Anime & Manga Thread Vol. 2: Za Warudo!!!

Sweet, one less manga I have to keep up with. Thanks for the heads up.

Finished the first season of Kurobas a couple hours ago. I'm really liking this anime.

I figured when Dendenne was revealed that the XY anime would make it awesome just like Pachirisu and Emolga. And I was right. Dendenne is freaking adorable in Pocket Monsters XY.

I will say it's weird to see Team Rocket be a mix of the old goofy trio and the somewhat-competant trio from Best Wishes (specifically, how Wobuffet is used), but the fact that they didn't bring any of their old Pokemon except for Wobuffet still annoys me.
Just binged on watching Anohana tonight. Finished all 11 episodes in one straight run! Was very well done, and loved the execution!

And what are you guys thinking of the season so far? I've only been keeping up with three (Golden Time, Kill La Kill, and Little Busters Refrain). Golden Time is my AOTS so far. Simply can't say enough about it!

I do want to watch a few of the other new ones (Log Horizon, and Beyond The Boundary namely) and will definitely wait until two of the continuations finish out this season ( Magi, Kuroko's) as I like to binge on those haha.

And what are you guys thinking of the season so far? I've only been keeping up with three (Golden Time, Kill La Kill, and Little Busters Refrain). Golden Time is my AOTS so far. Simply can't say enough about it!
I was just about to post asking if anyone else was watching Golden Time! I decided to check it out completely at random, but after only four episodes am completely in love with it ^_^

I will have to check out the other two you mentioned since I hadn't heard of them yet :)
I was just about to post asking if anyone else was watching Golden Time! I decided to check it out completely at random, but after only four episodes am completely in love with it ^_^

I will have to check out the other two you mentioned since I hadn't heard of them yet :)
I am also very happy it is getting the full 24 episode treatment instead of the rushed 12 to 13.

And you would like Kill La Kill if you liked Gurren Lagann and don't mind it being a little over the top, with fan service haha.

And Little Busters Refrain is the 3rd season of Little Busters. I wouldn't recommend watching it if you hadn't seen the prior two seasons!

Berserk will continue sometime soon after Miura releases all 6 chapters of his new mini-series.

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I read the description on the wiki (I'm willing to read spoilers), and yeahhhhh, we missed a LOT.  (my dvr didn't record it, either, I tweeted AS about it, maybe they'll reshow it)

Some people call Sword Art Online SAO. I call it SAD.

Now that this story arc ended, I'll never understand why Santa was so pissed in that one episode. Seriously, he was scarier looking than the Grim Reaper.

Viz announced that they picked up Shokugeki no Soma. It wont be part of their digital version of WSJ (apparently because of all the fan service), but it will still be released digitally in spring 2014. The print version of the first volume is expected in August '14.

If no one has had a chance to read it yet, I highly recommend it. Probably one of the best series to come out of WSJ in the last couple years IMO. It's of course a shonen manga, but it's about food battles. And as I mentioned earlier, there's a nice bit of fan service. I definitely plan on supporting the manga when it gets to the states.

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Sounds like Iron Wok Jan,which was basically DBZ meets Iron Chef.

Speaking of mangas getting released here,Vinland Saga finally got released here which any seinen fan should check out.
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You know, I didn't think Gundam Build Fighters would be any good, but it has surprised me. The cast is enjoyable, the theme song is catchy, and the Gunpla battles and fanservice are amazing. It also helps that the writers obviously know how absurd the premise is and ham it up. It somehow manages to both celebrate Gunpla love while also making fun at the obsession at the same time.
I wasn't really sold beforehand on the idea of it being based on Gunpla, but I've completely changed my tune. Gunpla is behind one of my favorite aspects of the show now. The fact that they came up with a rational premise that allows mobile suits from all the various timelines to battle with each other is a big reason why I'm loving Gundam Build Fighters.

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Toonami has announced that they're going to start airing Naruto Shippuden in January next year. They're going to air the episodes uncut too.

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Finished Persona 4 the Animation yesterday, not to finish off SAO. I enjoyed Persona, seems like a pretty good game too bad I can't play it!

So I've been on an anime binge recently. Crunchyroll is a wonderful thing. I could use more recomendations. Here's what I've seen so far:

Sword Art Online

Oreimo - only got a few episodes in, I might finish it up

Kill a Kill - couple episodes in

Yowapeda - love this one

Kids on the Slope - probably my favorite so far. Really good

Usagi Drop

Samurai Flamenco

Attack on Titan

The World God Only Knows - watched about 12 episodes, it okay but not 100% my thing

Again any recomendation would be appreciated. My favorites so far are SAO, Kids on Slope and Yowapeda. I guess I like more drama than goofy comedy.

Hmm, well considering how much I disliked SAO I'm not sure my recommendations would do anything for you, but I've been watching Gosick and really enjoying it. It started out as basically sherlock holmes as a little girl, but it quickly changed around to a much more serious and engaging show than I first expected. I'm a few episodes from the end still, but would definitely recommend it if you are looking for something new with an interesting setting and style. It's on Crunchyroll as well, so that's a plus ^_^

So hey guys. Hey. Hey guys.


How bout dose recent chapters of Naruto? With the INCREDIBLY obvious dragging of the feet before finishing the manga and the increasingly terrible use of Talk no Jutsu. Mm-MMMM, delicious.

As per usual, I'll recommend two of my favorites: Neon Genesis Evangelion and Baccano!. 

And here are some others:

  • Hunter x Hunter (if you're okay with long running animes, it's very good)
  • Aku no Hana
  • Hyouka
  • Mawaru Penguindrum
  • Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
I've only watched about half your list so they might not be the best recs.

As per usual, I'll recommend two of my favorites: Neon Genesis Evangelion and Baccano!.

And here are some others:

  • Hunter x Hunter (if you're okay with long running animes, it's very good)
  • Aku no Hana
  • Hyouka
  • Mawaru Penguindrum
  • Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
I've only watched about half your list so they might not be the best recs.
I've just started watching the Hunter x Hunter reboot anime. I was reading for a while but at some point I got really lost in the plot and then the hiatuses and I just gave up. I'm hoping this new anime is FMA: Brotherhood quality. I like it so far.

It's in my top five animes. I haven't seen FMAB yet, just FMA2003 and read the manga, but it's very good. And Killua and Gon are easily two of my favorite anime characters out there.

I am working through SAO now, on like episode 12 its good so far, waiting for it drop off a cliff from what i've heard people say about it.

Anyone read The Breaker New Waves? I've never searched for a comedy manga before but this popped up as one of the top 5.
I haven't heard of it, but I will definitely be sure to check it out now since I'm always up for a good laugh!

Speaking of comedy, I started watching Seto no Hanayome/My Bride is a Mermaid since it was unexpectedly added to netflix recently and it's pretty much as ridiculous as it sounds. I'm really really enjoying it so far, as even though the animation could be better and they reuse some jokes a bit too much, I've been nearly in tears from laughing so much. Definitely worth checking out if you like outrageous anime comedies ^_^

15 episodes into Space Brothers right now. I'm enjoying it, so it gets a recomendation from me. Just be ready because it's 80 episodes long.

I want to watch Baccano! I think it's on Hulu plus but I suspended my service a while back in favor for the zero ad Crunchyroll

Been a bit behind on airing anime, so I caught up with a Galilei Donna, Yowamushi Pedal, Kill la Kill, and I'm about to watch Golden Time and after that probably Kyoukai no Kanata. I'm thinking about dropping Coppelion.
Also just watched the newest Samurai Flamenco and holy shit. People were confused about and I was wondering what they were talking about and now I understand;

I don't think there's been a hint of blood so far in that series (nothing noticeable at least) but someone got decapitated. Plus, the addition of "Guillotine Gorilla" was definitely a bit of twist.

Finished Kaiba today and I'm not sure what the hype is. It was good, but nothing quite special. Thinking about catching up on Walkure Romance and Freezing Vibration. And I'll probably start Oofuri today.

Edit: Also finished reading Oyasumi Punpun, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

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Anyone read The Breaker New Waves? I've never searched for a comedy manga before but this popped up as one of the top 5.
I've read it. I wouldn't really call it that much of a comedy manga though. It's a manwha and it's all about martial arts. But if you're interested, I'd recommend reading the series that New Waves is a sequel to, The Breaker.

Blue Exorcist is being added to Toonami starting next March.

And then here are some images of Miura's new manga that's holding up the return Berserk.

Oh and Toonami has also revealed what movies they're going to show every Saturday next month. Starting 12/7 it's Akira, 12/14 Summer Wars, 12/21 Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa, and on 12/28 it's Trigun: Badland Rumble.

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Recently finished Kaiba and The Tatami Galaxy and probably a couple others I'm forgetting.

I liked them, but I don't feel like they were that good. Those kind of animes aren't really my kinda thing I guess since everyone else who watched them said they're masterpieces. 

Also started One Punch Man a couple minutes ago, and I'm... so confused.

o_O Granted, I have not seen the anime version, but the OPM manga is pretty clear cut. Bad guy appears, gloats about how evil and strong he is, beats up other heroes around him, then OPM comes in and beats one punch.
Now that I'm almost caught up, I understand what's going on.

Before I started I'd seen a lot of caps of Genos and I thought it was a relatively serious manga from the caps I'd seen but I wasn't aware it was in the comedy genre. When I started off I was caught a bit off guard because I thought Genos was the protagonist.

I'm enjoying it so far. It's got a few giggles out of me and I like Genos as a character and the way the pages are drawn like frames in battles sequences is pretty neat. And overall, the art is pretty good too.

Kinda makes me want to read Eyeshield 21.

Also finished Darker than Black Season 1 and Karneval. DTB was very good. Karneval was a bit... pointless. I liked Yogi and Gareki was okay, though. I think Miyano Momaru is my favorite seiyuu, or up there at least.

Japan-a-Radio is currently playing Kokoro Odoru, the ending theme to SD Gundam Force Season 2. That makes me happy.

Started One Piece (manga) after a lot of friends pressuring me too. Only 10 chapters in but it doesn't seem bad.

And so now I'm reading all of the biggest three American mangas. Hopefully OP doesn't turn as bad as Naruto or Bleach.
I personally think Bleach has gotten better since the Vandenreich.

I just cannot muster any excitement for One Piece. I liked it back at the beginning, but the Alabasta arc wore on me and once SJ skipped ahead, I didn't really feel like going back to read the skipped stuff. It doesn't help that Oda's style has worn out its welcome for me.
Yeah, same for me with Bleach. But Naruto... Eh. This arc has been going on forever and I really do not like Obito as a villain.

OP is kinda okay so far. The characters are decent. The art style is decent but the storyline so far is a bit tedious.

I've tried to read it once before but I quit it after volume two. But my friends are huge OP fans and if I drop it again they probably won't let me here the end of it.

edit: so far the characters' motivation seem kinda lame. Luffy has his dream of being the greatest pirate for Shanks and his hat, Zoro has his promise to his childhood friend, and Nami has her family member who was killed by pirates. They just seem kinda cliche. Maybe I'm over thinking it.
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New Yu-Gi-Oh series announced: Arc-V (pronounced Arc-Five)

All that's known is that Yuuya Sakaki is the protagonist (for those curious, he has red/green hair that looks like a cross between Yusei's and Yuma's hair) and two monsters, although the tagline hints that the new gimmick will be transforming monsters.
Looks like Netflix is making a push for new anime content. They just announced that they've struck a deal to stream Knights of Sidonia immediately after it airs in Japan next year. Netflix is going to be the first service to stream the series and it seems it may be exclusive to Neflix as well.

bread's done