Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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Got DAMN Gohastings they sent me the standard Freezing edition even though they listed it as LE and had the upc of the LE.
They just recently did that to me with an order of Eureka Seven vol 1 that I ordered from their Amazon store. The annoying part was that they don't have anything in their system at Amz that leads to a C/S email address. Thankfully, they handled it through their regular site and emailed me out a return shipping label.

Which reminds me, I need to get that in the mail tomorrow.

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verdict on g gundam?
It is weird. In many ways its also kind of awesome, but really weird. The majority of Gundam series are about war in one capacity or another. G-Gundam is one of the few that isn't. It's about an international martial arts tournament using Gundams. Think the Olympics for giant robots. Because of this premise, a lot of the characters are broadly painted national stereotypes.

I'd try watching a few episodes before dropping money on G-Gundam. While it is fun for some people, it isn't for everyone. The general tone is vastly different from the rest of Gundam. It has more in common with Shonen series like Dragonball than it does with the military focus and teenage drama that permeate much of the Gundam series. I enjoyed it, but it is a better idea to sample first.

Also try SecondSpin. They are running their 30% off promo right now.

FUNi is runnig a promo at their store where if you preorder Battle of Gods you can get 20% off any other DB or DBZ DVD or Blu-ray. Doesn't work on pre-orders.
I am offended that just because I want to order that movie, which is only a little like the rest of the show, they think that I want to buy more of that shitty ass show.

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It is weird. In many ways its also kind of awesome, but really weird. The majority of Gundam series are about war in one capacity or another. G-Gundam is one of the few that isn't. It's about an international martial arts tournament using Gundams. Think the Olympics for giant robots. Because of this premise, a lot of the characters are broadly painted national stereotypes.

I'd try watching a few episodes before dropping money on G-Gundam. While it is fun for some people, it isn't for everyone. The general tone is vastly different from the rest of Gundam. It has more in common with Shonen series like Dragonball than it does with the military focus and teenage drama that permeate much of the Gundam series. I enjoyed it, but it is a better idea to sample first.
that sounds ridiculous. gundams in a martial arts tournament? i like the themes of gundam and what not. ill pass and keep searching for seed which will be so hard

G-Gundam is generally panned as the worst gundam (or one of the worst), but some of the attacks are pretty hilariously ridiculous.

G Gundam is one of my favorite gundam shows out here. Not because of the story. But for the fights and attacks. I saw it as Dragonball x Gundam. Of course. Your enjoyment is ymmv
i think i'm just going to get gundam 00 and wait patiently until the second season pops up. first season is easy to come by. second not so much. 

Two words: SHINING FINGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (wait, there was a shining finger sword?)

G Gundam was stupid but it was very entertaining because a majority of the dialogue was in caps lock. Not to mention that everyone had to sport spandex to pilot their gundams. Instead of having a cockpit like internal like in every other mecha anime, G Gundam did things differently. The interior was empty so that pilot and gundam were one and their movements within it would reflect on what the gundam would do. 

I watched it all on Toonami and I may or may not having a Shining Gundam along with 50+ other gundam action figures in a box somewhere. ;)

How about. Easy to find at a decent price.
I was lucky enough to get all of Destiny for 50 and Seed for 30. :lol:
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that sounds ridiculous. gundams in a martial arts tournament? i like the themes of gundam and what not. ill pass and keep searching for seed which will be so hard
G Gundam is freaking awesome.

It's got a guy slicing and dicing giant robots with a cloth sash while standing on a horse (who has its own Mobile Suit), a Gundam that is a cowboy/football player/boxer/surfer, a Mexican Gundam with a sombrero, a Gundam based on Sailor Moon, a Gundam that is a giant bull head, one that is a big bell, another that is a windmill (Go Holland!), one based on Napoleon, and the final bad guy is defeated by a weaponized Power of Love attack.

Oh, and it has a German clown ninja.
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Two words: SHINING FINGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (wait, there was a shining finger sword?)

G Gundam was stupid but it was very entertaining because a majority of the dialogue was in caps lock. Not to mention that everyone had to sport spandex to pilot their gundams. Instead of having a cockpit like internal like in every other mecha anime, G Gundam did things differently. The interior was empty so that pilot and gundam were one and their movements within it would reflect on what the gundam would do.

I watched it all on Toonami and I may or may not having a Shining Gundam along with 50+ other gundam action figures in a box somewhere. ;)
I owned this show. Picked up very cheap few years ago ;)

I always found G Gundam enjoyable, for what it was. Certainly by no means my favorite Gundam title, and probably one of the weaker ones, but I got into it more than Gundam Seed, which was the only Gundam series I could never bring myself to watch all the way through (aside from the SD Gundam shows, which were way too out there for my tastes). 

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gohastings order is about 2 hours from my house which means a possible delivery of tomorrow or thursday. let's see what gunslinger girl is all about. at 12 bucks it can't be that bad.

Gunslinger Girl is a great show. I personally enjoyed the second season more. With that said, I see on a lot of forums that people complain incessantly about the season two and some of the choices the shows creators made. However, aside from some alterations to the character designs, the second season adheres to the manga very closely, adapting one of the best early story arcs nearly to the letter. 

If you enjoy the show, seek the manga out. It's well worth the time and money. Plus some of the most interesting characters never even make it into the anime. 

Gunslinger Girl is a great show. I personally enjoyed the second season more. With that said, I see on a lot of forums that people complain incessantly about the season two and some of the choices the shows creators made. However, aside from some alterations to the character designs, the second season adheres to the manga very closely, adapting one of the best early story arcs nearly to the letter.

If you enjoy the show, seek the manga out. It's well worth the time and money. Plus some of the most interesting characters never even make it into the anime.
making me even more antsy to watch it. the trailer i saw online made me super pumped and just solidified at the time why i had to have it. mafia plus guns plus characters. reminds me in tone of gungrave which is in my top 10 anime of all time

Gunslinger Girl is a great show. I personally enjoyed the second season more. With that said, I see on a lot of forums that people complain incessantly about the season two and some of the choices the shows creators made. However, aside from some alterations to the character designs, the second season adheres to the manga very closely, adapting one of the best early story arcs nearly to the letter.

If you enjoy the show, seek the manga out. It's well worth the time and money. Plus some of the most interesting characters never even make it into the anime.
The problem with Season 2 is that Season 1 was so damn good that it had a lot to live up to. The change in character designs didn't help, the color palette and atmosphere were significantly lighter, the animation seemed like a downgrade, and a major character death from Season 1 was cheaply written out.
Placed an order for Sankarea. I do like the anime and the manga. It's a bargain at that price and I wouldn't mind double dipping when the unedited version comes out, whenever that will be.

The problem with Season 2 is that Season 1 was so damn good that it had a lot to live up to. The change in character designs didn't help, the color palette and atmosphere were significantly lighter, the animation seemed like a downgrade, and a major character death from Season 1 was cheaply written out.
I agree that the character designs and usage of darker colors were better in Season 1. I know tons of people had a problem with the way they handled that character death, but the character didn't die in the manga, so I can see why they went about it the way they did. The first season had a distinct and excellent style -- but the second season does more justice to the manga, probably because the manga creator Yu Aida took over head writing detail. I may be biased because one of the story arcs covered in Season 2 was a favorite of mine from the manga.

Just want to remind everyone that the old Mega Man cartoon comes out on Sept 30th.


That Mega Man show had a few good episodes but the series was mostly so bad that it was good.

I bought Sankarea for the hell of it since I had some Amazon credit. Guessing the replacements will hit sometime in 2019 so when the time comes, my box is ready.

Gunslinger Girl is a great show. I personally enjoyed the second season more.
I've noted my preference towards season 2 as well in the past. The second season hews very closely to the manga and the emphasis on Hilshire/Triela/Pinnochio was very welcome. I revisit it more often than the first.

Still, the first season remains excellent, appropriately well-regarded for the better animation and more realistic color palette. Even the English op song stands above the norm. Both seasons come together as a favored series on the shelf.

Thanks for the remainder Kaiser499 - but I couldn't get it now even if I wanted to because I spent too much on anime in the past few weeks as is LOL.

With Sankarea, did I hear that there was gore or anything of the like in it?  I'm a big disliker of that sort of stuff - I would actually prefer it edited if that sort of thing was removed.  I'm not going to miss a bath scene either - is that all they truly edited out?

With Sankarea, did I hear that there was gore or anything of the like in it? I'm a big disliker of that sort of stuff - I would actually prefer it edited if that sort of thing was removed. I'm not going to miss a bath scene either - is that all they truly edited out?
Some gore and nudity. Pretty much it. :lol:

Quick question, what is the difference between a blu Ray (eg code geass) funimation is releasing in the states compared to the blu ray already released in the UK?
Thanks for the remainder Kaiser499 - but I couldn't get it now even if I wanted to because I spent too much on anime in the past few weeks as is LOL.

With Sankarea, did I hear that there was gore or anything of the like in it? I'm a big disliker of that sort of stuff - I would actually prefer it edited if that sort of thing was removed. I'm not going to miss a bath scene either - is that all they truly edited out?
I never really seen anything too gory in the show. Its also he broadcast version due to funimations messup so you should be good there.
Planning to get snakarea since at that price its cheap with a box! I ont care if its the broadcast version. Ot might be a collectors iyem oneday
Thanks for the remainder Kaiser499 - but I couldn't get it now even if I wanted to because I spent too much on anime in the past few weeks as is LOL.

With Sankarea, did I hear that there was gore or anything of the like in it? I'm a big disliker of that sort of stuff - I would actually prefer it edited if that sort of thing was removed. I'm not going to miss a bath scene either - is that all they truly edited out?
There are a few gorey scenes, and some nudity, and some really creepy themes and that is all in the original version I saw when it aired, I have no clue what the uncut version changes :p

either way I ordered it for $14 anyways for the heck of it.

Quick question, what is the difference between a blu Ray (eg code geass) funimation is releasing in the states compared to the blu ray already released in the UK?
Well, I can sort of answer this I guess. Though I'll say that the only thing I've ordered from the UK that was released by Funimation here is Cowboy Bebop, and that blu ray isn't out yet for me to compare.

There's the obvious things that I always point out about UK discs; cost is in pounds, no VAT so it will cost you less than what is generally quoted, and you need a region free (or at least region B) player. Other than that, it's generally a case by case basis for what is different. Sometimes there's nothing different, sometimes the video/audio quality is better in one region or the other, sometimes there's special features in one region but not the other as well The best I can do is give some examples of what I mean.

Madoka is functionally identical to the Aniplex regular editions, except it's in a 3 disc case.

Cowboy Bebop has the same Dub Funi will be using. It has a handful of special features, but I'm sure they will not be the same.

Zulu has much better picture and sound on the UK disc, but the US version of The Fog is better.

Edit: Here's an answer more along the lines of Code Geass. If you have a region free player, and either don't want to wait (or can get the UK cheaper) you will most likely not see any noticeable loss in quality. I'd say buy one or the other, but I'll confess that I'm buying Bebop twice ;)

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Well, I can sort of answer this I guess. Though I'll say that the only thing I've ordered from the UK that was released by Funimation here is Cowboy Bebop, and that blu ray isn't out yet for me to compare.

There's the obvious things that I always point out about UK discs; cost is in pounds, no VAT so it will cost you less than what is generally quoted, and you need a region free (or at least region B) player. Other than that, it's generally a case by case basis for what is different. Sometimes there's nothing different, sometimes the video/audio quality is better in one region or the other, sometimes there's special features in one region but not the other as well The best I can do is give some examples of what I mean.

Madoka is functionally identical to the Aniplex regular editions, except it's in a 3 disc case.

Cowboy Bebop has the same Dub Funi will be using. It has a handful of special features, but I'm sure they will not be the same.

Zulu has much better picture and sound on the UK disc, but the US version of The Fog is better.

Edit: Here's an answer more along the lines of Code Geass. If you have a region free player, and either don't want to wait (or can get the UK cheaper) you will most likely not see any noticeable loss in quality. I'd say buy one or the other, but I'll confess that I'm buying Bebop twice ;)
Thanks for the great answer. Yes, I am aware of the region differences and mostly concerned with the differences in quality. Waiting for Bebop to be released in December and probably going to wait for Code Geass, was just curious about the possible differences. Though some of those UK aniplex releases are tempting...huge difference in price

Thanks for the great answer. Yes, I am aware of the region differences and mostly concerned with the differences in quality. Waiting for Bebop to be released in December and probably going to wait for Code Geass, was just curious about the possible differences. Though some of those UK aniplex releases are tempting...huge difference in price
yup I will likely bite on some UK titles just from the aniplex stuff as a series or two would justify the cost of buying a blu ray drive for my PC ><:

bread's done