Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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I'm surprised it bombed. That was one of the reasons I watched Adult Swim when they premiered it. :lol:
I think a lot of people at the start were put off by Britannia being based in the US. They figured it was another series that had America as pure evil while not-America was pure and noble. I think that's one of the reasons why the Bandai promos emphasized Lelouch's "United States of Japan" line.

It also didn't help that the show went from 12:30 to 1:30 with no warning. And this was in the pre-Toonami days, when nobody watched AS Saturday.
Code Geass is freaking AWESOME. That is all.
Agreed. It's a fantastic anime. Little slow but really good. Combines lots of genres with really good music.

I'm surprised it bombed. That was one of the reasons I watched Adult Swim when they premiered it. :lol:
Reason why I stayed up as a kid with low volume on the tv watching adult swim because of fma and code geass. parent's wouldn't know since it was banned in my house. thought i was sooooo cool lol

At least the Code Geass License got rescued.
Still waiting for a blu ray release

Sounds more like a personal problem. But it's all about holding yourself back. I usually only buy anime new if I really, really want it. Anything that's a part 1/2 from Funimation or is DVD only is usually a no go for me unless I know what it is. Not to mention the LE's with crap that I'll only look at once (sorry i know everyone loves them lol). I don't think I've ever bought a Sentai anime new except for maybe Persona. Same with all of the other companies. :D
your ruining my blaming of this thread. though I agree anime LE are usually complete crap. though visiting this site and holding ones self back seems counterintuitive personally but oh well lol.

as for the AS convo in this thread? who still watches that for anime? hell who still watches it period? the network has turned to complete crap. after they buried anime to Saturday with 0 advertising I said **** you and stopped watching and I was a guy that NEVER missed it. one time I sped home at a 100 MPH just to get there by 1130. they lost a really loyal fan in me. hell even the dogs I used to have were trained to not bug me until 2 AM. so I really find it strange any anime will succeed on AS and its all ironic given Cowboy Bepop basically made AS a thing.

its a shame because my two favorite shows AS introduced me too....Ghost in the shell and evangelion. and of course classics like cowboy bepop and trigon and inuyasha and revived family guy(even if family guy never was as good since it got revived) and futurama from the grave.

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Waiting on Funimation to release the licenses they picked up last year (Code Geass, Cowboy Bebop, etc.) should be worth the wait but no news is frustrating. Unless anyone knows anything? 

Waiting on Funimation to release the licenses they picked up last year (Code Geass, Cowboy Bebop, etc.) should be worth the wait but no news is frustrating. Unless anyone knows anything?
At Anime Expo, one of their sides to their booth was Cowboy Bebop (but no announcement). So I am going to assume that it has a fall release date.

as for the AS convo in this thread? who still watches that for anime? hell who still watches it period? the network has turned to complete crap. after they buried anime to Saturday with 0 advertising I said **** you and stopped watching and I was a guy that NEVER missed it. one time I sped home at a 100 MPH just to get there by 1130. they lost a really loyal fan in me. hell even the dogs I used to have were trained to not bug me until 2 AM. so I really find it strange any anime will succeed on AS and its all ironic given Cowboy Bepop basically made AS a thing.
Plenty of people watch it. Space Dandy and Attack on Titan are doing extremely well right now, and as an anime fan, you should be happy that Adult Swim exists to bring great shows like that to the masses. Not to mention Rick and Morty is amazing.

Waiting on Funimation to release the licenses they picked up last year (Code Geass, Cowboy Bebop, etc.) should be worth the wait but no news is frustrating. Unless anyone knows anything?
They said on a recent ANNcast that it's pretty much a repeat of what happened when they got the Geneon stuff. They're basically beginning at the start on getting clearances on stuff(dubs, extras). But it sounds like they're trying to retain as many of the extras as possible that were on the Bandai discs.

So we might not see anything until next year at the earliest.

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At Anime Expo, one of their sides to their booth was Cowboy Bebop (but no announcement). So I am going to assume that it has a fall release date.

Waiting on Funimation to release the licenses they picked up last year (Code Geass, Cowboy Bebop, etc.) should be worth the wait but no news is frustrating. Unless anyone knows anything?
Perhaps I should stop collecting the individual sessions of Bebop if it does indeed come out in the fall with an announcement at Comic Con at the funimation panel. Then again I only have 2 more sessions left and then the movie and perfect sessions. Geass on the other hand I still don't have R2 so I may not bite just yet

Plenty of people watch it. Space Dandy and Attack on Titan are doing extremely well right now, and as an anime fan, you should be happy that Adult Swim exists to bring great shows like that to the masses. Not to mention Rick and Morty is amazing.
unless they've changed.....last I checked anime is buried to Saturdays(and sometimes they cant even get the whole freakin Saturday night) with 0 advertising while shows that are complete crap get advertised non stop, seriously their in house homemade shows are beyond terrible. if they brought anime back to weekdays as well and actually maybe advertised anime on occasion I'd consider watching them again.

heck Im not even sure why they still have anime with the way they treat it. whats the point of caring about a network there doesn't care about the one product your there to watch?

I miss the nights of Sealab 2021, Harvey Birdman, (Good)Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Home Movies, The Brak Show, Space Ghost, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, The Big O, and Aquaman dancing in front of random things.

No diving in an empty pool. No diving.
You think Cartoon Network would be all about cartoons. But nope. You get live action crap too. I miss the good ol days where we have good and decent shows. 

I remember the infinite reruns of Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bepop, and Inuyasha. 

Old Adult Swim was fun, but there's more to watch now. Toonami hasn't appealed to me since Tenchi went off the lineup. Dandy's okay, but all that god awful shounen shit is unbearable. 

unless they've changed.....last I checked anime is buried to Saturdays(and sometimes they cant even get the whole freakin Saturday night) with 0 advertising while shows that are complete crap get advertised non stop, seriously their in house homemade shows are beyond terrible. if they brought anime back to weekdays as well and actually maybe advertised anime on occasion I'd consider watching them again.

heck Im not even sure why they still have anime with the way they treat it. whats the point of caring about a network there doesn't care about the one product your there to watch?
Again, Space Dandy and Attack on Titan are pulling very good numbers for them, and that sort of exposure and reception certainly helps the anime industry here. You might not care, but apparently plenty of other people do.

Again, Space Dandy and Attack on Titan are pulling very good numbers for them, and that sort of exposure and reception certainly helps the anime industry here. You might not care, but apparently plenty of other people do.
and my point remains they do a grant total of 0 advertising for anime. which begs the question how much of this is exposure to new people vs exposure to the status quo? how does one get new fans if you never advertise? how many of these AoT fans are AoT fans prior to the English release and already saw it on Japanese? considering AS gets shows based on popularity in Japan and a fair amount of their anime audience gets stuff via much of this is the same people just wanting to see the English dub vs actual new people? instead of running family guy ad number 4345645645 they could advertise Saturdays and even stick anime on weekdays to increase exposure. heck weekday exposure is why Inuyasha is still so damn popular on AS. so my point still stands adult swim hasn't cared one bit about anime in years and I question why they still bother with it. not to mention they own so many anime yet air so few. again they aren't exposing people to anything.....just satisfying the same audience it has always had and I know I cant be the only irritated ex fan of AS.

and yea as others mentioned that live action crap is just beyond bad....but I blame the downfall of AS on 12 ounce mouse.....when that show came out, around the same time several other really terrible shows came out and they got advertised to no end. and then I think it was the Tom Awesome show? I cant remember....that was that crappy live action show that started the flood of live action BS. shortly thereafter anime was banished from the weekdays.

and my point remains they do a grant total of 0 advertising for anime. which begs the question how much of this is exposure to new people vs exposure to the status quo? how does one get new fans if you never advertise? how many of these AoT fans are AoT fans prior to the English release and already saw it on Japanese? considering AS gets shows based on popularity in Japan and a fair amount of their anime audience gets stuff via much of this is the same people just wanting to see the English dub vs actual new people? instead of running family guy ad number 4345645645 they could advertise Saturdays and even stick anime on weekdays to increase exposure. heck weekday exposure is why Inuyasha is still so damn popular on AS. so my point still stands adult swim hasn't cared one bit about anime in years and I question why they still bother with it. not to mention they own so many anime yet air so few. again they aren't exposing people to anything.....just satisfying the same audience it has always had and I know I cant be the only irritated ex fan of AS.

and yea as others mentioned that live action crap is just beyond bad....but I blame the downfall of AS on 12 ounce mouse.....when that show came out, around the same time several other really terrible shows came out and they got advertised to no end. and then I think it was the Tom Awesome show? I cant remember....that was that crappy live action show that started the flood of live action BS. shortly thereafter anime was banished from the weekdays.
Do you know why there isn't as much anime on Adult Swim anymore? Because it performs poorly compared to their other programming. Yes, I know they have a lot of garbage, and I *agree* that most of it is garbage (except for Rick and Morty, which is one of the best cartoons currently on TV), but even that garbage generally gets better ratings than anime - that's the sad truth. So anime has been relegated to its own night on Saturdays, and the revival of that Toonami block got a ton of attention and praise for a while, but it didn't last. And so what are they left to do? They keep giving anime a chance, but it mostly fails. Thankfully, Dandy and Titan are doing well, and Titan is the only show in years that has the potential to become a Bebop or Fullmetal-sized hit. Be happy for that. You want anime on Adult Swim to succeed, right? It's good for the network and the American anime industry. Take what you can get.

I'm honestly surprised anime on Adult Swim is still around considering how accessible it is online nowadays. While the Toonami lineup introduced me to a lot of new shows, I want to throw in that Sci Fi anime Tuesdays were also great. I remember A-Ko, Akira, IRIA, and the first Tenchi movie airing. I think they had Bubble Gum Crisis as well. Any others you guys remember?
Do you know why there isn't as much anime on Adult Swim anymore? Because it performs poorly compared to their other programming. Yes, I know they have a lot of garbage, and I *agree* that most of it is garbage (except for Rick and Morty, which is one of the best cartoons currently on TV), but even that garbage generally gets better ratings than anime - that's the sad truth. So anime has been relegated to its own night on Saturdays, and the revival of that Toonami block got a ton of attention and praise for a while, but it didn't last. And so what are they left to do? They keep giving anime a chance, but it mostly fails. Thankfully, Dandy and Titan are doing well, and Titan is the only show in years that has the potential to become a Bebop or Fullmetal-sized hit. Be happy for that. You want anime on Adult Swim to succeed, right? It's good for the network and the American anime industry. Take what you can get.
Along with their shows getting better ratings,most of these shows cost very little too produce compared too the anime TV rights. Now I haven't watched Rick and Morty,but they still got some good shows like Metalocalypse,The Boondocks and Black Dynamite(even though they take about 3 years to air new season of each).
I get my anime watching from Toonami/Adult Swim. They actually do advertise Attack on Titan and (lately) Space Dandy during the week.

I'm not one of those types that looks for subs and streams so Saturday nights (which Adult Swim always aired anime before Toonami returned) was always anime central to me.    With Blue Exorcist ending soon, rumors are flying around that Kill La Kill will be the newest addition to the channel.

As mentioned before, anime on TV isn't doing as well as you think. Consider this: Last week, Black Lagoon was the 2nd lowest rated show of the night (1st was Symbionic Titan); episodes are new to the block yet reruns of other shows (including other anime) still received higher ratings.

As for Code Geass: Less Lelouche, more C.C. ... and pizza.

On the Viz Media App, Deadman Wonderland Volumes 1 and 2 are $1.99 each. The same applies to Vampire Knight Volumes 1 and 2.

Yea, Toonami on Adult Swim is getting horrible ratings. That's why they have premiered more new shows in its first year than AS Action had in its previous 4 years. And why Cartoon Network paid to have entirely new graphics for the block and even allowed it to start earlier. And why they were able to premiere Space Dandy before Japan. And Naruto got such big ratings that CN was convinced to pick up Shippuden.

And outside of the occasional movie, CN proper has no live-action shows (unless you count Gumball). Those are all on AS Sunday.
I miss the nights of Sealab 2021, Harvey Birdman, (Good)Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Home Movies, The Brak Show, Space Ghost, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, The Big O, and Aquaman dancing in front of random things.

No diving in an empty pool. No diving.
This. Good times, good times....

My Anohana movie from Aniplex came in yesterday and I'm pretty happy with it being my first Aniplex purchase. Like someone said earlier, I wish the boxes were sturdier and that there was some way to not have them fold up the poster, though I know it's inevitable without shipping it separately but those creases are hard to get out without damaging the poster. :whistle2:?

Anyways, can't wait to watch it after finishing the series again!

I just received an email for 15% off everything at DeepDIscount with the code HEAT.

The only thing that interests me is Collection 2 of Pet Girl of Sakurasou [Blu-ray] for $24.95 + $1.99 shipping. Hmm... :whistle2:k

Yea, Toonami on Adult Swim is getting horrible ratings. That's why they have premiered more new shows in its first year than AS Action had in its previous 4 years. And why Cartoon Network paid to have entirely new graphics for the block and even allowed it to start earlier. And why they were able to premiere Space Dandy before Japan. And Naruto got such big ratings that CN was convinced to pick up Shippuden.
And outside of the occasional movie, CN proper has no live-action shows (unless you count Gumball). Those are all on AS Sunday.
Actually the main reason why Space Dandy aired here was beacause the production is co-funded by Cartoon Network(kinda similar too Big O season 2 which was a huge bomb for them sadly). Now the block does good,but it has no competition;If the block were on a weekday it would get killed
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Does DD sell anything for under $1, or even $0.50? I hate that Sakurasou Col. 2 is $0.05 short of earning free shipping after applying the coupon. :headache:

I just received an email for 15% off everything at DeepDIscount with the code HEAT.

The only thing that interests me is Collection 2 of Pet Girl of Sakurasou [Blu-ray] for $24.95 + $1.99 shipping. Hmm... :whistle2:k
ugh their browse sucks. how do you find anything?

their anime section has 71 titles for blu-ray and their animation section has some others sprinkled in. i grabbed angel beats because it was all i could find that i wanted but i didn't know pet girl was in there so i'm sure i'm missing a cache of them.

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ugh their browse sucks. how do you find anything?

their anime section has 71 titles for blu-ray and their animation section has some others sprinkled in. i grabbed angel beats because it was all i could find that i wanted but i didn't know pet girl was in there so i'm sure i'm missing a cache of them.
I searched on Sakurasou and didn't browse their anime section.

Do you know why there isn't as much anime on Adult Swim anymore? Because it performs poorly compared to their other programming. Yes, I know they have a lot of garbage, and I *agree* that most of it is garbage (except for Rick and Morty, which is one of the best cartoons currently on TV), but even that garbage generally gets better ratings than anime - that's the sad truth. So anime has been relegated to its own night on Saturdays, and the revival of that Toonami block got a ton of attention and praise for a while, but it didn't last. And so what are they left to do? They keep giving anime a chance, but it mostly fails. Thankfully, Dandy and Titan are doing well, and Titan is the only show in years that has the potential to become a Bebop or Fullmetal-sized hit. Be happy for that. You want anime on Adult Swim to succeed, right? It's good for the network and the American anime industry. Take what you can get.

I just got this from the company that sold the Gundam series for $6.99:

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for your recent order of, Mobile Suit Gundam-00, Season 1. I hope that by now you have received and are enjoying your DVD series. Upon processing your order, it came to our attention that the price of the product was erroneously listed at $6.99, instead of $64.99. 

Nevertheless, because we value your business, we take full responsibility for our mistake and humbly ask if you would kindly leave us a positive feedback of your customer service experience with OPG. 

Thank you in advance for your time and business. 

Best Regards,

I just got this from the company that sold the Gundam series for $6.99:

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for your recent order of, Mobile Suit Gundam-00, Season 1. I hope that by now you have received and are enjoying your DVD series. Upon processing your order, it came to our attention that the price of the product was erroneously listed at $6.99, instead of $64.99.

Nevertheless, because we value your business, we take full responsibility for our mistake and humbly ask if you would kindly leave us a positive feedback of your customer service experience with OPG.

Thank you in advance for your time and business.

Best Regards,
Same here. You can bet I left them a 5-star rating. :D/

Sorry, that "Nevertheless we won't try to charge you more money for that thing that you ordered and already received.  It's because we like you, and totally not because it's illegal for us to do so." bugs me.

I just got this from the company that sold the Gundam series for $6.99:

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for your recent order of, Mobile Suit Gundam-00, Season 1. I hope that by now you have received and are enjoying your DVD series. Upon processing your order, it came to our attention that the price of the product was erroneously listed at $6.99, instead of $64.99.

Nevertheless, because we value your business, we take full responsibility for our mistake and humbly ask if you would kindly leave us a positive feedback of your customer service experience with OPG.

Thank you in advance for your time and business.

Best Regards,
Same here. You can bet I left them a 5-star rating. :D/
If RAC made that big of a mistake, they'd probably insult their customers for daring to order an item that was clearly a price mistake item, and then belittle them on their lack of knowledge of how to run a business, and the amount of money they make on each item isn't enough to feed their kids, so giving you the discounted price would mean starving their children.

Sorry, that "Nevertheless we won't try to charge you more money for that thing that you ordered and already received. It's because we like you, and totally not because it's illegal for us to do so." bugs me.
Just because it's illegal doesn't mean people don't do it anyways. You should at least give them a little credit.

Would you prefer they take the above route instead? ;D

My big Aniplex purchase is here. Silver Spoon release is really disappointing. The Ano Hana packaging seems okay, the Persona 3 movie had better packaging though.


I love how they charge $60 for an extremely bare bones release like Silver Spoon. They could've charged $40 and still make a good profit on it.
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So I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer today, but that Silver Spoon looks like it's a budget release from someone like Eastern Star :/

So how about some positive things? That Deep Discount sale has me eyeballing a number of things I thought I'd pass along for people at a loss for ideas; Maria Holic + MH Alive, Little Busters 1 and 2, Btooom (back to that old BBY price after discount). Also, anyone that doesn't have Steins Gate should consider the complete Anime Classics release at that price.
I'm honestly surprised anime on Adult Swim is still around considering how accessible it is online nowadays. While the Toonami lineup introduced me to a lot of new shows, I want to throw in that Sci Fi anime Tuesdays were also great. I remember A-Ko, Akira, IRIA, and the first Tenchi movie airing. I think they had Bubble Gum Crisis as well. Any others you guys remember?
I remember when Sci Fi censored Mai's thong when they aired the King of Fighters.

Speaking of censorship, I have a question for all you kids that went to AX. Has Funimation said anything at all about the re-release of Sankarea on blu ray?
I don't think they said anything at AX. I think there were rumors of an October release (to coincide with Halloween).

I got my ai aoi aoshi complete set today and its the original geneon collection. It had 8 volumes all rubberbanded together. Some of the volumes still had geneon surveys in them. Gonna play them a little later to see if the disk play properly.
bread's done