Anyone appreciate Enterprise?


CAG Veteran
Been watching a lot of back episodes of star trek enterprise. At the time people really ripped the show but I think it never got it's fair chance. It should have got the 7 seasons the other star trek shows had but I really think it got unfairly screwed. Any of you other geeks out there agree or dis agree
I was hooked to the show on season 3 and 4. I never got to see the earlier seasons.

Despite the gawd-awful theme song, I thought the show was pretty good. I paticularly liked the relationship between T'Pol and Trip.

Yeah...that show never had a chance to blossom.
nah Im a Deep Space 9 man myself. best stories in the whole trek universe and the best villans too. plus it was interesting to see the space station change and improve over time that place was a dump at first and slowly became a key piece in a great struggle. all the people on that show were interesting where as with other trek shows there were only 1 or 2 people i liked and the rest were very annoying.
[quote name='docvinh']Disagree. I thought it was pretty terrible, although certain episodes weren't too bad.[/QUOTE]

This sums up my thoughts on it.
What I was able to catch I really liked, I didn't like the large story arch format since if I missed a few episodes I had no idea what was going on.

If it was on a different network I think the series could have survived, it was a lot better then what most people give it credit. Much better then DS9 in my book.
As bad as it was, Enterprise was still truer to the Star Trek name then the new movie.

That movie was fun, but it wasn't a Star Trek movie. Kinda like how RE4 was fun, but it wasn't a res evil game.
[quote name='pacifickarma']I have to admit that I'm partial to ST: Voyager since my uncle was a regular on that show, but I enjoyed Enterprise almost as much.[/QUOTE]

Say what now? Who was he?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']The funny thing is that now technically Enterprise is the only show that's cannon, who saw that coming?[/QUOTE]

Going into the movie, only knowing that there was time travel involved, but not knowing that they actually planned to wipe out everything but Enterprise, I made a joke about it and how millions of fans would be angry.

Then it happened. I lol'd. :D
[quote name='javeryh']Ds9 >>>>> tng >>>>> tos > ent > voy.[/QUOTE]

Preach the truth to the nonbelivers brother!!!!!! as far as the new trek movie goes its one of the few remakes/reimaginings i feel actually worked and i cant wait to see what they do with the rest of the species/characters from the series.
[quote name='camoor']As bad as it was, Enterprise was still truer to the Star Trek name then the new movie.

That movie was fun, but it wasn't a Star Trek movie. Kinda like how RE4 was fun, but it wasn't a res evil game.[/QUOTE]

Totally agree. The movie and the casting were good but it didnt have that Gene Roddenberry bright future feel to it. Hope they work it in on the next.
[quote name='javeryh']Ds9 >>>>> tng >>>>> tos > ent > voy.[/QUOTE]

TNG only had 1 bad season, the first one.

DS9 and Voy only had 3 good seasons each, 5-7.
Main problem with DS9 was that Babylon 5 was doing the same premise a lot better at the same time. Plus, B5 had better hair
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I like it but never got into the trek univers like some. I watch it on sci fi when it is on. As a kid I watched TNG and Voyager. I would also watch DS9 ever now and then. Forgive me for asking but again I'm not big into star trek like some but how is enterprise the only thing that is cannon after the new movie. I know kirks father is dead, spocks world is gone and him and kirk hate each other till future spock tells spock that they will be good friends.
[quote name='sendme']I like it but never got into the trek univers like some. I watch it on sci fi when it is on. As a kid I watched TNG and Voyager. I would also watch DS9 ever now and then. Forgive me for asking but again I'm not big into star trek like some but how is enterprise the only thing that is cannon after the new movie. I know kirks father is dead, spocks world is gone and him and kirk hate each other till future spock tells spock that they will be good friends.[/QUOTE]

The premise of the new Star Trek movie is that with Nero coming back in time and wreaking all the havok that he did the entire timeline of the original Star Trek universe starting with the original series is jacked beyond all repair. The events of Star Trek take place after Enterprise and before the original series so Enterprise still happened but nothing after that still exists.

It gets a little muddy when you start the whole time travel thing. As long as the new Star Trek limits its time travel stuff to simply setting up the first movie of the "new franchise" they should do just fine but god help them if they start going down the time travel for every storyline road cause that's a big part of what nearly killed the franchise in the first place. Except First Contact, that was just plain cool and totally acceptable.
[quote name='sendme']I like it but never got into the trek univers like some. I watch it on sci fi when it is on. As a kid I watched TNG and Voyager. I would also watch DS9 ever now and then. Forgive me for asking but again I'm not big into star trek like some but how is enterprise the only thing that is cannon after the new movie. I know kirks father is dead, spocks world is gone and him and kirk hate each other till future spock tells spock that they will be good friends.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='darthbudge']Nooooooooooooooooooooooo way. DS9 was easily the worst.[/QUOTE]

And I've watched the whole Animated Series too.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']The premise of the new Star Trek movie is that with Nero coming back in time and wreaking all the havok that he did the entire timeline of the original Star Trek universe starting with the original series is jacked beyond all repair. The events of Star Trek take place after Enterprise and before the original series so Enterprise still happened but nothing after that still exists.

It gets a little muddy when you start the whole time travel thing. As long as the new Star Trek limits its time travel stuff to simply setting up the first movie of the "new franchise" they should do just fine but god help them if they start going down the time travel for every storyline road cause that's a big part of what nearly killed the franchise in the first place. Except First Contact, that was just plain cool and totally acceptable.[/QUOTE]

The red goo was one of the laziest, most poorly conceived plot devices I've ever seen.

"Hi, Billy Mays here for mystical red goo. Do you have to destroy a black hole? Well just spray some mystical red goo on the black hole and BAM it's gone. But I'm not done yet. Say you want to create a black hole. Mystical red goo can do that too. Use it to travel through time, create missles that destroy planets, or wipe out half the universe. Call in the next 20 minutes and we'll throw in this easy-to-carry portable liquid container. Ferengi operators are standing by to take your order."
[quote name='venom077']Totally agree. The movie and the casting were good but it didnt have that Gene Roddenberry bright future feel to it. Hope they work it in on the next.[/QUOTE]

Thes best of Trek never had that feel. After Roddenberry died that was when TNG became iconic and I serious doubt DS9 would have existed if Roddenberry was alive. Voyager and Enterprise aren't in the class of the other shows, but they were still worth watching IMO.

One thing I will agree with camoor is the "red matter" plot device. It was lazy, but overall the movie did what it needed to do which was breathe new life into the Trek franchise. More people are interested in Trek now than has been in years and that is a good thing.
TOS was pretty corny, but honestly I think TNG with and without roddenberry was better than the new movie (though I still thought it was pretty good). I don't think they need to try to mimic the older series, I just hope that it gets a little more depth. Another string of action movies based in yet another universe just isn't necessary.

And the red goo was terrible...

On topic, I didn't watch too much enterprise. I hate that they picked an actual song for the intro, and not a very good one, but anyway, I do want to see more of them some time, it doesn't look that bad.
[quote name='darthbudge']Nooooooooooooooooooooooo way. DS9 was easily the worst.[/QUOTE]

Get out of here. Enterprise was clearly the worst, followed by the original series.
[quote name='docvinh']Say what now? Who was he?[/QUOTE]

My uncle is Robert Beltran. Well, half-uncle, I guess if that exists. He's my dad's half-brother. (Same mom as my dad but a different father.)
[quote name='pacifickarma']My uncle is Robert Beltran. Well, half-uncle, I guess if that exists. He's my dad's half-brother. (Same mom as my dad but a different father.)[/QUOTE]

dude rocked in Night Of The Comet
Okay I'll fan a new fire. While Scott Bakula rocks who was the bast captain? Tired geek question but lets have some fun. The answer of course is Captain Picard. He was the best and I'm going bald so I agree he had the guts to so it uunlike shatner's rug:)
[quote name='pacifickarma']My uncle is Robert Beltran. Well, half-uncle, I guess if that exists. He's my dad's half-brother. (Same mom as my dad but a different father.)[/QUOTE]

Awesome! :cool:

[quote name='lokizz']Captain Sisko was and will always be the best captain.[/QUOTE]

Captain Sisko is my favorite. I really like Captain Picard and Kirk a lot though and they aren't far behind Sisko in how much I like them.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Picard if you wanted to talk.

Sisko if you wanted to fight.

Kirk if you wanted to fuck.[/QUOTE]

lmao that is a pretty accurate description of them. that chick captain was freakin annoying i always wanted her 2nd in command to take over.
I watched Voyager, but was always disappointed. I wanted them to die so badly. Ultimately, the plot was around 7o'9 boobs.

Enterprise was before I had a DVR. If the average person could fast forward through the easily listening intro, it would have had ten more seasons.
Picard > Kirk > Janeway > Archer > Sisko

If you want to start getting into the Book series
Picard > Calhoun > Kirk > Riker > Janeway > Archer > Sisko

I could never get into DS9, I tried many times, even Worf being added couldn't keep me tuning in.
[quote name='darthbudge']Nooooooooooooooooooooooo way. DS9 was easily the worst.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, wow. It was right down there with Babylon 5. Even Farscape was probably better than both slightly. xD
I liked Sisko and I liked DS9. Seemed better to me later on when Worf was on it, but I still liked it before. Never had a problem with Janeway or Voyager either really, though I do think it was definitely the weakest series (since I haven't really watched enterprise anyway). Some cool borg shit in there though.

For me the best captain would still be Picard, but Sisko is right there after.
Just watched the captains summit on blu-ray and I'm still going for Picard cause Shatner always seems to come off as an ass.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Yeah, wow. It was right down there with Babylon 5. Even Farscape was probably better than both slightly. xD[/QUOTE]

Farscape was great. WTF are you talking about.
lets be real people part of what makes a trek show are the aliens and the enemies you face and DS9 had the best of both. yeah the borg were cool in that creepy cyborg/zombie kinda way but the gemhadar were just crazy badass. theyre like methed out kilingon assasins who would do anything and use anything to destroy you. they didnt eat or sleep and if you killed one it didnt matter because you could make more.

thats the other thing about the show too you got to see more of the other species of alines in the universe and learn more about their ways and lives all the other shows were very humancentric. and those houdini mines the gemhadar used were pretty sick stuff.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Picard if you wanted to talk.

Sisko if you wanted to fight.

Kirk if you wanted to fuck.[/QUOTE]

That is the best post you have ever made.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Picard if you wanted to talk.

Sisko if you wanted to fight.

Kirk if you wanted to fuck.[/QUOTE]
What was Janeway for?
See Kirk, right?:lol:
[quote name='flameofdoom666']I thought Voyager was the best Star Trek, period. I also LOVE the new movie.[/QUOTE]

You're the only person I've ever heard say that. I have to say though, after watching Enterprise, I didn't think it was so bad.:)
I always liked the Black Captain....although he wasn't really a captain.....but I haven't seen it in years......I sawr an Enterprise where the crew is changed into grunting aliens....and I thought BSG is way better.....although I like a lot of ST.....and I also hate a lot of ST: Overall.
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