Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


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 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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I have no idea how or where people grew up watching various Gundams.
I saw Gundam on Cartoon Network and when I didn't have CN, it was on VHS. I saw the rest on DVD and the Internet.

G-Gundam was awesome on Toonami. Did they censor part of it or something?
Not really. The only thing that got censored was the naming schemes for the Gundams. One example was Mexico's Gundam. It was originally called Tequila Gundam but it was changed to something else.

Code Geass was pretty terrible when I watched it on Toonami about ten years ago.   My tastes were also underdeveloped back then and I plan to give another go sometime soon because I know it's highly regarded by many of you guys.  Agree with what kickalillas2 touched on,  I remember the silliness and the absurdity of the tone didn't match the serious structure they were going for.  It felt like a poorly realized mash-up at the time.  But I look forward to watching it again. 

Code Geass was pretty terrible when I watched it on Toonami about ten years ago. My tastes were also underdeveloped back then and I plan to give another go sometime soon because I know it's highly regarded by many of you guys. Agree with what kickalillas2 touched on, I remember the silliness and the absurdity of the tone didn't match the serious structure they were going for. It felt like a poorly realized mash-up at the time. But I look forward to watching it again.
Not to start a sub vs. dub debate, but I enjoyed it much more the second time around in Japanese w/ subs.

The missus asks for a Cheese-kun every couple of weeks.


Those Gundam videos....what was that from? G Gundam? Those were hilarious/terrible lol. I never saw any Gundam until Gundam 00 showed up. I think the only reason I watched it was because some people were talking about how great it was (and also making fun of certain characters). I do wonder how often bad dubs turn people off from what are otherwise good shows though.

Toonami was a treasure trove of Gundam promos.

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My first Gundam series was Wing like many others, but after watching a bunch of other Gundam series, both old and new, my favorite is definitely 0080. Great characters and an excellent plot twist for the ending that hits right in the feels.
Or maybe he hates them because his favorite characters were Euphemia and Kamina.
Kallen and the long, grey haired girl were my favorite from Geass. As for Gurren Laggan, wasn't Kamina everyone's favorite character. It certainly wasn't the whiny kid who took over for him. I'm not even including Yoko because everyone she touched died lol

So much hate here. I love it. Well what's some of your guys most hated shows that everyone else seems to love, kinda curious now.
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Kallen and the long, grey haired girl were my favorite from Geass. As for Gurren Laggan, wasn't Kamina everyone's favorite character. It certainly wasn't the whiny kid who took over for him. I'm not even including Yoko because everyone she touched died lol

So much hate here. I love it. Well what's some of your guys most hated shows that everyone else seems to love, kinda curious now.
I fucking hated Girls Bravo. It turned me off of harems forever.
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Only part of Geass I liked was C.C..How can you hate a chick that loves pizza?

As far as anime I hate that everyone loves, Black Lagoon and Samurai 7 immediately come to mind. Lagoon tries too hard with its foul language and shock value and Samurai 7 was just flat out ridiculous with its samurai vs. robots fighting over rice storyline.

Speaking of bad storylines, there's Sword Art Online. .hack//sign is much much better.

anyone who hates code glass has no clue what is good anime. it's an award winning show for a reason
Devil's advocate: Gundam SEED Destiny was award-winning.


I fucking hated Girls Bravo. It turned me off of harems forever.
I think he means Viletta.

Also, I loved Girls Bravo. It had its problems and it really needed to be Fukuyama vs. Kirie for the whole series, but it was funny. Heaven's Lost Property did it a gajillion times better, though.

Devil's advocate: Gundam SEED Destiny was award-winning.

I think he means Viletta.

Also, I loved Girls Bravo. It had its problems and it really needed to be Fukuyama vs. Kirie for the whole series, but it was funny. Heaven's Lost Property did it a gajillion times better, though.
Havent seen Girls Bravo, but I think Heavens Lost property is one of the best harems out there. Plus is has a legitimate ending, at least the the manga did.

I like the sub for Code Geass a little bit more because the way they say "yes your highness/majesty" sounded way cooler and Jun Fukuyama as Lelouch was pute awesomeness.

I like DxD more.

I fucking hated Girls Bravo. It turned me off of harems forever.
heh, the censored version of girls bravo was one of the first 10 herem shows I watched. I actually didn't mind it.

checked out the uncenored version and it was horrible. The show is way better with implied stuff lol.

that being said it's not a great show, and I am not a huge fan of harems in general. I do have a ton of them under my belt thanks to them being the majority of things being dubbed though @_@

SEED Destiny wouldve been better if they didnt make it a rehash of S1 and Shinn being nonexistent.
SEED Destiny would've been better if it had been Lacus vs. Durandal from the beginning. Lacus should have never been allowed to hide out in Orb, especially a mere 2 years after leading a coup and overthrowing the ZAFT Council. The ending of SEED Destiny should have been where the series began.

Once Kira and Lacus showed up, Shinn lost all relevance. He was incredibly unlikeable to begin with.

We may never see the sequel movie since the writer recently succumbed to cancer. I do want to know what happens afterwards.
Only Gundam I've seen is Gundam Wing and I made it maybe halfway through before abandoning it.
Gundam Wing is crap.

Girls Bravo was ok.

I dont really "hate" anime series. I think my only big dislikes are SAO S1 and Gundam Wing. I think the only anime series that I got so mad and pissed that I wasted my time on was Gakusen Toshi Asterisk.

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As one of the people who like SAO, what's ruins it for you people? I honestly think the first half of SAO S1 is one of best stories around. I think it was ruined with the ALo arc. Then redeemed again with Gun Gale.

Maybe it averages out to be an "ok" show?

While on the topic of VRMMORPG anime, I really don't see the appeal of Accel World and log horizon. I tried watched AW twice and got to episode 12 or so and just lost interest. As for LH, I found the characters/story dull and non engaging. I was so bored watching it. I think I gave it like 5 eps before calling it quits.
As one of the people who like SAO, what's ruins it for you people? I honestly think the first half of SAO S1 is one of best stories around. I think it was ruined with the ALo arc. Then redeemed again with Gun Gale.

Maybe it averages out to be an "ok" show?

While on the topic of VRMMORPG anime, I really don't see the appeal of Accel World and log horizon. I tried watched AW twice and got to episode 12 or so and just lost interest. As for LH, I found the characters/story dull and non engaging. I was so bored watching it. I think I gave it like 5 eps before calling it quits.
My issue with Log Horizon is that they completely ignore the fact they are trapped and just pretend like all is great and wonderful. SAO seemed much more realistic in how it dealt with that dilemma. While the second season was weaker than the first, I still found SAO to be awesome. Accel World is entertaining and has a lot of potential, but it needs more seasons to flesh that out. I think a lot of people just didn't like that the protagonist was a lard ass.

I think my least favorite anime that some folks probably like lots are School Days, Shinsekai Yori, and Penguindrum. School Days was just a ridiculous ball-twist that made me want to puke, Shinsekai Yori just made me feel like an idiot for watching it because it was so stupid and Penguindrum I just couldn't follow the weirdness + wtf are penguins doing here? So bizarre.

The problem I have with any "Trapped in a video game" series is the premise itself.  If you want to make a fantasy anime series, then make a fantasy one.  The same goes for sci-fi, or any other genre that the game is that they're stuck playing.

Look at Btooom (is that the right amount of Os?).  I'm not saying that the show is any good, but it's a good example of how simple it is to sidestep that premise.  Instead of them "being trapped in the Btooom game world" they're instead playing a real-life version of this fictional game.

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I haven't posted one of these in awhile.  I kind of stopped checking Amazon UK back when the Monogatari releases started being a lot closer in price to the US release than I cared for. 

Baccano -UK Blu Ray

All the usual warnings about needing a region B player, foreign transaction fees and such.

It's about $48 US after shipping, VAT removal, conversion fees and all that jazz.  It has been as low as 28.8 GBP ($40) in case you'd rather wait.

The problem I have with any "Trapped in a video game" series is the premise itself. If you want to make a fantasy anime series, then make a fantasy one. The same goes for sci-fi, or any other genre that the game is that they're stuck playing.

Look at Btooom (is that the right amount of Os?). I'm not saying that the show is any good, but it's a good example of how simple it is to sidestep that premise. Instead of them "being trapped in the Btooom game world" they're instead playing a real-life version of this fictional game.
The big issue for me with those series is the blantent wish-filfullment elements. The main characters are totally flawless and attract all the female characters,which is really bad pandering.

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As one of the people who like SAO, what's ruins it for you people? I honestly think the first half of SAO S1 is one of best stories around. I think it was ruined with the ALo arc. Then redeemed again with Gun Gale.
First part of S1 was great but one of the best? Naw. The latter half of S1 was so bad too.

The problem I have with any "Trapped in a video game" series is the premise itself. If you want to make a fantasy anime series, then make a fantasy one. The same goes for sci-fi, or any other genre that the game is that they're stuck playing.

Look at Btooom (is that the right amount of Os?). I'm not saying that the show is any good, but it's a good example of how simple it is to sidestep that premise. Instead of them "being trapped in the Btooom game world" they're instead playing a real-life version of this fictional game.
Yea, even though Btooom is flawed, I enjoyed it.

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The big issue for me with those series is the blantent wish-filfullment elements. The main characters are totally flawless and attract all the female characters,which is really bad pandering.
So every anime ever?

First part of S1 was great but one of the best? Naw. The latter half of S1 was so bad too.
Best might have been a little strong, but it had some amazing character development and some good twists. You really started to care about every character in the world.

I think SAO is a rare exception to the season vs Arc debate, since they are so different. It even makes it easier to understand what's good or bad. For example S1=good, S2=bad, S3=good, S4= bad

I think it's a little unfair to paint those "off seasons" as bad for SAO. They just weren't as thrilling as the other ones. I enjoyed them still. I'm more of a character/story driven type, so I like seeing new stories or character growth for characters I already liked. What I enjoyed about S4 is that Asuna finally got to kick ass again, whereas she was relegated to a damsel in distress in S2 (meaningless in S3) after being awesome in S1.

Edit: And the Japanese fixation on sister-brother love also made S2 weaker IMO

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Accel World is entertaining and has a lot of potential, but it needs more seasons to flesh that out. I think a lot of people just didn't like that the protagonist was a lard ass.
I despised Sword Art Online, but really enjoyed Accel World. AW had a far more interesting premise. Every character in SAO feels like they come from a cookie-cutter template and I found Kirito/Asuna to be flat-out annoying.

Accel World, on the other hand, had some pretty unique, deeply flawed and screwed up characters, making for a more interesting story.

I'm still amazed at how they managed in Zeta Gundam to give the spotlight to Camille (well, and Quattro)and keep it on him even after you-know-who reappeared. It's the total opposite of what Seed Destiny did. And then that Zeta ending...

SAO story arc 2 was terrible precisely because they couldn't resist putting in incest and tentacles and damsels in distress (and an elf fetish). I mean Kirito was still overpowered and building up a harem in the first arc but it was still somewhat interesting. It doesn't help that it kinda felt like they rushed through that first arc.
bread's done