorder price guarantee kicked in. Hopefully they don't catch it and it stays $36.39.
And that is why the 30 day price gaurantee with Amazon no longer exsist. :)

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I'd say closer to Lord of the Flies. I'll have to watch it again and see if I can pick up an Animal Farm vibe from it.
What I actually meant was it's Animal Farm meets Lord of the Flies but in space, I knew when I first typed that that I was forgetting part of the comparison (it's animal farm, because of "Everyone's equal, but some people are treated much better crap)

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One thing that bothers me about anime on bluray is companies not bothering to get the Japanese 5.1 track. Some of us have big tvs with nice 5.1 sound systems you know. Not all of us watch anime on a tube TV with no speakers.
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One thing that bothers me about anime on bluray is companies not bothering to get the Japanese 5.1 track. Some of us have big tvs with nice 5.1 sound systems you know. Not all of us watch anime on a tube TV with no speakers.
Outside of movies and OVAs, it is rare for Japanese audio to be 5.1 Even with Japanese releases.

Jitendar asks:
Straight to the question, and Why do so few television anime get Japanese 5.1 Surround Audio? It's a medium with a lot of action, and with home cinema a lot more common, you'd expect the sound design to be up there, but it's only the rare anime that gets to the West with 5.1 audio, shows like Samurai Champloo, and Moribito. Actually all this begs further questions... Do Japanese audiences get surround audio on their TV anime, and Western audiences get a lesser product? Are the 5.1 Japanese tracks that we do get on the rare titles actually sourced from Japan, or upmixed locally as Funimation do for the dubs, or as Manga Entertainment used to do for all of their releases about ten years ago, matrix both audio languages to DD 2.0, 5.1 and DTS as standard regardless of title and regardless of audio source?

Japan does virtually no 5.1 mixes for their TV shows, and only occasionally for OAVs (what few are made these days). While North America's digital TV broadcast standard, ATSC, supports 5.1 audio (due to its use of Dolby Digital AC3 format audio, which is also used on DVDs), the Japanese standard ISDB carries AAC audio, which is high quality but only supports stereo. Additionally, most Japanese homes are simply not big enough for people to bother with big, fancy 5.1 audio systems. Movies that play in theaters definitely get 5.1 mixes, but for things that are only shown in the home? Not really worth the trouble.

In the early days of DVD, American anime publishers would throw all sorts of bells and whistles onto DVDs thinking they affected sales (they didn't). 5.1 audio was seen as a major selling point, and so many dubs were created in 5.1, and occasionally a Japanese mix was upconverted to 5.1 (although often licensors didn't make the unmixed audio stems available, so that upconvert sounded pretty lame). 5.1 mixes are time consuming to do right, and require expensive equipment, so nowadays most dubs are created in stereo too. After all, if the Japanese is in stereo, and the supplied music and effects tracks are in stereo, what's the point?

5.1 is pretty cool if done right, of course, if you have the home theater equipment to play it. And a few lucky people in Japan do. So, for the "prestige" releases, the Japanese studios will go to the expense of creating a 5.1 audio track. But in most cases, especially for TV anime, producers have determined that the additional labor involved is just not worth it.
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Any version of sword art online has the aniplex tax on it guess I have to watch online somewhere
Said it once before, but you can import from the Uk. You should be able to get season 1 for about 125 shipped after conversion and shipping. Is it cheap? No. But it's better than giving Aniplex a kidney.
Said it once before, but you can import from the Uk. You should be able to get season 1 for about 125 shipped after conversion and shipping. Is it cheap? No. But it's better than giving Aniplex a kidney.
SAO Season 1 is split into four parts in the UK. Then on top of that of that you have to either find a half decent region 2/region free player to actually play it. Way too much effort imo. I haven't powered on my region free player in over a year... but as mentioned before, AoA's properties are streaming for free somewhere. Coming from guy who can import, I don't even suggest it.

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