Another Stupid food question: Rice Cakes


Months ago, I posted a thread about Humus. I didnt know what it is or what it goes with and many of you were kind enough to post some good answers.

Now I have another stupid food question. What do you eat rice cakes with? Do you eat it raw or are you suppose to put something on it?

Thanks in advance
[quote name='xenoman80']lol taste like ass even the favored ones[/quote]

What about the ones with the chocolate chips/frosting? Those are damned good.
I remember eating the flavored ones as a kid, those were actually pretty damn good. I think there was a cinnamon apple variety that I liked.
[quote name='Lizard Axe']What about the ones with the chocolate chips/frosting? Those are damned good.[/quote]
Kind of defeats the whole point of eating rice cakes, though, doesn't it? :p

Anyway, not all rice cakes are created equal. There's some truly horrible ones, but some brands aren't that bad. Quacker brand are one of the better ones, IMHO (not that I eat them that much.)
I love them. The ones with caramel are really good, but the plain ones taste like crispy, tasty air. I can also eat tons of them without worrying getting fat, which is a huge problem in my family.
[quote name='Drocket'][quote name='Lizard Axe']What about the ones with the chocolate chips/frosting? Those are damned good.[/quote]
Kind of defeats the whole point of eating rice cakes, though, doesn't it? :p

Anyway, not all rice cakes are created equal. There's some truly horrible ones, but some brands aren't that bad. Quacker brand are one of the better ones, IMHO (not that I eat them that much.)[/quote]

*looks at Drocket's avatar, has a heart attack*

You can eat them plain or wtih some sort of spread. They taste really good iwth peanut butter or jam or both on it. You can also put humus on it and it'll taste pretty good.
[quote name='"Drocket"']
Cats and cameras with flash just don't mix :p

She just had kittens the other day. Gratuitous kitten picture link[/quote]

It looks like she had quite a few kittens. I tried to take some pictures of my cat without the flash, and they did not turn out well at all. It was too dark, and she is black.

Anyway, back to topic. I have always eaten the rice cakes plain, but there is a huge difference in brand quality. The Quaker ones are good, as the earlier poster said. I got some store brand ones once since they were cheap, and they were edible but not as good. I personally prefer the butter flavored or the white cheddar flavored ones, but they have a bunch of flavors available. I don't buy them that often now because they are kind of pricey for what you get, and it is easy to eat many of them at a sitting since they don't fill you up and you rationalize that they are low in calories.
You could crush them up and sprinkle them on a salad, like croutons.

You could do a rice cake, with a slice of deli meat on it then cover it with a slice of cheese and then stick it under the broiler/toaster till the cheese melts. For example low fat turkey with provalone or ham with swiss.

As a chef I csn only recommend that you don't eat them at all, there are plenty of other cost effective solutions that taste better.
Yeah, the cheddar ones were good, and the caramel ones too.

Don't they have like mini rice crackers too?
save some money and just go eat a box of those little white packing material things...

my school sells these caramel rice cakes and i think cheese ones or something...

the cheese ones arent that bad if you like... eat one, but any more and it tastes bad..

the caramel tastes horrible IMO
bread's done