Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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RightStuf is having their own version of March Madness starting next week.


It is going to be painful if Zeta Gundam loses to freaking Kill la Kill, and I'm very meh on Zeta Gundam.
So I re-watched Planetes and it's good, but there are some really odd things that happen in that show that turn me off. The last two episodes saved it from that last bizarro arc it was in. It's like the writer himself was self-destructing and wanted to self-destruct his anime, then someone pulled him back from the brink lol. Anyways, just wanted to post that here since the convo started here ;) Can't wait to do that anime thing at Rightstuf. Looks awesome 

RightStuf is having their own version of March Madness starting next week.

It is going to be painful if Zeta Gundam loses to freaking Kill la Kill, and I'm very meh on Zeta Gundam.
I can't think of a single reason zeta gundam would beat kill la kill in a popularity contest.

it won't even be close, and this is from someone who doesn't think kill la kill is very good o_O

you don't vote for quality in those things you vote for popularity.

I can't think of a single reason zeta gundam would beat kill la kill in a popularity contest.

it won't even be close, and this is from someone who doesn't think kill la kill is very good o_O

you don't vote for quality in those things you vote for popularity.
While I dont agree with your dislike of KLK, I'll agree with your second point about popularity.

So I re-watched Planetes and it's good, but there are some really odd things that happen in that show that turn me off. The last two episodes saved it from that last bizarro arc it was in. It's like the writer himself was self-destructing and wanted to self-destruct his anime, then someone pulled him back from the brink lol. Anyways, just wanted to post that here since the convo started here ;) Can't wait to do that anime thing at Rightstuf. Looks awesome
It should be noted that the whole terrorist plot was anime-only. The manga only covered the main crew themselves.

Also, the director of Planetes also did G Gundam, Code Geass, Infinite Ryvius, s-CRY-ed, and Gun X Sword. Planetes is one of his more restrained works.
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Pitting Akame ga Kill, Tokyo Ghoul, and Assassination Classroom in one bracket sure guarantees a bye for some more popular titles.

WTF is Pita Ten even on there?

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Yeah, I had to set aside my feelings for some anime and vote popularity, which made me sad. I did carry one anime farther than I probably should have, but who cares. It will be entertaining :)

It should be noted that the whole terrorist plot was anime-only. The manga only covered the main crew themselves.

Also, the director of Planetes also did G Gundam, Code Geass, Infinite Ryvius, s-CRY-ed, and Gun X Sword. Planetes is one of his more restrained works.
That may have been what screwed it up for me...the terrorist plot broke a lot of things. I don't know how to put spoiler tags, but a certain character going borderline insane for no logical reason and imploding a lot of things rubbed me the wrong way. It was great until then.

Sigh....I feel like we are overdue a Funimation sale at Rightstuf.
We haven't gotten one since Universal took over distribution for Funimation, just like we haven't seen a Viz video sale since Warner's took over their distribution. It doesn't look like the major distributors are open to RightStuf's studio sales.
I'd rather have an LA cast for the show, so I wanted Viz to get it. Though Viz seems to be in one of their "We're not gonna release any more anime" moods again.

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Love Live will win! lol If we get the Love Live community to do what the Hatsune Miku community did with the last one.... Let's see what will happen...

Lol, well no way I'll be winning anything, because I voted for my own favorites, not what's popular.  I have two dramas in the final, Your Lie in April and A Lull in the Sea, with April winning... not much else at all in those brackets that's of any interest to me, other than Death Note and Durarara X2 - especially since I don't do manga or cutesy moe idol anime. Not really interested in winning anyway, as everything in the list I like I already own or have on pre-order. So, it's all just for fun... 

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Lol, well no way I'll be winning anything, because I voted for my own favorites, not what's popular. I have two dramas in the final, Your Lie in April and A Lull in the Sea, with April winning... not much else at all in those brackets that's of any interest to me, other than Death Note and Durarara X2 - especially since I don't do manga or cutesy moe idol anime. Not really interested in winning anyway, as everything in the list I like I already own or have on pre-order. So, it's all just for fun...
I'd have to look at the image to remember what I voted but....

I have one punch man winning it all.

Heh, Kill la Kill has the honor of being one of my least-favorite anime of all time - along with Gurren Lagann...
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We haven't gotten one since Universal took over distribution for Funimation, just like we haven't seen a Viz video sale since Warner's took over their distribution. It doesn't look like the major distributors are open to RightStuf's studio sales.
yea that type of thing is weak, and you try to be a loyal customer..

I couldn't get into Mobile Suit Gundam. 0080 was too depressing for me to like. The other other Gundam I saw was 0083 ... and I liked it. Those experiences alone were more enjoyable than Kill La Kill.

So yeah, you're wrong.

P.S: Gurren Lagann was fantastic and has plenty of substance for repeated viewing.

P.S.S: Entered the contest even though I haven't seen the majority of the shows. My pick for the winner:  

Best show I've seen on the channel since Michiko & Hatchin.

Maybe he's only seen 20 shows and you guys have the same list.
Lol nope... I just can't stand Gurren and Geass. Without getting into it too much, let's just say that both plots are ridiculous, nothing wrong with that, but at the same time it took itself seriously.

It's basically like " fuck logic, but oh wait we need a drama bomb".

Kill la Kill, is flat out ridiculous, and that's that. That's why I enjoy it, I'm not saying it's the greatest anime ever, not by a long shot.

^ please excuse any typos and grammar mistakes, I'm on my cell and can't be bothered to fix them in the small edit window.
Gurren Lagann and Code Geass are great. 

The ending for Code Geass hit me right in the feels. Some manly tears were cried that day.


Also this.


Note: I actually like the dubbed version of the quote more.

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Kill La Kill can't be better than G Gundam.




Aka. Rabu Rabu Attack

Only Gundam I've seen is Gundam Wing and I made it maybe halfway through before abandoning it.

I'd rather watch Kill la Kill which I also abandoned halfway through.
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bread's done