Another week long OTT? We'll see

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So this chick at work leaves food out along with a cup of coffee with spilled sugar and creamer on her desk for the night, and a ton of ants show up on her cubicle and the connecting cubicles by morning time. When she shows up for work...late as always, everyone is already aware of the ant problem. She acts shocked "oh my gosh look at all these ants"...and goes to tell the team "you know what guys?...I think the guy who comes in to water the plants brought them in"


I can't make this shit up.
Saw a couple of Banksys for the first time in SF over the weekend. They have a lot more impact when you see them in person.

[quote name='corrosivefrost']OTT gameshare signal activate:

Shank comes out tomorrow on PSN -- I'd like to get it.
Mojimbo, SeanR, Bioshocked -- any thoughts -- Ugamer said something along the lines of "if 3 or more people want it, just get it."[/QUOTE]
I'm cool with any game if only 2 people want it, as long as it doesn't get shit on in any reviews.

Also, I know we're supposed to add money to the share I'm just waiting for some Paypal funds to come and I'll send it over.
[quote name='DT778']What for? Any new game using it? Or it still just for wii sports resort and tiger woods?

Target has the bundle with a control for 30 bucks this week.[/QUOTE]
Red Steel 2 is supposedly really good and doesn't suck like the first one, and uses MotionPlus. A friend of mine just bought a new Wii and so I played Wii Sports Resort, and to be honest I found it rather fun. :x

[quote name='Temporaryscars']The Mafia II reviews haven't been stellar.[/QUOTE]
Really? I enjoyed the demo.
Frosty, I'm always in for whatever games you guys want to get.

Scott Pilgrim spoiler:
I just realized that one of the evil exes in Scott Pilgrim is played by the same girl that plays Ann in Arrested Development.

Kind of blew my mind when I figured that out.
[quote name='zewone']Banksy all day, son. Which did you see?[/QUOTE]
Peaceful Hearts Doctor in Chinatown. It now has Plexiglass covering it for protection.

And this one around Little Italy:

[quote name='Temporaryscars']The Mafia II reviews haven't been stellar.[/QUOTE]

It's at 80% in the early reviews on gamerankings. I imagine it will stay around there, with most reviews in that 7 to 9 range. I plan on picking it up once it goes on sale, but probably on PC. I really liked the demo.
Teriyaki Oberto>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>all other flavors
I used to think so, too, but the hickory really grew on me. I like the peppered, but it seems like a waste to ruin awesome jerky by making it way too spicy. Either way, Oberto is the best store bought jerky I've ever tasted.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Speaking of which, how did your little art heist go?[/QUOTE]
The whole story is more interesting (I posted it when I was done), but in the end, I ended up with my own personal banksy stencil.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Peaceful Hearts Doctor in Chinatown. It now has Plexiglass covering it for protection.

Well shit... So I opted to buy a 360 quick charge kit instead of a game and only one side of the damned thing actually works... Jesus Christ...
[quote name='daphatty']Well shit... So I opted to buy a 360 quick charge kit instead of a game and only one side of the damned thing actually works... Jesus Christ...[/QUOTE]

lol360 batteries never work and die too soon.

Just buy a wired controller or rechargable batteries.

You don't need a wireless controller. We've been using wired since the days of the 2600.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']man if no one is going to be hyped about this i'm just going to delete it it's really good too (has a little bit of tfn)[/QUOTE]

Post it.


fucking Reds always have to choke when they play ESPN games. Luckily I am blacked out and just listening to the radio.
I would be nice, but he abandoned the avatar I made for him like last week's leftover taco meat. I spent many seconds of blood, sweat, and other bodily fluids to make that thing. It hurt my feelings to see it gone so soon.
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bread's done