any depth to Halo 2?



So i'm from the camp that the game is kind of fun on-line, but sucks in campaign.

That's cause I can't find any depth to it-- sure there's some organization on your team in the form of getting people to cover for you while you get the flag or something, but other than that, it's just hold down the right trigger, point the cursor, jump a lot to make yourself a hard target and hope you win a firefight.

If any experienced Halo fans could explain, I'd appreciate it.
I said the same thing. Our clan has a website and I posted these thoughts on our forums after a heated session:

A couple observations about my Halo 2 XBL play:

1. I'm no good in a close-quarters firefight. It seems like every time, I'll be unloading at the same pace as the other guy, with the same weapon, and I end up getting killed. I also don't understand, why I'm usually at close range, have the recticle on my target, yet in the stats my hit ratio is embarrassingly low (did I spell that right?).

2. Give me a sniper rifle anyday. Maybe that's why I liked the GR games more. Slower paced, I can camp out and get off some lethal head shots at the opponent. If you notice, that's where I'm most effective in Halo 2.

A couple things I don't like about Halo 2 thus far:

1. No fall damage. This makes the games too offensive instead of defensive. Adding fall damage would make it more strategic. As it is, people just jump around like madmen without consequence.

2. Floaty jumping. Speaking of jumping, why did they make the jumping physics so light? It's like we are on the moon. I don't like it. Sure it helps in some maps, getting to a particular vantage point or weapon placement, but it also hinders the close-quarters shootouts because everyone just hops around and it looks like a freakin' moon walk. There's no duck and cover play, which adds strategy. I can't corner anyone because they'll just jump right over me!

Are any of these settings adjustable?

My friends posted their very strategic and detailed thoughts, and made an interesting read. Check out the link, because it's too much to post here.

1. I'm no good in a close-quarters firefight. It seems like every time, I'll be unloading at the same pace as the other guy, with the same weapon, and I end up getting killed. I also don't understand, why I'm usually at close range, have the recticle on my target, yet in the stats my hit ratio is embarrassingly low (did I spell that right?).
Because the other player is better than you are. And possibly because your using a low accuracy weapon (SMG).

Try using a better weapon combo, such as SMG + Pistol. Try moving around, jumping around, or moving behind things to make the other player miss. Try using a melee attack on the other player after shooting him for a while. Try staying close to teammates so you can have two people on one target. Would you simply stand in front of someone else with a gun in real life and just unload on each other without trying to get out of the way? This isn't the wild west.

I'm not terribly good at 1 on 1 battles myself but I know that if you're just going to stand there and shoot an opposing player, even if all things are even, you don't stand a very good chance of winning. Do something to help yourself, instead of standing there and hoping he dies before you do, thats not the way to win.

As for the OP, coordination and teamwork are 90% of the game. 4 average players working as a team will beat 4 great players working as individuals 9 times out of 10. There can be a lot of depth and a lot of strategy if you work effectively as a team, but its hard to achieve this playing with a group of random people on your team.

One of the drawbacks to the otherwise good matchmaking system, is that since you're on a team of equals, playing against equals, you don't get much of a chance to play with or against better players, to see what they do. You can learn a lot that way if you pay attention.
Also studying levels and knowing the locations of certian weapons is extremely important
I don't understand why people complain so much of the game on a website like this, nothing against cheapassgamer, but if you want to complain, do it on the bungie forum, their is a specific thread for suggestions to halo 2, that may get implemented in future updates
i love it. i'm better at close combat than sniping. that's why i've been kicking the shit out of my friends, when we used to be about equal in Halo.
[quote name='jrutz']I said the same thing. Our clan has a website and I posted these thoughts on our forums after a heated session:

A couple observations about my Halo 2 XBL play:

1. I'm no good in a close-quarters firefight. It seems like every time, I'll be unloading at the same pace as the other guy, with the same weapon, and I end up getting killed. I also don't understand, why I'm usually at close range, have the recticle on my target, yet in the stats my hit ratio is embarrassingly low (did I spell that right?).

2. Give me a sniper rifle anyday. Maybe that's why I liked the GR games more. Slower paced, I can camp out and get off some lethal head shots at the opponent. If you notice, that's where I'm most effective in Halo 2.

A couple things I don't like about Halo 2 thus far:

1. No fall damage. This makes the games too offensive instead of defensive. Adding fall damage would make it more strategic. As it is, people just jump around like madmen without consequence.

2. Floaty jumping. Speaking of jumping, why did they make the jumping physics so light? It's like we are on the moon. I don't like it. Sure it helps in some maps, getting to a particular vantage point or weapon placement, but it also hinders the close-quarters shootouts because everyone just hops around and it looks like a freakin' moon walk. There's no duck and cover play, which adds strategy. I can't corner anyone because they'll just jump right over me!

Are any of these settings adjustable?

My friends posted their very strategic and detailed thoughts, and made an interesting read. Check out the link, because it's too much to post here.


The whole close quarters thing is idiotic. Its called aiming for the head....i win just about every close quarters battle i encounter on live...
I think figuring out how to win those one-on-one battles is a big part of the depth of the game. I'm ranked at level 8 now. When I play mostly lower ranked people I win most of those battles, but when I play people of higher rank my success rate goes down a lot.

Another factor is knowing where to be on the map. with the lower ranks i see a lot of people out in the open battling and lots of guys coming into the fight late and killing both weakened players. It's a lot harder to cherrypick against the better players.
[quote name='ryanbph']I don't understand why people complain so much of the game on a website like this, nothing against cheapassgamer, but if you want to complain, do it on the bungie forum, their is a specific thread for suggestions to halo 2, that may get implemented in future updates[/quote]

it's just discussion...and in the right location....
I haven't played a whole lot of Halo 2 online yet - I played twice at friends' houses in the training area. I just got it myself yesterday and will beat the single player before I sign up for XBL. I also have to rearrange my house a bit to do this, but that's besides the point. The single player I find fun, though I wish it was more like the E3 '03 trailer. And I find it to be slightly deeper than the original, since the enemies AI seems to be a bit better.
[quote name='Apossum']So i'm from the camp that the game is kind of fun on-line, but sucks in campaign.

That's cause I can't find any depth to it-- sure there's some organization on your team in the form of getting people to cover for you while you get the flag or something, but other than that, it's just hold down the right trigger, point the cursor, jump a lot to make yourself a hard target and hope you win a firefight.

If any experienced Halo fans could explain, I'd appreciate it.[/quote]

Dude, its a standard run-n-gun FPS. It doesn't need depth. It's not tactical like a Rainbow Six 3 is. Sure there's some AI teamwork involved, but like you said, its mostly run, shoot, kill, run more. Its the standard FPS forumla that has been around, and sold well, since Wolfenstein.

I just don't understand why everyone thinks Halo 2 has to be the best game ever made. It's just like any other FPS. It shouldn't be held to a higher standard.

It has as much depth as Diablo (just keep hitting the mouse button over and over), Max Payne (just strafe and jump slowly backwards while firing, repeat over and over), or Need for Speed : Underground (hold down the gas and try to powerslide....over and over) but I've never heard anyone say those 3 excellent games have "lack of depth".
Halo 2 has to be the most over rated game ever created! From everything I had heard before playing it I expected to be glued to the TV for hours. Nowhere near that, I played for about 2 hours and then got bored. I am not saying the game sucks but there is really nothing in it that seperates it from any other first person shooter. The only real big thing is that there are machines, which are cool but that's about it. Oh yeah the internet mulitiplayer is fun but I would rather go on the Internet and play Counterstrike, I know they are not exactly comparable but I am just trying to show that internet multiplayer has been done before. There are not enough weapon types, not enough different characters to be(green or blue master chief? that is supposed to be selection? oh yeah and an alien). It would have been cooler if they created characters that were good and bad at different things(ex can throw grenades farther, move faster, can take more damage) you know that kind of stuff. It was done in Timesplitters it can be done in Halo. Even the weapons they do have are not that different from one another! A sniper rifle and an alien sniper rifle(what a brillant idea!). Yes there are differences but you don't play with one or the other that differently. There are a few game modes but most just seem like copies of the other. But I start to ramble, my overall point is that this game is mediocre at best. There are better shooters out there but people just don't seem to notice. Please respond because I feel like I am going crazy because everyone loves this game and I just don't see it!
[quote name='burningelf']Halo 2 has to be the most over rated game ever created! From everything I had heard before playing it I expected to be glued to the TV for hours. Nowhere near that, I played for about 2 hours and then got bored. I am not saying the game sucks but there is really nothing in it that seperates it from any other first person shooter. The only real big thing is that there are machines, which are cool but that's about it. Oh yeah the internet mulitiplayer is fun but I would rather go on the Internet and play Counterstrike, I know they are not exactly comparable but I am just trying to show that internet multiplayer has been done before. There are not enough weapon types, not enough different characters to be(green or blue master chief? that is supposed to be selection? oh yeah and an alien). It would have been cooler if they created characters that were good and bad at different things(ex can throw grenades farther, move faster, can take more damage) you know that kind of stuff. It was done in Timesplitters it can be done in Halo. Even the weapons they do have are not that different from one another! A sniper rifle and an alien sniper rifle(what a brillant idea!). Yes there are differences but you don't play with one or the other that differently. There are a few game modes but most just seem like copies of the other. But I start to ramble, my overall point is that this game is mediocre at best. There are better shooters out there but people just don't seem to notice. Please respond because I feel like I am going crazy because everyone loves this game and I just don't see it![/quote]
You can hold the opinion that its a mediocre game if you want, but most of the world would disagree with you. Name me a better shooter on a console. Yes, there are better PC shooters, there will always be better PC shooters. But console FPS's have always been lacking. Show me a better console FPS.
[quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='burningelf']Halo 2 has to be the most over rated game ever created! From everything I had heard before playing it I expected to be glued to the TV for hours. Nowhere near that, I played for about 2 hours and then got bored. I am not saying the game sucks but there is really nothing in it that seperates it from any other first person shooter. The only real big thing is that there are machines, which are cool but that's about it. Oh yeah the internet mulitiplayer is fun but I would rather go on the Internet and play Counterstrike, I know they are not exactly comparable but I am just trying to show that internet multiplayer has been done before. There are not enough weapon types, not enough different characters to be(green or blue master chief? that is supposed to be selection? oh yeah and an alien). It would have been cooler if they created characters that were good and bad at different things(ex can throw grenades farther, move faster, can take more damage) you know that kind of stuff. It was done in Timesplitters it can be done in Halo. Even the weapons they do have are not that different from one another! A sniper rifle and an alien sniper rifle(what a brillant idea!). Yes there are differences but you don't play with one or the other that differently. There are a few game modes but most just seem like copies of the other. But I start to ramble, my overall point is that this game is mediocre at best. There are better shooters out there but people just don't seem to notice. Please respond because I feel like I am going crazy because everyone loves this game and I just don't see it![/quote]
You can hold the opinion that its a mediocre game if you want, but most of the world would disagree with you. Name me a better shooter on a console. Yes, there are better PC shooters, there will always be better PC shooters. But console FPS's have always been lacking. Show me a better console FPS.[/quote]

I agree with you both. There is no better Console FPS. Hands down. I also think that there should be different multiplayer characters with different abilities. I think they did a good job with the new weapons and there are enough for my tastes.
[quote name='Trakan'][quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='burningelf']Halo 2 has to be the most over rated game ever created! From everything I had heard before playing it I expected to be glued to the TV for hours. Nowhere near that, I played for about 2 hours and then got bored. I am not saying the game sucks but there is really nothing in it that seperates it from any other first person shooter. The only real big thing is that there are machines, which are cool but that's about it. Oh yeah the internet mulitiplayer is fun but I would rather go on the Internet and play Counterstrike, I know they are not exactly comparable but I am just trying to show that internet multiplayer has been done before. There are not enough weapon types, not enough different characters to be(green or blue master chief? that is supposed to be selection? oh yeah and an alien). It would have been cooler if they created characters that were good and bad at different things(ex can throw grenades farther, move faster, can take more damage) you know that kind of stuff. It was done in Timesplitters it can be done in Halo. Even the weapons they do have are not that different from one another! A sniper rifle and an alien sniper rifle(what a brillant idea!). Yes there are differences but you don't play with one or the other that differently. There are a few game modes but most just seem like copies of the other. But I start to ramble, my overall point is that this game is mediocre at best. There are better shooters out there but people just don't seem to notice. Please respond because I feel like I am going crazy because everyone loves this game and I just don't see it![/quote]
You can hold the opinion that its a mediocre game if you want, but most of the world would disagree with you. Name me a better shooter on a console. Yes, there are better PC shooters, there will always be better PC shooters. But console FPS's have always been lacking. Show me a better console FPS.[/quote]

I agree with you both. There is no better Console FPS. Hands down. I also think that there should be different multiplayer characters with different abilities. I think they did a good job with the new weapons and there are enough for my tastes.[/quote]
I heard they intended to have more characters with different abilities, but had to cut it because it would have taken too long to balance and get it right. A lot of good things were cut to make the release date, including the end of the game. It is kind of a shame, but there does come a point where you can't keep delaying forever (Working Designs, Duke Nukem Forever) and cut things out of the game so it will be done this decade. I'd rather wait a few more months and have a better game, but thats speaking as a fan/player, they made the right business decision.

It could have been MUCH better, thats a valid point. But they had to get it out the door. Its still a good game though and undoubtedly the best console FPS. Who knows what downloadable content will bring, maybe a few things will make it later.
[quote name='burningelf']Halo 2 has to be the most over rated game ever created! From everything I had heard before playing it I expected to be glued to the TV for hours. Nowhere near that, I played for about 2 hours and then got bored. I am not saying the game sucks but there is really nothing in it that seperates it from any other first person shooter. The only real big thing is that there are machines, which are cool but that's about it. Oh yeah the internet mulitiplayer is fun but I would rather go on the Internet and play Counterstrike, I know they are not exactly comparable but I am just trying to show that internet multiplayer has been done before. There are not enough weapon types, not enough different characters to be(green or blue master chief? that is supposed to be selection? oh yeah and an alien). It would have been cooler if they created characters that were good and bad at different things(ex can throw grenades farther, move faster, can take more damage) you know that kind of stuff. It was done in Timesplitters it can be done in Halo. Even the weapons they do have are not that different from one another! A sniper rifle and an alien sniper rifle(what a brillant idea!). Yes there are differences but you don't play with one or the other that differently. There are a few game modes but most just seem like copies of the other. But I start to ramble, my overall point is that this game is mediocre at best. There are better shooters out there but people just don't seem to notice. Please respond because I feel like I am going crazy because everyone loves this game and I just don't see it![/quote]

If you don't like it, don't play it. But don't come in here and try to convince people who like it that its a bad game.

Go play whatever games you do like and calm the hell down.
[quote name='burningelf']Halo 2 has to be the most over rated game ever created! From everything I had heard before playing it I expected to be glued to the TV for hours. Nowhere near that, I played for about 2 hours and then got bored. I am not saying the game sucks but there is really nothing in it that seperates it from any other first person shooter. The only real big thing is that there are machines, which are cool but that's about it. Oh yeah the internet mulitiplayer is fun but I would rather go on the Internet and play Counterstrike, I know they are not exactly comparable but I am just trying to show that internet multiplayer has been done before. There are not enough weapon types, not enough different characters to be(green or blue master chief? that is supposed to be selection? oh yeah and an alien). It would have been cooler if they created characters that were good and bad at different things(ex can throw grenades farther, move faster, can take more damage) you know that kind of stuff. It was done in Timesplitters it can be done in Halo. Even the weapons they do have are not that different from one another! A sniper rifle and an alien sniper rifle(what a brillant idea!). Yes there are differences but you don't play with one or the other that differently. There are a few game modes but most just seem like copies of the other. But I start to ramble, my overall point is that this game is mediocre at best. There are better shooters out there but people just don't seem to notice. Please respond because I feel like I am going crazy because everyone loves this game and I just don't see it![/quote]

Here's the deal man. Halo 2 is addictive because of multi-player period. If the only Halo you've experienced is single player and a few multi-player battles than you wouldn't yet get it.

The real beauty comes when you KNOW the maps and you KNOW your teammates. That's why clan battles are so freakin hard. I started playing Halo 1 at LAN parties. 4 on 4. There is a HUGE strategy element to the game. Try playing a group of guys that know that map and know their roles. You get spanked. It like real time battle, you have to work as a team. Once you start playing well in this type of match you will get it. The best aspect of online is the Clan battles. THAT is real Halo. I will say it again: KNOW THE MAPS, KNOW THE GAMES (CTF, BOMB, TERRITORIES, ETC.) and HAVE A STRATEGY WITH YOUR TEAMMATES.

Do this and you'll never put it down. You have to invest in this game a little before it makes sense.

Yeah, this game keeps growing on me more and more. I probably will NEVER touch the single player campaign again after beating it.....however, multiplayer is becoming more fun every time. I've recently got into some big CUSTOM games with about 8 friends....good times.

Although, I'm trying to convert some over to Ghost Recon 2 for a little more "realistic" battles
I think its pretty silly to say there is no depth....look out over scenery, look at the AI, look at the detail. This game has depth alright. And yes, online MP rules.
First things first, I am not trying to tell anyone this is a mediocre game(if you love the game great for you, I just don't see it that's all). It is called an opinion just take it as that. All my friends play the game but can never explain to me why it is so fun. I did finally get about 6 hours of multiplayer under my belt and I do like the multiplayer on the Internet. I did learn some new moves, such as when the targeting cursor turns red with the sword you do a sword rush, and a bunch of other things. So I have changed my opinion, I believe it is a good game, overrated still but a good time for a few hours. Oh yeah, the best FPS--TimeSplitters 2 but as I see most of the world does seem to disagree with me. The only two big problems I had with TimeSplitters was the speed of movement in the game(very fast paced game), it didn't really cause any problems with me but I do wish for Timesplitters 3 they slow it down a little. The speed of movement in Halo I do believe to be perfect and hopefully TimeSplitters copies that. The huge problem with TimeSplitters 2 was the lack of internet multiplayer and I think that is what killed the game. Hopefully the next one is on the internet and people can finally see why I think that Timesplitters is the best FPS made for the new consoles.
I don't know why you guys are flaming BurningElf. He only stated his opinion WITHOUT being a dick. I happen to agree with him. Want a better console game? How about the pair of N64 games called Goldeneye and Perfect Dark?
[quote name='manofpeace20']I don't know why you guys are flaming BurningElf. He only stated his opinion WITHOUT being a dick. I happen to agree with him. Want a better console game? How about the pair of N64 games called Goldeneye and Perfect Dark?[/quote]
He didn't just say that he didn't like it, he said its the most overrated game ever made. Theres a bit of a difference there. One is expressing your personal opinion, and the other is saying that anyone elses good opinion of the game is invalid.

Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are not better than Halo 2 at this point. Sorry. Halo 2 is not the greatest game ever made but it is the best console FPS to date. When Goldeneye and Perfect Dark get ported to a next gen system, get expansive outdoor levels, vehicles, online play, and even 8 players simultaneously, let me know. Perfect Dark 2 is coming, but I don't think its going to be what we all want it to be.
[quote name='burningelf']First things first, I am not trying to tell anyone this is a mediocre game(if you love the game great for you, I just don't see it that's all). It is called an opinion just take it as that. All my friends play the game but can never explain to me why it is so fun. I did finally get about 6 hours of multiplayer under my belt and I do like the multiplayer on the Internet. I did learn some new moves, such as when the targeting cursor turns red with the sword you do a sword rush, and a bunch of other things. So I have changed my opinion, I believe it is a good game, overrated still but a good time for a few hours. Oh yeah, the best FPS--TimeSplitters 2 but as I see most of the world does seem to disagree with me. The only two big problems I had with TimeSplitters was the speed of movement in the game(very fast paced game), it didn't really cause any problems with me but I do wish for Timesplitters 3 they slow it down a little. The speed of movement in Halo I do believe to be perfect and hopefully TimeSplitters copies that. The huge problem with TimeSplitters 2 was the lack of internet multiplayer and I think that is what killed the game. Hopefully the next one is on the internet and people can finally see why I think that Timesplitters is the best FPS made for the new consoles.[/quote]

You gotta get with a clan to know the difference. Playing as a team, knowing the maps, knowing your role on the team is what is so special. Its so much more than a shooter. The team that has a plan and has the talent to execute will win ever game. The key is becoming that team.

Trust me man. Get out of the training ground and Rumble Pit and learn the Team Skirmish. Find a crew, create a clan, and dominate. THAT is why everyone loves Halo.
[quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='manofpeace20']I don't know why you guys are flaming BurningElf. He only stated his opinion WITHOUT being a dick. I happen to agree with him. Want a better console game? How about the pair of N64 games called Goldeneye and Perfect Dark?[/quote]
He didn't just say that he didn't like it, he said its the most overrated game ever made. Theres a bit of a difference there. One is expressing your personal opinion, and the other is saying that anyone elses good opinion of the game is invalid.

Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are not better than Halo 2 at this point. Sorry. Halo 2 is not the greatest game ever made but it is the best console FPS to date. When Goldeneye and Perfect Dark get ported to a next gen system, get expansive outdoor levels, vehicles, online play, and even 8 players simultaneously, let me know. Perfect Dark 2 is coming, but I don't think its going to be what we all want it to be.[/quote]

Alright, lets break it down a little:

Expansive outdoor: Gets boring. I play people that just camp and snipe. It especially sucks when facing less than 6 people on a map.

Vehicles: Yes they are cool, and you got me on that one.

Online Play: Wildly overrated. Finding people I can actually stand is a chore. I still prefer sitting in my room playing games alone or with my brothers.

8 players simultaneously: Without XBOX Live, you would need a system link with 2 systems and 2 copies of the game.

Now, lets look at Goldeneyes merits over Halo 2: Far better singleplayer, health system is done right, levels are all classic (Facility over Blood Gulch anyday), tons of replayability.
Luckily for this argument, I just revisited Goldeneye about a week ago. Sorry dude, a good game, but this game is showing it's age. Many have gone the test of time with much better results.

Playing multiplayer for a bit did bring back some good ol' nostalgia.. but, some of us are ready to move on.
[quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='manofpeace20']I don't know why you guys are flaming BurningElf. He only stated his opinion WITHOUT being a dick. I happen to agree with him. Want a better console game? How about the pair of N64 games called Goldeneye and Perfect Dark?[/quote]
He didn't just say that he didn't like it, he said its the most overrated game ever made. Theres a bit of a difference there. One is expressing your personal opinion, and the other is saying that anyone elses good opinion of the game is invalid.

Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are not better than Halo 2 at this point. Sorry. Halo 2 is not the greatest game ever made but it is the best console FPS to date. When Goldeneye and Perfect Dark get ported to a next gen system, get expansive outdoor levels, vehicles, online play, and even 8 players simultaneously, let me know. Perfect Dark 2 is coming, but I don't think its going to be what we all want it to be.[/quote]

Perfect Dark Zero is just a big rumor isn't it anyways? But even if it it does come out I doubt it will be for XBox. If XBox2 (Nextbox, whatever it will be called) truly launchs next November I doubt Halo 3 will be ready to go, so Rare will step in with Perfect Dark Zero to keep FPS fans content. Just speculation though, but MS really needs to do something with Rare and that would be awesome timing.

As for best console FPS, Halo 2 is *the* best console FPS on the market. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were good for their time, but Halo 2 has smoother controls, better weapons and of course vehicles. When Half-Life 2 comes console side that may change but for now It's Halo 2.
[quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='Trakan'][quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='burningelf']Halo 2 has to be the most over rated game ever created! From everything I had heard before playing it I expected to be glued to the TV for hours. Nowhere near that, I played for about 2 hours and then got bored. I am not saying the game sucks but there is really nothing in it that seperates it from any other first person shooter. The only real big thing is that there are machines, which are cool but that's about it. Oh yeah the internet mulitiplayer is fun but I would rather go on the Internet and play Counterstrike, I know they are not exactly comparable but I am just trying to show that internet multiplayer has been done before. There are not enough weapon types, not enough different characters to be(green or blue master chief? that is supposed to be selection? oh yeah and an alien). It would have been cooler if they created characters that were good and bad at different things(ex can throw grenades farther, move faster, can take more damage) you know that kind of stuff. It was done in Timesplitters it can be done in Halo. Even the weapons they do have are not that different from one another! A sniper rifle and an alien sniper rifle(what a brillant idea!). Yes there are differences but you don't play with one or the other that differently. There are a few game modes but most just seem like copies of the other. But I start to ramble, my overall point is that this game is mediocre at best. There are better shooters out there but people just don't seem to notice. Please respond because I feel like I am going crazy because everyone loves this game and I just don't see it![/quote]
You can hold the opinion that its a mediocre game if you want, but most of the world would disagree with you. Name me a better shooter on a console. Yes, there are better PC shooters, there will always be better PC shooters. But console FPS's have always been lacking. Show me a better console FPS.[/quote]

I agree with you both. There is no better Console FPS. Hands down. I also think that there should be different multiplayer characters with different abilities. I think they did a good job with the new weapons and there are enough for my tastes.[/quote]
I heard they intended to have more characters with different abilities, but had to cut it because it would have taken too long to balance and get it right. A lot of good things were cut to make the release date, including the end of the game. It is kind of a shame, but there does come a point where you can't keep delaying forever (Working Designs, Duke Nukem Forever) and cut things out of the game so it will be done this decade. I'd rather wait a few more months and have a better game, but thats speaking as a fan/player, they made the right business decision.

It could have been MUCH better, thats a valid point. But they had to get it out the door. Its still a good game though and undoubtedly the best console FPS. Who knows what downloadable content will bring, maybe a few things will make it later.[/quote]

Oh yeah. Because all they can do in three years time is update graphics, add closely resembling covenenat weapons, remake a few stages, and toss in a shitty campaign.

Seriously, what were they doing for those three years?
[quote name='jrutz']2. Floaty jumping. Speaking of jumping, why did they make the jumping physics so light? It's like we are on the moon. I don't like it. Sure it helps in some maps, getting to a particular vantage point or weapon placement, but it also hinders the close-quarters shootouts because everyone just hops around and it looks like a freakin' moon walk. There's no duck and cover play, which adds strategy. I can't corner anyone because they'll just jump right over me![/quote]

This is because you are a god damn genetically enhanced cyborg. Granted you should be falling a little faster, though.
Also, I'm in the Golden Eye camp.

I distinctly remember about a year ago some buddies and I (four people) sat down to play some Halo multiplayer.

After a few minutes of blehing along, we whipped out Golden Eye and had a blast.

Classic formula is still there and kicking. Graphics show their age, but the original Halo's doing the same. Don't give a shit. I still love my Super Mario Bros.
My friends and I clanned together in the dorm and we play on live all the time. We're ranked at level 14 on Rumble Pit at the moment, we usually just go on so we can all play at once (rather than everyone gathering into four rooms).

It's definitely more strategic when you know what you're doing, where you're going, what they're thinking. If you end up randomly on a team with people you can't communicate with, you're going to get spanked hardcore. Team up with people you know, you can adjust their positions (offense/defense) based on their abilties. Personally I'm way better at D so I usually hang back and play that one. I suck in vehicles so I stay out of them. I'm better at close-combat than sniping. It's a matter of knowing your teammate's strengths and weaknesses and then putting them to their best use based on that.

If you aren't having a good time with multiplayer it's probably because you're thrown into a team of random people who all try to run around and do everything on their own without any sense of teamwork.

I do agree about the no-damage falls though. Players can be way more reckless in their attacks and be effective because they don't need to worry about dying from height. It takes away a little bit, but not enough to cause me to stop playing.
Just so I can make my statement clear, I didn't mean just the graphics. I meant everything to do with Goldeneye. This coming from a kid that prefers his super nintendo. :wink:
[quote name='aneventualend']Just so I can make my statement clear, I didn't mean just the graphics. I meant everything to do with Goldeneye. This coming from a kid that prefers his super nintendo. :wink:[/quote]

[quote name='aneventualend']Just so I can make my statement clear, I didn't mean just the graphics. I meant everything to do with Goldeneye. This coming from a kid that prefers his super nintendo. :wink:[/quote]

Sounds like graphics to me. What exactly is everything else?
I am starting to sound like a skipping record but I just want to get the record straight. I believe Halo to be very overrated. I do not believe that everyone that plays the game is an idiot or that I am saying their opinion doesn't count. What I am saying is that all the hoopla surrounding the game, the midnite madness, the special collectors edition and all the other things , it made it sound like it was going to completely change the way people saw FPS. It did not for me, it seemed to for a whole lot of people just not me thats all. When Goldeneye came out I heard so much crap that it was the most amazing game, it completely revolutionizes the FPS genre on consoles blah blah blah. So I decided to try it and those people were not wrong. At the time Goldeneye was not only an FPS but it completely went above and beyond any shooter to date(on a console). It just blew the other ones out of the water. I just did not see Halo doing that. Yes it is a fun game, decent weapons and good graphics but it didn't really do anything that amazing. It added machines to the mix but just adding one thing does not make it a "great" game. I will admit the game is good but I just don't see why it recieves so much praise. That is why I believe the game to be overrated and I have never seen a game recieve so much praise and (in my eyes) end up just being good as much as Halo did. That is why I state that Halo is the most overrated game ever. Take it or leave it. If you disagree tell me why you think Halo 2 deserves the praise, don't just say I am wrong.
[quote name='aneventualend']"Sounds like graphics to me. What exactly is everything else?"

Specifically, game play.[/quote]

Gameplay? Are you joking? At one point I didn't play N64 for 2 years. I plugged it back in one day and played Goldeneye. It still felt natural. I have no idea what you are talking about.
[quote name='manofpeace20'][quote name='aneventualend']"Sounds like graphics to me. What exactly is everything else?"

Specifically, game play.[/quote]

Gameplay? Are you joking? At one point I didn't play N64 for 2 years. I plugged it back in one day and played Goldeneye. It still felt natural. I have no idea what you are talking about.[/quote]

I concur - there's nothing unnatural about Golden EYe's gameplay. It was designed a certain way which works in a fantastic way with the controller/setup.

Plays just dandy, and it has such a beautiful soundtrack. Awesome.
[quote name='manofpeace20']Expansive outdoor: Gets boring. I play people that just camp and snipe. It especially sucks when facing less than 6 people on a map.[/quote]
Gets boring if its team slayer, don't have vehicles, or enough people. Its perfect for 4 vs 4 objective based games or 8 vs 8. You just have to know the map to take out snipers. You can camp and snipe in lots of places in Goldeneye anyway, tons of people just camp the armor. That was the weaker aspect of Goldeneye IMO.

[quote name='manofpeace20']Online Play: Wildly overrated. Finding people I can actually stand is a chore. I still prefer sitting in my room playing games alone or with my brothers. [/quote]
You're in the minority on this one, though it can be hard to find good players if you just play with random people. Playing with people you know is a great experience. Helps to have a lot of friends.

[quote name='manofpeace20']8 players simultaneously: Without XBOX Live, you would need a system link with 2 systems and 2 copies of the game. [/quote]
And? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can have 16 players on 16 Xboxes in a system link game if I want. A maximum of 4 people in multiplayer seems smaller and smaller every day.

[quote name='manofpeace20']Now, lets look at Goldeneyes merits over Halo 2: Far better singleplayer, health system is done right, levels are all classic (Facility over Blood Gulch anyday), tons of replayability.[/quote]
Single player had far more replay value on Goldeneye, trying to unlock everything, and better missions. Storyline is standard Bond fare. AI is better in Halo 2 though. Health system is debatable and probably a matter of what you're used to. Most levels were pretty good in Goldeneye, library and facility being my favorites, but some I just hated (basement?). I like most of the levels in Halo 2, the big difference is being outside.

[quote name='Sartori']Oh yeah. Because all they can do in three years time is update graphics, add closely resembling covenenat weapons, remake a few stages, and toss in a shitty campaign.

Seriously, what were they doing for those three years?[/quote]
Its called a sequel dude. You don't generally have drastic sweeping changes in a sequel to a popular game.

A lot of people will enjoy a great old game over a great new game simply because the old game is what they're used to. They know every square inch of it. New games are, well, new, and scary. You don't know what you're doing right away, which can lead to frustration. Give it time, I think some people will change their mind once they're used to the game.
"A lot of people will enjoy a great old game over a great new game simply because the old game is what they're used to. They know every square inch of it. New games are, well, new, and scary. You don't know what you're doing right away, which can lead to frustration. Give it time, I think some people will change their mind once they're used to the game."

I disagree with that. I revered Mike Tysons Punch Out as a gaming classic. When I played the "new and scary" Fight Night 2004, I never went back. You can say the same for Morrowind GOTY, Madden 2005, and many other games.
[quote name='manofpeace20']"A lot of people will enjoy a great old game over a great new game simply because the old game is what they're used to. They know every square inch of it. New games are, well, new, and scary. You don't know what you're doing right away, which can lead to frustration. Give it time, I think some people will change their mind once they're used to the game."

I disagree with that. I revered Mike Tysons Punch Out as a gaming classic. When I played the "new and scary" Fight Night 2004, I never went back. You can say the same for Morrowind GOTY, Madden 2005, and many other games.[/quote]
Thats just a *little* bit different and you know it.
there is alot of depth if you look for it in halo, you need to know how to use all the vehicles. How to crush/steal the vehicles. How to use all the weapons, what weapon combos work, how & when & what type of grande to throw, sniper spots on each map, use of stationary guns, how & when to use melee attacks, and how to use the sword.

and that still doesn't include knowing what to do in each game mode & were everything is in that game mode. You still have to learn the maps to know were the best weapons & power ups are.

I agree that single player is really lacking, But on XBL it is awsome. I don't have 3 brothers to play with. And even if I did, I would tell them to play on their own TV, and meet me in the 16 player game of CTF.
[quote name='dafoomie']
Gets boring if its team slayer, don't have vehicles, or enough people. Its perfect for 4 vs 4 objective based games or 8 vs 8. You just have to know the map to take out snipers. You can camp and snipe in lots of places in Goldeneye anyway, tons of people just camp the armor. That was the weaker aspect of Goldeneye IMO.[/quote]

Problem with 8v8 is it can often cause some horrible lag. Granted, some games go lag free, but others don't. Don't blame my connection, it's quite fast, I assure you.

And I completely disagree about the large levels. "Coagulation", for example, is a very poorly designed level. Burial Mounds is a good example of a larger environment that is designed well. Overall, I dislike the vast majority of the levels in Halo. Favorites are generally in-door levels like Ivory Tower.
You're in the minority on this one, though it can be hard to find good players if you just play with random people. Playing with people you know is a great experience. Helps to have a lot of friends.

Agreed, play with people you know. Random is enjoyable to a degree, but playing with friends is where it's at.

Its called a sequel dude. You don't generally have drastic sweeping changes in a sequel to a popular game.

A lot of people will enjoy a great old game over a great new game simply because the old game is what they're used to. They know every square inch of it. New games are, well, new, and scary. You don't know what you're doing right away, which can lead to frustration. Give it time, I think some people will change their mind once they're used to the game.

You greatly misunderstood my point, and that is apparent. It wasn't that the sequel lacked umph, they generally don't.

Earlier you were going easy on Bungie for basically taking out EVERYTHING that was promoted because "you have to get the game out sometime". Sorry, the final product of Halo 2 in no way resembles three years of work. It's Halo with a few minor tweaks. What they did for those three years is anyone's guess, it certainly wasn't working on new features.
"A lot of people will enjoy a great old game over a great new game simply because the old game is what they're used to. They know every square inch of it. New games are, well, new, and scary. You don't know what you're doing right away, which can lead to frustration. Give it time, I think some people will change their mind once they're used to the game."

No. I assure you, I am quite comfortable with the workings of Halo 2 and it hasn't changed my opinion.
I agree with Sartori on that point. Halo 2 is not really a sequel more like Halo 1.3. The gameplay in the first one was decent but they just didn't seem to add much for three years of work.

I do believe that the controls for the game don't lack depth, they were well thought out and are one of the few things I do enjoy about Halo. But that doesn't mean the most of the game doesn't lack depth. Halo 2 touted 2 new vechicles, 2 in three years? One is just a different version of the human tank(which for some reason I can't seem to use in Halo 2 multiplayer). So really they only added one new machine and about 3 weapons that were drasticaly different from the other weapons. Which I believe brings the machine total to about 4 vehicles and weapons to about 8 or 9 weapons. Goldeneye had more weapons. Doesn't seem very deep to me.

[quote name='diggityjones'][quote name='burningelf']First things first, I am not trying to tell anyone this is a mediocre game(if you love the game great for you, I just don't see it that's all). It is called an opinion just take it as that. All my friends play the game but can never explain to me why it is so fun. I did finally get about 6 hours of multiplayer under my belt and I do like the multiplayer on the Internet. I did learn some new moves, such as when the targeting cursor turns red with the sword you do a sword rush, and a bunch of other things. So I have changed my opinion, I believe it is a good game, overrated still but a good time for a few hours. Oh yeah, the best FPS--TimeSplitters 2 but as I see most of the world does seem to disagree with me. The only two big problems I had with TimeSplitters was the speed of movement in the game(very fast paced game), it didn't really cause any problems with me but I do wish for Timesplitters 3 they slow it down a little. The speed of movement in Halo I do believe to be perfect and hopefully TimeSplitters copies that. The huge problem with TimeSplitters 2 was the lack of internet multiplayer and I think that is what killed the game. Hopefully the next one is on the internet and people can finally see why I think that Timesplitters is the best FPS made for the new consoles.[/quote]

You gotta get with a clan to know the difference. Playing as a team, knowing the maps, knowing your role on the team is what is so special. Its so much more than a shooter. The team that has a plan and has the talent to execute will win ever game. The key is becoming that team.

Trust me man. Get out of the training ground and Rumble Pit and learn the Team Skirmish. Find a crew, create a clan, and dominate. THAT is why everyone loves Halo.[/quote]
I did read that post and I realize that is the pull of the game but teamwork is the pull of any type of FPS that allows you to be on teams. I am in a clan right now but I don't really feel like practicing a video game, I play video games because they are supposed to be fun not work. The teamwork in Halo is more defined but once again it doesn't make the game "amazing". Yeah there are bigger teams in Halo then there has been before but that doesn't make it a "great" game to me. Sorry but overall the game is not an amazing game, it is a good game that is all. Something to play for an hour or two. At least now I understand why people love the game, I just don't think I ever will. One last thing, I will say of the two things I think are pretty cool about Halo, being in a clan is one of them.
[quote name='burningelf'] Halo 2 touted 2 new vechicles, 2 in three years? One is just a different version of the human tank(which for some reason I can't seem to use in Halo 2 multiplayer). So really they only added one new machine and about 3 weapons that were drasticaly different from the other weapons. Which I believe brings the machine total to about 4 vehicles and weapons to about 8 or 9 weapons. Goldeneye had more weapons. Doesn't seem very deep to me.[/quote]

This is proof you haven't really played this game enough to go and make full judegments about its depth. The totals are more like 6 vehicles and about 15 weapons. They also added a total of 6 or 7 new weapons. Goldeneye did have more weapons, more like 20-25. You say you enjoyed it, but maybe if you payed attention to the actual changes and other aspects of the game you'd find more depth.
bread's done