Ann Coulter: Always Classy

Wow, that's pretty awful.

"Please stop making personal attacks on my husband through way of my dead son."

"Do you hear what she's asking me to do? She's asking me to stop speaking!"
The end was the best.

"If you can't write a book without making personal attacks maybe you should stop writing" (paraphrase)

Who really cares about Coulter anyway? She is just a right wing masturbation fantasy and always has been (fucked up, I know). The personal stuff she says doesn’t bother me. Hell, some libs to it as well. I can't fully support Edwards position but I understand it as she is the direct target.
[quote name='Xevious']I saw this on tv this morning. I thought Elizabeth Edwards handled her nicely..[/QUOTE]

The post-hoc retort is that John Edwards is a coward b/c he didn't confront Coulter about it.

So, American politics is at a point where someone who calls you a "fag" on television and says that Edwards ought to have a bumper sticker on his car that says "ask me about my dead son" is the kind of person who is *worthy* of political discussion.

VanillaGorilla, get writing. I'll be your agent, and we'll get you on Hardball. All you need to do is act the way you do, but substitute "John Kerry" for "Wii." You, like Coulter, already have an adam's apple, so we're halfway there! I can taste the advance checks already!
I understand the hatred for Ann Coulter, but I like to get both the liberal bias (pretty much every news outlet, except Fox) and the conservative bias (...well...umm...Fox). Since I know that no one here would ever turn to the Fox channel, I will let you know the begining of the story. Ann was being interviewed on some other news/morning program, and she made reference to a comment made by Bill Maher about how America would be better if Dick Cheney was killed in a terrorist attack. She then said something to the affect of, "Well, now I know better. Next time I will just say that I want John Edwards to die in a terrorist assassanation."

I don't like Ann Coulter, either, but if you watch this little tidbit, it's clear she is simply making a smartass remark about how liberals don't get called out for making outrageous comments as much as conservatives do. I'm not saying she's right about that. I'm just saying that all I've read here so far is 'Coulter wants John Edwards to be killed'. Maybe you all could look at that part of it, is all I'm saying.

(btw, I'm only arguing the 'John Edwards must die' statement. She has said other things about him and others but that isn't what this controversy is really about. It's about liberals promoting the idea that Ann wants John Edwards to die. That is just as false as Bill Maher wanting Dick Cheney to die. He was simply making a political point, as was Ann.)
Sorry the liberal media bias is a myth. They have a greed bias, which may sometimes be liberal but often is not. Dichotomous thinking is dangerous.
Maher was called on it and forced to explain himself, Coulter on the other hand responds with "John Edwards was a lawyer!" She gets called out on it because it's not the first time, it's not even the ninth time. It was pretty clear from his attitude during that interview that Matthews, who has given her hours and hours of play over the years was sickened by her. I think he finally gets it, she's completely unreasonable, in the truest sense of the word.
[quote name='browneyedgal68']All you left wingers should get a clue.While I do not like Ann, Get all the facts,not just the clips that support what you say[/QUOTE]

I have no fucking idea what you're trying to say here. Chances are pretty bloody likely that, in the morning, when I'm sober, I'll still have no fucking idea.

I'd chalk that up to the contradictory combination of "I do not like Ann" and "get all the facts."

Lamentably, I assure you, if you want to participate in political discussion, you're going to have to learn to have discussions in English.
[quote name='dragonreborn23']I understand the hatred for Ann Coulter, but I like to get both the liberal bias (pretty much every news outlet, except Fox) and the conservative bias (...well...umm...Fox). Since I know that no one here would ever turn to the Fox channel, I will let you know the begining of the story. Ann was being interviewed on some other news/morning program, and she made reference to a comment made by Bill Maher about how America would be better if Dick Cheney was killed in a terrorist attack. She then said something to the affect of, "Well, now I know better. Next time I will just say that I want John Edwards to die in a terrorist assassanation."

I don't like Ann Coulter, either, but if you watch this little tidbit, it's clear she is simply making a smartass remark about how liberals don't get called out for making outrageous comments as much as conservatives do. I'm not saying she's right about that. I'm just saying that all I've read here so far is 'Coulter wants John Edwards to be killed'. Maybe you all could look at that part of it, is all I'm saying.

(btw, I'm only arguing the 'John Edwards must die' statement. She has said other things about him and others but that isn't what this controversy is really about. It's about liberals promoting the idea that Ann wants John Edwards to die. That is just as false as Bill Maher wanting Dick Cheney to die. He was simply making a political point, as was Ann.)[/QUOTE]

Watch the video again. Elizabeth Edwards doesn't bring up Ann's comment about a terrorist attack on John - Chris Matthews does. Elizabeth seems more concerned about the grotesquely tasteless comment Ann made about the "Ask me about my dead son" bumpter sticker John should have. Elizabeth made an appeal for common decency to someone who has never heard of the concept.

Ann wants to screech that she is unfairly singled out for her venom but that's horseshit. She says and writes the most offensive things she can think of and then acts surprised when she gets called out for it. She drags every argument down to the gutter where she doesn't have to use facts, she just has to muddy up the discussion enough so that the other side gives up.

Too bad Elizabeth took the high road and made her look like a fool.:lol:
Once again,what Elizabeth edwards was calling in about happened awhile ago.What she brought up was only part of what was said at the time. So it all stareted with 1 comment that was a part of many.
I find it ironic that mrs.cheapball chris matthews forgets to mention what Bill Maher said about Dick Cheney about how Mr.Maher wishes a terrorist would kill Dick Cheney, but noo the edwards campaign fails to mention that on this video as well. That is why Ann coulter said what she said but the left wing media fails to mention any of that. So why should she apologize when Maher has never apologized.I'm not for what she said but I certainly am not for what Bill Maher said either.
[quote name='ttriber']I find it ironic that mrs.cheapball chris matthews forgets to mention what Bill Maher said about Dick Cheney about how Mr.Maher wishes a terrorist would kill Dick Cheney, but noo the edwards campaign fails to mention that on this video as well. That is why Ann coulter said what she said but the left wing media fails to mention any of that. So why should she apologize when Maher has never apologized.I'm not for what she said but I certainly am not for what Bill Maher said either.[/QUOTE]

Bill Maher's comments have no bearing on this at all, and bringing them is an intellectually dishonest tactic that would only be employed by someone without the capacity to formulate a reasonable argument.

Furthermore, you can't get your facts straight. This is what Maher said on the March 3, 2007 edition of his show:

MAHER: [overlapping] But I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow. [applause]

It's clear from this post that you A.) have no interest in facts, B.) have little to no argumentative ability, and C.) resort to ridiculous, bottom-feeder, bullshit because you lack the mental capacity to correct A. and B. Go away and never come back.
[quote name='evanft']Bill Maher's comments have no bearing on this at all, and bringing them is an intellectually dishonest tactic that would only be employed by someone without the capacity to formulate a reasonable argument.

It's kind of funny you come to this ridiculous conclusion cant you see some facts or are you to close minded to look for the truth. There are over 450,00 websites in google about Bill Maher's comments.

Furthermore, you can't get your facts straight. This is what Maher said on the March 3, 2007 edition of his show:

Since you choose to believe garbage here are a few websites that maybe can enlighten you about Bill Maher's comments.,2933,256650,00.html

Need anymore links give me a pm.

It's clear from this post that you A.) have no interest in facts, B.) have little to no argumentative ability, and C.) resort to ridiculous, bottom-feeder, bullshit because you lack the mental capacity to correct A. and B. Go away and never come back.

A.) I love how you leftist supporters seem to find it like Al gore has said inconveniently truth not to post the comments maher has said.
B.)Oh whoopie I have no argumentive skills but you arent any different.
C.)That mental capacity you claim I have has got me through college and has helped me actually resort to getting facts rather than Flaming and calling a person vulgar words. People like yourself make others like myself not want to post because of your load of disrespect and dishonesty.

Maher: I'm just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That's a fact.
"You're asking me to stop speaking."

What a fucking moron. That bitch needs a good .45 cal in her fucking eye.

"Why isn't John Edwards making this call."

So now you want her to stop speaking. fucking piece of shit bitch. Dear God why won't someone just kill her and be done with it.
[quote name='dragonreborn23']I understand the hatred for Ann Coulter, but I like to get both the liberal bias (pretty much every news outlet, except Fox) and the conservative bias (...well...umm...Fox).[/QUOTE]

I think most intelligent people don't dislike Ann Coulter because she is conservative, but rather because she pidegonholes anyone who disagrees with her into the "idiot" classification. When you are so far gone that anyone who thinks differently than you do cannot possibly even be believed to have come to such a viewpoint honestly, you are not worth conversing with.
[quote name='porieux']Sorry the liberal media bias is a myth. They have a greed bias, which may sometimes be liberal but often is not. Dichotomous thinking is dangerous.[/QUOTE]

I hate to go OT, especially on a subject that's been talked about plenty on this board, but this crap just keeps popping up here no matter how many times the facts are presented. So here you go again:

Three-quarters of elite journalists (76.1 percent) and seven of ten Hollywood elites (69.8 percent) voted for Michael Dukakis in 1988, and even larger percentages (91.3 percent of journalists and 82.7 percent of the movie and television sample) cast ballots for Bill Clinton in 1992.
[quote name='elprincipe']I hate to go OT, especially on a subject that's been talked about plenty on this board, but this crap just keeps popping up here no matter how many times the facts are presented. So here you go again:[/QUOTE]

That supposes that journalists cannot detach their own personal political beliefs from their professional duties.

How do i know CNN is doing the best it can? Folks on the right call them the Commie News Network, folks on the left call them the Corporate News Network. There's a saying for that, 'When everyone hates you, you know you're doing the right thing.'
For all of you Ann Coulter haters, you're gonna love this!! :D Warning: A little rough language...

[quote name='Cheese']That supposes that journalists cannot detach their own personal political beliefs from their professional duties.[/quote]

True, although I don't doubt there are some who don't, won't or can't. Like many things, probably most of them are very professional and some woefully unethical.

[quote name='Cheese']How do i know CNN is doing the best it can? Folks on the right call them the Commie News Network, folks on the left call them the Corporate News Network. There's a saying for that, 'When everyone hates you, you know you're doing the right thing.'[/QUOTE]

True, when both far-right and far-left hate you it probably means you are not in either of their pockets. Personally, I don't look to CNN as an authority on anything given their history of being corrupted by Saddam Hussein for exclusive access in Baghdad. Everything with a grain of salt of course, but the fact that such a thing happened pretty much discredited them in my eyes for at least a very long time.
[quote name='PyroGamer']"You're asking me to stop speaking."

What a fucking moron. That bitch needs a good .45 cal in her fucking eye.

"Why isn't John Edwards making this call."

So now you want her to stop speaking. fucking piece of shit bitch. Dear God why won't someone just kill her and be done with it.[/quote]

You have just been wiretapped by the Bush Administration.

Seriously, don't say that on a public forum.
If the Bush administration is wiretapping idiot, emotionally-stunted 12 year olds whose response to someone obnoxious with whom they disagree is to call for her death, then our intelligence community is wasting more resources than I thought.

And here I thought Bush's racist war for... well, I dunno. You guys don't either, but it was FOR SOMETHING ILLEGAL... was taking up all the government's resources.
[quote name='Cheese']There's a saying for that, 'When everyone hates you, you know you're doing the right thing.'[/quote]

[quote name='RollingSkull']A BLOO BLAH BLOO {{FART!!}}[/QUOTE]

Fixed that for you, don't bother thanking me.
[quote name='elprincipe']I think most intelligent people don't dislike Ann Coulter because she is conservative, but rather because she pidegonholes anyone who disagrees with her into the "idiot" classification. When you are so far gone that anyone who thinks differently than you do cannot possibly even be believed to have come to such a viewpoint honestly, you are not worth conversing with.[/quote]

She's an ass, plain and simple. I don't care what the political affiliation is, an ass is an ass whether it is Coulter or Rosie O'Donnell.
[quote name='RollingSkull']If the Bush administration is wiretapping idiot, emotionally-stunted 12 year olds whose response to someone obnoxious with whom they disagree is to call for her death, then our intelligence community is wasting more resources than I thought.

And here I thought Bush's racist war for... well, I dunno. You guys don't either, but it was FOR SOMETHING ILLEGAL... was taking up all the government's resources.[/QUOTE]

Someone light a match.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']She's an ass, plain and simple. I don't care what the political affiliation is, an ass is an ass whether it is Coulter or Rosie O'Donnell.[/QUOTE]

More or less. She is someone who exists among a sea of people who have made political discourse into a game of one-upsmanship centered around 'zingers.' She stands out because of both her lack of logical coherence ("you're asking me to stop speaking") that should, on its own merit, disqualify her from the media club, but also her complete and utter lack of even feigning an attempt to engage in reasonable discourse.

It's not what she says; it's that, each time she is on the air, she proves herself unworthy of being on that pedestal. Yet, the attention gained by her provides enough reason (ratings) to bring her back yet again.

Thank you, RollingSkull, for providing an example for the word "blithering" that we hadn't asked for. You are reliable in that regard.
[quote name='RollingSkull']If the Bush administration is wiretapping idiot, emotionally-stunted 12 year olds whose response to someone obnoxious with whom they disagree is to call for her death, then our intelligence community is wasting more resources than I thought.[/quote]

You didn't know this already?
[quote name='ttriber']
Since you choose to believe garbage here are a few websites that maybe can enlighten you about Bill Maher's comments.,2933,256650,00.html

Ummmm.....these links say the exact same thing that the earlier poster was saying. Maher didn't say that Cheney should die in a terrorist attack. He and his panel were talking about someone else saying that.

On the other hand, Coulter has made any number of hateful and offensive remarks -- really, I think she averages about one a column. So you are trying to compare an out-of-context remark by a gentleman not known for venom with a woman who continually denigrates those who represent an opposing view.

And one extra question, for everyone -- people keep talking about all this left-wing hate talk, but I don't know of any left-winger who is as consistently hateful as folks like Limbaugh, Coulter and O'Reilly. They are truly nasty, and seek to quash the exchange of political ideas by demeaning those who disagree with them. So unless someone can show a consistent pattern of any left-wing personality behaving this way, I'd sure like that myth to fall by the wayside.
bread's done